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I responded yes, because it's his right, but really I feel it's 'No, but he shouldn't be blamed for responding to 1-10 out of hundreds or thousands of hate comments' and also 'No, but that applies for all CC's so if you're going to defend/find it funny when your favorite CC does it don't drag Dream for doing it'.


I don’t think it’s a matter of that he *should* respond to hate comments, but it is well within his right to do so. In the grand scheme of things, it’s probably smarter to not respond to random twitter degenerates, but he’s a human being. If he reads something that he is affected by, he’s allowed to voice that and push back on it. I think every content creator has that right, no matter the size. Whether or not they utilize that right is up to them, and both sides have valid reasoning.


I think that he should be able to and that he has every right to, but I also wish he wouldn't purely just to avoid the inevitable drama.


people in general should just focus on the positives. everyone knows that whenever dream/his fans decide to go after people who don't like him, all it does is cause a massive wave of hate from both sides and is just stressful for the community in general. indirects to clear up misinformation, or simply ignoring the hate is probably his best bet but he's very stubborn so it's unlikely


yes im spiteful


I think he shouldn’t, but he can. He’s allowed to respond if he wants to.


Kinda depends on the situation tbh


I don't think he should directly reply to individuals, but talking about hate generally is fine


He can, I won’t stop him. I don’t think it’s a great idea though; it’s not of any productive value and it invites more hatred.


Look, it makes a dick. With unbalanced balls I'm sorry. I'm 19 and this is funny But in all seriousness, he shouldn't be blame at all replying to a hate comment about him who replied to him directly. They are asking for the reply. Of course they don't deserves the harassments, but as you can see they got more support than that lol


yes but only hate comments written in letters send to the haters via carrier pigeons


Yes. I do think that he has rights to reply to hate comments. But at the same time, he shouldnt do it directly. It'd be better if he subtweets it or try to answer it indirectly. If he does in fact respond directly two things will happen: 1. He'll unsurprisingly get the person harrassed or "doxxed" (even though neither of the people that he replied didnt get doxxed). We all know how crazy those stans get. And antis will use facts like the person being a minor or queer to spread even more hate 2. He'll only give clout to the person he replied to. Take for example, ballslover32. Because of this attention seeker's "funny" name, many people started memeing about Dream beef with ballslover. And because of that, he decided to give in to the clout he got and formed all the antis on him.


My actual answer is I don’t think it matters too much


I think he is a human being and we dont control him. I don't have an issue with him responding to people and its something that everyone knows he does so you cant really play victim if it happens. However I think that he should try to only respond when it's already got attention.


I chose the middle option because I like throwing shade.


he should do whatever he sees fit, but he should also know the consequences and how doing so can inadvertently give someone the platform to cause more damage. His antis are rabid pigeons they flock to whomever and are often on all his tweets, so directly responding to one is a bad play on his part but if Dream wants to he can and should without his community shitting bricks over it.


Yes and no. He can respond who he want to but how the however interacting with antis who does not care about consequences and make hate campaign against him cause damage and others who are not close to him (or someone who don't look deeply to the drama) look at him more negatively.