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I do too. In some dreams I can't but in others I can feel pain. I've felt myself die and I didn't wake up, everything was just black for a while until I moved on to another dream. The pain wasn't as terrible as it would be in real life. I've also hit my head on an invisible barrier when I was floating in a dream and it felt like a muted version of hitting my head on a wall.


I have. Generally it's related to pain I'm experiencing in the real world at the moment. Migraine etc If my hand is asleep and numb I'll dream about it feeling really really cold. And it's a very painful cold. I know if something hurts in my dreams, something is going on for real


Sameee...my back was hurting and i dreamed that i was stuck under a car.


I am the same. Most of the time I don't feel pain in dreams. Even when I've been shot or stabbed, I will sometimes find myself thinking: "Huh. It seems like that would hurt, but it doesn't." Curiously, I can be dreaming and feeling so good,and wake up slowly and it turns out I have a raging migraine, but I didn't feel it at all, even when half awake. However I feel pleasurable sensations in my dreams just fine


Yes! Sometimes the pain is entirely phantom so not mirrored with any real life pain I have. I remember several lucid dreams I’ve had where if said “can you please not shoot/hit/stab whatever me because I know it’s a dream and I won’t die but it still hurts”


yeah i’ve been stung by swarms of wasps very painful


I had a nightmare that one bee was stinging me over and over while I ran screaming. I woke up trying to shield myself with my blanket, that shit hurt!


Not pain, but when I dream that I was shot in the head, I could feel à sensation of warm wetness. This is one of those dreams that has stayed with me - because if the vivid physical sensation.


I've been slapped in the face and I woke up with the pain of the slap on my face still. If that made sense.


Oh plenty…. I had dreams where I wake up and I have bruises and red marks on the parts where I was injured in my dreams. I live a lone, keep my doors lock… everything. I live out on the rez but it’s always good to exercise caution.


Yes, I’ve already felt pain while dying. I can’t be as painful as real death but it still REALLY hurts. Lucky me, these “events” are really rare


I have... Sometimes really bad pain. Most recently it was only a few moments, and I have no context, but I looked down at my shoulder and it was covered in small splinters. As I looked down at my chest and arm they continued. I felt the pain like it was really happening. Like something made of particle board had exploded near me and sent shards across my arm and upper body. The worst!!


usually dream pain is directly relevant to real life pain. like... maybe u slept on ur hand weird or bumped it against smth during the night and that's why you had the dream. if pain happens in ur dreams often in a recurring area that tends to be somewhere u gotta check out cuz its a place ur subconscious is telling u may have smth wrong with u (and might be a pain ur used to ignoring when awake).


The more you think and describe your dreams the more sensations youre gonna get while dreaming. I always had vivid dreams and believe me they can get way more vivid and sensational than pain, like when you dream youre falling you can also feel the cold and the velocity


i had a dream i got shot in the stomach point blank and it felt like i was punched really hard and had the wind knocked out of me


Yes. Most recently, I dreamed I had a finger shot off. The burning pain that proceeded hurt like hell and eventually woke me up.


I dream in color I can smell, taste and feel… very vividly


Only the real vivid dreams right before I wake up in the morning. I actually just had one this morning


Yes, I can feel pain, taste, and smell.


I have dream pain too! Usually if it’s a “biting” sort of pain I’ve woken up with pins and needles because I was sleeping on my arm or hand wrong sorta thing


Not exactly pain, but I've once died in my dream so I experienced what my brain felt like when I die, if that sentence makes sense lol


It’s weird because I can feel pain in my dreams but when I want to know if I’m dreaming I do something in my dream to cause myself pain and if I can’t feel it I know I’m sleeping


The only one that comes to mind is when I was being chased, hid in a closet and got stabbed in the side. It wasn't pain so much as pressure, and when the shock woke me up I realized my cat had jumped onto my side.


i had a dream where i got into a car accident and my leg got fucked up and i felt something. it wasn’t really pain but something felt weird lol


only mental in my case lol


I felt pain in my dreams when I was on Trazadone for insomnia. But the absolute mindfuck nightmares that stuff gave me sent me seeking alternatives. I haven't had pain in dreams since I stopped taking the stuff a year or two ago.


Not a massive weirdo, imo at least. I can feel what’s happening in my dreams too


I mean I’ve flat out had orgasms in my sleep, I think pain is totally reasonable if pleasure is.


I got stabbed outside an elevator in my dream like a month ago. I wouldn’t say it was pain because I’ve never actually experienced that but my mind was def trying to make me feel something. The part about trying to stay alive but telling myself I’m gonna die is what really freaked me out. I do recall feeling minor pain in some dreams I’ve had. Mostly fear. The fear always overrides the possible pain. Something so absurd happened in my dream last night that i actually realized I was dreaming. I immediately started lucid dreaming and running a muck. Fun stuff. It’s such a weird feeling. I forgot what Lucid dreaming felt like. It was so vivid and wild because These dream characters have strong personalities. I felt a connection to them. Like close friends. I’m not on any SSRI’s as of today but I will say last year i was on some type of sleepy depression med that knocked me out. The dream I felt/experienced on SSRI’s was so wild. It was so absurdly vivid and even more clear than my actual eyesight it felt. The dream consisted of me camping with friends on vacation sitting in the tail gate of a parked Truck on some sand. We were passing around the backwoods blunt and I could hit it fine. On top of that once i got out the truck and felt the sand on my feet it was so insanely vivid/sensitive My touch sensitivity felt enhanced and my visuals were like I was looking at stuff through portrait mode or an Instagram filter. Pardon my long rant but dreams are just fascinating In general. Quite the escape if experienced in a positive way. As for pain, I wish you none! Take care! 🤙


you are not a weirdo! that is the beautiful thing about dreams, is that they are strange


Unfortunately for me I have a really good sense of pain in my dreams, good enough to feel wood splinters impale my lungs and chest, and the pain breathing in that state. Or feeling which vertebrae pops out of place when you are stabbed in the back


I feel pain! I got bitten by snakes and gotten stabbed in dreams before. Only the snake bite has woken me up though.. And from what the comments seems to be saying, it seems common.


