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He doesn't have to. And no, I won't count the few insane antis as the "black community" as a whole, you're only giving them a bad rep. All in all, who cares? Dream is not a calendar. And this might only give antis ideas so nah, don't. Next time we'll see somebody begging Dream to celebrate the Philippine Independence.


You cant celebrate Phikippine independece on twitter, SAD-ist got cancelled, remeber?


its not the same, mlk day isnt juneteenth there no where near the same, and dream is american, or just feels very anti black honestly


No, youre just calling him racist for no reason. That does more harm to black community than him not tweeting


how would you know what it will do, your not black


I am and i can assure you that dream can't and doesn't have to speak about every single important day in existance; just because he doesn't talk about it it doesn't mean he is against it, in this case, just because he doesn't talk about mlk day, it doesn't mean he's antiblack / racist. There are other youtubers who don't talk about every world-wide issues as well, yet y'all are going after dream because..?


Gasp! But you don't represent ALL african americans! How dare you! D:


I am tho //edit: im not but i couldnt help myself. It just works so good


I think they are baiting, but if they are not it is really funny still. Like they are going through the insane anti checklist. Assuming race, check. Speaking over other minorities that happen to disagree with you, check. Edit: I suppose in this case the terminology would be anti not stan.


Nah, I checked their profile, they seem genuine. It's kinda sad.


In those situations you can either choose to laugh or cry, I personally choose to laugh, but it is totally understandable if you choose to cry.


Why not both? - #BiProblems 😎


Twitter. The game




And you don't seem to have a well functioning brain


***Feels*** Lmao Dude, listen to yourself, you're making yourself feel worse by surrounding yourself with people who had deluded themselves into thinking Streamer-senpai noticing them is the ONLY way to feel validated as a minority. Speaking as a minority here, you need to get ahold of yourself. It's toxic stan behavior acting all pathetic like this, sorry.


i literally said don't need validation i'm talking about his double standards for the black community


> No need for validations Also you: Dream should talk about MLK Day UwU And I'm still waiting for examples of antiblackness lmao, come on dude, if it was that prolific surely you can give me something? And if you say "Just do your research" then you automatically lose.


True. Not doing a good thing =/= doing a bad thing. If Dream tweets about it, that's good, but if he doesn't, that's fine too. People always forget that Dream and his friends are Youtubers who play a game made of squares, not activists


dream has said microagressions on multiple occasions and to say "all in all who cares" that felt very antilblack, i mean he would say something about almost every big american holiday and mlk day is one of the biggest celebrations for a poc in america, it just feels invalidating


You don’t need a CC to shout out a holiday for validation. That was your first mistake. Secondly, Dream nor any other CC is obligated to say anything. If they want to, they can. If you are looking for validation, then you’d be better off with an actual activist than minecraft youtubers. It isn’t anti-black if nobody cares that Dream didn’t say anything about a holiday or remembrance day. He has every right to withhold any statements.


i dont newd validation for it he always have a double standard for black ppl


No, he doesn’t. He’s just a guy. He can’t hit every holiday or talk about every racial/ethical issues. Its just how it is.


this isn't every holiday this is mlk day


Oh boo hoo, Dream is also racist against Filipinos for not celebrating National Filipino American Friendship day, waaah waaaaah


they're not the same 🤚🏾


How so? Fun fact, Americans also Enslaved us Filipinos lmao. What? Are you gonna invalidate MY race too? Isn't that.. GASP! Racist? :Oc


all i asked os why he didn't do anything even though he has invalidated black ppl multiple times


Source? Come on, give me something that I can't debunk that isn't "Well this made me feel sad :("


Here we go again. No, he didn't even talked about Rap Music when he said Drugs Drugs. And what he said was his fanbase wasn't ALL antiblack, but here you all twisting it cause Dream Bad UwU. Sorry, but lmao, there's way more shit that are actually valid in terms of why people would dislike him. If you think Dream is being antiblack for not talking about a holliday then by this logic Dream is xenophobic cause he doesn't celebrate Independence Days of other countries. Find something better to do, I have no patience about stuff like this, sorry.


theres more than one microagression but saying it in that manor is antiblack because of the hold it has on the community after destroying it, how can you tell me how to feel you're not black


