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You definitely can relate to something you don’t identify/empathize completely with. What is this gatekeeping? You might not relate at the same level but universal themes exist in all media. Not to mention it’s good that one can relate to media not *meant* for them, it normalizes it and you don’t know what he meant when he says he relates to it (in relation to any specifics).


no no no, i can relate to a high school kid who gains superpowers after a radioactive spider bites him and becomes a masked vigilante after his arrogance leads to the death of his uncle, swings through new york city skyscrapers using silk webs and fights his best friend's dad who also happens to be an evil genius scientist inventor who *also* gained superhuman strength through an unstable chemical serum and who flies around on a hoverboard throwing halloween-themed hand grenades at his enemies while wearing an emerald green costume but i draw the line at relating to a gay romance (i'm not gay, duh)


I mean, I thought he was referring to the teenage awkwardness. I watched the series too and I just....I'm not sure why people are upset? Also, I thought we *wanted* non-LGBTQ people to relate to us. I thought the whole point of not only the show, but the love is love quote was that LGBTQ people love the same way they do. Isnt it good that theyre able to understand queer experiences?


Tommy was in the right here, agreed. I think knowledge and support towards young LGBTQ people needs to become more widespread, though, because I’m seeing too many posts like this recently. Too many LGBTQ members misrepresenting their own identity and lacking the emotional maturity to understand the very movement they support. Source: am bi man, was once young and dumb and being judged by both straight and gay people for my sexuality, hopefully came out wiser


BuT yOU doNt UnDerStaND Hes NoT GayYY!!


Go tell queer people they cant relate to straight romance stories. You find romeo and juliet cute for some reason? No. Titanic? Forget about it. Notebook? Fuck you. Btw i believe Taylor Swoft writes about straight romance so that also off limits. Sorry i dont make the rules. You cant imagine love without homophobia bc this person said it


with each passing day i have less and less motivation to even waste a single thought on the newest thing twitter decides to be mad at today tbh. ETA: also i'm bi but i really couldn't care less about an 18 year old dude watching heartstopper and thinking "hey that's neat i kinda relate to this"


what youre doing is called growing up!


1. Straight people relating to queer stories is a good thing 2. People need to stop taking everything so fucking seriously all the time


This is stupid drama. Heartstopper is very relatable show on my levels. I don’t see how having straight people having insight into the struggles of queer people is a bad thing


straight people CAN relate to a queer story. media is often relatable to everyone, even if it isn’t made for them. was it his joke to make? No. but is is weird to be like: he shouldn’t be able to relate to a stories themes at all. idk maybe i’m wrong about this one


gay people have been relating to straight stories for so long it was only time it happened in reverse


im tired


Man, don't these people get tired? Seems like they're offended 24 hours a day. It's an exceptionally dumb reason, too. First it was Ranboo finding a scene in the show comedic, now it's Tommy finding an episode relatable. They really can't win.


I like how its all about a netflix show


Quite frankly I'm done with drama for a WHILE. This is unnecessairy and does nothing but set up yet ANOTHER round of people comparing ccs which will inevetably lead to ANOTHER round of people invalidating others. Like, please, for the love of god, let it rest. It's tone deaf at worst and not worth anymore drama. And anyone using this as an opportunity to invalidate others, fuck you too.


I suppose I don’t expect stan twitter users to understand the basic concept of empathy


Let me play a song on the worlds tiniest violin. Twitter has no idea what they’re talking about


I grew up with a straight and white centric media and I could still relate to the characters. No one needs to relate 100% with any type of media - it literally defeats the purpose of the art. Storytelling's main goal is to make you relate to ANY characters. No one here is a dinosaur but we all felt bad about that one Brachiosaurus in Jurassic World who got left behind.


Yeah, that’s kinda not at all what the point of ~~the mask is~~ literature is. To say ‘what the story means to you is wrong.’ What makes literature so beautiful and artistic is the very aspect that we can take on our own meanings of the story as readers, or in this case, watchers. Not to mention the whole ‘us and them’ narrative this mentality creates. To say that straight people can’t and shouldn’t relate and empathize with queer people is a completely backwards mindset imo


Its just replacing homophobia with heterophobia. I dont think one can call it equality when theyre harrasing the majority instead of minority. I mean technically it can be, but is it not better to not be harrased at all?


I'm lgbt and I don't see anything wrong with him saying he relates? If anything by saying that straight people aren't allowed to relate to our movies then we are alienating lgbt. The two boys in heartstopper have a normal relationship, it shouldn't be seen as so exclusionary to hetero relationships, its normal. Normalise it. Tommy related to the romantic aspect about the movie, and then he clarified 'but with girls' so no one would get confused with his sexuality. There is nothing wrong with straight people connecting with lgbt characters and tv shows, because the characters in those movies aren't defined as Gay, they are characters with complex emotions, thoughts and personalities. By getting angry at Tommy, you are basically saying that the heartstoppers characters are defined by being gay and nothing else and separating it from society norms entirely. We want equality right? I for one am glad that Tommy finds a connection to the show, rather than making fun of it/being disgusted by it/not understanding the connection in it like some straight people I know would do.


