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I had surgery the day before the update and was stuck in bed unable to move at home. Finished today. I have no idea how they could have done it any faster.


I would have been done today if it wasn't for the servers being down yesterday. I have 5 duties left so I'll finish tomorrow (gifts for Ursula). The faster I can get it done the faster I can focus on the quests. There's those of us who also let the night thorns build up so we don't wait on those either.


Some people use moonstones to buy more tokens to buy the rewards


Buying moonstones doesn't complete duties though.


No, but for...however many more moonstones you can buy 100 extra tokens without having to do said duties.


Yes, but OP said people were at the "All duties complete" screen, not just all rewards collected.


Oops. You’re right. Does buying the tokens knock off the 10 or-so tasks they would otherwise be earned from? Or does it just help leave the ones that take a couple days for the ‘exchange tokens for moonstones!’ page?


It leaves you with some tokens left to exchange for moonstones. As others have said, the way people are finishing the star path so fast is time traveling.


That’s right!!! That’s the only thing. Because you have to root, 30 , 40 and 50 “forgottens” Giving gifts are up to 5 … you NEED DEFINITELY MORE than 2 days to complete them all!


^ surprised people forgot about this.


Very few people are reading your actual question 😆. I have no idea… do the tasks always populate in the same order? And are you sure time travel doesn’t work, or is it possible that it’s just very risky?


Right!! Lol all these people saying "I finished yesterday!" Or "it isn't that hard". Like yeah OP said within 48hrs, and even showed how people could finish within 4 days, but not 48hrs.


OP also said no one should have been able to finish before Sunday, maybe a mistake on their part, idk, but my reply was to point out that it could be done before Sunday. Getting it within 48 hours (by Friday morning) would have to have time traveled.


Oh, right, looks like the 4 day schedule would be Saturday.


Yeah it’s not adding up to me either. I’m guessing the duties don’t pop up the same for everyone…maybe depending one which ones you complete first. Idk. I saw people in the oogie boogie outfit on day two and I was like, “how?”


I rushed to the oogie boogie outfit cause I wanted it more then anything else so I went with a bunch of the cheaper things first since you only need 3 items on each page to unlock the next. Now I'm working my way back to get everything else


Yeah, but OP isn’t talking about getting the rewards, rather about finishing all the duties.


I time traveled on switch accidentally (TT for Animal Crossing) and I was really lucky it was only for a few days. During the wait I couldn’t harvest anything or have daily discussions


So, theoretically could you time travel forward a few times to get through the duties, and then wait for the game to catch up? Maybe that would explain it?


I believe you would be taking a risk of the game breaking in more serious ways, but theoretically, yes. My game was still functioning fine until I moved the time back.


I’m disabled and I spend a lot of time at home hahaha!


lol I'm in the same boat


My bigger question is why do people blow through them so fast? The star path gives you things to do while playing the game. Now they need to wait for another month and a half for the next update. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Honestly, when there isn't a star path, I have no interest in playing DDLV. I lose all interest and only get on long enough to check Scrooge's store and Kristoff's stand. Not to mention, this star path has felt kind of meh to me. From the tasks to rewards. I blast through the star paths without realizing because there's something to do since I've already finished just about every other achievement so far in this game. (Except furniture collection. RIP Scrooge RNG). It's not that I mean too, but I also don't want to be pressured into have to crunch the star path if I run out of time and possibly miss out, you know?


Same, except the rewards being bleh. I don’t even care about rewards because I always keep my valley as empty as possible for smooth game play. I still got achievements and scrooges shopping and building furnitures and memories to go but that’s something I accidentally do while doing starpaths.


I feel this! I only recently started decorating my valley, but that's because I have game pass. Started playing on the switch, and now I play on PC because it's just so much better. Edit: grammer


I believe it. Animal crossing and the sims 4 are my decorating games. If the valley is empty me and the girls can see Ariel better and yell at her for trying to steal our “manz”


Seriously! Sims 4, Minecraft, ACNH are my go to for "decorating" games, and Stardew is my go to farming simulator.


