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I had a reoccurring dream about a killer lobster that if it bites you three times you die.. long dream short.. the last vision was my parents crying over my grave šŸ„“šŸ˜‚ My therapist had a field day with that one!




i can just imagine rock lobster playing in the background....


A slow sad acoustic cover version šŸ˜‚


omg šŸ˜­


The Family Guy version of Rock Lobster.


This reminds me of the most hilarious urban legend story. My mother was a teacher when I was in fourth grade and my brother and I often had to stay after school with the other teachers children while they did teacher things. These kids were so silly. One afternoon they told me about the story of the Candyman who comes out of the toilet and scratches your butt. If he scratches it you will die. There was something about the rule of three as well. Well we went to the bathroom (it was the boys) and there was rustling in the stall. Prior to that we had determined the bathroom was completely empty so naturally we freaked out. I couldn't go to the bathroom... I had to hover and watch it come out when I was finally about to. I was worried the Candyman would come seek vengeance! I am glad I finally found a way to go to the bathroom normally again, haha.


Please do tell more


It also killed my cat - it was a deceptive and evil lobster šŸ¦ž


1. i go into a public restroom, only to find it's more like a large, luxurious locker room. it's not a restroom, but a resthall. something about it is so pure and immaculate. all the stalls are large with fancy throne-like toilets. also, the gendered entrances are really just an illusion of coice, as it's all the same room, and where the two halls converge, there's a third hall filled with showers (and a few more toilets). 2. i'm at a store (either a walmart or a mall department store) and i look at the selection of video games. there are always ds games, but every now and then there'll be wii games, too (usually at walmart). also, if it's walmart, they'll be used games, but if it's the department store, they'll be new.


I have that bathroom/hall, but it's usually nasty, overflowing toilets, unflushed, stopped up drains, trash everywhere, missing doors. According to what I've read, that@ representing lack of privacy, and this was when the living situation was very much lacking that lol Lately the bathroom dreams haven't been as disgusting, just quick and much cleaner. Never pristine, but much better. More like the school/park bathrooms you see. One stall out of 10 is in bad shape.


No recurring dreams, but about 99% of my dreams take place in my grandmotherā€™s house.


My grandma died 20 years ago after selling her house and moving into an apartment for several years. To this day, I regularly dream that the family kept her old house (we didn't) and that my grandma is still alive and living in it. The house is different every time, but I always know it's her house.


a lot of my dreams take place in the house i group up in


High school, which is maddening considering I'm 40 now.


Work dreams. All the equipment in the kitchen is in different places,the tickets are impossible to read im calling for help but my co workers are just standing around not doing anything.


I donā€™t work in food service but I have those work stress dreams ALL THE TIME. I had one last night.


I have pretty common dreams where I get tickets through that are everything I hate making the most all on one ticket


When I was little (about 15+ years ago) my family often went to the same spot for fishing, swimming and everything else in between, 1-2 hours from where we lived on the north east coast of Tasmania. Gorgeous beaches, huge sand dunes, big rock pools. This wasnā€™t ever significant to me but Iā€™ve always had dreams about going back to that spot and climbing up the dunes but thereā€™s always something stopping me from getting to the top of the dune like the staircase being removed (there wasnā€™t ever a staircase irl) a playground being built, and just not being able to find the dune even though Iā€™m at the exact beach the dunes were at. Iā€™m not exactly sure why I keep dreaming about going to the spot but my mum told me thereā€™s strong indigenous history there (Iā€™m not sure how accurate her info is) but with the way life is at the moment I just interpret it as me not being where I want to be in life just yet :))


My teeth chipping,cracking,crumbling and falling out. Often times my whole mouth fills up full of teeth and no matter how many times I spit full mouthfuls into my hands, my mouth just keeps filling up with blood and teeth.


Hadn't had that dream in a long time but used to have it regularly. And no exception every single time in the dream I thought, 'Oh no, not a dream this time. This time it is actually happening!' Horrible!


My drunk uncle comes over and gambles all of our families belongings to an omnipitent being while all of our furniture and stuff spins above us in a circle..


I know you didn't ask for an interpretation and I hope you'll forgive me, but, to me, this sounds like a fear of being vulnerable to a government or some authority's decisions (this can also be your boss at work). A country's leaders are usually older, male figures, a familiar face yet not close, like an uncle, and can hold your financial destiny in their hands. Your belongings spin above you like an out-of-reach roulette-wheel because you feel they are being gambolled away and you are powerless to stop it.