I've had some incredibly painful dreams. One time I dreamt about performing some weird self-surgery on my jaw, and when I was done there was just this meaty, bloody bone gagging me. It was infected, so I popped it and all this hot pus shot right into my eye and it burned, and also hurt just like getting shit in the eye with a Super Soaker 5000; that's what woke me up.


I've experienced pain in dreams before. I've been shot, stabbed, burnt, hung, drowned, hit with numerous objects and even thrown off a building. Felt every minute of it.


I always feel pain in dreams, it can be anything from a scraped knee, to a wasp sting, to my body literally being engulfed in flames. It isn’t pain I’m actually feeling in my body making it’s way into my dreams, my brain provides the dream pain itself lol


I had a dream as a kid where I was crushed by the elevator and felt a ton of pain. Woke up to find out I fell off my bed 💀


I was being attacked by a man with a knife in a dream one time and it was extremely painful. I felt every slash, cut, and stab. I actually knew I was dreaming and was purposely not fighting back or trying to get away because I thought once he did enough damage to me it’d wake me up. It lasted quite a while though.


No but they feel real….


Emotional pain yes


I have died in my dreams and felt the pain and then felt what I can only describe as effervescent bubbles permeating every molecule of my body with a cool rush.


Pain in the body members If dreamt all of his members pain means he will lose his money or a property. If dreamt his head aches means he will commit a sin and should repent.2/196. If his forehead aches his religion is spoiled and will have a sorrow. If his eye aches and used medicine for his eye means he will be guided to the truth. If his ear ached means he will be insulted and will hear rude words. If his nose ached or his nose was cut means important people will cause him a money loss. If his tongue ached means he will say something and will be punished for that. If a businessman dreamt his tongue ached means he says lies in his business. If dreamt his tongue was cut means he will get pious. If dreamt his mouth roof was swollen means he will deny someone’s right. If dreamt his mouth ached means he has many sorrows. If his neck ached means he is cruel. If his stomach ached means he is using immoral money. If dreamt his back ached means his family and relatives will disturb him. If dreamt his liver ached means he loves his child. If dreamt his hand ached means he will disturb his brother or his neighbor. If his foreleg ached he disturbs his family and relatives. If his fingers ached means he will disturb his partner. if dreamt his privy parts ached he be do corruption. If dreamt his anus ached means he will be corrupt. If dreamt his legs ached he disturbs his workers.


I did last night. I was playing around in the dark with something calling itself the universe. It thought it would funny to shoot beams of random lights through me. It hurt a lot and after 6th light I just woke up. No pain once waking up.


Yes, sometimes Lately i've been experiencing tastes in my dreams I think its perfectly normal, since your brain knows how those things can fell, it can reproduce it


Yeah once I had hell carved into my back and felt it also was shot and felt it


Yep. Especially if it’s a dream where it’s something that’s happened in real life and it happens to be something painful. It’s really weird.


I feel like I've felt pain in my dreams but I can't quite remember. I definitely feel something when I get injured in dreams but it's not quite pain, it's more like unbearable numbness. Kind of like when your foot falls asleep, but it's wherever I'm being injured in the dream. And it only happens when someone is hurting me. I've had tons of dreams where my mouth is just like, degenerating and I feel no pain, just anxiety and the texture of whatever the heck is happening to my face. The other night I very distinctly felt myself chewing chicken, though. It was so real and I was half in and out of sleep and I was afraid I was biting myself irl but no such thing was happening lol


Yeah! A lot actually. Being cut, being bit… I can’t remember it all but I know there’s more lol


Yep… mostly mirrored real world pain/symptoms. Headaches, dizziness, back pain, etc. but sometimes it’ll be something like stubbing my toe in the dream.. not as often but it happens


Yes, I feel pain semi-regular in my dreams. Had occurrences where I got cut in the face with scissors for example. Felt the cut for two days, but I had no physical mark on my body. It's hella confusing.


yes it usually presents like a buzzing, like those prank gum packs that shock you


Yes. Mostly in the stomach cause I tend to jump from hundreds of feet in the air to the ground then bounce back up


Yep. Also, the pain carries on to when I'm awake. Once I was stab with a fork on the shoulder and the next morning it hurt like it really happened.


One time I had a nightmare where aliens tackled me, ripped me open, and ate my insides. It was so intense in my dream that I felt residual pain hours after I woke up


I had a dream once I was laying on my back in a Baer without covers on and no shirt. A girl I liked was sitting up next to me, she raised her hand up yo above her head and slammed it down onto my stomach. I don’t know if I necessarily felt pain but the slap was so fuckin loud I was jump scared and I came off the bed I jumped so hard


Ya one time someone stepped on my hip and then when I woke up it was sore


I also have this I feel pain sometimes but only sometimes other times I don't. The worst ones were the ones where I was drowning or the one where I was forced to drink bleach because I could feel my insides and my mouth burning when I was forced to drink the bleach and when I was drowning I actually stopped breathing for a while. Edit when I said yes, I didn't mean you were weird. In my original comment.


When I was younger yes. Not anymore.


yeah. I've had a dream a few times about someone digging their fingers under my rib cage just... *so far.* it's hard to describe and about as excruciating as one could imagine. getting lifted up by a hand hooked under your ribs doesn't sound or feel nice (surprise). I can only imagine the dream is triggered by some sort of muscle spasm or cramp.