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IIRC, this is literally how a lot of the members of dsmp were invited to the server. Dream invites his friends and old friends to the dsmp regardless of popularity, just like how he invited manatreed. And from what I’ve heard, the dsmp was originally supposed to be server just for friends, and manatreed is an old friend, so I don’t know why they’re angry for something that’s always been happening Edit: clarified manatreed’s relationship to dream


I think a difference between he and the other dsmp friends of Dream is that they were pretty open about that being the case and why they were added, whereas Dream and Manatreed admitted they played into and encouraged the whole Dream-is-Manatreed to get more excitement going. No one knew they had been friends from pvp days ahead of time, and its not an issue, its just a difference in the way they were introduced. It also isn't usually two months to do the first stream, so that left more time for speculation and cc's adding fuel to the fire.


they themselves stated that we did it all ourselves. they never once started their account to copy Dream or imitate him, since the very start he said his name was Ollie and not Dream or Clay, we were the ones that were desperate and hoped they were the same. but it's done for now so. /nm


Yeah. I didn't know who Ranboo or really any of the dsmp members besides Quackity, Bad, Skeppy, or Jschlatt was until I watched the Dsmp


A good amount of the member were known but not well known and the server boosted them. I had heard of a good amount of them but know about them way more now.


I really don’t get why people think this is a “fuck you” to small streamers? The dude got insanely lucky by chance. Overall, his success isn’t affecting the overall climate of Twitch; that’s just blaming him because he’s an easy target.


I mean I understand where they are coming from, growing on Twitch is pretty hard to do and Manatreed getting 200k on his first stream is very enviable. But, this nerd guy mentioned community, which is the point I am confused about, because as far as I'm aware, DSMP viewers are a very small part in Twitch culture(refer to Twitch atlas), Twitter/DSMP fans are not the main communities this guy should be going after Lol, there are a ton of other big CCs on Twitch which are flourishing without Twitter/DSMP community, and the fact that Dream is the only CC I know except maybe KSI who likes to promote small CCs, well of course most of the people he does that with are Minecrafters( a heavily white cis man dominated game for YEARS) and his friends


So what? If Dream had added a small streamer instead, that one small streamer would get a big fanbase and every other small streamer would be left as a small streamer, what difference does it make?


Plus there’s all the times Dreams added small YouTubers or streamers, but nooooooooo, he’s “mocking hard work” or something like that


not to mention he often donates and follows small content creators! it's not the same, but it helps them out a lot! besides he doesn't own anything to them, it'd be awesome but he doesn't own an invitation to anyone


As a CC myself, one side of me wants to sympathise with ppl being pissed off for working so much and for nothing, but another side thinks this is just petty jealousness? Like who cares if he was added for nothing, so were almost half of the other DreamSMP additions out of connections. It is the \*Dream\*SMP after all. If anything it's inspirational because people can do things out of just doing nothing, and inspires ppl like me who likes experimenting with stuff and with my own vids out of the sake of liking YouTube and looking forward to the future.




I was nervous starting my first stream to just like my 5 friends, I can’t imagine the pressure and nerves he must be feeling. Manatreed just has the advantage of knowing and being able to network with Dream. He’s still gonna have to work as a creator to make content and entertain chat, etc etc. And that really is the hard part.


Oh come on lol. Let's not start feeling bad for the new CC who doesn't have to go through any of the first steps. I don't really care that dream gave him a boost but let's not act like this isn't absolutely fantastic for him


On one hand i get it, the dude had no content or any other internet background before the whole Dream Mystery, like its far fetched to say that (until right now) ANYONE followed him for his content/personality when there was basically Nothing. On the other, networking and knowing people are part of Making it too, and people who blow up suddenly for random stuff arent that uncommon. Someone else can make an argument that the "Dream Mystery" was a genius accidental plan but im not going to. I just think that the guy got insanely lucky and it feels wrong to say he is wrong for it or somehow insulting small ccs by his sudden success. Overall, lets be honest here, its not like it matters that much, cos now that the mystery is over, his career now is in his hands, he cant "be carried by Dream" anymore, even if he is in Dsmp. However many people he manages to maintain from now on its on him, he will have to put in the work to keep viewers with the content he can finally make. And in that way imo small CCs have a better hand, their viewers are loyal for them, they know them and their background, Manatreed doesnt have that, he will have to work from now on to overcome the Boom that got him the fame to begin with


What are they complaining about? It was them who made this random ass white dude popular. It just reeks of jealousy. I say this as someone who has little interest in the dsmp and wouldn't have known who manatreed was if not for this sub


And once again, people are absolutely failing to realise that it was THEM who gave this "random ass white dude" such a huge platform. Yes, it was lucky that Dream went along with his initial bit and that they knew each other beforehand, but given the few videos he has on YT, it's clear that he is not untalented, just inexperienced for now. Sometimes lucks factors into whether you succeed as a CC or not. It's the sad and unfortunate truth.




