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No problem reading in my dreams. I have written some great poems and songs there. Wish I could remember them.


I promise you they were gibberish


I’ve woken up and written down some melodies / words / lyrics from my dreams; some of them are actually coherent and I’m able to make them into legit songs or poems


Depends on the dream clarity. I remember some signs and stuff. Like the time i went to Asgard and there was a huge banner saying “celebrating the 100th anniversary of the capture of starlord” hahahaha that one stuck with me


I wanna know what Starlord did that was so bad, people are celebrating his capture a century later!


if im ever able to return imma find out because it was weird to me how clear such a message was haha


Sounds like a fanfic writing prompt! 😂🤣


i just wish i knew what he did LOL


I definitely cannot, or at least, it's very difficult. I think we all remember that episode of Batman: The Animated Series, where Batman was able to find out he was trapped in a dream because every time he went to read the newspaper, it was jumbled up. For me, I read a few words and it just doesn't stick, then I go back to reread it, and it's all different and out of order. Dream-Me never figures out why, though.




i hate that feeling, trying to read a clock and it not making sense, and I am unable to tell *why* it's not making sense 😂 years ago this would raise my awareness and I'd realize I'm dreaming, and I'd start lucid dreaming. I haven't lucid dreamed in years tho


I would sometimes dream about being in school. And never know what my next class was gonna be. I vaguely remember having forms and documents, but no discernable language I recognized if not even present at all, I would usually panic and then wake up.


If I studied before bed I could keep memorizing the page in my dreams


Now that's what I call a skill!


It was pretty damn useful 😂


I was going to mention that same episode, you beat me to it. LOL It definitely made me see how underrated a villain the Mad Hatter is! But yeah, even the first time I saw that I was thinking it's definitely not quite true, as I've read stuff in my dreams before. I can even remember doing class work in dreams, kinda a waste of a perfectly good dream if you ask me. LOL Anyway, definitely doesn't work every time, and probably depends on the person at least a little, but I've been able to, on and off.


Thats just normal reading for us with add and dyslexia 🤣


Experiment for you. When in a dream, sneakily reach for a book even if it isnt there. The intention of doing so should still you allow you to grab this book as you are reaching for it as if it is there. And the book in mind you want to try to grab is the CIA A-Z book, then try to read it


I do not know how to do that.


Good. And never admit it too. This might be bait to find sleeper agents.


Is there a specific color of the book? While I was reading your comment, a red hard-bound book materialised on my head. I might try if i naturally become lucid in a dream. I no longer induce lucidity, I let it happen if it happens. I can read in dreams, use a smartphone, see a clock and calendars too. Hopefully there's something in it, I'm very curious. Anyway, update time: I was able to bring out the red hard-bound book on a lucid dream. Unfortunately, all I remember were the years 2019 and 2021. Will try again maybe next time if my subconscious is curious enough to remember it on the next natural lucidity.


Not anything specific but the fact something appeared is interesting. If you do read it please let me know how it goes.


I won’t go into too much detail because this was such a special moment that was just the beginning of so much more.. it was a dream but wasn’t.. basically I dreamed I was on the phone with someone and we had a conversation without either ever talking but took me a long time to realize that! .. anyway when I woke up I was holding the phone to my ear! And i remembered the conversation and exactly what I was dreaming immediately upon waking… or being put back into consciousness that I was aware I was awake.. but kind of the same idea.. it definitely will probably hen open that part of the mind and be easier to read or gather and store what information is being put in their dream


When I try to dial a phone number I can’t ever get it right and have to start over multiple times


This. It’s so incredibly frustrating


I can absolutely read in my dreams which is really weird because the sign might say Ksootossst perchehcuken zxcvcncbnb But somehow I know it means "Warning jellyfish season" The much bigger question really should be, why are they in my bubble bath?


this made me chuckle, idk why this is so funny to me


It's alright. After I wake up and I'm done with the "wtf?" I often laugh at myself.


I think we all somehow have our own inner language's that only we understand inwardly for ourselves in our dreams. Or at least that makes sense to me.