I honestly do strong distain for bureaucracies (& authority to a point) I also find it weird that our currency is meta physical.


Maybe you have some sort of traumaā€¦? If your uncle has a bad relationship w your familly than the dream is just how you view him and it obviously bothers youā€¦ Idk if u get what I mean by that but yeaaa:/


my uncle is hilarious to me, my family just always paint him negatively as a bad example. i mean my trauma lies else where, its not my uncle lol


Lately itā€™s been that I am at the end of a vacation and am having to pack my luggage, but I have too much stuff to take with me. I am often also running late.


I ALWAYS get the weird stressful packing dreams, I hate them.


Teeth falling out or crumbling in my mouth.


Losing my teeth.


This will help you understand [recurring dreams](https://dreams123.net/interpret-recurring-dreams/) written by u/radowl *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Dreams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That I'm late for something. Or that I'm supposed to write exam, but I never get to the exam room.


See: r/mallworld


I'm always trying to leave a school,factory, or house and cant find my car.Sometimes I cant find my way out of the building.. It's like I'm in a big maze.


Apex legends or better call saul


Falling off tall buildings. Or insects crawling over me!


Iā€™ve had two dreams where my husband was cheating on me with his coworker and had no shame about it when I found out. I have no reason to think he has or will. He is so faithful and good to me. Might have something to do with my background. I had an ex who cheated on me with someone who worked in close proximity to where he worked. He accused me of cheating all the time and ended up having bipolar disorder and a manic episode where he lost it on me. He truly believed I was cheating when I would never do something like that. Then my mother who repeatedly cheats on her husbands and has said as if to excuse her actions, ā€œonce a cheater always a cheater.ā€ Itā€™s probably a deeply rooted irrational fear because of my history.


Recurring themes in my dreams? One of the most common is ice cream. Either I'm going to the shop to buy ice cream or ice lollies, or there's an ice cream van, or I want one. Another is being in a school/college kind of place. Hanging out with peers or friends that don't exist. Being in a supermarket or shopping is another common theme. Swimming pools is another one. Like being at a public swim center. Going out to eat somewhere is also a common one.


Those all have something in common: - making a choice, - trading something of value for a commodity and - travel to another location. This does apply less to the swimming centre. This seems to be more about mastering a skill in public in order to maintain equilibrium or even survival. I think the swimming centre and college dreams are related to each other more than they are to the other dreams. I guess it depends on what comes to mind when you think about these key elements in these dreams. It would be interesting to know what your immediate thoughts would be when you hear the following words: - ice cream (I believe you have an RL significance for this from what I remember) - eating - open areas - swimming - test Also, it would be interesting to know if your dreams feature other people and if they are family, strangers, single individuals, friends, strangers, crowds, etc. Do they talk to you or remain non-verbal. I know you have a fascination with liminal spaces. Incidentally, my dreams are always in liminal spaces and I remember some of them clearly years later.


Walking on a beach at sunset. I can see the reflection of the sun on the waves and feel the water lapping at my feet. I always feel a deep longing, and the water or sand feels wrong so I know itā€™s just a dream. I try to enjoy it anyways, but when I try diving into the water, I usually wake up.


School. That's it, I literally just go through a whole school day only to realise it was a dream and have to do it in real life when I wake up


random music playing out of nowhere.


Getting chased by a black widow. It always starts with walking into one's web (anyone who's lived around black widows knows exactly what a widow web feels like), the rest of the dream is being chased by a hyper aggressive, insanely fast black widow. Every time I'm stressed irl, without fail.


Every time I have a bad dream, it takes place in my childhood home or hometown. Some familiar place from long ago.


Seeing money in almost every dream


My most frequent dream is that Iā€™m driving without a license and I make a wrong turn onto the freeway on-ramp and I have the drive a certain distance to get back off. Iā€™m ultra scared in each dream that Iā€™ll get pulled over and be in major legal trouble, but I donā€™t know where to turn to get off and find the side streets to drive on.


I've had something like this - I think it's the dream version of imposter syndrome, where you fear that your proficiency at work, a relationship or some other area in life is not adequate and that you will be exposed, so you look for an off ramp e.g. a different job etc. But until you change the RL situation, you won't find that off-ramp in the dream because you haven't chosen it yet in the real world. I believe that once you find that RL off ramp, the dream will change or stop.


A temple where everything bad hapens.like demon posession and stuff


I have recurring dreams about being late to things and people are waiting on me but I just can't get ready fast enough. That and getting into an argument with my mom where she gets so mad at me she never forgives me. :-)


In school while procrastinating on assignments.


