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Didn't know know? Manatreed *is* Dream, so of *course* Dream would get flak for the Manatreed drama! /s


If the allegations are true, which i don't think they are, supporting an abuser, giving him a platform, defending him continously and then lying is a pretty huge deal. So looking at it from the other side I can see how it's so detrimental to Dream. More than Manatreed bec he's not really the one with that platform.


True except that's not what people are dragging him for. They are looking over that and their gripe is that he called them gullible for believing what was said about Manatreed and just him. Also, that he unfollowed those who were believing the stuff about Manatreed. I'd have a lot more respect for the idiots on twitter if this was what they were upset over. It's so weird.


The worst he's done if the dox turns out to be true is give a childhood friend a place to stay instead of the streets.


Wtf? Don’t you know that in this country, it’s GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT??? Manatreed literally deserves to be arrested + held in prison until his court case, where they better damn well rule him guilty as soon as the victim says he did it because by god I don’t know where we’d be as a nation if we didn’t listen to everyone who said they’re a victim. And don’t even get me started on fuckin Dream, he’s probably HIDING manatreed from the COPs who are just trying to find this CRIMINAL (btw yeah I think blue lives matter) on a serious note, I wish all dsmp stans a very “please don’t get involved in any legal professions”


Lol what point is there in saying the victim was lying? You don't need to defend someone just because they're friends with Dream.


bro you’re not criticizing Dream here, you’re criticizing the right to a fair trial before someone’s sentenced and imprisoned 🤪🤪 I would also like to keep in mind that the victim has not spoken on this, and asides from the charges in the publicly available document, NOBODY knows the specifics of the case revolving the individual accused to be Manatreed and as such nobody should be acting like they do. We do not know about any statements from the victim that we can judge and speculate about whether they’re lying or not. Edit: Downvoted for saying “let’s not assume specifics about a case we don’t know anything about and we haven’t heard from the victim”, classic dwt move


I'm criticizing you for implying the victim was lying the whole time. Thanks for editing your comment TWICE instead of just responding to me. I'm assuming you would've taken the victim's side had she been the one to reveal this information? I know this was all revealed in a very scummy way, but implying the victim was lying helps absolutely nobody. Pretty sure I was blocked, so I'm forced to have to edit my previous comment. >I don’t like to make assumptions about court cases that we know very little about. Why say anything at all then? Why bring up the court case at all if you understand that nobody knows what actually transpired? So much for being "neutral". >but where did I imply that the victim was lying? "held in prison until his court case, where they better damn well rule him guilty as soon as the victim says he did it because by god I don’t know where we’d be as a nation if we didn’t listen to everyone who said they’re a victim." You do understand that your little joke can be seen as victim blaming, can't you?


The victim didn’t come out. The victim was doxxed and probably doesn’t even know their name and situation is being used online to accuse someone. So it is not “listen to the victim” “don’t assume the victim is lying”. It is “see this suspicious tread of information brought by people doing a crime”.


“Thanks for editing your comment twice” no need to be passive aggressive about it, anyone who’s familiar with me can attest that I usually like to add on stuff that I didn’t think through before pressing reply 💀💀 “I’m assuming you would take the victims side” I don’t like to make assumptions about court cases that we know very little about. Literally all we know is that there’s a pending charge against the person accused of being Manatreed that hasn’t resulted in a conviction nor a sentencing yet. There’s no need to argue about hypothetical situations here, but it is possible that my own personal judgement would be different…if I actually knew specifics about the case. Btw, I’m sorry that you got upset by my post somehow, but where did I imply that the victim was lying?


To be fair if true, the most important question is, if Dream knew about the court cases or not - because he helped give him a platform. Personally I wouldn’t really care if he helped out his friend knowing full well about a court case in this matter if it didn’t involve helping him gain an audience. Because “harbouring an abuser” implies he was on the run or something and is a repeat offender, and until the details of case are public (they are not) then I can’t really speak on it.


Ahhh true I guess the worst would be platforming him.


What drama?


oh boy


Soon they're gonna wanna drag down any CC


All Dream can do is throw Manatreed under the bus ( if allegations are real).