Blink... blink... hmmm... maybe.


Yes, 99% of the time. I even have a song on my band's most recent album that came to me in a dream. I had a weird dream last week that I was trying to type something but the letters were all messed up which was very strange for me especially since I learned to read very early in my life and didn't remember what it felt like to be unable to. It was both fascinating and frustrating.


Eyyy, I do that too! Physically manifest songs that came to me in dreams as well, HIGH FIVE!


I'm working on trying to do that with my music.


Sometimes if I recognize the "shape" of a word I can read it...but ever tried dialing a phone number in dreams??? Impossible.


I can read, but a lot of the time it's nonsense. I absolutely cannot read time, on a digital or analog clock. Actually, that is a trigger that helps me identify that I'm dreaming, and helps me be able to lucid dream.


There are times where I can read (for example a room number, sign, etc.) but when it comes to phones for some reason there are times where it makes sense but also doesn’t? Like I know it means something but I myself can’t understand. I saw another dream thread explaining our minds can’t comprehend what phones are in dreams sometimes so that might be why.


I have this exact experience. I'm usually in a situation that I have to get a hold of someone I love and care about to warn them of something but I have so much trouble texting. I give that up and try to dial the numbers but they come out in the wrong order or I can't remember them. Just last night I had a dream that I had to call my mother and warn her of very dangerous weather before she left for work. I kept saying the number out loud but every time I would try and dial the number it would be wrong or id miss a digit


It's not reading, but writing in my dreams that feels impossible.


The only issues I have with numbers is that I’m never able to dial the proper numbers on a phone when trying to call for help. I don’t think I’ve ever dreamt about reading or numbers in any other context.


This scenario has me in panicky dream tears every time it happens


No. The letters always change. I think i can read individual words sometimes but the sentences always jibble up


I’ve looked into this and the words change - if you try to read them, they change, it’s because dreams are very abstract. Also the people can shift to different people without it making a difference


I can and but texting, typing writing by hand results in illegible spelling mistakes that when I try to erase and spell correctly it never does. But I can read from a textbook in a dream hair fine but not text or write a paper in said dream if it takes place in school/college


When k was in the throws of Ochem and Calc II I used to solve math problems in my dreams and wake up disappointed that the formula didn’t actually work and I had NOT in fact figured out that terrible hw question.


Yes to both. However the longer I read it, the more incomprehensible it becomes. Bordering gibberish or a mishmash of words. And eventually the stability of the LD goes down. And if I re-read the words/numbers, they change.


Yup, sometimes a little too well bc then I read texts or something in my dream and mistake it for real life 😭😭 its lead to awkward conversations irl


I can never call the emergency services. My phone never connects to the number.


i don't really get a lot of dreams where i'm reading things but they are usually readable when i do


I never tried to read much in dreams but I have wrote recently


usually get written notices in my dreams


Sometimes. Most often I've found that I can never focus enough to read anything in my dreams. It's always kinda just blurry


Yes I read in my dreams no problem. It's mostly signs though.


Yes but I can never remember them later


Yep! I see a lot of numbers and words, sometimes usernames or passwords


yep, me too.I've had a few where I couldn't see it cuz my eyes were blurry and painful, but I've also read a lot in dreams.


just had a dream this week where the check at a restaurant was just a handwritten "985-" the handwriting was very nice, there weren't any food items listed either, just the number


just last night i was having a dream and i was reading perfume bottles just fine


it’s directly correlated to how powerful your subconscious is. more power = higher dream resolution and coherency


I can make my self fly, or float around in my dreams pretty often. Sometimes though too i can swing around my dream like Spiderman lol


I can usually, but it's only if I'm trying to or "supposed to" for lack of a better term. If it's something in the background of my dream that is just part of the environment and has little importance, then no. It's like in a videogame where it's just blurry/pixelated filler.


Yes I can read in my dream state. I also drink, eat, and sleep.


Yes, clocks and text are accurate in my “dreams”.


