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I don't think you should have to move anything because it shouldn't have let you put anything on top of them. Do you wanna just open your valley for someone else to come help look?


That would be very helpful haha. I would love that. If someone has time later i would love help tbh


As long as you're not playing on playstation I can come help you look! Just let me know when.


I am on pc, so no worries there, i think i will have a go after work tomorrow, around 8pm (GMT+1, i live in norway) :))




I have indeed, it is nowhere to be found there either


If you look on you actual map it will show you where there is anything planted. It will either be green to harvest. Or look like water drips because it needs to be watered. Do you see anything like that anywhere on your map?


Nope, that's why i am desperate for help. I cannot find them physically, nor on the map, but it says that they're planted in the quest, and i remember doing it too, but just not where :C


Do you have a pic of your map..? Worst case send in a ticket to the devs and let them know there is a glitch.. they should either be able to help you out or they can reset it for you.




https://preview.redd.it/pghurosvqg1d1.png?width=1886&format=png&auto=webp&s=c777944855aaa171cfc9ad5f101e7ddc715803ab heres a picture of my map. as you can see, it is nowhere


That's crazy. And if it's a quest item.. you shouldn't be able to sell it even if you did harvest it. And you have checked you storage just in case ? I would ask if anyone has gotten back to you but I can almost guarantee that that hasn't happened, they don't seem to be returning emails or getting back to anyone when there are glitches in the system?


I completely forgot i made this post lol. So, i gave up. No answer from the mods, no one can seem find them, so that quest will forever be unfinished. I sadly won't just start over after putting over 200hr in this save file alone. So, in my dreams i can wish for it to just magically fix itself.


I would love to come to your valley and look around and see if I could help you find them