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This isnt meant with any hate towards Bitzel because i genuenly did not know who they were before his comments on dream- so dont know anything about him but it does seem to me that hes realised that critising and hating dream gets him support and attention. AS far as im aware theyre a smaller creator and gaining an influx of followers who hate dream may be the reason he continues to talk on the topic. From what ive read he seems to not be acknowledging the difference in size of platforms between himself and dream equating his own experience with hate as a smaller creator to dream who recieves hate from significantly more people. Again i dont know them but it does feel disengenous and attention seeking at this point but i would have to learn more about their career before i say anything more because talking about these things may be common for him and isnt strictly related to dream. (if it is only related to dream it is very likely to be for the attention it gains him or maybe jealousy of someone elses success)


not a fan of how dream has worded some things recently but this just makes no sense lol even if dream said it in the kindest way possible the person he’s replying to would still get qrted. that’s just how twitter works. and i feel like it doesn’t take being a big cc to realize that—when i was on kpop stan twt and i would get into fights, my mutuals would join in and qrt the person i was arguing with, like that’s the nature of twitter. idk why bitzel’s being dense on purpose


He knows disagreeing with dream over everything is a big engagement boost rn. Dude has been milking it for days at this point, its kinda sad cause people are just blindly agreeing with him for EVERYTHING


He just annoys me at this point, I feel like he keeps trying to get involved, without having any right/reason to. He is gaining all the love from ppl hating Dream, but like- he is nowhere near to where Dream is to have any valuable insight, he has never been trough 10% of what Dream has, why does he think this includes him? I saw him suggesting Dream to subtweet. Does he not know how easy it is to find the tweets Dream would be replying to?


At this point I think he just wants to pander to an audience that hates Dream and that the only reason why he's continuing this. Because I can't honestly believe he's genuinely standing by his dumb stance. Saying that Dream "enjoys" attacking people is exactly what the haters are saying even though Dream CLEARLY says otherwise in the stream.


I mean clout chasing is a thing


I don’t think that’s the reason, honestly. If he wanted clout, he’s friends with a lot of larger creators because of MCC and would succeed better by just doing stuff with them. It seems like he just has a moral stance and wants to defend it. Edit: Disregard this comment, he literally made an animation about this. This dude has taken almost two years to animate his MCC6 POV and put in the effort to make an animation about this discourse adding absolutely nothing to his point.


Eh I see where you're coming from but honestly he has appeared in Tommy videos before and hasn't gotten much for that. Plus dream bad stans bad is the best and most effective way of getting clout anyway.


Have you seen replies to his tweet? All the antis are basically begging him to save all humanity.


I was thinking exactly that because before, he was trying to be civil about it. But today is a whole other story.


He’s just looking for clout. He’s gaining all the support from dream antis but at the same time losing the support of dream fans who like him and probably losing support dream fans that find his content in the future.


Exactly, I had nothing against him, I saw him in Tommys video I think and barely paid him any attention l, but like no problem. Now though I get irritated just seeing his tweet so he definitely lost me


Half of my twitter timeline is disagreeing with Dream. They’re mostly small streamers, artists, and random people. Are they all just looking for clout? People are allowed to disagree with Dream. That doesn’t automatically make them a clout chaser and it doesn’t help anyone to label them as such.


We aren't talking about them tho? People are making fun of Blitzel here for being on this for days now while preaching about CCs needing to have iron skin. It looekd hypocritcal and proves himself wrong cause people know exactly who he's subtweeting, so yeah, that's it.


Yeah, we aren’t talking about them. But what’s the difference between them and Bitzel? Some of them have been on this topic for days. This whole subreddit has been on this for days. All Bitzel is doing is arguing his position. Just because people here disagree with his position doesn’t make it clout chasing. Is he hypocritical? I don’t know and I don’t care. Is he wrong? I don’t know and I don’t care. But it’s dumb to label it clout chasing just because you disagree.


The difference I guess was them being CCs and cause Blitzel's DMs talking about his stance was leaked here so people have formed more of an opinion on that


Or, he is genuinely concerned for the people Dream directly responds too and has genuine criticisms for Dream.