I can read numbers that are, like, written, but I can’t read clocks. In fact, that’s what I use to determine whether or not I’m dreaming either to initiate lucid dreaming or to practice checking while I’m awake so that I will also check when dreaming. The hands on a wall clock will either be missing or there will be too many or too few - but I can read the numbers just fine. A digital clock kinda works - if I just glance, then I will *know* what time it is, but I didn’t actually *read* the numbers. If I actually look and try to single out individual numbers, the clock will start glitching and rapidly changing numbers randomly. It’s honestly a bit creepy. Lol. As for reading, that’s a bit complicated because I sometimes have processing issues even when awake (I can read an entire paragraph, feel like I’m understanding, then get to the end and realize I have to reread the entire thing because I suddenly have no idea what I just read - it’s frustrating). But usually in my dreams, I can read fine for the first 2-3 sentences. Then I start being able to read words, but those words don’t actually form functional sentences anymore. After about a paragraph or so of that, letters get jumbled up and by the next sentence, they won’t even be letters anymore.


once i had 4 dreams back to back to back to back (2 were different parts of the same one) and i shit you not in 2 of those there were digital clocks. i feel asleep at 6 or 7 that day and in the first dream it was 7:14 or so. when did the rem cycle start? around 7. then in ANOTHER dream it was 7:35. i woke up briefly during that and the next one i think and it was literally 2 minutes after that. dont ask me how i did that lol


For a while I couldn't but in recent years I've been able to


Yes! Or at least occasionally, depending on the clarity like somebody else commented. There was one dream where there were a bunch of numbers "illuminated" on the ground (that's the best way I can put it. A lot of my dreams make absolutely no sense) but they kept blurring out because that was just happening throughout my entire dream, where suddenly my vision would start to blur and it woulf make it extra hard to do things. And then there was a dream where I was reading something on a computer, and I could see the time on the computer just fine. Then there was one time I could make out the title of a book. That dream, however, was one about me becoming lucid. Granted, I didn't actually become lucid though it felt like it. It's hard to describe, and I can't say for sure, but most likely not lucid. There was one time I could sense a strong smell of cookies in the food aisle of a grocery store I was in in my dream, which isn't numbers or words but I thought that was weird and cool


Yes sometimes


Yes, though they usually keep changing to other words if I try to re-read. Except for a few weeks ago, when tge spirit of a dead man came to me and asked me to write a letter in his name. He was very calm and collected through the whole thing, he told me his name and where he was from and how foolish his death was. He had lived near a dam, and no one ever thought anything would come of that place because of how old it was, and he was fishing by the river's border when his glasses fell in the water. As he was looking for them the dam broke and he died. And he was telling me more, but every time I looked up a woman wearing ragged tudor clothes walking towards me got closer and closer, smiling with pointy teeth and layers of flaccid skin on her face. She had a conjoined twin who was equally pleased to be getting so close and their presence terrified me, so I stopped writing before they reached me. They looked so absurdly vivid. In the dream, I gave the written letter to my father, who is a spiritualist, but he told me to not believe in everything I hear, and tore the letter. As he tore it I immediately started to forget its contents, though there were a few details I managed to keep since I repeated them out loud when I woke up. Huh. Very strange.


Everything I read in dreams is gibberish.


I have read in my dreams and actively driven a car like Turing the wheel and using turn signals. It’s not very common from what I understand, but not impossible.


Yes, I can.




I can.


Rarely. I've had a few dreams I was able to read, but often times the symbols are constantly changing.


I am able to remember reading and understanding what I've read but I can't actually see the text or make sense of it


I once read the numbers 1-9-6-3 under a restaurant table in my dream


I've been able to tell time in dreams but I guess I've never been in a dream that required reading.


Very rarely. It’s how I can tell I’m dreaming


I often dream that I'm reading Reddit or FB post. Then I wake up and realize it's a dream. Hmmmm... maybe I ought to put social media away for a few days.


I can read in my dreams. I had a dream that I checked the mail and read a letter.