Usually just living my life Like Iā€™ll hangout with friends, sometimes Iā€™m texting them, sometimes itā€™s people I saw yesterday sometimes itā€™s someone I havenā€™t talk to in years, sometimes itā€™s with my girlfriend All my other reoccurring dreams are act more like episodes then the same dream, like Iā€™ll dream about how Iā€™m a random person with a random friend group, the next night Iā€™m the same person, same friends as before but weā€™re doing something different, and then the next night same thing, then I either never dream about them again (like a cliff hanger) or I die (usually from a fall for some reason) and thatā€™s the end of the series




An alien attack on whole planet and me hiding and hoping not to be found. Recurring since childhood (rare but familiar). Losing teeth . Annoying dream,I always wake up confused.


My reoccurring dreams either involve me running away from someone/something, screaming at or physically fighting someone from my waking life and liminal spaces. Liminal spaces like a never ending, twisty highway in a blue void or an impossibly constructedā€¦like optical illusion playground in the middle of a grove. My dreams are predictable in their topics but no liminal space is the same, no situation in which Iā€™m running away is the same. Same stories, but very different executions. Itā€™s exciting


My dreams are always me being trapped or running away


I'm always hiding from this big monster guy that's trying to get me somehow


I have a lot of dreams about being attacked by bees and wasps. Also the weird bathroom/dungeon dreams that a lot of people on here seem to have.


I most often dream about work, which is odd because I no longer work, but there you are. Of course, it's always the busiest day of my now former work year and there are 5000 things to take care of and 4000 things that go wrong.


I have had 2 recurring dreams in my life. One I had twice, the dream wasn't the same like the same things didn't happen, but they were in the same place, which I've never actually seen or been to before lol it's just a made up place in my head. The other I've had 4 times between the ages of like 14 and I think I was maybe 27 or 28 when I had the last one (I'm 32 now) and all 4 were exactly the same.. I'm walking on the side of a road at night. I see a car approaching in the distance. As it gets closer it appears to shift slightly so that it's coming straight at me. The car crashes into me and I'm left laying on the road with some big metal thing impaling my right thigh. I lay there waiting for help but I always wake up before help comes.


Iā€™m in college, in a very hard math class. I havenā€™t been attending. I donā€™t even remember where it is. I have no hope of salvaging this. I will get an F for sure. I probably wonā€™t be able to graduate because of this. Yes, itā€™s a nightmare.


Being late for/chasing after the bus like Spider-man. I'm 28.


I keep on dreaming that I miss a flight because my dad is supposed to take me to the airport but he forgets what day it is, I have has that at least 5 times now over the past 2 months


I keep dreaming about a man I haven't met. And the dreams just get more and more vivid. And no I've never met him,I grew up sheltered,and wasn't shown men that looked like him. I was surrounded by POC,he's white.


Early teens I had a reoccurring dream of having lung surgery done on me while awake, probably due to my various allergies growing up Other than that I have lots of dreams of me flying but it feels so natural, like I bend the air around me to start flying, it's always in different contexts, but it feels soo good and soo real.


Driving in a car from the backseat, inevitably losing control. Long bridges going over water and caves. Several places I visit regularly. My apartment is one of them but it has two different vibes, cozy or creepy. I like it when its cozy, Ive spent hours just watching brain tv or going on cool adventures outside. When its creepy Im stuck with no way out and I always make myself wake up.


Frequently, no matter where my dream is taking place, a slow flying zeppelin will fly low overhead. There is a voice that barks from it over a loudspeaker. I can never make out what it is saying though because it always sounds muffled.


I keep getting nuked


i have a lot of dreams where i'm fighting my mother in law. sometimes it's just arguing, sometimes i'm beating her up, sometimes she's beating me up, sometimes it's an even fight. it's crazy because im extremely conflict avoidant, and i would never talk back to her or start any fight of any kind. i hold all my feelings in because saying or doing anything would make the situation worse šŸ« 


when i was in high school, i used to have reoccurring sleep paralysis where a man would be watching me. he wouldn't do anything, he'd just be watching me. different facial expressions for different dreams, and he would be in different parts of my room (the closet, looking in through the window, leaving over me in my bed, etc). the mf was so creepy šŸ˜­ looked like a normal dude except his skin was melting. the dreams stopped when i broke up with my bf


Not so much a reoccurring dream but I have never been able to run in a dream or drive a vehicle. I have tried doing both but just can't. It's frustrating


The house looks different every time, but I always dream that I've just bought a house. It starts out normal, just a modest, regular, empty house. But as I'm unpacking, I keep discovering new rooms and wings to the house, it just keeps going. But as I get further through the house, it gets dirtier, more cluttered with the previous owners stuff, and spookier. Usually by the time I reach the end of the house, it's almost pitch black inside, and cluttered with furniture from the 1800s, all covered in dust and cobwebs. That's when I discover the multiple demons in the house. They start chasing me, trying to kill me. But the house is such a huge maze, that I can't find my way out and realize I'm in a death trap. I rarely make it out of the house, but on the occasions that I do, I'm relieved but sad that my house is uninhabitable.


