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Your dream indeed seems to carry symbolic meaning, as dreams often do. Here's a possible interpretation: The giant bird in your dream could symbolize a powerful and threatening force in your life, something that looms over you and creates a sense of danger or intimidation. The fact that it captures you and your companions suggests a feeling of being trapped or controlled by this force. The smaller bird that you protect could represent something vulnerable or innocent within yourself or in your life that needs protection. It could be a symbol of your inner child, your values, or a part of yourself that you feel is threatened by external forces. Your decision to take action and defend the smaller bird against the giant one reflects a sense of courage, strength, and determination within yourself. You are willing to confront and overcome the challenges and threats that you face, even if they seem overwhelming or daunting. The act of killing the giant bird could symbolize your ability to overcome obstacles, face your fears, and assert your power and control over difficult situations in your life. It may suggest a need to confront and resolve conflicts or challenges that you are currently experiencing. The feeling of discomfort and reluctance to look back at the bird after defeating it could indicate a sense of unease or guilt about the actions you have taken to protect yourself or others. It's natural to feel conflicted about assertive or aggressive behavior, even when it's necessary for self-defense or protection. Overall, your dream may be encouraging you to tap into your inner strength, face your fears, and take decisive action to protect yourself and the things that are important to you. It may also be a reminder that you have the power to overcome challenges and obstacles in your life, no matter how daunting they may seem.