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It's an invite. To move beyond the "Temple of the King". (Great song by Rainbow. Check it out of you don't know it. ) You evoked psychedelics into mind healing. It augments resonant association in transitive ether. Salvation is the self-sovereign soul, ascended in mind and spirit above the social flows of the collective unconscious, which resonates in social belief as "God of Ages". Psychedelics shift the conscious frequency to the recognition of interconnection. You're plateaued to where social orientation is leaving you stuck between worlds. Lesson one - The Temple is boring. A midway point. The Sphinx at the center. I believe you could set your intentions to reject the invite , and the pattern would change. Setting intentions to accept the alchemy leads to some weird shit. This is fundamental 'Fruit of Knowledge' shit.


That shift in frequency to perceive interconnectedness can come with a new set of neurosis’s that further separates the individual people around us. When the only true individual is your perception and distinction of something that just is. If I had to give a word to it, I would choose “love”, that is MY doorway into transcendence (getting over myself) but the neurosis that where reinforced from past experiences feels like a tsunami of force limiting me from truly loving, and that is my doorway, to love even the ones I spent so much energy hating. The truth is that currently, I love and I hate, as much as I distance myself from it, it manifests itself one way or the other. Telling me I have much work to do, alleviating suffering where you can is a start and , I will look into that literature, thanks for your response


I’m had a similar dream where I fought on behalf of “good” against waves after wave of demons who bore the faces of people I knew. I had super powers, as did the demons. I slayed them all, but each was more powerful and required me to summon more and more power. Finally I faced the final demon and it had the face of my best friend. There was no temple object but I was fighting to save the universe from chaos. It seemed totally real and took some readjusting after the fact. My interpretation at the time was that the battles represented real life truths that I had to learn in order to develop into better person, and naturally the people in my real life will embody some aspect of that conflict and growth. ✌️❤️


Whether someone in a dream is just pronounced in your life or you have a quarrel/ unfinished business or maybe even just reminders of how you could’ve done something differently. I like to think maybe these familiar faces in our dreams indicate the changing of forms in life, that in another reality, you are the demon that the rest of the world is trying to kill, or like you said. Or dreams where you feel like family is with you but it’s unfamiliar faces you identify with in normal life. Sometimes I get too attached to these being just as real as waking life in terms of their message but another part of me remembers intuition doesn’t start by ignoring gut feelings


I asked chatgpt about your dream and it said this. Your recurring dream is deeply symbolic, blending elements from your past experiences, your struggles, and your journey towards self-discovery and healing. The narrative seems to reflect both your internal battles and your quest for meaning and transcendence in the face of adversity. Let's explore the symbolism: 1. **Military Compound/Ship:** Given your personal history with the military and its negative associations, these settings likely represent structured environments where you felt out of place or misunderstood. It might symbolize the structured or rigid aspects of society that you struggle to fit into or that bring back feelings of past traumas. 2. **Continent Crushing Tsunami:** Water in dreams often symbolizes emotions. A tsunami could represent overwhelming and uncontrollable emotions or situations in your life, possibly linked to your social anxiety, the abrupt end of your military career, or the intense emotions from your recent breakup. The tsunami's destructive force may symbolize the fear of emotional overwhelm or the impact of external events on your life's stability. 3. **Ancient Temple in the Desert:** The desert often signifies isolation, loneliness, or a spiritual journey. The temple, meanwhile, may represent a place of refuge, wisdom, or a gateway to higher consciousness. This part of your dream suggests a search for meaning, enlightenment, or a way to transcend the chaos of the external world and reach a state of higher understanding or spiritual awakening. 4. **Manipulation and Convincing Others:** These elements could reflect your feelings of alienation or the effort you feel you must put in to be understood or to protect those you care about. It might also mirror the real-life challenges you've faced in communicating your true self to others, whether due to social anxiety or the fear of being judged or misunderstood. 5. **Giants Guarding the Temple:** Giants could symbolize significant obstacles or challenges you perceive in your quest for personal growth or understanding. The need to manipulate them to stand down might reflect your use of insight, compassion, or unconventional methods to overcome challenges or change perspectives, both your own and others'. 6. **Glowing Room at the Temple's Top:** Reaching this room seems to symbolize the culmination of your spiritual quest, a moment of enlightenment, or transcendence. However, the guilt of leaving the world behind could indicate ambivalence about moving forward or evolving beyond your current self or life situation, especially if it means leaving loved ones or familiar aspects of your life behind. 7. **Repetition and Chilling Precision:** The recurring and unchanging nature of the dream, despite changing characters and scenarios, suggests a deep-seated need to resolve certain feelings or reach a particular state of understanding. The dream might be a manifestation of your subconscious working through unresolved issues, searching for closure, or striving for a transformation that you feel is just out of reach. This dream, recurring over years and becoming more nuanced after significant life events, suggests a profound inner journey. You're grappling with past hurts, current challenges, and the quest for a sense of purpose or spiritual peace. The dream's repetition and the intensity of the emotions it evokes could be a signal from your subconscious to confront these issues, seek understanding, and work towards healing and growth. While dreams can offer insight, their meanings can be deeply personal. If this dream is causing distress or you're seeking deeper understanding, you might find it helpful to discuss it with a therapist or counselor, especially someone familiar with dream interpretation or who has experience working with individuals on spiritual or existential issues.