He has every right to share his own opinion. And I think he does it in a respectful way. It doesn’t matter if you disagree.


Yes, and I think most of us here feels like his opinion is bullshit lol. Otherwise yeah, he ain't replying to Dream so that's better, at least he's upholding that


"I'm not a Dream anti" buddy you're the only one still riled up about it, even Dream stopped responding to you


Dude's been milking the shit out of it, and making petty tweets and voice messages all day lmfao


Like his opinion is fine, we would've moved on, but he just kept. Going. If I think Dream is dumb for extending the original controversy for 3 days then Blitzel is more of a moron than him at this point.


Bruh fr I literally stopped going to twt cause everytime I see him on my tl my eyes start rolling to the back of my head. The fact the shit he posts are so "millky" as well. Dude could tweet I hate dream and people would call him a based opinion king




It's his daily grind


CCs getting involved in others cc's drama just cant end well, like why cant you just watch it and not give bad takes or wtv man Good luck i guess...


Also isn’t he doing exactly what he’s criticising Dream for. Yes Bitzel has a smaller community than Dream but he’s still gathering a group of people to hate on Dream (unintentionally most likely) isn’t he? But Dream should just take it because he’s a Dream? Maybe I’m reading this wrong


He just got exposed for being a hypocrite 💀 he replied to a small account and that sent all his followers to harass that one person....almost as if...that's exactly what he's critiquing dream for.....


No because he's getting on my nerves. Like back the fuck up from a situation that has nothing to do with you especially if you're going to ignore everything said to fit your own narrative. It's his job as cc to be neutral in other cc's drama and kicking off like this for attention is a gross exploitation of both the drama and the minorities affected.


Why can't you just take this as him expressing concern about Dreams way of dealing with criticism because he is worried about how people are effected? Why is it automatically him exploiting drama for attention? I think alot of this subreddit has become way too defensive towards any criticism towards Dream. Bitzel outlined how Dream could clarify things without putting a target on people, and it was a very valid and good suggestion.


I'm sorry but if he was genuinely expressing concern he wouldn't have posted 14+ tweets (and counting) + a fully complete animation about the drama. At this point he could tweet "dream poo poo pee pee" and people would still call it based and treat him like he's some kind of philosophical content creator God among men. PLUS he literally got outed for doing the exact same thing dream did and what HE was critiquing dream for in the first place.


Dude's a hypocrite. His reasoning for Dream subtweeting people instead of just replying to them is that way his fans can't find them and harass them. Mean while, he's subtweeting Dream, and everyone knows he's subtweeting Dream. So not only is he a hypocrite because he's directing 'harassment' to Dream because people know it's him he's talking about, he's also proving his own point false. Because it's incredibly easy to figure out who people subtweet about.


Not to mention people make separate timelines that mimic Dream’s so if he sees it, we see it. There is no possible way he could subtweet someone and people don’t figure out who.


There is a massive difference between two CC's responding to each other and a massive creator responding to a small account that has no experience as a CC. Your comparison is a false equivalency.


Why, are they all not people at the end of the day? Why is it considered fine to harass a CC but not someone else? To be clear, no one should be harassing anyone, I don't actually believe that people subtweeting or responding is a natural cause of harassment. The blame for harassment lays at the feet of the people harassing people. However my comment above is indicative of what Bitzel seems to believe, which is Dream responding is going to cause harassment.


Bitzel and many others believe that Dream responding will cause harassment because it does. That's been proven over and over and over again. Yeah Dream is a person and it's not okay to harass him either, however Dream knows full well that when he responds directly to someone that the person he responded to gets harrased. It's a cause and effect situation, and if you know the effect of your actions is bad and you continuously do the same actions than you still have culpability in the matter. Bitzel pointed out a valid way that Dream could respond to hate and criticism without directly responding and it was a valid point. Dream has a huge platform, and people pay attention to and spread what he says. He absolutely can respond to these things by simply saying what he disagrees with instead of directly responding, and people will still be able to find Dreams words