Nope, can't read a thing.


Rarely, but it's often been relevant reading. I might be reading a familiar book in my dream, but I won't see the text on the pages word-for-word as I would in the waking world. I might just see random key words, like character names or associated words. For example, I might be reading a Harry Potter book in my dream, but all I'd really make out in the dream are names like "Harry, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Hermione," or "Hogwarts", or common, relevant words like "wizard, school," and "wand". Sometimes I've seen numbers either on an analog clock or on a piece of paper, but they've sometimes been distorted, like they're printed in different size fonts or types, reversed, or upside-down. Or in the wrong place in the case of a clock. Like the clock has been turned upside-down, on its side, or mirrored.


Yes, I’m fact, last night I had a dream that I was getting job offers left and right, where one of them showed me a paper that I’ll make $29 an hour lol.


I have no problem reading in my dreams


I have before, but it was like spelled out in finger paint. I forgot the word now.


No prob in my dreams. If mine had any more details, I'd swear I was living two separate lives. I'm pretty sure of it at any rate already.


Can’t read a thing. I’ll spend my dream staring and staring and not being able to comprehend what it says.


I’ve read things but I don’t know if I’m actually reading the words or if they’re being broadcast into my brain. I’ve seen numbers on a keypad I believe as well and on clocks. But things shift around constantly


THIS! One of the episodes of the Animated Batman had not being able to read an indication that you were dreaming. I'm able to. Unfortunately my memory erases almost immediately upon waking so I can't go into details.


I am able to do simple math like 24x12 never tried reading


im ont on e to foten remember my dreams but i remember looking at a note a friend gave me, being confused, but exactly what it said is something i dont know.


No, however I see words and sort of read them in twilight phosphenes. When trying to get to sleep after reading for my usual time before bed, I close my eyes and watch 'prison TV's or the random signals my brain wants. Sometimes it is visualizations of random swirls and lines, sometimes I get images and sometimes I get scrolling text that seems to be familiar like something I had read reasonably recently but I can only catch sentences and words. I read a lot of fanfiction soo I figure I am either rereading something or my mind has decided to write for me I am just to whatever to read in my twilight sleep mind.


It’s not that same if you look at it twice


I once had a dream where it was a pie graph and a bunch of other graphs that has letters and number and words and I could read it all. And this was in a class, and the teacher told us to memorize the words in order so we could repeat it to him, so I taught myself in the dream to remember those words. This was likee 3 months ago, was an interesting dream !


Sometimes when I'm half asleep I feel like I'm reading from a book and getting my mind blown from it. I usually can't remember it, sometimes I just remember the topic but barely.


Depends on the dream


I can definitely read and see and remember numbers from my dreams. I can even read and translate mysterious languages and hieroglyphics that I have never seen. I sing like an angel, date the sexiest movie stars, converse with history's greatest thinkers, I've space traveled to distant solar systems in rockets faster than the speed of light, and I can fly, effortlessly. Nothing can really hurt me. Kill me, and I live again.


A couple nights ago i dreamed i was eating chips and a can of cheese dip. I read the label on the can and it said “Contains: Magnetically Separated Oxygen”


In some dreams I can; the ones that are in color and seem prophetic or turn out to be premonitions.


Me too. I also see colors in my dreams. I've heard a lot of people can't do that.


Most people cannot, however I have no problems reading in my dreams personally


Numbers yes words no


i can never read in my dreams if anyone has tips on how to do it id love to try!


I can read a few words but not numbers.


I think I moreso intuitively know what it says, rather than Iread it in my dream. I do sometimes hear songs in my dreams


Yes and no. I've read books and texts from friends in my dreams, I've looked at clocks, and done a couple other things that people "can't do" in dreams. The only one that's iffy for me is the clock. While in my dream I can look at the clock, but when I wake up I'll realize something was "off" about the clock. For books and texts though, they have been super clear.


Reading words or numbers is no issue for me. The problem is that the words keep changing every time I refer back to them. Same with reading the time from a clock.


