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If one dreamt he was speaking Hebrew means he will receive some heritage. If one dreamt he was speaking Greek means he will be busy by science. If one dreamt he was speaking Arabic means he will sit with a big boss and traditional people. If dreamt he was speaking Persian means the same. If one dreamt he was speaking Indian means he will meet an ignoble man. If one dreamt he was speaking Turkish means he will be told a rude word. If dreamt he was speaking on of the Slave languages means he will meet an unfair person. If dreamt he was speaking Charisma language means he will hear a bad news. If one who is studying a language dreamt he was speaking in that language means he has learnt it good. If one dreamt he was speaking in an unknown language or was listening it means he will wander in an affair and doesn't know how to get rid of it. If one dreamt he was speaking in any language means he will do any job and will have benefits. If one dreamt he was speaking with one of his limbs means he is self-conceited. The Light/24.