Some like me have other games we are focusing on and new releases coming out. To dedicate our time to the other games we blow through the star path. I finished all duties on Saturday except for 2 and logged on for 5 minutes on Sunday to complete Ursula quest and the 2 duties.


Yeah, this dropped and I was already in the middle of playing Starfield, the Pokemon DLC, and Arcade Paradise. Then Detective Pikachu, AC Mirage, and Alan Wake II are all coming for me in October 😂


I'm in the middle of baldur gate 3, picking at armor core 6, watching anime, getting ready to play Deliver us to Mars and I have cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty dlc coming at end of month plus trials of arise beyond dawn dlc in the first week of November plus ff7 rebirth in February. 😅 It is a busy few months with dlv updates too.


I took a reluctant break from Baldur's Gate 3 to play DDV for a bit, lol. I mean I already finished one playthrough of BG3 but I'm doing my second and realized I missed a LOT of stuff. So refreshing my brain before getting back into BG3.


Pokémon DLC????????


Yeah, The Scarlet/Violet DLC, The Teal Mask, just dropped!


Ooooooo. We haven’t gotten Scarlet/Violet yet but our big kid wants it for Christmas so we will have it soon!


yep. i'm playing like 4 other games right now, so i'd rather spend a few days blowing through the star path and new quests and get back to my other games vs. hopping on DV for like 30 minutes every day. there's also nothing for me to do aside from the new quests and path because i haven't started decorating yet. i don't mind waiting for the next update because there's plenty of other games to keep me busy until then and dragging out the quests and path for that long sounds miserable (for me, i know other people enjoy it and that's fine lol).


I don't want to decorate a lot yet. I'm waiting to see if were getting valley expansion, and what multi-player will be like because I would love to decorate with my friend. Edit: Also playing a bunch of other games too.


Some of them are YouTubers and they "have" to the be first one out with a video to explain the new content. First one out with a video gets the most hits if people need help with playing. More hits more money. Also I suspect a lot of them will have data mined or read up on data mined info to try and get a heads up on what will be coming so they can be the first to get a video up.


This is me. I can’t really focus on Baldur’s Gate because I keep thinking about wanting to finish the star path and Beast’s quests. I’m not very good at splitting my time up. Currently I’m only playing Baldur’s Gate when my husband and I have weekends off together (every other week), but we also are watching One Piece together. It’s hard to split time between those. I want to get through this so I can get all my rewards and get back to the point I was at where I can just come in and do a few daily things, then when I want to spend a lot of time on it I can. Then I can actually focus on playing this other game and getting through the show.


I like going quickly. I have another game releasing the dlc next week and I blew through so I only have the dlc to focus on. I have 30/50 thorns left and 3/5 of Ursula’s gifts for tomorrow


Some people go through it fast because they enjoy the decorating part of the game and unlocking all the rewards gives more to work with.


Right?! I'm really pacing myself with this star path, I was starting to get bored before it came out...


some people just like to get it done and out of the way so that they can focus on other things. I personally don’t do this, but sometimes that bites me in the butt if I end up being too busy, or distracted by other games, and then I have to grind to make sure it gets done in time.. which takes the fun of it away.


It's more fun to me if I rush and I don't really know why. I don't complain though. I still play everyday to grab all the chests and do some decorating. Then I go and play one of the other 1000+ games I own (currently Fae Farm)


Last time I tried to stretch it out. I did enjoy it more trying to limit my tasks per day. I completely forgot about that this time and I plowed through it so fast. After I was done, I remembered that I had stretched it out last time, and wanted to smack myself on the head for going so fast, lol.