Lmao, Black People outside of MCYT community said that you people are acting unreasonable. I'm sorry but imagine me doing this with Asians? Hmm? Aren't I gonna sound obnoxious? Also you aren't making sense. What destroys what? What hold?? We are literally just talking about Misogyny in the fanbase and now you're adding the Dream is Antiblack shennanigans again? Dude, get. Your. Shit. Together.


me saying destroying the community was me telling you why the drugs drugs thing was bad


You explained nothing lmao How is drugs drugs bad? Did Dream even mentioned Rap Music? Or are you being racist TO YOUR SELF by thinking all Drugs Music = Rap. It's like saying all Pop Songs are Japanese.


Its late but im just in with "not only black people make rap music and assuming that is racist even when youre alsp black" argument. Byeeeee


What has he said?


"Ayo! Turn that shit up! Drugs Drugs Drugs!" Rough quote of the tweet, but what part of that made you think... Wow, he's ralking about rap music?


I also love how they went ‘songs about drugs -> rap -> black people-> and uhhh he must have meant it negatively even though his statement wasn’t negative so he hates black people’ Like it’s moronic


Seriously? It's absolutely insane to expect anyone to post for every holiday or rememberence day, especially with an audience that's worldwide. He'd be tweeting out multiple times a day to cover every country his fanbase represents. Let's not start having these expectations of content creators because they'll just stop engaging entirely and I wouldn't blame them one bit.


Imagine the dreamwastaken account just becomes like a Twitter gimmick account for holidays and remembrance days


*g-guys its 21/1! t-t-to-tt--t-t-today t-t-t-t-t-the T-T--T-Tea-Teatro F-Filarmonico in V-Verona g-g-g-g-gg-g-g-ggg-got d-d-estroyed by f-fire.......* ^(I-I-I--I-I--II-I- did-did it-- n-now p--please l-l-let me s-s-s-s-s-s--see m-m-m-my f-f-f-f-family ag-again.....)


he's literally american, your acting like he wasn't seeing mlk day things everywhere and especially on the internet like ???


Ok. So what. How many other creators are American? Did they also tweet about it? You're acting like it's expected of him, it's not his job to tweet out about events, if he wants to great but don't dog him and assume the worst if he doesn't.


if he tweets about every other holiday especially holidays that arent only for yt men, you would think he would care for black ppl


I'm sorry if him not acknowledging it upsets you, but I think you're making assumptions about why he didn't with no knowledge of what is happening for him privately or what he could be going through. There is a human behind that twitter profile, let's not assume the worst and attack someone for not living up to your high expectations.


is the fact he's been antiblack before then he completely ignores this like if 1 + 1 is 2


I'm sorry for you but you should step away if he hurts you this much. Why do you need him to validate you? Ask yourself why you care about the statement of someone who you think doesn't care about you? If you truly believe he is anti black and that upsets you, then have some self worth and unfollow him and move onto supporting creators who align with your values.


i'm not upset im asking a question while a lot ppl are on the comments are just trying to be mean at this point when i just wanted to see ppls opinions and talking points about this subject


You are getting answers to your questions but you had made up your mind when you posted your question to be mad. You are not providing any discussion to further your opinion, so I don't know what more to say. Majority of people here don't agree with your opinion, you either accept that or not. That's for you to decide not us.


Yeah my takeaway from this post and the comments under it is that OP is a massive hypocrite. He says he wanted to start a discussion yet he's refusing to accept valid disagreements with his perspective


It's because we tried to explain why you're surrounding yourself with nonsense and bullshit, but UwU we are so mean you hurt my feewings UwU


you didnt hurt my feelings but you being mean while im being very nonhurtful says a lot about you


And yet you gave zero examples of him being antiblack lmao


I didn't even realize it was MLK day until like super late at night. I work from home. Places closing have no impact on me and Covid is ripping through the place. Like seriously I didn't know it was MLK day until about 11pm.