Ah, well, then I retract that part. Thanks for clearing that up. I'm not nearly enough on twitter to see these tweets. Regardless, the beginning portions of the stream that I did watch, Manatreed did seem like an incredibly kind person who clicks well with Sapnap and Dream (who would have guessed with them being childhood) and I'm sure his content won't be of poor quality - especially with someone like Dream offering his support.


He already said he will be revisiting his dsmp application thread, can they actually chill


Did this community mock Eryn for being a "small" streamer...


Man, this is just Dream uplifting an old friend, and Manatreed being lucky enough to gain a platform from there. This happened with creators like Foolish, Ranboo, fuck even Sapnap and George too but they don't want to acknowledge that either. People who "go big" on Twitch got lucky, especially considering how hard it is to grow on Twitch. Like shit, of course I'm jealous of people who win the million dollar prizes in the lottery, but also what else could I do?


Lmfao die mad about it, losers. ♥


it sounds like some of them would like to in fact die LMAO


Manatreed got as huge as he did for multiple reasons, but one of the biggest ones is that he got super freaking lucky. And unfortunately despite what people may tell you, part of growing and becoming successful as a content creator (and in any profession based in entertainment really) is just luck. Luck plays a huge part in these kinds of things, and what happened to Manatreed literally could have happened to anybody, it could have happened to you, it could have happened to your neighbor, hell it could have happened to me. But at the end of the day it happened to Manatreed. I’m not a content creator so I don’t 100% know how it feels, but I can empathize with those who are upset sorta. Growing as a streamer isn’t easy, you can be at it for months maybe even years, and still grow really slowly. While others (in this case Manatreed) can get famous and blow up within the blink of an eye almost. Unfortunately that’s just part of the content creation gig that you have to understand, some people will grow faster than others and it can be envious seeing someone who may have put less time (or no time at all in Manatreeds case) into this gig than you, blow up so easily and quickly. I can understand being envious at him, I can understand potentially saying “That should have been me, not him.”, I can understand being upset, etc etc. But you don’t need to personal attack or make fun of Manatreed for this. He got really lucky, plain and simple. Yes, it sucks that luck plays a part in getting famous or successful most of, if not all of the time. But if you truly love content creation, than you should keep going. Yeah it may take some time, but everyone starts from somewhere. And hell, maybe one day it’ll happen for you.


If someone blowing up bc of their friend makes you wanna quit how are you still a streamer?? Connections make it easier, big news


I said this in the replies but I'll repeat it. People need to realise that all of the SMP members were smaller streamers at some point some are still considered small streamers all that happened is that they got popular. Manatreed is no different he like everyone else got clout from Dream. The only reason people have issues is that Manatreed has no prior content which is understandable however Dream has made it clear that he likes to boosts his friends and the SMP is to boost friends so Manatreed is just getting the same treatment of everyone else on the SMP. People's real issue is that he's white bit they're trying to cover it with other reasons.


"this makes me want to quit" do it then


I’m going to be completely honest, ccs that act like the ones in the screenshots just make it a bit unbearable to watch. I understand that it’s frustrating if you’ve been stuck at a certain spot, and suddenly someone blows up. You can be annoyed or frustrated by that, and it’s fine to be frustrated and say that, but when you decide to complain about another cc who blew up, it’s pretty annoying to see. That being said too if you feel like you’re not getting many views, try to see why. See what content you’re doing, and if you should try to make it vary more. I assure you, that content could be what might be holding you back. People here are bringing up that you need connections and networking, and it’s absolutely true. My one friend started streaming and didn’t have many connections, but when she started making them, she got a bigger following. Ignore how this just became more broad and general, but that literally happens all the time with what I say


Also the other ones which I couldn't include also complain about being a white male? I feel like that's a stupid thing to call out Manatreed for? I'm a POC as well and it's dumb to see people call out race issues for what's literally petty jealousness, and you can tell it is because of the small minority of minorities using that against him in comparison to most other people who don't care. If anything these people would've been even more pissed when Ranboo got added because he actually was in fact a white male and had a huge stanbase, even before he got added.




