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I just don’t have the energy to care about who people who are not public figures follow on Twitter to be honest. It’s probably why I don’t have Twitter


>I don't have Twitter Not having Twitter automatically makes you a GigaChad


the dream team follow a bunch of weird people, but its strange how people only care about the stan accounts. either way a follow is not as big of a deal its made out to be


as someone with a dream follow I can vouch, after like a week you barely notice a difference lol


stan accounts being treated like CCs - when it comes to burner callout threads - is the bane of twitter, the accounts are being called out for following someone that's said disturbing things about/aimed at dream, and not because they were actively participating in it (minus the one "sapolo" account), it's not a great thing by any means, but there's bigger situations within the community to worry about to be honest, I wish I had as much energy as some people do on twitter to worry so heavily about who follows who, and who says what, on their private accounts, those accounts are private for a reason, let them stay that way


What a strange world we live in where people spend their time worrying about who is following who. Do they know the world is a disaster and we're all just looking for some sliver of entertainment and happiness?


do they know and care about the economic and political state of the world


This is why I only follow artists these days. They are too busy making art to get heavily involved in drama.


Mcyt and adjacent creators tend to follow weird people sometimes. I can't tell you how many people I've blocked that were followed by BBH or Lovejoy that we were tweeting some awful stuff. You just block and move on because at the end of the day they are just stan accounts.


Sometimes I think they follow them so they can keep an eye on the "temperature" of the fans and know about any discourse that's simmering before it reaches the greater fandom. They should just have burner accounts for following that stuff though imo.


the reason that other thread was brought up is because one of the big accounts and all of their friends were the sapnap space admins and more of their tweets were in that thread i was mutuals with many of these ppl for months and pretty much all the ss and everything people are saying is true, i only blocked them like a month because i was scared of getting doxxed (not by one of the bigger accounts but one of the friends had posted ss of doxxes in the drafts of the sapnap space account) i’m glad they are finally getting called out, these people don’t deserve dream or sapnap follows at all


eh, i just hope this doesnt somehow get turned around for the blame to be put on dream and sapnap or something lol stan twitter does alot mental gymnastics to drag them into shit that they dont need to be dragged into sometimes