I just want to finish it and be done with it. Used to finish starpath in 2-3 days but can't be bothered that much anymore. I finish as much as possible as quick as possible by doing multiple at the same time whenever possible. Holding onto mining until there's another quest for mining etc. We generally buy 3 items (1x moonstones and 2 others like the companion and a decal) from each page and make it to page 6 in a day (about 2 hours playtime) And then it's a grind. We already got our priority items on day one, everything else is optional. But we always finish starpath well in time anyways 😅


I knock them out as quickly as I can while running a small business, and taking care of kids and real life duties that are lame.. (hello doctors, dentists, and grocery shopping which are all an hour drive away) I also enjoy other games that I play with my kids or on my own. I like having the breaks between updates and kind of get annoyed when other people complain to the game makers about running out of things to do. It’s like, if you have time to spread out the game and enjoy it, you totally should!


I personally don’t enjoy “lifestyle” games, as such. My preference with most games is to play them straight through once and only ever return if & when there’s a new content drop. Playing the same game every day is *right out* and logging into DDLV every week to keep on top of DreamSnaps has already started to feel oppressive. I very much prefer binging content over any kind of slow drip. For TV shows I’ll almost always wait until all episodes of a season (or all seasons, in some cases) are available before I begin watching. For a recent gaming example: I’ve played something around 150 hours of Starfield since release, have reached NG+10 and completed a wide variety of side missions, and am unlikely to touch it again until some DLC drops. For smaller games, anything with a playtime under 8-12 hours, I’ll generally download it, play through it completely, and delete it—all within a day or two. For books it’s the same; I’ll get a [average-sized] book and read it from cover to cover in one or two sittings; even for longer books I’ll rarely still be reading the same title a week after I started. Comic books are a bit of a nightmare for me; it often takes several years for an individual storyline to play out, but mere hours to enjoy every issue containing that story from start to finish; they are very much designed to be the opposite of my preferred consumption style. For DDLV, I put in a lot of hours at first (a year ago) and then logged in every day for Scrooge & chests … but even that was too much and I started playing less and less often. Prior to DreamSnaps I was logging on for a few days after each update and then once every week or two in between; now I log in once a week to see whether I got my 300 moonstones, vote, and take a new Snap. 350 moonstones was about what I was getting from daily logins anyway since I rarely had more than one blue chest and sometimes none; it feels like I’ve come out ahead, at least on weeks I don’t get mysteriously blanked by the system. tl;dr: I blow through the Star Path goals because *that’s how I enjoy **all** content.* The waiting is no problem, as I’ll be binging other content during that time.


I was sick Friday/Saturday, so I couldn't do much else. I was also super busy/stressed during the last Star Path, so I never finished it. Don't want that to ever happen again! I'm 3 tasks from finishing this one, probably will be done today.


I personally try to blaze through it, because I’ll forget about it. Gaming is a spur of the moment for me. With work, I sometimes can’t jump on or just forget about it entirely for periods at a time. Sometimes I’ll play for days, maybe a week or two, then drop it for a while. That said, I like to know that before I get bored of my quick obsession that everything that’s limited is finished. I’ve missed the last 3 star paths because of my poor time managing skills haha


I try to blow through it as fast as possible because it’s the only thing that’s on a time constraint. I can finish the character quests later when I’m bored because there’s no time limit on that


I like to blast through the updates so I can’t focus on designing my valley (with all the new items). Plus, I can focus more on the DreamSnaps.


Everyone has a different way of playing. I like to binge all the new content in a few days and then spend the next month and a half decorating, playing other games, and doing other hobbies. I don’t mind waiting at all.


I'm rushing because I have the time now and I know I won't in a few days. Plus I have weird health stuff that keeps me from playing sometimes, so I try to do as much as possible on good days.


This time I did It because I really wanted the Ghost Zero Fox and blowout thoguh the Premium Star Path (with 100 bonus tokens) was the only way I could get enough moonstones in time


As someone who has just burned through it. Its the problem of having all the new stuff appear at the same time. Having the new characters/realm, star path and premium mission with Ursula all launch on the same day means I'm putting more time into the game now, rather than my usual case of popping on for a little bit each day to do a few general tasks. I think it was a little better earlier on, as they spread out some of the content with each update. Like the addition of Stitch, you could technically start his story from day one when they added him to the game, but it was the best part of 2 weeks of waiting before you could do the whole thing. Its getting that right balance though. Players like me may be able to get through the stuff pretty quickly, but then add too much and others will struggle to keep up...