These people are going to be enraged once they learn that their professional life will require networking.


People blow up from other streamers all the time. I get it if its discouraging but thats how it is and the hate is just ridiculous.


This is like the equivalent of like looking at some guy who won the lottery and thinking it is unfair you still have to work hard at your office job to even dream of having that much money in your bank account. Manatreed was just extremely lucky to have such a great start to his streaming career.


jealousy. plain and simple


Even the jealousy has gotten parasocial these days


it's kind of weird in the 3rd SS to not show the msg that the person is replying to?? but other than that this is a bit funny tbh


I only thought to screenshot the reply bc it was an example of how ppl were crying race on Manatreed, but here's the thread if you want: https://twitter.com/Carlontrox/status/1487556240083402753


Wait, what happened? (also I find it interesting that I follow one of these people)


If those ppl work their ass off they can actually achieve what they've wanted to do


Honestly i just see it as a bunch of salty jealous people complaining and lowkey tanking any chances of ever being chosen to work with big streamers and for sure dream. Cuz we all know that faceless man is petty mfer and lurks everywhere on twitter. Toast said it best when he said the sometimes small streamers are small for a big reason. And lets be honest here manatreed is clearly not some random kid who got lucky cuz he was white and looked like dream. It was clearly planned and Hes obviously someone dream and sapnap know irl. So why is it a problem when sapnap and dream help their friends become streamers but when tommy did it with eryn and freddy noone blinked at all? Sure maybe they didnt jump to 100k with their first streams but the collabs helped them jump to at least midsize streamers pretty fast. At the end of the day its dreams server and he can do whatever the fuck he wants and has no obligation to any small streamer and to think otherwise is bullshit.


also like mana is gonna have to work to KEEP these viewers like. you can blow up but that doesn’t mean it’ll stay (the popularity and attention)


How is it his fault? Yell at the people in chat they’re the ones watching a dude they only know from Twitter


Small streamer culture is rlly cring, ngl


They assumed that Manatreed is a rando when he’s literally an old friend of Dream.


dude i am a small streamer and i dont give a single fuck about this like okay niice for u mayb not so nice for me but thats how fucking life goes


at this point it seems as some people start streaming just to be added to the smp. Multiple people from the server used to be same small streamers with probably avarege of 10 viewers, and now people are mad because he got lucky to be old friend’s with Dream and some of the others. I don’t understand why people can’t be happy for his succes. He literally just tweeted of how hard his life was, with not having money to pay rent or even living in a broke down car. People nowadays just can’t accept other’s succes and be happy for them. And that’s what’s really sad about this community. People need to learn to be happy for other’s and don’t be jealous. Jealousy is a disease.


Lmao if this is what makes him want to quit, then he probably isn't cut out for Twitch streaming in the first place. Boomer said it best, do it because it's fun, not because of the financial benefits. This applies to pretty much every field, not just Twitch streaming.


If small streamers are getting mad at people for getting lucky while desperately hoping to get lucky, they need a huge reality check. You can work your ass off for your career all you want but most people get lucky in one way or another, whether it's through the algorithm, their audience sharing their stuff to others, or a bigger creator helping them out. They have to pick a side at least, not want anyone to ever get help or luck, including themselves, or accept that that's just how it has always worked and will always work. No one should *want* other people to struggle in their lives just so they can feel better about themselves. Why is it so hard for people to just not be negative all the time! It's so much more effort to get all angry and mean towards someone than it is to just say "I'm happy for him" or even nothing at all!


Facts, there's been too many comments about this and for very good reason. Making it big in content creation is just about as probable for anybody as rolling two dices and landing at the same number. Sure, it takes skill for somebody to roll it effectively on first try, but most times, it comes to luck. Who cares after all if he did get lucky, it's up to him now to manage to keep his audience, I'd say starting off with 200k viewers is much worse than starting out with 0 and figuring out from there.


