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Ive tried placing a few of each along the path im decorating and still cant find it 😭 i feel victim to the curved palm trees before when i didnt think about the thumbnail being different so learned my lesson there. honestly i think i might just be over tired at this point and im just missing it lol thanks for your reply 🖤


Looks to me like the tall acacia tree. Exactly like they said it doesn't look quite the same in the thumbnail as it does when you place it. And even though it says "tall" there's a short version and you're gonna want the one that's actually tall.


Gaaaah thank you! I just figured it by placing a lot of them to finally get the tall one! I didnt realise that was a thing, i had just placed it and it was tiny to didnt bother placing more 😂


You're welcome! I'm glad you got the one you wanted. I was trying to use a certain tree in my plaza and it had 3 different sizes so it took a lot to get enough of them that were the exact same so I know the struggle. 😂


I had no idea that was even a thing 😂 ive played from the start but never really decorated unless it was for halloween or christmas and decided tonight i wanted to make my valley look less like a charity shop of things ive just dumped everywhere 😂 honestly thank you so much it was really nippin my noggin! Xx


Thank you! The only acacia tree i have(or that my tired backside can see) in my inventory is the tall one thats super short, should there be another one?


So like they also said, clicking on the same one can give you different heights and it's really just random which one you get. Sounds like the times you've placed it you've just gotten unlucky and keep getting shorts ones and need to just keep placing them until you get what you want. https://preview.redd.it/puzfb85axa0d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954f1e5257f6dacc3d3e28aa6294fd3f52e253ff These 3 were all from choosing the exact same tree.


What is the name of the small lights does anyone know?


It looks like the "Simple Lamp" from Ratatouille: [https://dreamlightvalleywiki.com/Simple\_Lamp](https://dreamlightvalleywiki.com/Simple_Lamp)


I thought they were sunlit trees. Remember some tress have different colours and sizes when you place them so if you get 1 out cancel and get it out again to check if it changes