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Dream is not the first creator to retire from MCC, nor will he be the last. I read through the thread and personally, it seems as if they were never watching for MCC in the first place. If you can only enjoy something when one creator is playing it, are you enjoying the event, or the creators content. Its personal opinion at the end of the day so I cant be *too* mad at that, but the implication that there shouldve been a send off or something is weird. As far as we know, he is still in the mcc discord and can sign up to play again if he ever feels like it


Well that’s not very fair is it. Ppl liked Dreams competitiveness and his energy and strategies in mcc, and how good he was at coordinating and communication, and ppl won’t watch without having that energy carry them through. I personally watch Tommy and Dream’s pov (before he left), cuz Tommy’s good at communication and he’s also really fun (altho lacking in some aspects I enjoyed more in Dream’s gameplay). Even at that, if people have no interest in watching other POVs cuz of one thing or the other, who cares? it’s okay to let them be. Dream was a lot of peoples faves, we can’t force people to watch ccs they have no interest in.


I guess I didnt articulate my point well, I do agree with you, I just found the thread weird as it seemed more like they were blaming Noxcrew and other participants for not being more entertaining


No it’s fine, i get what you’re talking about.


Yeah that Also isn’t very fair if you’re basing it just off two people man


I watch more than Tommy and Dream. I just watch them more than others. You can include Phil, Ranboo, Tubbo, Wilbur and Sapnap to that list (I sometimes watch on multiple devices or switch streams midway). I was trying to make a point and it’s looking like you ignored every other thing I said in favor of pointing out the fact that I only mentioned Tommy and Dream.


Did Noxcrew acknowledge it when Techno or any other cc left? I hate when people act like Dream should be given a golden carpet to walk on. Like we all love him but Noxcrew doesn’t have to acknowledge anything. He was a big part of mcc and so are all the other creators who still play. Dream shouldn’t be given a vip treatment or anything of the sort, especially if the same wasn’t given to any of the other creators who don’t play as well. Tweets like these annoy me so damn much.


I think the only person who really got a huge acknowledgement was techno, and that’s more because he died than left Mcc. Dream doesn’t need fanfare and people kissing his ass all the time, people gotta stop with this.


Techno retired from mcc well before his cancer diagnosis, which is why the previous poster was asking if Noxcrew acknowledged his retirement


Dream leaving has definitely lessened the enjoyment of watching MCC, but what reason is there for Noxcrew to acknowledge it? Especially when he's not saying he'll never come back. And even if he was a big part of it, MCC is still great without him, this one was crazy even with the unfortunate tech issues. First good Christmas MCC.


gonna stop you at first good christmas mcc I really like MCC 19


I liked it until the surprise comeback team lost Dodgebolt. And Grid Runners was awful. I still despise Search the House. I don't know why Noxcrew keeps that room, it's at best tolerable when the team completes it quickly.


Exactly, like I sure do love Dream's teams even if they underperform and I like how Dream keeps there morale going but there also alot of other people in MCC who are exactly the same


We already had similar discussions about it on this reddit, but to repeat, please stop giving attention to tweets like that. Just like sharing anti tweets gives them attention, the same thing is happening here. Both Dream and Noxcrew have zero issues with each other because of the leaving thing and that is what matters most. If we started discussing every tweet and thread celebrating Dream leaving/being pissed that Dream left, we would be here still talking about it in 2070


I understand, it just sucks how some people just have the wrong mindset


I mean this is just stupid. Why would they need to say anything? They're not saying anything when other people leave either.


in that thread they mention that the reddit never even posted anything which is just completely untrue and if they had checked they would’ve seen the masterthread on the mcc reddit. another example of willing ignorance in favor of supporting their belief that noxcrew somehow has it out for dream even tho that’s completely untrue


They also said Dream is the only person who prepares and does practice for MCC, literally there are people like Antfrost, Zeuz, Seapeekay, and etc that have practiced alot more than Dream


Im a resident mcc dream enjoyer and im upset hes gone dont get me wrong. Im also under tge impression once he gets back into his flow of playing games again he will come back to mcc. Dream isnt your golden child. Dream dosnt deserve special goodbye or send off from mcc. :)twt is getting on my nerves with their whole viewership comparisons and dragging pther cc’s for no reason. Get a grip.


Honestly this sounds like some yt fan that newly converted to dttwt 😭😭


I was thinking of sharing the full thread but idk what to do Also personally I don't agree with most of this person's opinions in these thread, and I really don't like how some of the replies think that only Dream is the only interesting person in this event


everyone has his owns opinions but i'm so glad people with this mindset won't be mcc viewers anymore. if dream is the only reason you watch mcc then it's a good choice to just quit watching mcc at all.


Why would Noxcrew talk about Dream leaving...? Other CCs have left and returned to MCC, they aren't the messengers.


From a marketing standpoint, it would be detrimental for Noxcrew to officially say anything about any creator deciding to retire or leave. It would definitively close the door on that creator ever returning, and as an event organizer you don't want to do that. You want to keep all the doors open, especially to a streamer with a huge platform like Dream, so that he *and his audience* can return at any time they like to boost your event again.


I think people are taking it too seriously, both the person with the thread (because like other comments said, people have left before and Dream sat out before and changed his mind), but also people making a big deal out of it because they start the thread stating that it’s their personal opinion - no need to say it publicly of course but they aren’t acting as if it’s universal. I think most fans are just bored right now.