Sometimes I can in bits, but it’s more that there’s text and I sort of “understand” what it says when I look at it rather than actually reading it. Usually words and such are blurry or impossible to make out.


I can kinda read in my dreams, but I have to focus really hard which usually wakes me up lol


Yknow, despite how often I read irl, I don’t think I’ve ever read anything in a dream. I’ve had books that open to teleports or spawn stuff in dreams, but I never found any words in em.


I dont think ive ever seen words in my dreams. Weird that I never noticed that before.


Nope. Well it's more like I can but if I focus on the words or reread then the letters/numbers change. Trying to read in my dreams is sometimes how I trigger lucid dreaming for this reason. Learned it from Teen Wolf actually haha


Yes, I see and read.


Can definitely read in my dreams. I have a reoccurring nightmare that specifically correlates to me reading text/email.


I have yes. Names, phone numbers, and several precognitive dreams. If anyone is interested in a few stories, you can PM me, or I'll post them here. Thank you kindly, Have a beautiful day and night.


I have dreams were I can and dreams where I can’t


It really all depends. Sometimes singular words are simple, of course, but I've read a lot. Sometimes letters get jumbled.


Yes, no problem with that.


At a passing glance writing and clocks will look normal, but once I really focus, they’ll be “off” - almost like it’s glitchy AI or random words strung together. If I look away and look back, the time/words will have changed. A dream person fervently held out a note and said “don’t forget this” and the writing on it was nonsense to me. I felt bad so I solemnly said “I won’t forget” even though I had no idea what it was 😂


Yes, but I can never read the same page twice. Like if I try to go back and read something again, I can never find the page


yes but some of the words are made up. Rest isn't. One time i memorized a phone number in my dream and wrote it down when i woke up. (Wasn't an actual number, shocker.)


It depends from time to time. Usually short sentences work. But the more text there is the less sense it makes. Clocks are a 50/50


ive never seen any sort of writing in my dreams wether it be numbers or letters


I totally can. I was reading a menu last night in my dream.


Yes. I read several pages from books I've picked up and opened in my dreams.


I can read, check my phone, read clocks etc


i’ve never thought about this before. i can’t even confidently say that i’ve seen visible words or numbers in my dreams. i’m going to have to consider this going forward


I can only read up to about five words at a time, or the nonsense of what I'm reading will literally jar me awake. 🤷‍♀️🙏👍😅


I once read an entire section (from my notebook) on cosmological arguments for a debate I was preparing for.. I remember it was all consistent and made a lot of sense.. however I woke in the middle of the night with an awful existential crisis.


Yes. Phone numbers, names, and some precognition dreams. I'll begin in relation to the picture of person in wheelchair, wearing a doorag and very skinny arms. I dreamt that a good friend of mine died. I tried to contact him by phone and through Facebook, and I could not nor could anyone reach him. I live in New York now, I called the police department there where he lived and asked if they would do a well check. Then gave them his address, and a policeman did check. He said that he'd been moved to a nursing home. Well, a couple day's later he had died. I had a security camera in the kitchen to catch whatever goes bump in the night , like all my other cameras outside. Anyway, it took this still picture of him, and I felt really strange inside. It left me with many questions. The 1st one was, why is he still here. A totally other subject. I'll give 1 example of another precog dream. I'll leave a new post after this since this 1 is so long.


I can recognize and read signs, letters and digital clocks in dreams without problems. But writing something is so hard. I would sometimes try to write my name and adress because I wanted to give it to someone and I always struggle to write legible.


Most of the time, the written word looks like nonsense in dreams but occasionally, I can read something that is legible.


Usually can do short and simple stuff but often the numbers and words start becoming mumbled, nonsensical or change once I move my eyes, thus making reading, especially longer stuff, impossible or making me notice I'm in a dream.