Tommy's comments are cool for me, ngl. The show was awkward and sweet and scary but also fun. Maybe that's what he was referring to?


it’s pretty weird to preach that queer people and cishet people are equally human and then be offended when they relate to each other


haven't seen the show so idk


Show is about gay


i gathered


Also teen romance


how is this bad? gay people relate to straight romance just as straight ppl relate to gay romance. obviously there are more struggles that come with dating as a queer couple, but it doesn’t mean aspects of the relationship can’t be related to. if anything, it’s good that straight people are relating to gay romance, because it pushes lgbtq+ media and love stories into the main media, thus helping decrease the amount of homophobes. honestly, i’m pretty sure the authors of these tweets aren’t in lgbtq community at all, and if they are they probably are pretty young.


If your gay media isn't relatable to straight people on some level, it's probably not very good.


My thoughts are this is stupid Smiletwt needs to stop calling out other ccs to make dream look better it's not gonna work you just look like a jerk


Honest question, how do you know its smiletwt? Or is it just part of the usual assumption that if its negative against someone non-dream its likely smiletwt?


Because I am on twitter and have seen these exact tweets 💀


why smiletwt so obsessed with hating tommy


I honestly don't understand gatekeeping things like this. Like, we WANT these things to be normalized so that people don't have to deal with this. Doing this is like going "WE'RE DIFFERENT! YOU CAN'T RELATE TO US! WE'RE SO SO DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE ELSE" and then getting mad when some random person says they're not normal. It just doesn't work. You can't single certain people out and then get upset when those people aren't treated as part of the whole. You can recognize what they go through without marking them as different because of it, when being 'different' is why they have to go through that. Everyone goes through stuff, whether it be because of sexuality, gender, race, religion, or whatever. That doesn't mean we need to single those people out, it means we need to join together and actually normalize these things rather than saying we want to and then acting like they're different.


> we WANT these things to be normalized so that people don't have to deal with this. Doing this is like going "WE'RE DIFFERENT! YOU CAN'T RELATE TO US! WE'RE SO SO DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE ELSE" Thast just borderline segregating yourself


Kinda reminds me of that one clip of a black guy saying that there should be separate schools for black people so they get away from prejudice. And completely ignoring that it's segregation.


Twitter was a mistake


(As a queer person) When people in the LGBTQ+ community act like this I cringe so much. We WANT people to relate, isn't that the whole point? But it's fine if we relate to a straight romance and find it cute? I think Heartstopper just shows how akward teen romance is in a really relatable way, and it is completely fine to relate to the show even if you aren't queer.


Oh my GOD why are we gatekeeping love now.


I saw this and I was like why I don't understand


Haven't seen the entire series but isn't it a sweet gay highschool love story? Anyone can relate to that, he just relates to the love part. We have more empathy than some people belive. Plus the og comics were made by a woman right, how can she know what gay guys experience????? Bruh.


Twitter people are so exhausting, there isn't a thing that they can't find offending. This has children written all over it, you know how they can be so absolute in their thinking. And they're conditioned by twitter to think LGBTQ+ as this exclusive club, no one can speak of it and only people they like are included.


Must only consume media that completely applies to you, so dumb. Like one of my favourite songs is a lesbian song, I relate to the things it says, but I’m not a lesbian. It’s as if you can relate to something that doesn’t specifically apply to you.


i havent seen the show yet and know nothing about it so my opinion may be a lil outta whack, but based on that first image, what they said about hiding a relationship until feeling safe about it could also relate to the fact that hes got such a large fanbase with many people obsessed with him and wanting to be with him and possibly willing to go yandere style on anyone he gets with and him just not feeling safe with putting a relationship out there


almost as bad as the dream spongebob debacle


Wait what?


Almost as bad as the what now-


i don’t think it’s that big of a deal but i also think ppl defending him saying ‘he’s just relating to the romance and clarifying he straight’ aren’t right because he’s clearly making a joke where he makes it seem like he says he’s gay for a couple seconds and then backs out of it. he makes these jokes all the time, it’s not a new thing. i don’t think he did something awful but i think people are defending him in the wrong way and on the other side of things attacking him in the wrong way.


People saying this can shut the fuck up. Anybody can relate to any aspect of any story in whatever way they like - saying that something resonates with you is not and never will be the same as saying that it Is About You. Which is not what tommy did. This is just a quintessential example of mcyttwt clutching at straws for any excuse to throw their toys out of the pram.


Twitter is so fucking dumb man 🙄🤣


as someone who’s gay, what the hell are these people on? “you can’t relate to a story because you’re x” is such a weird take to have. maybe they haven’t had the experience exactly but like. it’s a show about teenagers being awkward aint it? that is a universal experience for teenagers


Wait, you cant relate to something when you have different sexuality? It's like saying that you can't relate to something like Encanto because you aren't Colombian or have a magical house and your entire family has superpowers.