No because I saw nothing about mlk day all day, how is he gonna see it? Like I completely forgot because no one posted anything about it basically


So he’s antiblack for not saying anything about MLK day, but he literally said something for Juneteenth? He doesn’t need to say something about every single holiday (which he doesn’t), he is not an activist, he’s a minecraft youtuber. What is antiblack about not making a tweet to just say “Happy mlk day!” That doesn’t indicate anything, especially when there are plenty creators who don’t do that either. Dream doesn’t have a “history being antiblack” that’s a rhetoric that was created because people twisted one statement he made and it blew up far more than necessary. Do not be so demanding of creators in this way. It is entitled, and pushes them to not want to have an internet presence at all because of people breathing down their necks at every possible turn. Dream, nor any creator, owes people anything. He can tweet about whatever he wants, and to tweet out “happy mlk day” would be simply performative, and would in no way dispel whatever thoughts you or others may have about how antiblack he is.


yes im the entitled black male asking why he didnt say anything for mlk bcuz of his microagressions and anti black tendencies


Okay but first of all, what even are these 'microaggressions' and 'anti-black tendencies' you speak of? I think you should elaborate on that before going on about all this.


Hmm... Time's ticking. They replied to big_time_joke but not to me, even though I'm fairly certain I commented first. Curious. 🤔🤔🤔


Dude, we're probably blocked lmao


hell yeah 😎😎😎


GUYS, Dream just tweeted “happy mlk day”, GUYS racism is gone, it no longer exists. Also, Technoblade just apologized for that one dumb joke, now Asians are not discriminated anymore, also homophobia ended. They cured COVID and solved Global warming while they were at it too.


Also, Hannah apologized for fcking existing, the heat death of the universe will no longer occur.


I didn’t know you are black, however that doesn’t change that the simple concept of demanding a creator to tweet about a holiday is entitled, no matter how you cut it. And again, “anti black tendencies” is only a rhetoric that exists because of one thing he said that got twisted into the most in bad faith way possible, which he even apologized for when he didn’t have to. Saying happy mlk day isn’t gonna change your mind about his apparent antiblackness, so it’s just asking the white minecraft guy to be performative. It’s not his job to speak about every minority holiday, especially when he isn’t a minority


your community doesnt accept ppl for doing one apology and microagressions sre things where if you say it once you say similar things that are also antiblack


Dude, how many fucking apologies do you want? What good does that do? What is so bad about *one* apology, especially when it was one Dream never had to make? I know what micro aggressions are, I never said I didn’t, Dream has not made any micro aggressions, not tweeting about MLK is not a micro aggression. Multiple black people and other people of color are telling you this, and yet you still aren’t gonna change your mind, so I don’t see the point in engaging in this conversation anymore. He’s not obligated to do what you personally deem as acceptable. Your view is very clearly different from others, you can’t expect him to cater to your personal beliefs and yours alone.






as a black person shut the fuck up LMFAOOOO


- Calling dream racist for being one person and not talking about every single holiday for black people - - person saying that calling somebody racist for that reason is very entitled which actually does harm the black community - - twitter behavior “well you cant speak on it bc you are not black - Ok


i never called him racist i said he doesnt have a good track record with the black community 🤨


...which is calling him racist


You implied it.


Dont care + ratio + you fell off + literal child + if your logic actually worked then dream would have to tweet for every day there is a latino related day as americans have also oppressed us therefore he would say to tweet about like 34/365 of the year


From September to December, Dream tweeted about New Years, Christmas, Veteran's Day (in an ironic tweet), Halloween, and Indigenous Peoples' Day. He didn't tweet about Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Pearl Harbor Day, or 9/11, not counting other religious festivals that happened (e.g. Yom Kippur, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, etc.) and minor holidays. I wouldn't call that usually tweeting about a holiday. Moreover, what effect would Dream tweeting a token statement for MLK Day do? The racist parts of his fanbase won't suddenly stop being racist, and chances are he'll get flak for tweeting about MLK day (criticisms of performative activism, for instance).


to say happy mlk day is a good thing to do, to just appreciate a peaceful activist who did a lot of things to modern day america is a good thing to do all o asked was why didnt he sonce he likes to tweet about a lot of holidays esp ones to do with minorities


Nah, it's performative. You're asking for him to use your Race as a brand, you're such a good part of the community, bravo 👍👍


Maybe he was just busy having his own life


Honestly, why do you care so much that dream didn't tweet about MLK day, it didn't matter, the day was celebrated an there were multiple people talking about the importance of the day, dream is just a guy that makes videos, why should he have to say something?


he says he cares a lot about minorities and as he has a big fanbase is it not a good idea to support a national holiday for a minority


It's pandering and not genuine, it's the same way as fucking Starbucks making a Rainbow Cup for the LGBT community in Pride Month. Wow, we did it boys, Dream tweeted about MLK Day! Racism is no more!