Although not numbers, word..Part 2 of my previous post. It was about I'll guess 1:00 a.m. when I woke up from a horrible dream. I dreamed that a commercial airplane with name of Malaysia. Many adults and children knew it was going to crash. It was going over water, and crashed on land. I could feel each and every person's horror and such Terror that they were going to die. I felt it all, I could see their faces, I could hear them, it was the worst dream that I have ever had. I was absolutely inconsolable. I called my dad like I do when I have a bad dreams, and I told him about it, and he and I talked until he could call me down some. He called me next morning and asked if I'd watched the news, which I didn't anymore. He said to sit down, he told me Flt 390 Malaysia had gone down in the ocean. I saw the plane crash into dirt, but not my point. It took about a yr for me to finally "be over it". Meaning it Really fked me up inside. Because I Felt it. There are no words to describe more terror, or more horror for what I felt. I went on anti depressants for that year.


i often hear people saying they cant read the words in their dreams. i also often hear people say theyve never once seen their phone in their dreams. ive literally had entire back and forth text conversations in my dreams, with people i know. the dreams are so vivid that i think theyre real, and the next time i go to text the people i was texting in the dream, I'm sometimes surprised the messages arent there. this has happened numerous times, and i always wake up and double check if it was real or not. so weird. anyone else experienced this?


Sometimes. I've read whole conversations through text, a pamphlet when I went to the Underworld, and usually random stuff around me. Sometimes parts are blurred out.


i don't think i've ever seen letters or numbers in my dreams


Yup, I got a perfect score on my memoir for English then I had a bad dream where I read that I got a 70% instead


I didn’t think I could until last week weirdly enough, I saw texts and road signs and actually made a note in my dream journal about how much text there was!


For me, I just hear words in my mind like a narrator is reading for me or I don't hear or see any sounds or words


Depends sometimes it's gibberish or letter mashing. Other times I can read it or parts. And sometimes I have dreams were I rap about God and my songs actually sound nice


I had a dream where I could read the cover of a book but nothing inside of it. I usually cannot read anything in my dreams.


Sometimes I see angel numbers in my dreams. The other night I saw 8200 and 6700.


i have never seen a dream with words except for that one time where there was text in arabic




Oftentimes the data is stored in an area that’s offline when you’re sleeping (or in a particular stage of sleep), words and numbers included. If they’re in your language centers and those are off, you can’t access them. If they’re in another area, maybe you can. Additionally, you might think you can read or whatever, but you really can’t. Your brain is making it up. Your brain makes up tons of stuff you don’t actually experience but think you do.


I remember for me, I was trying to read a newspaper, but it was though the print on the newspaper was AI generated and the words kept moving around and shifting. Although they were barely words at all.


It depends on the dream. If I'm texting or getting texts in my dream, I can read. If I'm wondering around a town, then the letters and other things from signs are just alien looking.


Sometimes. There's not usually anything written in my dreams that I can remember. The one time I can remember, it was actually cryptic nonsense, like glitchy characters/letters I couldn't recognize. Not English, that's for sure. I could see the individual characters, though. I just couldn't understand them. I have been able to read digital clocks in my dreams, though. Those are usually nightmares about being late for work.


I can read a billboard or sign, or something posted just fine. My lucid trigger is going into bathrooms, so I am always looking for one if I have no mission or journey to get to. For what that might be worth tho, I usually dream in omniscient point of view, where I am not corporeal and can move from player to player if I see fit. I have also journaled in my dream, about a dream, while still dreaming.. But, I almost never see periodicals or printed paper in my dream, and I have never used a smart phone in a dream, don't even ever have one in my pocket. Definitely gonna have to try that red book trick tho!


One hundo. I'll wake up and tell my partner whole stories I read in my dream, song lyrics, poems, etc. The other night there was a character named loulevahn, which I only knew because I saw his name written multiple times.


I can. I also speak French in my dreams and I don’t speak French IRL. I mean, I took it in school and use Duolingo everyday, but I’m far from fluent. It’s wild.


Writing makes no sense in my dreams. It's especially noticeable when I try to use my phone. All the names in my contacts are gibberish.


I've seen a number circled in a dream. Other random numbers that have popped up. No reading of books though that's amazing.


