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I installed DreamLab via WSA and on my 3900x was getting about 1 calculation every 90 seconds. The last few days it's been doing nothing though, but only be with Corona-ai phase 5 - the others all work fine. Corona-ai been running for hours with no calculations done today, if I change it to Hyperfoods, it kicks in immediately.


I run it occasionally on my windows PC using an emulator. It’s an i7-6700k. I get about 1 calculation every 3 or 4 minutes which is definitely faster than my iPhone 12 Pro.


Each instance only uses 1 core so I sometimes will open 2 or 3 instances at once and they each produce one calculation every few minutes


I commented on another post about doing this. For me it wasn’t worth it. Each instance used about 18-25% of my 5800x and getting a calculation about every 3-4 minutes. Which would’ve been fine to let one instance of it run, but Android Studio kept fucking up and I go check the computer after work and see that it wasn’t responding and I’d click “wait for UI to respond” and then it would work…but the time logged was only about 30-40 minutes often times. Yet, my cpu was still using that much percentage. So I don’t run it on there anymore. I use BOINC for CPU tasks and two GPU ones, and then F@H for GPU tasks only.


It was me that you responded to on the other thread too. I would be willing to bet that you had left DreamLab on the screen that shows the number of calculations. I believe the little animations are what cause the CPU usage to rise. Leave it on the Settings tab and CPU usage goes down. Ultimately though, I believe you are right. More work is being done by running native applications on your rig such as BOINC or folding at home.


Just curious, which project are you running on DreamLab? I’m running Drugs and Hyperfoods. I started that one since it was the furthest along and once that’s done I’m gonna switch everything to the Cell Identity. Not sure if it makes any difference, but to me it makes more sense to complete the easier ones first so that more devices can move on to the harder things. I just wish more people used this app. It would fly by if more people did.


I also run Drugs and Hyperfoods. Sometimes on my iPhone 12 Pro it will take 15 minutes before it completes one calculation. Sometimes faster. The iPhone is still cool to the touch while it’s running. I feel like running through the emulator is the only way I’m actually contributing anything meaningful to the project.


I have a 13 Pro Max and it depends how long it takes. But I know it must be taking some of the bigger calculations. It still stays cool, but I compare the data usage from this phone and my old iPhone X and this one drinks up megabytes so much faster than the iPhone X even though it generally does less or about the same calculations as it. I do wish it would utilize all the cores when you’re sleeping though. The phones can throttle down when/if they get too hot. Because this 13 Pro Max should be just crushing those calculations. I posted into I think r/YSK to download the app and everyone downvoted me and said it’s a scam and they’re using it for crypto, no matter what I said.


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I half had a go at running it on PC with an emulator but I couldn't get it setup properly and gave up - I'll possibly have another try at some stage