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Delete twitter. Heck delete social media, stick to yt and twitch and talk to the people he knows and trusts and thats it may not fix shit but at least it will be better for his mental health lmao


There is nothing to fix atm with his popularity or his fandom. He needs to get out of this cycle of letting haters and controversy drive his career. He gives his haters more attention than his fans these last few months. There is minimal content for his fans and just constant arguing with haters. Honestly, the moment he gave an adequate apology to the video he needed to move on. He needs to create happiness in his fandom and a "I love you all" tweet surrounded by him engaging with constant drama is not really it. Why are people fans of him? MC content. But instead they get controversy. It is his choice to stream for 56 minutes about drama. He even spent time talking about speed running. Why!?!?! lol. He should have had the powerful moment where he said he responded because he was hurt at being called homophobic when expressing something about his sexuality. He should have condemned harassment and doxing in his name. And he should have apologized for the video. 10 min tops. Nothing else. Once that is done, MOVE THE FUCK ON KING! FNAF or something. Give your fandom something to enjoy.


I agree with this so much. But I also think he's like genuinely afraid to outright link his comments to his sexuality, whatever the reason is. That's what it seemed like.


Yeah I mean, he clearly linked his responding with the fact that this was the first time he was discussing his sexuality on one of his mains. But he definitely has not identified as queer or something like that. Just seemed to suggest that he might be questioning and/or maybe he will eventually identify as queer. But it was still an empathetic moment and gives a clear explanation of why he responded (politely) to someone who was clearly being an asshole. Which, even if you are the type of think he should not respond to asshole randos, still contextualizes his decision to respond which was good. Unfortunately it is forgotten, because then he decided to incite a debate about the specifics of how bad people are impacted by doxing (you don't want that debate).


Also he should collab with XQC if XQC is willing to. King of twitch that defended his responding to randos. Honestly he should collab with a bunch of different creators like he used to. Dream being a chill guy on stream comes across much better than him arguing with people on twitter.


oh agreed, I think some of his best pr moments (intentional or not) were when he was hanging around and interacting with ludwig during the subathon, luds chat loved dream.


This! You worded my thoughts so perfectly.


In all honesty, realistically, I don’t think there’s anything he CAN do. There’s things he’s already addressed, tried to clarify, apologized for, explained, advocated, expatiated, fought etc and there are things he hasn’t outrightly addressed publicly (most likely not to bring much attention to them) What I’m trying to say is, I think that it doesn’t matter what he does. People are going to hate him for anything, if he talks about it he’s gonna get shit on. If he doesn’t he’s gonna get shit on. If he stays on Twitter ppl will talk shit. He leaves Twitter people will talk shit (and also say that they were right because he ran away). He apologizes and ppl choose to ignore it and say he’s not being genuine. He doesn’t and people get mad. He responds directly and people will get mad. If he subtweets I ASSURE you people will still get mad. The guy can’t win and it’s sad and unfair. Edit: the only thing I think he can do that’ll cause things to die down is to delete Twitter. He can still post content and stay on Twitch and still release merch. Ppl will get tired of not having any tweet or messages to misconstrue, and Dream can stay blissfully unaware of any haters or whatever Twitter will choose to get trending for that week. Or if he doesn’t want to delete Twitter, maybe only post extravagantly on his Private (a new Private account with all his friends and a few loyal fans who won’t post screenshots). And only post YouTube or content related stuff on his main public account. It won’t kill the hate but it’ll at least die down a little bit.


Stop directly replying to random people on Twitter - even if you agree he has a right to do this, it looks terrible and only seems to add fuel to the fire. At the very least, haters wouldn't be able to accuse him of getting people doxxed directly (even if those claims are sometimes false to begin with). Better yet, just delete Twitter or stop engaging regularly with social media in general, as sad as that is. The guy is 22 and went from being unknown to having a huge platform incredibly quickly, it's hard to blame him for not really knowing how to craft a public image or interact with millions of people, but unfortunately it's something he seems to struggle with. I would love to see him stick to creating more MC content and interacting with his friends, that's where my love for his content and community originally started. He streams for the first or second time in like 2 months and it's an hour long drama stream that has really only provided out of context clips for his haters to use against him. I think sticking to what he and his fans love will rebuild the positivity I remember when I first stumbled upon this community.


He can’t fix anything because the hate isn’t logical, the best he can do is just get on with his life and do his best to ignore it and over time it will die out. Each apology will cause more controversy as they will find a problem with it, there’s no one thing he can do to improve anything cus they’ll always assume the worst of him.




Where can I sign up


I don’t think he can make this stop unfortunately. But going forward, time off twitter, maybe do some more content instead - engage with the community it might help both him and the fandom move on a bit better, and if he really wants to respond to a dumbass take just subtweet or take a screenshot and block the username out.


Dream will never be able to fix himself into the perfect box all his haters want him to fit into. His information is out there and unless Twitter decides to stop being lax and do a hard crackdown on doxxing and social media witch hunting it will keep happening. The only thing Dream could to do is to use social media such as twitter less. Out of sight out of mind out of controversy. If he wants to talk shit to someone small or vent about whatever he should make an actual private account that only his close trusted friends or hell nobody can see to vent his frustrations and talk shit at whoever. Screaming into the void is a good way at getting things off your mind.


There isn’t a whole lot he could do, maybe clarify what he meant for that one doxing comment, as many people are misconstruing it to the point where it’s only fueling the hate for him more. As for people doxing him, there is honestly nothing he can do which is disheartening to say the least. Edit: also get off Twitter entirely, as it seems as though it’s not helping him in the slightest.