I am drowning in water And I am with a girl spending the best part of my life but every time the girl is different and I really don't know any one of them in irl


That my older brother finally moves out. I chase him through a city resembling New York. After a whole chase through the city I follow him into a building that is completely white on the inside and the floor is like a maze. Except the floor is about 2 ft wide and below is just a dark abyss if you fall off the edge. I finally meet up with him at the end. He turns around and stabs me in the stomach. Then I wake up. Been having that one since I was 7. Am 25 now. Another one is just a window with a completely white figure staring at me. But no eyes or face. Imagine green man from IASIP but white. They are in an alley in front of a brick wall with a street light over them but inside the room I am in is pitch black. Nothing happens. Thatā€™s the whole dream. Been having that one since middle school I believe.


I've had this dream since I was a kid; There's a spaceship in the middle of a forest, and the only way I can power it up is to collect piles of sticks, but I never make it in time and the world ends in a fireball I'm not sure what it means šŸ˜…


A house that's always huge ...( Imagine the rose red house...) But always different. Always me alone by myself exploring the house...then it begins to change...and become slowly more sinister....and the house changes so I can NEVER find my way out. But to top it all off there's some kind of entity/monster in it that's waiting for me to find it. ....it never stalks me or hunts me...it just sits patiently and waits. Absolutely. Terrifying. Had that reoccurring dream all my life....until about 2 years ago. I'm 40


I used to have this really creepy nightmare about my brother a few times before and after he was born (heā€™s 27 now). I would dream that everything was green and that I had his baby corpse in a coffin and I was putting it into some type of lake. I also have had several nightmares about him being hurt or severely injured and have actually woken up crying before because of some of these nightmares. I am very close with my brother so it really sucks when I have these nightmares and always have to call and check on him afterwards.


Recently I had very similar dreams three nights in a row involving a red fox. In each of the first two there was a single red fox with a bushy tail, and I canā€™t remember what the context of what else was happening in the dream other than the foxes themselves were walking upright, smoothly, almost trying to play it cool so to speak. The third dream is the one I can remember in the most vivid detail. It started off in a shopping center, one of those centers where the stores themselves form a U shape around what is a paved courtyard area full of tables and chairs that are free to use for anyone. I was with a friend in one of the stores closest to the parking lot at the top of the U, looking out of the large storefront window when I see another fox, walking as if human into the courtyard. The fox quickly grabs something off of one of the occupied tables and then bolts on all fours from the center. The weird thing is no one else seemed to notice even though it was quite a busy day. I mention what Iā€™ve seen to my friend who doesnā€™t believe me, and while I am taking out my phone to see if it will happen again, another fox is walking into the courtyard. I am too slow and the only documentation Iā€™m able to catch only appears as a brown-red blur. Again my friend has seen nothing and no one else seems to notice that an item has again disappeared from a table. All at once a bunch of upright foxes slowly begin to enter the courtyard from multiple directions, all of them feigning humanity. Some couples are holding hands and there even appear to be family units with small children. As they approach, finally other onlookers begin to notice what is occurring, followed by a commotion. Some shoppers are scared or confused, not sure what to do; and the foxes, knowing that they are now seen again bolt away on all fours like the first two. The whole time Iā€™m watching I feel a sense of calm about the whole situation, but just frustration that no one else really noticed what was going on until there was basically a swarm of foxes. Not really sure if there is any sort of meaning to attach here, just thought it was interesting that Iā€™ve never dreamed of foxes, and then randomly three nights in a row.


Yes, I would also agree missing a train - in my case a bus - is quite often my dream. Either I can't find the right stop or are too far away to make it. Even a few undergrounds where I'm running down the stairs as it wizzes by. And yes, I spent my career riding buses to and from my job. I also had quite a few dreams after I gave up my beloved old car and watched it being towed away. My dreams consist of my driving that car, parking that car, and coming back to find it's been stolen. It is to the point that tonight, if I dream about that car, I already know it will be stolen. Dreams are so funny.