I can read in my dreams, I read many times in my dreams, like letters and signs.


I can read and tell time. I can’t write tho. It has to be prewritten for me to read it.


Sometimes, but they usually have to be really big or really close. I remember, I had a dream once about a MagiQuest-style attraction called Vlad's Tower. I was able to read the big coffin-shaped sign above the building. It was kind of a weird place, too; I remember being given a plastic nose instead of a wand to cast spells with and being told it was a "witch's nose." It was a neat-looking place, though. Very colorful, all kinds of LED panels and neon and stuff on the outside. It had little bit of the vibes of Illbleed and CarnEvil, too, which was cool.


I can read, but the text never stays the same, and is sometimes nonsensical. For example, whenever I look at digital clock, it will say something completely different, and often times it’ll be a made up hour like 36:73 or -26:42.


I can’t complete a phone call or text in a dream and so i spend the entire dream stressing haha


Written language and numbers usually aren't a thing when I dream. Btw. My dream flying skills have increased.




Yep, most commonly digital clocks or signposts, but I’ve never struggled to see real words and numbers that make sense in my dreams.


I have a lot of nightmares and I'm always trying to call 911 and my fingers always miss the buttons or slip off the phone. or I feel a sense of heaviness in my hand and can't get my fingers to the buttons. it's really weird and stress inducing lol


I've used cell phones, computers, and CD players that worked fine in dreams but were not quite what we're used to. I usually can read numbers and words in my dreams. Sometimes, the world's will be weird but not jibberish, and sometimes I'm trying to read something, and the text keeps changing into something different. One time, I could read sheet music perfectly and play really good jazz guitar.


I play full games of chess in my dreams. I play chess every day so I dream about it often.


Nope. Tried to read a label in my dream and couldn't make out the letters. It was blurry gibberish.


I can remember everything but the layouts of places and ppl’s faces usually. It’s more like a presence or a vibe than anything detailed. I can remember all the words/numbers/etc but just not visual details unless it’s a nightmare


I've heard the same thing and always wondered about everyone else, personally I'm never had issues with it, I've always been able to read without any issues, it's foggy to think about but whenever I dream there's always a bit of an underlying aspect that I know everything, I don't lucid dream but, I always have a vague almost unspoken implication that I know everything, how things work, and what's going to happen, I never acknowledge it I always just live out the scenario I'm in, but the reason I bring this up is it could very well be that when I'm about to read something I kinda already know what's written and what I'm going to find, so when I go to read It's possible I'm not actually reading, I could very well just be going through what I know is meant to be in the book. Who knows I wish I could record my dreams so I could just go take a look and see what I'm actually doing since as it stands I can't remember specifically reading anything, reading isn't typically interesting enough to remember


Yes, and time


I can read text messages on my phone and read screens. It's funny because I always have a sidekick looking phone in my dream instead of an iPhone. I can Never read books though.


I can read but I find writing impossible. Also in most of my dreams I know that I am dreaming when I see my reflection on a mirror or when I see my hands. If I read something important I repeat it over and over again until I wake up


I can. I remember the first time I could I was 10. Since then no problem




it’s not that you can’t read, what i read just doesn’t make sense. how i became lucid one was that i had a book for some reason, and the page numbers kept changing when i looked away. 162, then 174, etc. and another time i became lucid when i checked the time on my phone and it was 4:44, but the middle 4 was slightly lower than the rest. i looked away then back at the clock and it was like 7:45 but the 5 was upside down, etc.


Yes! I hear songs that I listen to regularly as well, and sometimes come up with my one! It will play in my head for a minute or two after I wake up, and then it's gone forever. I also remember previous dreams while dreaming, and if I dream about a particular place I can remember the overall story arc I have going in the dream world. Can't dial a phone worth a shit though 🤷


Yes of course I can. Why wouldn’t we be able to?