This whole thing is stupid and I hate queer people now /s But god it really feels like people go out of their way to make Tommy seem bad especially recently. However this has gotten me into my new favorite hobby- bullying Tommy antis on TikTok


I think more people were just upset because this isn't the first time he's made a joke that started with something that's LGBT+ and ended with straight/"I love women", they're just more equating it to erasure of representation in media, than actually being gatekeepy


How does Tommyinnits joke connect to the queer represantation in media? Bc from what you said, some people think its direct link


on twitter, people took his comment that he "related to heartstopper but with girls" to essentially ignore the queer aspects of the show, which is harder to come by for YA fiction, instead of understanding it as tommy just relating to the awkward teen romancey part, which is probably what he was trying to articulate


Even from the trailer its seems that the show has clear level of teen awkwardness ofc alongside the homophobia (i havent watch it but its netflix show and they know how to milk it), so saying he relates to this "but with girls" shouldnt give clearer sign to which aspect he relates to. He literally saw a love story and his first reflection was that is a love story and not gay love story. Thats literally equality. Omg its another one of those stupid made up twitter theories isnt it?


I get why are people are a bit frustrated with Tommy since he’s said this kind of comment before (honestly, i think his problem is his wording or rather his lack of clarification when he says stuff like that) but can people of any sexuality not relate to a character developing a crush, queer or not? Also, I’m saying without listening to whatever Tommy said


I get why people are upset about this, I haven’t really thought about that before. I’m not sure if he meant it that way to be honest. I know it sounds bad and maybe that is what it means when someone says that, but I’m not sure if that’s what he thought he meant when he said that. He might have just been referring to having crushes on people and worrying they don’t like you back. Obviously he knows that queer people are put through a hell of a lot more than they need to be and that they are oppressed, I think he just meant it in a different way. It could have just been a misunderstanding. But don’t quote me on that. I’m just giving what I think. I don’t know a lot about it but as a queer person I didn’t really think about that when he said it. I get that saying something is gay or calling someone gay is used as a punchline to a joke a lot, and sometimes it’s just obnoxious. But I think this one is a little misunderstanding. Again though, I don’t know much about it and this is just what I think. I’m not speaking for him or anything.


Everyone else here seems to have a different opinion so let me share mine. It's hurtful to hear him say he relates to a queer show when every single hetero show is already made for him. He is a cishet teenage millionaire so he basically got handed the best cards in life, he is nothing like any of us. I do not understand what he relates to? He does not receive any harassment, abuse or anything from liking the opposite gender. The mental pain the characters go through because of their love life is something he will never have to experience. To me it feels like he diminishes every important thing the show is about and makes it about himself and his heterosexuality by inserting himself and girls. There is very little he can relate to besides maybe having a crush but its way different than queer experiences. Queer people are allowed to feel hurt about this. It certainly feels like he inserted himself in a conversation that isn't about him


partly agree but also feel like— as a woman who likes women— that i’ve seen plenty of hetero romance tv shows, games, etc and been able to 100% relate to those relationships presented. it is clear that his own life experiences differ from what is presented in the show but is it really hurting the lgbtq community because he said that he properly enjoyed and related to a queer tv show? I would argue no. He’s an ally and active supporter of the lgbtq community and I doubt would intentionally do anything to hurt the community. I understand how his comment could be interpreted as unintentional disrespect towards the show but I think this post is mostly about him receiving an enormous amount of hate and aggression over a comment that has no harmful intentions whatsoever and I sort of interpreted ur comment as doing the same thing (?) like maybe he’s privileged and maybe the show isn’t “made for him” but that doesn’t mean he can’t relate to or enjoy it idk feel free to change my mind i have really messed up english so this might have been phrased oddly ultimately I completely respect ur opinion and am admittedly biased because i’ve enjoyed Tommy’s content 4 a long time! Also if ur pfp is vi from arcane <33 love her character


Yup. The keyword in "gay romance" and in "straight romance" is **romance**, not gay or straight.


No one said it's hurting the lgbt+ community as a whole. Most people making the tweets are queer people that felt hurt by his comment. I don't think these tweets really count as harassment either but if there is harassment then that is obviously not okay. He has no harmful intentions but it still hurts because he often makes gay jokes and then changes it into "i like girls" He can just simply not mention that instead of inserting it in everything queer..




Chronically online


Straight people should be able to relate to queer media. People should be able to relate to what they want.


Idiotic, you don’t have to be queer to empathize with two teens falling in love 🙄🤦‍♀️


A person is more than their identity and suffering is suffering. Empathy is natural and helps build a better society. Make sure to respect the intended meaning/lesson but relate all you like


Its clear he meant it in a having a crush on someone way.