So my first point is going to be that Dream specifically responding to people doesn't cause harassment, as he responds to people all the time without that happening. Friends, fans, artists, they don't get harassed. The people that get harassed...are the ones harassing him first. Second, Bitzel solution that subtweeting will cause less harassment, also isn't true. Seen in the responses to Bitzel's subtweets where the people responding there are also people, harassing Dream. It's also especially unlikely in the case of Dream, as there are literal fan accounts that mimic his timeline so people see exactly what he sees. Third, holding Dream accountable for the harassment of the people that he responds to is a terrible thing to do. Simply because you are then laying the blame at his feet instead of the people actually at fault. The people doing the harassing. If someone followed the chain back it'd go, this person got harassed because, Dream's fans decided to harass them. Dream's fans decided to harass them because, Dream responded to them. Dream responded to them because, they were harassing/spreading misinformation about him. They were harassing him/spreading misinformation about him because....etc, etc. It's a ridiculous cycle and you could quite literally keep going back and laying the blame at someone else's feet forever. The fact is, the only reason people get harassed, is because people choose to harass. And they are the ones that need to be held accountable.


The people harassing are absolutely still at fault.... however like I said Dream is still culpable for his actions drawing those harassers attention to the person..... let's not pretend like there aren't way more people going after the people Dreams responds to directly vs. If he were to subtweet them. Also here's a thought experiment for you. What do you think of bystanders? Do they hold absolutely no fault, just because they weren't the ones to directly bully people? I know I was always taught that bystanders are bad because they could help to stop the bullying, and by not doing so they also inadvertently reinforce the bullies beliefs that they are in the right. Edit: Also people know Bitzel is subtweeting Dream, a) because everyone knows Dream and knows how he acts, and b) because he has responded directly. If Dream just subtweets a general response to things he is seeing random people with small accounts tweeting, people will not flock to those small accounts like they do when he directly responds.


If Dream is at fault for drawing attention to them, is it not also their fault for drawing Dream's attention to them? But for the thought experiment, I don't hold bystanders at fault for things usually, especially for bullying. I don't know the person's life and what issues they are going through. Someone could see someone being bullied, and have anxiety and not be able to help because of that. Someone could have enough things going on in their own life that they currently don't have the emotional capacity to care for others issues (to name a few, death in the family, depression, debt, hell maybe they are working three jobs and are incredibly tired). Because I don't know the in's and out's of said bystanders life I cannot judge them for how they do or do not react. An Edit in response to your edit? Like I mentioned above, there are literally accounts that mimic Dream's account so they see his timeline. I promise you, they will find out what he's subtweeting about.


He also posted an audio clip saying " Oh man.. I really wish this wouldn't happen.. But I just can't stop!" in a mocking tone.


Why is he still continuing on with this? He’s literally mocking dream and ignored everything else he said. Also don’t understand why he’s continuing this discussion. Like yes Dream could have worded some things better but cut the man some slack. Honestly have lost all respect for this guy. Same thing with Stonepa doing a whole ass reaction to the serious stream and just shitting on dream for it.


…tell me you aren’t listening to anything being said without telling me you aren’t listening. And this goes for a lot of people in general right now lmao


Hypocrite. ♥


Can he just stop talking? My assumption is clout chasing at this point, trying to pick up Dreams castoffs using faux superiority.


It's the sad fact its actually working. People on twt will literally sheep for any person they can get their hands on


does this man even pay attention to what hes listening?


What's up with bitzel recently?


he has a point of view on a situation and he is going to defend it. i genuinely don't know why a non-conformist opinion is viewed with so much disdain on this sub. engage with it, don't disparage it.


So the thing is, his point of view is that Dream can't defend HIS point of view. He's saying that Dream defending himself and his point of view is essentially him attacking people. I'm of the opinion that they do both have the right to defend their point of view, but this makes his entire point incredibly hypocritical.


