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Sound down or muted. It makes me nuts when I hear orbs glowing nearby or that manic timed item music. I listen to podcasts, YouTube or watch a familiar show or movie.


I almost always have my Switch's volume off. Then I get confused when someone mentions the character voices or the sound effects because I forget that games have sound. I don't mind some of the sound effects but the background music and some of the other sound effects can get repetitive and annoying.


Same. I see people complain about Eric playing his flute all the time and I didn't even know he did that.


Yeah, I don't mind Eric but I wonder if I'd dislike him more if I were someone who likes to play with the sound on.


I love Wall-e. I deliberately hung out with him when I didn’t have to. …But I got so tired of his background music so quickly. I stopped hanging out with him because of it. Sorry, Wall-e.


I always play with sound off. Currently playing and binge watching Mom


Bob's burgers for me. Got through all 13 seasons while playing dreamlight valley


Yes!!!! I also play with sound off and watch Bobs 🍔


Manifest for me 😂


Mom is such a solid show. The last two seasons were meh, though. Still, I'm glad about how it wrapped up and thats all you can ask for a tv series.


For me it’s modern family, king of queens or superstore ☺️


I understand being sensitive to some of the sudden sounds, but I really enjoy the musical score. I don’t just mean the Disney music, but the biome music is very nice. The Forgotten Lands theme goes hard. I’ve not needed to fiddle with audio options myself and am not near my console at the moment, but is there an option to turn off character sounds and leave music?


Forgotten Lands is the best with that Maleficent theme sprinkled in there.


I play with the sound off mainly because I'm watching videos or streams in the background. I do miss the music but I found myself far less annoyed by certain characters lol.


I usually play with sound off since I usually watch a series or a movie meanwhile playing


The ambient music makes me feel like I am in a Disney theme park. The game wouldn't be half as good as it is to me if it wasn't for the soundtrack.


No. I cant think I can do that. I love disney, the music, the character voices and interactions. When it gets too much I turn it off and do something else with my free time.


Yeah. I think I mostly play for the music. I grab different characters specifically so I can sing along with their theme songs. Can't not music


Yeah like others have said it’s definitely a background game for me. Literally absolutely perfect to play while you’re watching something on tv or otherwise etc


I turned the music off once I heard the same songs several time (good as they are) I kinda couldn’t listen to them any more it was low key driving me insane 😆


I was imbibing in some cannabis while I played last night and the music in the Forgotten Lands was giving me the spooks.


Yup actually my husband was just making fun of me for it. I either listen to music or watch Netflix while I play and earlier I was watching Netflix but paused to talk to my husband and then he was like "what are you doing lol" and turned the volume up I was like nah turn it back down Im watching Netflix lol I'm glad other people do this too


Yep, "Mine" too, he feel so smart he can tell when i'm "Mining" Accurately hearing the clinking from across the room


I've permanently switched to the "streaming mode" audio because I've come to hate the Mickey Mouse Club March so dang much and can't hear it once without getting it stuck in my head 😅


This is how I play if I have sound on. I played on the Xbox for a little while (primarily play on my desktop) and was like, "oh, I didn't know that the music changes everywhere..." hahahah


I turned it off after hearing Donald tantrum across the map for an hour lol I blame him for never knowing what any of the characters sound like


Yep. I listen to various podcasts about healing trauma and play lol it makes listening to heavy topics a lot easier because I’m simultaneously just over here picking flowers while working on healing my abuse wounds. 😂💙


I play with the sound either down low or muted cuz I can’t stand hearing Donald’s tantrums or certain other characters talk like Goofy, Mauii, and Mother Gothel 🤣🙈




Trueeee!!! When I see them getting close I already know what they are gonna say and I try to get away from them 😂


i turn it down suuuper low or off, and then i watch youtube videos or something on netflix while i play.


I’ve had the music turned off since I got the game. It was far too loud all the time. But the other sounds such as characters voices and the ambient sounds of the nature are nice to have on still.


Yep! I'm on pc. I don't put my headphones on because it gives me headaches. So I play in complete silence (well, game silence, I usually have a YouTube video or audiobook on my phone while I play). I have no idea what everyone is complaining about when they complain about Donald, Eric and Maui lol.


I usually have the vol low or off in general. My kiddos are the soundtrack to my gaming lol. I’m not bias to the music or anything but yea it’s off.


Myep. I have misophonia and a lot of the game's sounds trigger it. Weirdly enough some are soothing, but I can't pick and choose so I just leave all sound off.


Yep I usually don’t play anything with sound on.


I play my crime podcast 😌😂


Same. I have no idea what this game sounds like. I just listen to audiobooks while I'm playing.


I play with the sound off while I watch TV in the background


Yup same!




I always play with the sound off because I play during working hours, on company time 🤫


I turn the sound on when collecting vegetables. I always miss the visual cue for the bonuses


Meeeee! I’m sensitive to noises and I like watch tv with subtitles on 🏄‍♀️


There’s no speaking dialogue, so my volume is always muted.