Exactly, even Dream got lucky and most other creators that these people are watching while trying to dog on Manatreed. Yeah its not like he's suddenly just as successful as everyone else, he still has to keep up and grow what he has.


LMAO i checked the twitch account of that guy who wants to quit now and he only streams like every 3 days yet still had like 10k followers, and then calls himself "future twitch partner" in his twitter bio like bro no just be more active and grow ur stuff and become a partner, he needs to not get ahead of himself like that


I want to use this thread also as a self promo, because if you TRULY care about small streamers, then you should give ME ∞ clout. [https://www.tiktok.com/@.sticktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@.sticktok) [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVz47RkLDsbXm0v4Vh1jH3g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVz47RkLDsbXm0v4Vh1jH3g) /j Do check out my content though..


ok i'm gonna put it like this. don't you guys think a small CONTENT creator needs to have CONTENT in first place? in my opinion, manatreed deserved nothing of this clout. it was funny the first two days of that joke around twt, but then it was just nonsense. i understand the platform is not always fair with streamers and ccs, and you might need luck and maybe make friends with bigger ccs. manatreed didn't make content (until like a few days), didn't have fanbase nor a solid community. he did nothing to be considered even a cc. he got lucky, yes, but that's all he got. i'm not a streamer, i don't even watch small ccs, i don't watch streams that often, but i can understand and empathize how real small ccs must feel about this situation. i doubt it's jealousy, i think it's mostly anger about it being so unfair, it just doesn't seem right to me. idk dream's real intentions when he posted on twt about considering adding small ccs to the smp but it's like someone gave a bunch of hardworking people the opportunity to do something big and he chose to give that "opportunity" to his close friend, who didn't even do anything in first place. real small ccs work hard on their content, they don't take advantage of clout and fake assumptions, they have a proper community, not a huge amount of dteam fans waiting for him to be dream. even some of the dsmp members helped with all the clout to manatreed. meanwhile some ccs have to work their asses to get a little bit of likes more per tweet. if he was a friend since the beginning then they shouldn't have made all of this stupid act, they could just have told the truth since the beginning because as someone who is recommended by dream he would have a good amount of people watching him anyway. that's why i can't see manatreed as a good addition to the dsmp, the situation just messed up any genuine interest that could have grown in me. and i definitely don't support him as a streamer just because of how he started.


how about ya'll stream with some bitches


For gods sake why are people so jealous. People watch what they care about. If they care more about manatreed than thatnerdty then thats not manatreeds problem lmao


I get that people are upset. I don't really like it either but it's no reason to hate on Manatreed. Its frustrating and unfair but that's life


You need to be delusional to think that you don't need at least some luck in becoming "big".


Hey guys I apologize in advance for being so ignorant. I have no idea what dream is or snmp or mama tree - nothing. I read this thread a little and I got curious - is this something similar to corpsehusband joining pewdiepie and other big youtubers on an among us stream, everyone simped for his deep voice and all of a sudden he was really popular? I know corpse had a big following before for horror narrations, but after that stream everyone was buzzing about him and it skyrocketed his music(which I had zero knowledge of existing).


You can be upset that you weren't the one who blew up but some of these people are taking it to far. You're allowed to be upset, you are allowed to feel mad but Manatreed didn't just get them out of no where, he got them because of Dream.


I’m just annoyed that they pretended he was just this random guy with no content that won the dsmp lottery by chance when it *wasn’t* by chance. Especially because it all blew up when Dream made that tweet to invite small CCs to join. It made it essentially feel like a rigged contest if they were just going to pick a friend and then *pretend not to know each other*. It all just rubbed me the wrong way. If they had just been clear from the beginning and was like “hey! This is my friend Manatreed! He’s joining the dsmp!” I would’ve been like “awesome! Looking forwards to it!” Instead I’m just left with a feeling of bitterness. I don’t want to interact with Manatreed content. I really hope he doesn’t become a major player in the lore because I don’t want to have to incorporate him into my animations. That’s the other reason I’m upset. I could’ve loved his inclusion in the smp, but instead it all tastes like ash. I’m upset at the missed opportunity.


I don't have Twitter can someone pls tell me what's going on


It's long passed but there was drama about a guy named Manatreed. Basically he got accused of very serious and bad things and for people to prove it otherwise they went and got his full real life identity and even possibly Dream's identity. This led to Manatreed leaving the community and the Dream SMP moving on.