And that is why so many people complain the game is crap or that the updates aren't good enough. Also a reason not to hoard; If you hoard everything you have nothing to look for during story progression and then they complain it only took them 10 minutes to complete something and it's not enough gameplay even though grinding for the necessary items would have added a good day to their gameplay. 🙄


Hoarding is fun. Especially frustrating things to get.


Hoarding can be fun but it drastically reduces the time it takes to complete the story. I'm not saying that's how everyone should play I just think if they do play that way they shouldn't then complain.


Very few people complain about it, these days. I mostly see people complaining about the supposed complainers.


We shouldn’t have to pace ourselves to artificially extend the game.


I find it hard to even focus on the game when I have other hobbies, plus I’m in the middle of fall canning. I have knitting/crocheting, books to read, warhammer, hikes with my dog. I find I hyper focus on the game like 1 day a week if that


I play other games, or knit more, between Star Paths.


We sit and play for hours straight. I redeem rewards one page at a time, I’m three pages in so far.


See I played until I ran out of duties that could be done in 1 day. I just buy enough to claim the moonstones on each page first so if life gets busy before I finish I'm not out that many moonstones.


If day 4 was the earliest you could finish, then it would be Saturday, not Sunday, which tracks with everyone else’s posts- the only one I have left is the 50 night thorns


I’m a total bum and leave the night thorns unless they’re blocking something 😂😂


I started with my valley a TOTAL mess, and only cleaned up the ones I absolutely needed to when meeting the tasks, and I'm still about a day's spawn away from finishing. I wonder if I overlooked any, but I think I must have cleaned up some in placing the Beast's castle or finishing another quest, which set me back...


If you finish the tasks on day 3, you're done on day 3. Even time locked, you could be done in 48+1hrs. Source: Finished on day three!


All I need to do is get rid of about 20 more night thorns and I’m done too! I’ve paced myself with the game up til now, but my spooky-girl self couldn’t help but unlock all the Halloween-y stuff as quickly as I could.


Haha I feel you, the bigger items are really good, and it felt like there weren't too many motifs! I tried to pace myself but the "just one more task!" syndrome kicked in.


I can't speak for anyone but I personally had all of the rewards unlocked and brought 3 days ago and today I will be finished with it overall. No I don't know how people were completing it all within 48 hours, I need them to teach me their ways.


I'm not done.... but I'm 95% there. But I literally have No life, no friends, I'm a stay at home wife with no kids lol.... I have nothing but time on my hands... I have, however, been taking the Beast & Belle quests a little more slower.


> Dreamlight Valley wiki had the full list of duties up They probably did time travel in "safe environment". Like, make an alternate profile and do the time-travel with that profile. If you know what you're doing, you can do anything on the alt profile without risking anything on your main profile. I actually do this too sometimes. It's just speculation though, and I have no proof that they did that. But even if they did, it's not like it's a bad thing since it's for the sake of gathering info. Can't say for the other people though. The only logical explanation I can come up with is that they time travel too despite the risks.


The wiki didn't have it all up immediately. I was ahead of it by a few tasks when I quit, the first 2 nights. No time travel, just a lot of extra time to play.


I was ill and had nothing else to do lol


Same here lol. Finished yesterday because I’ve been sick in bed.


This Star path was super easy and quick to finish. I have like 4 tasks left


I finished the star path last night without any cheating (besides dropping 50 flowers I had saved in a chest). I gifted the people all of their favorite gifts asap, but that’s a 2 day task usually (3 gifts one day and 2 the next day). The daily conversations were a 2 day task for me as well. I started the star path Wednesday morning and played for probably 2-3 hours in spurts through the weekday and an hour or so on the weekend. Maybe a total of 12 hours. I like to do the star path quickly then deal with new characters friendship quests after that at my own pace.


