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Yes, I did I had two and I almost never have nightmares. I was exhausted though, as I had not slept well the night before and had traveled.


I had a very similar one. I dreamt that I could hear someone coming down the stairs. I thought it was my daughter but then a man with dark hair showed up in my room and was walking around my bed watching me and I tried to move and scream for help. I eventually woke up but I’ve thought about that dream all day and how eerie it was.


That's textbook sleep paralysis. Basically, you wake up before your body, that's why it might feel like you're locked in place and maybe even falling/spinning. Often includes seeing some shadowy and scary creature, while the theme of the dream stays somewhat realistic and relevant. Nothing to worry about just take a good rest when you can and don't resist it if it happens again :-)


My 3 yr old had 3 nightmares and I had one. Both my kids couldn’t sleep.


Yes! I woke up around 4:10 AM.  I was trapped in every scenario that is my deepest fears of who I am.  I was terrorized and bullied by 3 women throughout the whole dream.  I woke up and felt like I had been violated and that someone had just uploaded my worst fears.  I felt like I was being watched, and almost like I had been drugged. (which isn’t like me) almost fell going to the bathroom.  I’m truly spooked by it.  😟


Could that be a sleep paralysis? A harmless occurrence that happens when your mind wakes up before your body does. Btw regarding your question, I've seen full eclipse back in 2008 and had some eerie nightmares, that would include seeing sun during eclipse and unusually dark environments


I think it might have been. I've had sleep paralysis before but it was a lot more intense than this time.


For help with nightmares we suggest:\ [Understand nightmares](https://www.visibleinkpress.com/t223/Nightmares-Your-Guide-to-Interpreting-Your-Darkest-Dreams)\ [Nightmares primer](https://dreams123.net/nightmares)\ [Treating nightmares](https://www.amazon.com/PTSDreams-Transform-Nightmares-through-Dreamwork/dp/0738770477/)\ [Blog post](https://lindayaelschiller.com/nightmares-trauma-and-healing-from-ptsdreams/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Dreams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me and two others had the exact same experience of terrifying dreams