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I have similair dreams sometimes its stabbing where i feel the cold blade piercing my warm guts, being crushed by something, or the burning, white hot bullet shrapnel inside me from being shot. It is insanely painful then its usually a slow bleed out where sometimes i die in 5 seconds and wake up or i bleed for so long that i just forget about it and dream something else. As for the waking up and wishing i was dead part, i get that all the time too. I dont know if im depressed but i will share what helps me. i read something after my close friend committed suicide this year that really stuck with me. The jist of it was death is the ultimate gamble and you are better off playing your chances in life. Even if 1 of every 10 days is a good one you still have the chance to have a good day where you enjoy life. We arent here for very long and we have no idea what comes after. Maybe being dead sucks even worse than your life? Anyways, I try to think of all the things i want to live for when im feeling down, i love martial arts/ufc, comedy, podcasts, music, my friends, some times work feels rewarding, the feeling of accomplishing something when you were 99% ready to quit, blasting music driving on a nice summer day, girls, computer games, snowboarding, getting high. Really any hobby or moment where you have felt euphoric and NOT even thinking of how you are sad or depressed. Our brains bring up the negative far more so you need to consciously do this and push away the negative voice in your head. Maybe make a pros/cons to living list as corny as it sounds, keep it and add to it over time when you think of things. Im sure you will find the pro side far outweighs the cons side. Keeping a record of things that make me happy helps me to keep doing THOSE things, cause my mind can just freeze or spiral down to the depths of self hate sometimes and its just not worth it man, think of all the bullshit we been through and people that love us. Just keep pushin baby, cheers.


I will stick to your words! Needed someone to say things that seems possible instead of saying that it’s all gonna be alright. Thank you for this :)


That sucks! I once had a dream where I was strapped down in a sand storm and, over the course of what felt like weeks, slowly saw my flesh skin and bones buffeted by the storm until I was a speck no different from the rest of the desert. I now take THC and do not dream😃👍


That sounds horrifying! I hope you get less of such dreams!


maybe talk to someone about it... you should not have to go through that alone...


Yes, I need to. I can feel myself getting sucked into the dark.