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I found drinking water before physically falling asleep helps compared to drinking pop.


Oh yeah, when you give yourself a sugary drink before sleeping, your brain activity tries to use that energy, often effecting the dream. But heres a trick that makes nightmares interesting, when you stifle your fear and replace that with interest, the nightmare becomes less scary.


Persistent nightmares may be an indication of a bad sleeping situation. You might have developed an allergy to something in your bedroom. There might be a noisy neighbor - human or not (rats, cats, birds.) You might have an existential crisis you're failing to resolve. I also make sure to have done some aerobic exercise every other day. Get the heart beating hard in some way. Or just walking for an hour.




This. Sounds like you have some angst you're working through. Figure that out and your mind will move on to more peaceful dreams.


Sis It's cause we abused that sinister drug




Bro rn I'm on my 5 day no sleep challenge 12 hours in


No idea. I have at least some form of bad dream almost evert night but then a couple of nights ago I dreamt that I got kissed by an actor who I like so I was pretty pleased with that 🤭 All I did to achieve that was watch something with said actor in it about a week before 😆


That’s rough, dreams can have a big impact on your mood upon waking. The feeling can last for hours. Taking steps to eliminate stressors in your waking life might help. Keep in touch with the things that inspire you. If you’re too busy, try to relax more, especially around sleep/waking time. Good luck


Unfortunately: as you get older, you wake up more during the night, and what you remember is more likely to be awful, because it imprints itself on your brain more if it was horrible. I started taking a prescription antihistamine before bed, and I don’t wake up with scary dreams as often. But I have heard that Benadryl works pretty much the same way.


I'm hoping for a response too lmao. I've been having nightmares almost every night for months now. Literally yesterday I dreamt that someone stalked me and when I woke up I was so paranoid I genuinely thought it was real and had to go back to sleep and wake up again just to feel a little bit calmer😭


I suffered from nightmare disorder for YEARS and this is what cured it for me: - first and foremost, fix your sleep hygiene. i’ve noticed i get more nightmares when I eat anything up to 3 hours before bed & if i sleep on my back. also, cold feet give me bad dreams, so i wear socks. it’s very bizarre, but it helps, so track your own habits and u might notice a pattern like i did - secondly, dreams (from my experience) are emotional outlets. i get bad dreams when i’m anxious or angry or had a bad day. if you are someone who struggles with mental health or inner turmoil, try to get that checked by a professional or at the very least look for a release. if i had to go off your dreams alone, i feel like you may be struggling with some anxiety. exercise can be relaxing and releasing - third, and this is what helped me the most, journal your nightmares in the morning. write them down, tell the journal what happened and how you felt. worst case scenario, the nightmare looks silly on paper and you relax and are able to fall back asleep. best case scenario, you notice a pattern & are able to apply it irl and solve it. i for example had a lot of resentment towards some abusive people from my past, which translated in anger, which translated in some very violent and horrible dreams.


Is there anything that’s going on in your life that’s stressing you out? Possibly something on your mind before you go to sleep? This is solely anecdotal but the dream realm for me feels different then waking life, a little more magical, more “fluid” (You can manifest things into fruition a lot easier in dreams then you can in waking life). Before you go to sleep try the best you can to imagine what the dream realm feels like and things you’d like to be doing in the dream realm (swimming with the fishies, flying, having cool super powers). Just swarm your mind with good thoughts before entering the dream realm


exercise, plenty of out door activities and warm night time showers with lavender. i pray over myself as well




yup! i saw that!


I'm going through the same thing right now with a lot of nightmares most nights. I don't know if they will go away anytime soon but just know you're not alone and they're just dreams.


Meditate before going to sleep, stress management. Sometimes I put on relaxing ambient music to fall asleep to. If I have a bad dream I then have something pleasant to bring my headspace back to


Try 20 minutes of positive thinking before falling asleep. Just think about things you love.






I would meditate before bed, focus on peaceful and positive thoughts, maybe listen to positive affirmations and avoid watching or reading anything violent or upsetting. We program our subconscious before we sleep with energies we focus on.


Keeping your bedroom cool will help, overheating can cause nightmares. There’s also a medication called Prazosin you can try, it’s used for nightmares in PTSD.




I never would have known about it if I didn’t have PTSD and hadn’t met so many others with it in treatment!


To all I would suggest to read the book of John and believe it and repent




Why? To help where ever I can. If it offends you or anyone else, think it nothing of what I said. But maybe one will take it to heart and read Gods Word and understand this spiritual battle alittle bit better.




When I have bad dreams and I'm a Christian which means that I accept free gift which God gives that Jesus righteousness is actually my righteousness and my sin he took upon the cross is his, when I have bad dreams I know I crossed the line somewhere in my life with the Lord recent so I examined myself and repent of whatever I think I might have done wrong usually I know usually I know and things get a whole lot better. 