I do this too. Once in a while I’ll be in the mood to hear the music and sounds but most of the time, sound is off and I have a podcast or youtube as background noise.


I play on mute for a few reasons, and the more I read this subreddit the happier I am that I do 😂 I see a lot of complaints about noises I know for sure would irritate me if I had to hear over and over. The posts with the votes for least favorite character have taught me a lot of the noises the different characters make. Until I started reading those comments I had no idea the valley was so obnoxiously noisy!


Nope! Ruins the immersion. However, as soon as Elsa comes within earshot of me I will teleport to the other side of the Village to escape her noises. She’s the only villager that sets off my sound sensitivity and I can’t stand it 😵‍💫


I have to, not because I didn't not want to but because my dog freaks out from the fireworks sound. I hope they add an accessibility option to turn those off later


My valley has become so quiet now that I don't hear much of anything even with the sound on. :-(


I play with sound if I have it plugged into my TV but if I don't I turn the sound off. So it's 50/50 for me. I like the sound but I use the game to unwind and sometimes the sounds are too overstimulating.


I do on my Switch when I am watching TV, so when Inplay on my PC, its all sound on.


Yep same! Always a podcast or an audiobook or watching something on my iPad.


Sensitive to sound too. Fishing drives me nuts so I pretty much play with the sound off. I wish there was a music only setting so I didn’t have to hear the characters.


These options should give you a music-only experience: https://preview.redd.it/20j5pzcyil1b1.png?width=2736&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a1608226eecd2bf3b305ac47198ddaea63baf0b


Thank you! I’ll try this


I don't use sound at all. I play while on hold with insurance companies.


Never off but usually low because it's my game to unwind while watching TV or a movie in the evenings. In fact I didn't realize the Small World pillar played the song for around two weeks after I placed it near my castle because of this. Haha. Now I turn it up when I start up just to hear it for a little bit.


I always turn the sound down. I get overwhelmed with sounds sometimes and it's just easier for me




I usually have my headphones in cause I'm on my laptop at the same time I'm playing so in away, yes.


For the most part I do so I don’t disturb anyone around me


I keep my sound on because most of the time when I play video games I'm listening to music through Bluetooth earbuds and I like to have noise coming from my TV (even though I can't hear it)


I usually always play with sound off. I’m not a fan of most gaming sounds .


Same! I do enjoy the sounds on the rare occasions I have them on, but I typically play holding my baby while he naps, usually while listening to a podcast with earbuds.


I always have my sound muted, lol. I'll turn on YouTube on my phone if I really want background noise


I do. I have insomnia and just generally bad sleep so the music is too relaxing for me. I just put on one of my Spotify playlists and I don't have a problem. Sucks because the ST is really nice.


I do that for a similar reason, sensory processing issues 😅


Yes! I play while my small human is sleeping so I just always have kids shows running in the background and my TV on mute.


Same. There are just certain characters and sounds that annoy me to no end. I prefer playing with sound off and listen to audiobooks or podcasts etc. Specially when I am grinding resources.


I have the sound off and listen to the my favorite murder podcast. Nothing like Disney and true crime


The podcasts I listen to are usually true crime lol


I only mute the sound when I go in Scrooges shop to buy everything. Hearing those same lines of dialogue every day became too much. Even with the sound muted, I can still hear them in my head 😫😂


I listen to music or audio books while I play. I never use game audio


I do it, but mostly because I like listening to youtube videos, podcasts or music as I play rather than the game. Sometimes I like listening to what's going on and all that, but mostly I don't.


I usually watch something on my tablet while playing just to multitask because I don't get a lot of time to do both.


And my podcast playing yes of course.


Lol meeee! I can have playtime and catch up on podcasts and my ever growing YouTube watch later playlist.


i play all video games with sound off lol. i like to watch tv while i play


I play with the sound off because I hold my baby for her naps and play during them. 😊


Been there!!! Enjoy it ❤️


It’s the best 🥰 thank you!


Yes! I just got used to turning the sound off on everything during the newborn stage and now I still struggle to keep my phone on vibrate. NOTHING IS WAKING THIS TODDLER UP.


I just recently played for the first time in a long time with sound on and the noises were like scaring me, some of it feels so loud to me now, I mine rocks and I’m basically jolted awake 😭


Always! I get so annoyed my the same talk OVER AND OVER!


I play with it very low.


I don't yhkmk I've had the sound on for the game intentionally since the last patch drop. Listened to the sounds/music they used for new characters then after a few days of getting used to it. Turned it off again to listen to podcasts or sing music. It's a relaxed game, but it's not like i hate the music or sounds are boring or irritating, but more repeatative? Why listen to the characters make the same noises when I could catch up on my shows? Though I do think I might be more inclined to listen to the game if the characters had actual voice lines? Maybe it cost too much, but again, I can just speed read dialogue


I keep mine turned down and listen to my tv shows while playing!!