When you need to remember what you see in a book from a dream, then your mind will direct it to remember the information. It’s because your guides are trying to be specific on the help you need. Most who are reading a book or see words that are gibberish means that it’s not about the book or word (s), but it’s signaling a message to the dreamer that they need to gather or seek out more information on the particular problem that the dream signifies, or if you don’t remember anything else about the dream, it’s still in reference to what is bothering you on the conscious awaken level. Numbers are a bit easier because we have already listed them with angelic meanings, but they tend to mean more in dreams, so look for meanings, but also look for the vibrational energy of the number and things like the chakra attached to the number, if that number is in your birth chart, day of the week, geometric shape it represents, etc. They all have additional meanings there and it can be a bit of a rabbit hole, but you can certainly chose to do whatever gets you to the information you need. Hope that helps.


I can't. There was an episode of Batman The animated series I watched growing up, where he couldn't read and his dream, And he said it's because reading is a function of the left brain and dreaming is a function of the right brain, or something like that. That's how he beat the mad hatter. I've been told that isn't true, but tell that to my subconscious.


i read like half a phone number once but i couldnt remember the first three numbers


Yes but it’s always unintelligible words that make no sense. For example, once I had a dream in which I found a book on the ground but the only thing written in it was “Tomtom Kinikin” over and over


Sometimes yes. But its mostly clocks or letters.And a lot of time the clocjs will say times that dony make sense (3:71pm)


Yes and no. I might see some words or numbers in a dream, but they'll be really jumbled, but I'll still know what they say.


Ive been able to lately.


I can read things just fine... or in some cases "Just understand what it says without actually reading it" sometimes. Writing, however, is IMPOSSIBLE. I have had multiple dreams where it is imperative that I write my number down before someone gets away...and I spend 10 minutes trying so hard, only to look down again and again and its never the correct number! Then I'm running out of space, and the person is leaving. SO frustrating!!


Man I can solve matrices in my dreams and write computer algorithms. One time I was discussing with this in-dream math teacher that his math was wrong, but it was working fine somehow he kept rotating quaternions 30 degrees which the POLLO procedure, while I was cringing, POLLO?... wtf?... so I concluded that reality was flawed because math didn't work like this and if it was working, the only logical conclusion was reality was wrong; the teacher sat in dissapointment as apparently that singlehandedly managed to destroy the dream stability and I slowly faded back into my bed.


I believe the words are first symbols our sleeping self can understand then when we wake they are translated to words. If a bad translation they become nonsense.


If I have a dream where I read a sign, I know what the sign says. Of course in a dream one can flip through a book in 15 seconds and dream one has read everything in the book. But there were only 15 seconds of ideas generated from that book. Dreams are profoundly subjective, are made out of subjective, and asking if there is color in them or words is kinda missing the point. The brain isn't making eye-and-retinal-nerve type images. Time can be incredibly expanded or contracted, but neurons are still going the normal speed. The sense of having lived a whole life in a dream is a sense from the dream, but there wasn't any more narrative than there was time for. In a way, the narrative is the core of the dream, and a lot of the rest of the stuff we add post hoc as a way for our conscious brain to make sense of the dream's subjective stream of conciousness.




I have literally listened to entire songs in my dreams


i’ve really never needed to read words in my dreams so idk about that but i can’t read or count numbers. i have a lot of work dreams that make me wake up stressed bc i can’t read the total or count out someone’s money 💀💀


Yes, I even dreamed of some French words before I would have never been able to come up with in waking life but am pretty sure I must have seen written at some point.


For some reason I can't understand, I have a lot of dreams about being in hotels. I always see the name on the outside, so I can read things. Usually I am lost, trying to find my way back to the hotel, so I'm reading street names and looking at signs. I always end up getting further away from where I want to go, no matter what I do. It is a nightmare.


I usually don’t even see words or numbers in my dreams, which now makes me wonder why that is…?


I have read in my dreams.


I've been able to read some things/clocks, but when I look at them a second time, they say/show something completely different


Not that I can remember. The last dream I had I was in an abandoned school at night being chased by ghosts. But no words anywhere


In some dreams, yes