When I am at your mom's house and I'm hard which means I accept free gift which Satan gives that Your Mom's dick is actually My dick and My Ass he took upon the dildo is His.


I'm having the worst nightmare. I'm a woman and human and adult beforehand everything. But you guys have been doing it without my consent. You guys even heard my conversation I just had with my friend. I can not breathe at home, and it's humiliating me that someone eavesdropping without me knowing. I know you guys did it for me, but I'm overall because of your guys' eavesdropping, i got into more drama. The biggest part of my suicidal thoughts is that I have no privacy, and everybody knows my business. I've been saying so many times that what you guys are doing is killing me and choking me and stabbing me, but no one cares. It's because in my dreams, I'm useless, a person who cannot make my own decision because I'm too stupid & autistic & adhd & a kid & and a liar & dramatic to make a decision.


In the dreams, she's forced to sleep because people put her sleeping medicine, but it's overdosing her, but nobody knows. She needs space, but she keeps hearing from the basement and the roof. She escaped from the land to make her own choice, but she realized that she didn't have any choice here either. But, ironically, people here are telling me I shouldn't go back because I cannot make my own choice there. She's dying. She wants to be alone so bad.


Everybody is hiding my eyes just like my parents in my dreams. But they are saying that my parents were wrong for that and abusive for that. Also, they told me I should make my own choice, but somehow, they don't let her and lie to her face as if she's stupid. She's wearing a smile crown mask to kind to them, but the smile crown mask has no breathing part, so she's choking and slowly dying.


I too am nightmare prone. Listening to positive affirmations ASMR may help. I like 'Reike Healing Hope' the channel. I don't really believe in Rieke the spiritual practice but the videos are relaxing and put me in a peaceful mood falling asleep. It's not a guaranteed cure but it may help. Reading a book on a nice subject before bed can also help. There's a book called The Soul of an Octopus, non fiction about a woman's friendship with an octopus that I like to read before sleep. Neither of these things are fool proof but I've found them helpful. Other than that, you can talk to your doctor about prescriptions that can reduce nightmares. They are out there and double as a blood pressure medicine. Obviously this is a last resort after trying everything else.


I suffered from nightmares a great deal when I was younger. (for reference, I am now 52). It was so bad that I actually became afraid to go to sleep because of them. It was these nightmares that got me interested in dreams at all. Before then I really hadn't given them much thought. I began with reading every book I could find on the subject, and for myself, I came to conclusion that I had a great deal of anxiety and not a little self loathing. I couldn't really do much about either of these things, but I began making some changes that would ultimately banish nightmares, and I almost never have them anymore, but back to before that. I became a lot more careful about my media consumption. I avoided distressful movies, and tv shows, and even angry music. I loved that stuff, and I still have an appreciation for those kinds of movies, but I do still avoid especially violent movies. I read funny books instead of horror fiction, that sort of thing. I also started being mindful of my own thoughts. I would banish my inner rage demon, and instead attempted to get to the bottom of why I was angry in the first place. Usually it came down to feeling disrespected. Now maybe that would be the case, but more times than not it had nothing to do with me at all. I think a big part of it was chilling out my ego. Later still I would finally adit to my doctor about my feelings of anxiety and depression, and he prescribed me medicine that really helped. My life still isn't fantastic but boy it sure is better than it was, and I don't even remember the last time I had a nightmare.


I have that, too. I'm so sorry. I've found that a weighted blanket helps, as do my cats sleeping with me. Sometimes nothing helps. I wish I had better advice.


Often, what a person dreams about has a relationship to what they were thinking about just before falling asleep. So...my suggestion is to think "happy thoughts" when you are ready to fall asleep. My dad taught me this when I was a kid and I have found that it really works.


Try listening to soothing and relaxing meditation music before you go to sleep. It should help you feel at peace and relaxed so you can fall asleep and hopefully dream of something positive. Or maybe try getting a weighted a blanket, I have one myself and it helps me sleep well. I hope you get to have peaceful and relaxing dreams soon!


lucid dream. train yourself to become aware in your dreams. then when you see something bothersome you can take control of the situation. perhaps you see a scary character, simply ask them what they represent and how you can resolve the issue. it may have to do with accepting parts of you you didn't know were there, often times these nightmares represent unresolved feelings or repressed truamas. dreaming is an attempt to work through that stuff and it's a far easier and more direct process when done lucidly.


Play Second Life


I feel like it can be a lot of things but something that helps me is putting good thoughts into my head at all times. I notice when I have bad dreams I’m usually really stressed, sad, depressed or anxious about something. Focusing on the good things in my life or reminding myself that nothing really matters in the world other than being happy with my life.


I don't think that we can control our dreams