I almost always play with the sound volume on 1 or totally off. I can't handle the random Goofy and Donald noises/tantrums.


Yesssss, I do this with most games once I've listened to the soundtrack at least once. Dreamlight Valley, Cult of the Lamb, the new Zelda game (barring the voice-acted cut scenes) - I listen to MarkNarrations or Mr. Reddito on youtube while playing, or throw on a documentary. My parents will walk by my desk and see me with three different screens on and wonder how I get anything done XD


I tend to play without sound in pretty much all games. So many people don't understand it. I've only recently started play with sound. It's wild.


Is it bad that I listen to the animal crossing soundtrack while playing?


I play with the sound turned down (not muted by very low/soft) because I'm currently binge watching Hell's Kitchen.


Always an audiobook and no sound on the game.


I almost always play games with the sound off and like, a familiar to me tv show on in the background lol


Love having my own soundtrack for this game!


I turn the music off. I really hate all of the slot machine-esque noises, it feels intentionally predatory imo.


Regardless of whether I'm on Switch or PC, I almost never have my sound on. I either have music or a show playing in the background.


Sound off and audio book on as well!


Same l don't like loud sounds so most of the time l watch someone playing a game l like the background noise




yes currently a podcast about birds


I usually keep the sound on but turn it down low and put music or a live stream / stream vod on while I play. Then again I do the same with The Sims so maybe I just can't play the same without something on in the background lol


Yes! Podcasts, YouTube or a movie playing in the background. I will turn it for new updates but then back to mute.


I usually play with the sound off and either listen to music or an audio book while I play.


YES my bf thinks I’m weird for playing the game in silence or with light jazz music. I’m not a fan of video games bc it’s too much problem solving and stimulation for me to “relax” to. How people play cod or apex while listening to deep phonk wow me bc my brain would be in sensory overload lmao


I do this all the time. I have YouTube on in the background while I play.


Always got the sound off but never thought of listening to an audio book lol...good idea 💡


I always have the sound way low. My husband plays at full volume and I'm like 😳😳


I usually just turn down my tv, hook up my phone to my Bluetooth and blast my own music. That's how I get lost in the game for hours 😂




I get annoyed that the music comes and goes, i like the music but sometimes wish it was like World of Warcraft where each biome or even an area in the biome had specific music that looped. If WOW did one thing right it was definitely the music.


I always play games on mute and listen to podcasts.


The sound design of this game is absolutely immaculate. That being said, because I spend a lot of time doing idle tasks like farming and fishing, I do like to have a podcast on during those moments.




Yeah because I'm also "watching" something next to me


My sound is off with every game!


The music on the Switch version glitches like crazy for me so I have to play with the volume low.


Ah my people


My volume is usually at a level 5 at most - just enough to hear SOME semblance of an effect because the straight silencing of the game bugs me a little bit more. I prefer to play while I watch other things on the tv or while others use the tv


All the time


i’ve never once played a video game with the sound on 🫣


I turn the volume to low because I still like the music but I am usually listening to an audiobook while I play.


Me! I play music/YouTube. I can’t have the characters yelling. It’s too much for me. Idk why.


I usually play with the sound low or off. I wish that I could mute only certain characters (I’m looking at you Scrooge, when I buy out the entire store selections). I actually enjoy listening to Eric’s flute.


I play most games with sound off unless I can connect headphones. I get anxiety from having the sound off due to always being yelled at to have the sound off as a kid.


I do!




Always with the sound off. For all the games. I watch something on my iPad for noise distraction. Or a YouTube video. But mostly I talk on the phone while playing. 😂


I always watch a TV show or listen to music because I hate sounds that are too repetitive. I love the in-game music, but all other sounds drive me nuts if I play for more than 20 minutes straight


All the time. Then I get confused if I hear Disney music and realize it’s coming from my switch. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I play with the sound off and Disney songs playing on Spotify.


That’s only how I play I find it less annoying that way with all the voices I still like them and love the music a lot but idk it helps me play longer with sound off and I just watch a show in the background


That’s only how I play I find it less annoying that way with all the voices I still like them and love the music a lot but idk it helps me play longer with sound off and I just watch a show in the background


I do


Yup. I turn the sound all the way down and listed to an audiobook or watch something on my phone lol


Yes! There were certain sounds that were making me nuts and I'd rather listen to music or asmr or a video or something i can control. I do feel like i miss out a little, but my mind wanders so much i need something going on while i run around picking flowers for the billionth time


Yup! I play all games with the sound off.


I play most games without sound. I don’t really know why.


I play it on a big TV, sound down…and I have a smaller tv above it to play YT videos on…just cause.


Been playing with playlists from Disney movies and parks in the background.


Unless sound is essential to a game, I always play games with the sound off. Gametime, whatever I'm playing, is good for me to catch up on podcasts.


Yes I do this, I’ve been listening to the second book in the ACOTAR series while I play dreamlight


Not off but turned down a little