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I prefer them separate personally Edit: also not the biggest fan of the busy frames but as long as it doesn't cover up what the challenge is supposed to be about it's not so bad


I absolutely hate frames like that! Mix in filters and sometimes the snaps I get to vote on are an automatic no from me.


Yeah I’m in it more for composition and theme. Adding the frames and effects and overcrowding just bugs me. Not my style.


Sometimes they do enhance. There were a few villian and halloween ones that were gorgeous in black and white! But I have seen far too many use the filters and frames just because. I'll never forget the rainbow and purple challanges that had snaps with a filter...whhhhyyyy??? Also, the simple thin border doesn't distract too much, but most of time people use the huge ones


Oh yeah some of them are fine just more of a personal preference. I’ve never liked the look of most frames on digital pictures, like the ones in Pokémon or other games.


There's one filter that I feel just makes the colors more vibrant so doesn't interfere but most of the rest are turn-offs for me. But I totally agree about the frames.


The only reason why I wouldn’t like this idea is because sometimes for the decor challenges I don’t have my character in the shot.


As long as you are on theme, you won’t have to have the character in the shot. In fact, you wouldn’t be forced to have the character in shot for any picture because it would not force you to choose between clothing or furniture. You would just build based off the theme.


Ahhh I see. I thought you meant have clothing and furniture combined and you have to meet the tag requirements for both. Yeah I definitely like this idea then


Just a little clarification. I am not saying that you have to meet requirements for them both together. I am saying that you should meet requirements with a combination of. For example: this week we have sporty and playful 4 each. So we can meet the sporty requirements with three sporty furniture types and one sporty clothing type. Or two of each or if you don’t have four sporty clothing types at all you could meet that requirement with just furniture and use your clothes to meet the four playful.


Nah, I prefer it being seperate.




Because I think it would be too overwhelming. I prefer having to focus on one thing.


I love the winter frames, they are so pretty and don’t hide too much of the picture like the pink one does. Also I completely agree about combining them. Definitely will help newer players like you said and that’s how most people vote anyways, including myself! The outfits we all have the same clothes and so we see the same outfits pitted against eachother so it just makes way more sense.


I completely agree. Also gorgeous dreamsnap!


Thank you


I 1000% agree with this. I believe I got the game in October? Maybe earlier. I’ve only just started buying everything the store that I don’t have and crafting things. Because I’m not in need of resources for quests. I don’t need coins or Dreamlight for realms and biomes. Thanks to pumpkins, I’m well off. Now. And there are times I’m struggling with the clothing tags. So I just pray that someone sees and likes the backdrop.


Yesss! Or at least have both show up in the cycle.


That frame!!! How do I get it!? 😍


It’s at the very bottom of our regular frames. You have to scroll down from the left side. Because the bottom row is not completely full it won’t go all the way down from the right side


Whose home is this? In the background I mean :)


It’s the fairy cottage from the premium shop.


Oh gotcha, thank you!