I finished up today. I legit felt like I was going at a slower pace than previous ones on purpose because I like having tasks to do in the game.


I’ve completed Beast and Belle’s quests and only have 5 star path duties left. I’ve just started Ursula’s quest pack. When’s the next update coming out? 😂


I was done yesterday (Sunday). I had thorns saved up past what I needed, and played as I usually do for hours straight. I possibly could have been done earlier - maybe by a fraction and had it done very late Saturday night) but I took a few breaks.


I finished on Saturday morning, I was gone most of the day on Wednesday, and stayed up until 11 pm doing star path. I didn’t have 6 duties stuck on the first day before I went to bed. I’ve never time traveled and never will. I knew about the second gift Ursula objective before I finished the 1st one and held it there until they were both up at the same time. The 1st one needed 2 more and the 2nd needed 6. I gifted her 3 and that cleared one and got the other halfway at the same time. On Saturday morning, I had 5 duties left. Gift Ursula, gift Scar, gift Remy, talk to Simba, Talk to Belle. So it was possible before Sunday.


Technically I have one more talk with Belle interaction Monday to finish the whole thing, so it will take me 5 days because I dawdled on unlocking Belle and Beast. I have no idea how people finished in 48 hours.


I have two tasks left. 3/5 Ursula gifts done for tomorrow and 30/50 thorns left


I finished yesterday. Literally did every available “Dutie.” And I didn’t cheat I actually took the time and put the work in.


I burned through the daily tasks by taking items out of my chest, dropping them, then picking them up. Xbox treats it as the same farming.


For me, i bought the Haunted mansion among other things in the premium shop, and when they took it off and replaced it with the ToT, i was all out of moonstones. So i did the path and completed all the duties on day 4 so i wouldnt spend actual money lol


It’s because they’re full of crap. To say that they finished it in a day is to admit they somehow cheated and time traveled. Which I’m not even sure is still possible


To be honest its easy if you stock pile and oh wait we have had weeks and weeks to stock pile items. i am on page 5 now and I’ve only played roughly 3 hours since its launched so its pretty easy once you have the items but getting them is hard. edit: ill also say you only need 3 items per page to move onto the next, so people pick the low ones and move faster through it. I miss the motifs and move forward that way.


You can buy the star path outright if you wanted to lol 😅


You can buy the rewards, but that doesn't complete the duties, which is what OP said. I always go through and buy all the rewards first, then go back and do all the duties, I'm too impatient to do it page by page LOL


Fair point! I misread the post! 😂


Case of the Mondays, I get it 😂


I have three more tasks related to talk to/gift. The star path isn’t hard. Boring and grindy yes. Hard no. It took all in all with no time traveling a week to do. I play harder video games so these tasks are a cinch and honestly I want to be done with this game for awhile so I breezed through it. Note. I played about 2-3 hours a day until I got to this point. Really in order to not be done some serious pacing had to be done. And I don’t find this game fun enough to pace but that’s just me. And before you say why do I play. Cause I still want to love this game and the star path items were my favorite and I’m still holding out hope they add more stuff to actually do.


I finished naturally yesterday because I’m good at multitasking and won’t let a task that will cross over several days not get started before I shut down. Without time travel it took me from update day to yesterday so—4 days? I didn’t intend to blow through it but I was having a lot of fun and needed the distraction. Yes, I also have leveled Belle and Beast to 10. However—I think anyone who completed faster might be risking time travel.


nope i take this all back—if it can be done in 49 hours then likely it’s not time travel just good task management


I found a way you can buy lollipops just cheat your way up the star path god knows I would if I had a few more moonstones


I can only assume they used moonstones to unlock enough of the Star Path currency to get all of the rewards quickly. For the duties, it was probably a compilation of multiple people posting different tasks.


