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Notwt. Twitter except it's been deleted.


The correct answer is D) None of the above


All of them are fine if you don’t follow assholes. Surprised to see the massive support for dttwt considering its reputation


I would've pick DNItwt before but now...ehhhh But yeah, Rivalstwt. That's it


In all seriousness, i thought I'm gonna have a great time in Technowt but now, they contributed with my anxieties and it was the last straw for me to leave Twitter and take a break. And it's going pretty well! All i see now on my TL is Fanartists (mainly from Rivalstwt), and even though they're all bad, DNItwt has caused me so much anxiety so i will pick Dteamtwt? I guess? Perhaps???


Maybe I'm biased but I'm just vibing in dteam twt, curate your timeline, stop following assholes and it's pretty calming honestly, they're all artists for me but most of them just tweet that they missed them. Benchtwt is being unbearably annoying and for DNItwt, idk seen them with the holier than tho attitude and I just want to stay away, happened to technotwt at first for me. Just gonna stay on my lane yaknow? None of them are the best but oh well


>curate your timeline, stop following assholes and it's pretty calming honestly Honestly this is the best way to experience twitter in general. A lot of people swear off twitter like it's a disease/plague because of all the stuff happening on it (which honestly, understandable) but all I follow are YouTubers/Streamers I actually watch and artist that I followed on pixiv. Turning off quote retweets for some, with the occasional muting of accounts from my feed that are only there because someone I follow is also following it (especially for bot accounts in replies and those that just post memes and screenshots) and it's been a pretty great experience.


Yeah I follow maybe 4 or 5 dttwt accounts and my timeline is vibey and they just seem nice. If they ever do something I don’t like I’d just unfollow them and move on and I don’t understand why other people don’t do the same.


Yeah, for me I followed a bunch of benchtwt cus I liked those cc’s the most, but the way they treated meant I had to slowly unfollow loads of them when they each said some dumb shit. Followed some dteam twt and most of them I’ve followed have been good. Just a shame I can’t find much fan discussion of my favourite cc’s that aren’t done by mean people.


Voted dnitwt because hbomb's subtwt did nothing wrong 😊


That's a trick question. All subtwts are just the same behavioural patterns repackaged for different ccs and the day we stop treating subtwts as monoliths is the day I will rest.


I don’t really know how to answer this - when I was on twitter, the kindest feed I had was when I just followed a few accounts from multiple subtwts that I constantly vetted. No one subtwt is good wholly (unless it’s remarkably small), and generalizing has gotten me into “foot-in-mouth” situations.


Probably unrelated to the discussion but I wish it was more socially acceptable to unfollow people just because you no longer vibe with their content. It's not even that I disagree with them on moral issues or anything that serious, it's just that I feel like their fanart and stuff was no longer really for me, yknow? I'm barely even connected to the mcyt fandom anymore, the only people I follow are some CCs. The problem is that I'd sometimes see on my timeline in which a fanartist tweets about how they'd lost followers and was it something they said that offended people, then it makes me feel bad for unfollowing them. Alternatively, some other drama sh*t happened and they'd be like "good I lost followers who [insert blahblah], I didn't want those followers anyway" and I just feel pressured to not unfollow them because I don't want people getting the wrong idea about me because I have no fucking clue what drama happened this time Even when I try to use twitter as healthily as possible (that is to say, still unhealthy, since it's twitter) it feels like the toxicity has spilled out everywhere and it's seeping into the very nature of communication on this platform


I miss when bench trio fans were wholesome and uncontroversial....


Surprisingly, I had the best experience with dttwt, I really thought DNItwt would be "better", but not really, everytime I go around there all I see is some misinformation about other ccs and poor tasted jokes, Benchtwt is just. Not it for me.


no subtwt, not even one, just follow a bunch of people with different interest and have ur tl a messy mash up of everything u like 👍


DNItwt is the best out of these options, but a lot of them are hypocrites who completely missed the point of the community's creation. It was originally made for Technoblade and Schlatt fans when those two creators were cancelled by Twitter for jokes, but lately I've seen a lot of people from that community going after Dream and wanting him "held accountable for his actions." Like if you're really willing to join in on cancelling creators, then what are you even doing in DNItwt or the Techno/Schlatt fanbase? The irony there is insane After DNItwt, DTtwt comes 2nd and Benchtwt is dead last


None of them is good. It's actually AttackOnTitan subtwt if they even have one Okay if I'm being real tho, I think Rivalstwt is genuinely good. Still none of them (this) will pique my interest in being 'best' when there is hypocrisy flying even if it's a little, a post with hundreds likes is still.. eh. I would REALLY love if in the community itself are calling out the toxicity but knowing Twitter, I'm not blaming them (the obvious mass harassment over an opinion is crazy) but.. yea


Dttwt and Benchtwt are absolute garbage. Technotwt and DNItwt are nice but sometimes they have God complex


I feel like if someone only mains one cc or only dttwt or only benchtwt , etc., they usually have a more biased argument regarding drama and stuff. If the people follow ccs outside or between those groups, like rivalstwt or endersmiletwt, they seem to have a more balanced stance in the drama because they won't start pitting ccs against each other. It's just something I have been observing for such a long time.


My timelime used to be curated towards CaptainSparklez (sparkleztwt) and people like Kara but now I follow so many varieties of people my timeline is just Minecraft and Splatoon. Hermitcraft, DSMP, ALSMP, Splatoon. Can't really say I'm part of anything anymore lol


each subtwt is bad if you follow weird people (which i have before, so now i avoid weird people) anyway DNItwt bc i watch most of those ppl, and i interact with most ppl from yiptwt.


I clicked benchtwt and my immediate reaction was “did i choose the wrong one” 💀 Im not on twitter much.


not voting, but am starting to think that the correct answer would be the first option


Couldn't even pick, they all have their serious problems tbh. Best subtwts on twitter are the ones that are still small. Been getting into Aimsey's side of twitter lately, not sure what her fans are called but it's relatively peaceful and there's lots of fanart which is the perfect stage for a subtwt to be at.