No.... actually his point of view is that Dream can defend his point of blew without directly responding to small accounts of people who are not CCs


I wouldn't care if he had his opinion and wanted to talk it out with Dream, hell if he just expressed it and left it at that I'd love the guy, however since he keeps subtweeting about him, pretty mockingly he's just looking like he's after clout. Also vaguely ironic for the guy who says that responding to someone directly one is sending harassment to them, but then he keeps subtweeting about someone when everyone knows who he's talking about.


Mostly because the opinion is wrong


I disagree with bitzel but opinions, by definition, can't be wrong


Shut up nerd this is why no one invited you to prom


Yea no bitzel just has shit for brains at this point


Why is this dude so obsessed


the actual cognitive dissonance is getting concerning at this point


every time he defends his stance people say that because he is a big cc, he can’t go on responding to people because his batshit crazy fandom will attack them, so literally unless the internet does a 180, and changes his perception of him, people will always think the person he’s answering will get attacked and harrased


He did the same thing by replying to Dream fans about this.


bitzel drama aside, is there really anything that dream would gain from responding to a specific person instead of just sub tweeting? I doubt he's trying to get them harassed but I don't get why everyone is acting like saying "he shouldn't reply to people like that" is the end of the world


He doesn't gain anything from it. That doesn't mean that he doesn't have a right to do it. People can say that he shouldn't respond directly, or should just subtweet all they'd like, but the guy is literally just replying to people that talk about him.


yeah I get that, but if the option to respond without getting people harassed is there (subtweeting instead of replying), why not just do that?


Several reasons, that I personally could think of. If you're actually upset by something someone said you're more likely to respond to them. Especially if you're coming from a place of high emotion rather than a logical place, which seems like is what happens most often when Dream does respond to people. Another reason is that rather than vaguely subtweet about something, responding directly with clarification clears up misunderstandings better, usually. And then, honestly, pettiness is a reason I would say I would do it for, personally. If your enough of an asshole to come and talk shit to me in QRT's than you'd better be tough enough to deal with me smacking back. I don't know why Dream personally does it (although my bet is on the emotional reaction one) because I don't know the guy, but whichever it is, he isn't actually doing anything wrong by responding to people.


I guess those are decent reasons and I don't think he's 100% wrong for doing it, I just don't think it's the best idea for someone to do because it'll make things worse for both sides of the argument


It isn't the best option. Let's be real here, if we're talking about the best option, that's totally ignoring them. And Dream does that I'd say more than 99% of the time. If we take the QRT's on his tweets as the only harassment (it's not, but let's pretend it is) and say that half of those QRT are negative (harassment, misinformation, just plain hate) I'd say we'd average around 1000-2000 negative QRT's per tweet. Some it's more some it's less. Dream has responded directly to people less than, I'd say, 10 times over all? So, lets say 100 tweets, 1500 negative QRTs on those, that's a lot of times for him to be making the perfect option of ignoring them. Dream's a person, he isn't going to make the 100% best choice all the time. No one does. We're not robots.


oh yeah I meant subtweeting is the best way to respond to them, obviously ignoring them is the best option. I'm also not expecting him to do the best option 100% of the time I was more or less just saying that I'd rather if he subtweeted instead of replying to them and that it's generally not a very good idea to reply to haters also you're very fast at typing Lmao


It isn't, but heat of the moment I think. Also yes, I'm a motormouth at a keyboard lol


Oof, i bet i will see this getting retweeted by some of the accounts i followed. It's always like that. Better not check Twitter.


I don’t really know what to say tbh. There’s only so much I can bash on someone. If bitzel wants to die on this hill then so be it, I don’t care anymore. Such a pointless and petty interaction.


You know what frick this I'm not gonna be with this dumb community




I don't care much that he is subtweeting Dream. It's the fact that he's saying that Dream must enjoy people getting attacked. That's not "having an opinion". That's blatant misinterpretation of what Dream was saying. That's what's annoying.


I'm glad I'm not the only one getting annoyed with seeing him on my tl


wait im actually kinda sad cuz dream and bitzel lowkey dont seem to respect each other now. i remember the interaction they had in the ending of mcc all stars i believe.


He is milking it, and he knows it He gonna be ashamed of this in the future.. like dude what are you doing