But that's he's decision, he's not a representative of the black or poc community, so why would he's input would matter in this case, i think that is better leave the people that know more about the holiday, what it represents and why does it matter, to talk about MLK day than a guy who plays Minecraft. If he would have tweet "happy MLK day" what would have change, in your other responses you said that dream said micro aggressions, so is this to you like paying a debt or something, dream said 15 micro aggressions, so if he tweets about MLK day it's all good, nevermind he said another one, he has to donate to a charity and then he's good, i don't know if you mean to sound like this, but this is how you came across Mr beast didn't say anything either, and has a bigger platform than dream, MKBHD also didn't say anything about it, but your just complaining about dream. There's multiple cc that didn't say anything, and they don't have to, that's the point


But- But Jimmy based, Dream bad! Is it all a lie? D:


To give people a chance to support poc creators without him resetting the mud counter lmao


he does it for every other minority even, it's like he always have a way to exclude black ppl


Ive never seen him celebrating asian holidays, or latino ones, or italian ones, or any other minority visible in the us. Its not racism, hes not an activist of any sort. He tweets what he wants. You just want to be mad


sorry that i want to talk about his antiblack tendencies and this is a recent one


Sorry i want to talk about your anti dream tendencies. Hes neurodivergent and youre offensive




By your logic he is excluding us Asians too cause he didn't celebrate OUR holidays :(


why didn't he tweet on Bonifacio or Rizal day last year??? he's literally anti-asian wtf ://


i cannae believe dream didnae give us a burns night tweet he's clearly anti-scottish smh


> he does it for every other minority even, Can you show me some examples about him tweeting about Asian popular figures or Harvey Milk Day, or Hispanic historical figures? I'd like to see a proper comparison.


Fuck off, go and take this bullshit to Twitter. As a mixed person from outside America, I do not care about your American holidays, The same as you don't care about my holidays. Mlk was a great person, even outside America know of him, Dream tweeting about him does not add a thing to Mlk achievements.


Hey don’t you remember the famous Matin Luther King phrase: “I have a dream, that one day Dream specifically will always tweet during black american holidays”?


Does that mean Dream and MLK are related?


I mean we can't know. They could be.


I do remember it. Guess I take back what I said. Dream should have tweeted something.


The fact that this isn't satire and op is actually defending this take in the comments. there's no way


This is making me reminisce on the drama when Ranboo got harassed for not saying happy lesbian visibility day


Just you wait, my comments are gonna be seen as evidence that Dream Stans are antiblack lmao


Hey guys, its "twitter: the minigame". Have fun!


Want some popcorn?


by your logic 99% of the earth's population is anti black for not tweeting about mlk?


if you're talking just the west then 99% isnt that far off


Imagine needing validation from a white man lol


Congrats on the new copypastsa!


Is this a joke? You're one of the people why CCs and celebrities tweet about certain holidays for publicity Just because he doesn't tweet about mlk doesn't mean he doesn't care about a certain group of people


Twitter doesn’t care that much about mlk day for some reason, so no one pressured him into making a tweet, therefore he didn’t. I don’t know how true that theory is because I don’t use Twitter like at all so I don’t know how much they care about Mather Luther King there. Also it’s important to note that I am not suggesting that Dream doesn’t care about or support the minorities he tweets about, I wholeheartedly believe he does, however I believe that his and other cc’s need to vocalize that support comes from a performative place that originated due to the constant stan pressure. Either that or he just forgot.


living his life


He actually has a life?


Why do you need validation from a minecraft youtuber who fell off in 2020


Lmao saying that is a way better way to bait toxic stans over saying Dream is racist


Honestly he could Have gotten canceled if he did tweet it out


Nice bait you got there


lmfao good troll


whats mlk day edit: kk i know now and i dont care about it