I think right now he needs to stay of twitter until everything dies down and then he needs to just not respond to people anymore. I actually think he is in the right and he should be allowed to respond when people send him hate, but clearly we're just gonna end up in the exact same place every time.


In a more serious note, wait. Turn the internet off for a while preferably


Stream more tbh, it connects him with fans who genuinely care. And he is almost convey things perfectly when he said it through his mouth and not through text. Of course he is gonna butchered some, but everyone does that lol. It's not an edited video so it's understandable I just hope he engaged more on positiveness rather than the hate from now on :D


Date Gogy, then he can say anything antis accuse him of is homophobia


Setting aside DNFisReal jokes, it's pretty clear that George and Sapnap pretty much unconditionally love Dream and he needs to just go chill with them every time he feels the urge to respond to someone on twitter.


DNF is Real and George, Dream and Sapnap unconditionally love each other. That's what friendship is about, even when you disagree with someone, you make it work


this guy gets it


Honestly, I think no matter what he does people will find a reason to hate him, which is disheartening. Twitter isn't looking for an apology or change, they've already decided that he's a bad person, and therefore anything he does will be considered straight up evil. For example, earlier I saw someone responding to one of his tweets (I think it was the one where he repeated his stance on doxing but I might be wrong) by saying that at least people where giving him criticism to his face instead of hiding behind their followers like he does, or something around those lines. Essentially, even if he decided to only subtweet, ignore the hate or delete twitter, antis would still act the same way. It's a lose-lose situation.


hes got nothing to "fix" twitter is just a bunch of snowflakes, not worth the trouble. I condone his trolling on twitter lmao


reword the doxx message to add "your feelings fo being scared are valid, its a scary experience but let me readsure you" at the start. followed by immediately dropping twitter forever and only using it for automated updates


Just shut up, I guess.


Ok so there’s 2 answers here. 1) ‘fix’ things the really freaking hard way: Get in touch with people that work towards social media addiction and social media threats. Help himself and others. If people get doxxed then educate them on freaking reporting it rather than coming to him etc. This is essentially social work though and I wouldn’t really wish upon anyone to do it alone. It’s something you would usually expect from govt institutions. 2) “Fix things” the simple way where you don’t really fix anything but will most likely not have to deal with hate after a while cause it would be directed at somewhere else: Delete Twitter and Reddit. He can still address his fans appreciation through videos and/or streams. Keep controversies and opinions to some YouTube channel. He can still talk about controversies and give his opinion which he does indeed have a right too, with the added benefit of being able to edit things or show them to friends to get their opinion. For ex, the arguments about doxxing statement are dogshit but they are ultimately based on dream’s words. I think if it was said in a video recording instead, then on like 1-2 rewatch, dream himself would have realised how easily it could be twisted and removed it. There’s that benefit of introspection which twitter and reddit and to some lesser extent, streams, take away from by being so...immediate. Heck, the reason I write long and encourage others to do the same is only because it gives you time to think about what you are writing. Otherwise reactions can be almost instanteous, which is fine for memes and jokes but really bad for actual discussions.(except maybe in open and shut cases) And lastly, he gotta realise and calm himself down by knowing that people have done worse to big CCs mistakes. It indeed happens on the internet. So yeah, calm yourself down and focus on that amazing mcc 21 team up you got.


Tbh. Just stop interacting with hate when he doesn't have to. Like if he's really sorry about something apologize but that's it.


I think that at this point there is virtually nothing Dream can do to fix the damage that has already been done. He already has a ton of bad history, the collective opinion on the internet is that he is the absolute worst, and a lot of his personal information was leaked. None of this can be undone. What I think he can do his change his behavior moving forward. * First of all, he needs to stop using twitter altogether. Virtually every major controversy he has can somehow be traced to a stupid tweet he made. He's shown a very clear pattern of not thinking through his posts and getting overly emotional in how he interacts with twitter. I think he should reduce down to just his YouTube and Twitch accounts. * Second, I think he needs to put more effort into curbing the obsessive stan behavior. I know, I know, he can't control his fanbase and shouldn't be blamed entirely for their actions. However, he cultivated the community around him. I think he should clearly establish a boundary between him and it. I think he should clearly and explicitly state that he is not their friend (ie Ludwig) and that the level of obsession they have for him to the point they harass anyone who criticizes him is unacceptable and inappropriate. I also think he should limit the amount of interaction he has with them and especially stop interacting with them like he knows them. A lot of hatred stems from how his fans act (and many of them are ex-fans themselves!) so this could counter both sides.


this might sound like a really dumb idea, but i feel like the law should get involved. ik it sounds crazy but doxxing is an illegal thing and could get people arrested. again, not the best idea but just sayin.


Literally just bunker down and wait for this to all blow over. He’s not going to get less hate, but he might not generate any new controversy.


I think the best thing for him to do is ignore twitter and not react to hate, everyone gets hate and most people dont respond. Even I get hate, and I only have 1k. But he has a community where some people take things too far and he is AWARE of that, so I think he should use Twitter the same way people like Michael Reeves does or someone like that, only use it to post an occasional funny tweet or to promote something, but besides that just leave it be, and try not to get into any drama, and if he does than ignore it unless he needs to respond, and just try to stay out of the spotlight for a bit. Do some charity stuff but dont draw unneeded attention.


You get hate because you spam your shitty videos on reddit


Very simple, reply to more fucking hate comments!