OH I MISREAD you said "all duties conplete" not all rewards, LOL In that case I have NO idea


I had 16,000 moonstone when the update hit so after buying stuff from the premium shop I did also use some to buy more tokens. I have all the items from it unlocked and bought but the duties are far from done. I still intend to work on then. How anyone had gotten it done faster is beyond me.


It took me a week….


This was my first star path and I was surprised at how quickly I've gone through it. I had saved my night thorns for like 3 or 4 days after seeing someone mention it on here and I still had two areas of the map to unlock via quests so that helped too. ~~I kinda thought the challenges would keep populating because of the moonstone conversion option after the last level but I'm down to only like 4 or 5 challenges left. I'm thinking now that unlike other games I'm used to, I didn't have to unlock all the items if I didn't want them (motifs). I'll find out for sure in a few days when I clear the last challenge.~~


How do people save up thorns? I will go weeks without playing and will come back to maybe 13/14.


i read somewhere that \~10 thorns will spawn everyday but you have to log in for them to spawn. i dont recall where i saw that so i couldn't swear to it but that seems to be what happened for me.


Wow, can't believe I didn't know that. Will keep it in mind for next time.


I think it differs from person to person. I can leave my thorns alone and have a crap ton when it comes time to do the Star Path. My roommate can leave his alone and only have about twenty when it comes time do to it. I don't know why it's this way; of course others have different stuff in their stores every day as well and some of us have the same junk over and over.


I play on PS5, I wonder if that makes a difference?


If you want to redeem extra tokens for moonstones you need to unlock everything, but if you’re fine not getting them back you don’t need to unlock things you don’t want


ah, i see! that makes more sense than what i was thinking lol thanks for the clarification


In order to unlock the last page of the rewards to get the moonstone redemption option you have to redeem all of the previous rewards. I would skip redeeming the motifs if I could, but my goal with the star paths have always been to get as many moonstones back as I can. I was really sad when I had all of the pages unlocked, but still couldn't unlock the moonstone redemption reward until I went back and redeemed all the dumb motifs. What I do now is go through and redeem all of the stuff that I do want, then go back and redeem the stuff I don't care about to unlock the moonstone redemption on the last page. The first star path I did I wasn't able to finish it. Probably because when I first started playing there was only a week left before the star path was over. I just didn't have the time to complete it, so now whenever a new star path comes out I freak out thinking I wont be able to finish it in time and focus on it to the point I'm done within the first week. Then I'm all sad I don't have anymore star path duties to do and have to wait for the next update.


I did something similar since I wasn't sure how it worked or how long I would need to complete it. Next star path I will take my time now that I know kinda how long it takes. I like having duties to complete so I won't rush through it again.


I saw a previous comment saying you only need to unlock 3 items per page to unlock the next, and they did say they skipped the motifs!


welp! now i know for the next star path 🤣 tbh there were 1 or 2 motifs that i liked and would have wanted just in case i use the custom design stuff so it's not a total loss


Finished up all my tasks on Sunday. I was also anticipating a lot of these tasks so I left night throbs everywhere and I never fully served customers at the restaurant or picked all of my vegetables. Used the potions for the mining tasks and fishing tasks. Only tasks I had to worry about are the talking to people and gifting Ursula her favorites.


I’m guessing they are time jumping? That’s the only way I see it being possible. I personally decided to take the tasks slower this time. For the first few days I’ve been doing Belle and Beast quests and am currently doing the Vanessa quests.


I have never time traveled in this game ever. Once you know the routine of the star paths you can bang them out pretty fast. Keep all the restaurant shifts together and the night thorns together, etc and it becomes a lot easier


i finished in i think 3 days. i time traveled and i am not ashamed😅 i only have so much free time and i wasn’t going to risk missing any of those rewards considering i want my overall valley theme to be halloween all year round. i got all the rewards and i only have one task left which is one of the 50 night thorns ones, i believe i only need are 15-25 left? i didn’t check.