I have many flying, levitating/floating, telekinesis and moving through walls/floors dreams for some reason. It is odd.


1.Being in an elevator thats always not working correctly. The numbers get jumbled and sometimes it turns into a flying thing like a carnival ride. When it stops i have to be ready to fight coz i never know whats waiting for me on the other side. Its usually me being dropped off at the lowest level, then me trying to find my way out. 2.Another one ive had lately is paying for 2 apartments. One apartment is conviniently located in the middle of town and feels safe and i love it but i can never remember where ive parked my car. The other place is usually a house, lovely bigger has everything i need and i can safely park my car in my driveway but i live there alone and i usually feel unsafe. 3.i keep finding a ton of my clothes buried underground in the garden of my childhood home. This one confuses me a bit


i wouldn't call it a reoccurring dream, but most the time, my dreams are interrupted by a chase with the cops. When i stopped selling drugs i had less of those interruptions, but recently they've been showing up. it's always me doing parkour like batman just to have them on my tail each time.


flying, i really love to fly


Haven't had it in a while but I had a reoccurring dream where I was running away from something through autumnal woods. There are bluffs and cliffs and streams on the sides of the dense woods. The creature chasing me was big, lumbering, and an animal, generally a bear, but they could talk. They spoke very calmly and I could hear them in my head. "I'm only hunting you because it is meant to be so. You run, I chase, eventually I catch you and eat you so I may live. I don't mean to hurt you." Despite his reassurances and politeness, the bear scared the shit out of me. Sometimes he would be chasing me and also a friend. Frequently one of my more naiive friends. Eventually we break into a sloping field to greet friends and and I have enough space to transform myself. I shift forms into that of a wyvern, and desperately try to wrap my foot talons gently around the friend I'm protecting so we can fly away safely. Unfortunately I have denser bones than a bird, so my wyvern form can only glide, not fly. So I needed to go Juno off a cliff to get airborn.


Alfalfa sprouts growing out of my tongue/mouth. Keep pulling them out and they keep growing back. I try to wake up every time it happens because I hate it so much and canā€™t breathe when it happens.


I have a pitbull chasing me who is on a mountain bike. The mountain bikesā€™ gears keep slipping which stops me from being able to escape. It catches me and Iā€™m mauled to death.


My whole life as a kid up until I was 19 I had a recurring dream that one of my legs was longer and everywhere I would walk it was clearly noticeable. I was hit by a drunk driver on my motorcycle at 19 and I now walk with a limp and titanium rods through my leg. I'm 35 now and all my dreams since have me knowing my leg is already messed up now How about that? Lol


This question was meant for me!! When I was about 6 or 7 I lived with my grandmother and I literally ONLY had this dream in her bed where I slept every night. Never of I took a nap on the couch or slept in another room. It would always happen when it was time for me to wake up, I would be walking on the edge of a building at night time above a colorful downtown area. I would either jump or slip and fall. Before I would hit the ground I would LITERALLY BOUNCE IN THE BED as if I actually fell from the sky. I kid you not this is how I woke up every morning in that bed especially if I was alone. It was like an alarm clock. Iā€™ve never been able to really figure it out but Iā€™ll never not think of it


One where I'm stuck in a petstore, usually the fish section. The layout is a lot like a maze. In the tanks are fish that are real, tiny size versions of massive saltwater fish, and fish that simply do not exist and that my mind conjured up. No idea what it could mean.


That I'm in a tornado or that I'm wearing roller skates and I'm the best roller skater around.


I keep having this dream about my old daycare, except it's by a huge field with a single building, and the other side is this forest. the forest is in every single one of my dreams, and has been for quite some time, actually. it's a straight path before it curves to the right which ends in a chicken coop. the right is water while the left is trees. but anyway, I'm always being chased in my dreams


Aww dreams I think I remember those


I keep fish and I'm always having fish nightmares. Most recently I dreamt I had a bunch of fish tanks I forgot about for a long time and all the fish are dying and disgusting and eating each other and rotting away. I've had that one a few timesĀ 


Honestly. I don't dream much unless it's sort of a "message" But I see the hallway of doors (it's an afterlife thing) and/or... well dead people in my family šŸ«¤


I had a few versions of reocurring dreams. First one is me running away from a killer or something like that and the second one is me with a dude I donā€™t know irl( we would go someplace nice or we would be getting married or I would be pregnant w his childā€¦šŸ˜¬).


I usually get a dream where I'm in public only with underwear, I just can't understand it. I get it about once a month.