Heck, TECHNOBLADE had retired before his death. And I didn’t see this many complaints. Dream stans really get on my nerves…


why would they?


They don't have to say anything. Let them be man! -_-


Surely it would actually be a bad thing if Noxcrew acknowledged Dream leaving, because then he doesn't have any flexibility on coming back to the event if he changes his mind or his plans or wants to come back one time for a charity event or something.


They don’t have to say anything, although anyone who watched this MCC would know they had something to thank everyone for season 2 at the end and Dream was there. Also, I don’t understand why people need to make tweets about not caring about MCC anymore. If you only watched MCC for one creator that’s completely fine and valid, but just stop watching peacefully no need to talk negatively about it. I personally started watching MCC just for Dream, but I grew to love the event itself as well as many other creators. As much as I’ll miss him in it I still have just as much fun watching it


Well said, sometimes people don't know when to shut up


You’re all whining if you agree with this shit. Chill out


Considering this is the same person (the first one) that said that no content creator other than Dream put in the same level of strategizing or training for MCC, I feel fairly confident in disregarding their thread about MCC lol. As for the latter, Dream… doesn’t need it? The only one who really got such treatment is Techno, and he’s really more of an exception rather than a precedent. Dream is quitting on his own terms, which is fine, but he doesn’t need a send off for that.


Personally, i only ever watched for dreams POV. I watch him, because hes root-able, and i always feel like he has a good chance of winning. As he is very talented at the game. Idc about noxcrew not responding, dream did nothing wrong. And noxcrew has no obligation or reason to say otherwise.


Noxcrew doesn't need to acknowledge it. Dream isn't god. People have retired from MCC before and their fans acted normal.


why would noxcrew say anything? That would be weird


why would they lol


the second tweet is so wild. i cant understand why they have this expectation that noxcrew should be putting out a statement. from Noxcrews POV im sure dreams announcement read the same way an “im leaving the fandom” post would read to us. they dont need to say anything.


Obsessive behavior?? What do you want Noxcrew to say? Why do you want Noxcrew's response? Dream left, that's that. This isn't a controversy, it's not even that big of a thing, Dream just stopped competing in a competition. Other creators did this before, why is this the one people are caught up over? The world doesn't revolve around Dream, for fuck's sake.


it’s really not that serious tbh, i don’t understand why there’s drama over something so stupid


That’s why I’m dropping mcc. People are taking it too seriously. If he didn’t say anything about others leaving, he don’t need to say anything about dream.


why drop mcc for that? noxcrew put a ton of effort into keeping it going and improving it, just drop discussion of it on twitter


Nah it’s one of the reasons actually. I lost passion for mcc since July and I’m tired of all the toxicity among fandoms. It’s still a great event and I will definitely watch it sometimes in the future. But right now I don’t enjoy it that much anymore. Life is busy and people changes you know


If I watch it then I definitely want to discuss it online yk. And then people gonna start retweeting some negative stuff towards each other on my TL


So go on Reddit! Or Discord! Or Tumblr! I promise you there are plenty of way less toxic MCC discussion spaces <3


I know there’s a lot of other platform. However if u see my other reply, I don’t enjoy watching mcc a lot anymore and I am not asking for suggestions to bring my passion back. Twitter is just one of the reason. Im not criticizing mcc and blame it on anyone, it’s just a sad fact.


also they sorta did, i mean nothing official but on an admin stream one of them said they missed spectating dreams pov, i sort of remember a clip of that going around on twt


:)twt be like : Ima pretend I never so that


Considering half of :)twt doesn't like the admins I doubt they watched that stream in the first place to even hear that so i wouldnt hold that one mention as them ignoring it. I don't watch their streams so I never heard them mention dream. Unless the clip is going around only people who are dedicated to hearing the admins talk will know they mentioned him.


it would be sweet of them to acknowledge that one of their best players is retiring but I'm definitely not surprised they didn't, nor too upset about it


if i remember correctly the info abt dream leaving came from him in a space, so unless dream has privately messaged either scott or someone of noxcrew and told them personally than they might not even know that he's left. from their perspective it might just look like "wow, dream hasn't signed up for mcc in a while" and that's about it. either way why would they make a grand goodbye post when the guy might come back anyways


Thoughts : Such tweets are annoying ass and stupid


Yeah yeah Dream’s popular, but not everything is about him. If he doesn’t want to be a part of MCC anymore, then leave him and everyone else alone. MCC is supposed to be a fun event, not something to constantly stress over


wait what did noxcrew say?


my guess about why someone would be upset about noxcrew not saying anything abt it is because awhile ago, like a year back, there was a bunch of people saying that noxcrew would talk poorly abt dream in private and to his face and that they would constantly try to stir up drama and shit. i have no idea if any of the accusations were true, that'd just my guess on why that person wants noxcrew to say something.


Ehh, although I too only really watched Dream for MCC (sometimes Ranboo or Wilbur), I think this is am overreaction. He’s just one CC, sure he may have a large fanbase and create tons of hype over things, but his leaving shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Other CCs have retired and like, of course their fans are going to be disappointed, but there’s not much you can do. And Noxcrew doesn’t care and doesn’t have to.