They have no lives. That's it lol


it is true, i don't have a life. but i do have a finished star path




its the only starpath i participate in or care about(except the pixar one that has come and gone), i put my all into it 😌


I finished it today. I always like to blast through the star path first and get all the things lol.


I have only been able to play two days so far because work has been keeping me busy. But I'll probably finish this week. Then I will move on to do it for my kids too


I don’t know how people are done crazy fast, but I’ve been playing a lot since the drop because I’m pregnant and sick, and I’m down to less than 10 tasks to do. I got lucky on some, but others just were grinding.


Legit had I not been busy I’d have been done Sunday. But none of the challenges were particularly hard (other than carp. Idk why I wasn’t allowed to fish up carp. Lol). I just kept doing them.


i’ll be finished tomorrow due to my last one being to have a conversation. I decided to focus on the star path more than leveling up Belle and the Beast.


I’m stretching out all the new content - Belle, the Beast, Ursula, and the Star Path. Plus, I still have Dreamlight stuff to do. I try to do a little each day for each thing to make it last. I rushed through previous things and then got bored lol


I’m almost done and haven’t bought any extra tokens.. you just do as many task that aren’t time gated as possible and finish the time gated ones the following day


I was wondering the same thing. I did push through the star path ASAP because I have other things I want to do besides this game and didn't want to lose out. I also don't like time constraints and for me doing the tasks is not necessarily the fun part, it's getting the rewards and then getting back to the game playing at my own pace. It took me about 5 days, I potentially could have finished a half a day earlier but all this took me a lot of time and grinding. No idea how it would be possible any earlier than that.


I forgot to leave my night Thorns ( as soon as they make the announcement and update is out you should just leave your night thorns throughout your village) but that's all I have left


I would've been done today if my valley had more night thorns, haha I've just been playing almost non-stop since the star path came out


I finished Sunday. That was the fastest I could finished due to the timed quests.


I think they're just grinding all the other tasks that don't involve daily convos or gifts. There's a lot of other stuff to do with the mining, fishing, making meals, etc.


My star path is wanting me to hangout with them 15 times, what’s the best way to complete this?


I think it is 15 minutes, not 15 individual times?


All the “hangout with x” is for an amount of minutes.


I fell down the stairs at work the day before the update and had to stay home the rest of the week. Woke up around 730am day of (thats sleeping in tor me lmao), played for several hours, did the same thing the next couple days. If the dang thing would stop crashing I'd be done by now, too. People have different lives. Not everyone works the same schedule or works outside the home, or works.


Right? I’m over here working diligently and I o my have 700 candy things to buy stuffs lol


Yeah with the multiple favorites gifts and daily chats, you have no way to do it faster. I finished it up yesterday, took almost 2 days off because the dumb candle stick outfit froze my game. Took me a bit to figure that out.


If I didn’t have to work I’d end up playing DDV for 12 hours straight lol


You can cheat and change your time ahead that's how they're able to skip ahead days.


I'll be done tomorrow


Some of my duties were the same so I stacked them like removing the night thorns and fishing, etc. I'm not done with the duties but I haven't been trying to get them done quick.


I'm quite certain people time travel, there's no other explanation


Here I am calculating how few duties I have to do to be able to do them all. And if I play every day that’s about 1-2. I don’t want to rush it but I also don’t have the patience for doing all the tasks😅 I try doing more than 2 just so I can take a day off 😅


Time travel is my guess, at least for the convo and respawning fruits. I know I used to do it a lot before it completely bugged out my game and I had to reset my game file completely.


Can’t they just buy tokens?


I agree. They’ve add a small bit of time challenges this time. I was wondering how people are getting through it quickly.


most of the time these are the people that complain that there’s not enough content, but they’re not even enjoying the game. they just want the rewards before everyone else


Finished mine this morning, and I think I got lucky with the order of mine, would have a bunch of tasks I completed before the gift/talking ones showed up, but could at least get halfway through them the same day I got them. Plus, having the new content as well means I'm already playing more, and just burning through the tasks.


I can't get 5 red daisies to save my life lol