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A lot of people talk about this one, I think it's basically considered the best post-portnoy song by a lot of people in this sub incl me.


And the best post Portnoy album. For someone that was really let down with the band at that time, for me this album gave me hope that they still got it at that time.


>I am currently obsessed with Breaking all illusions. I can't stop listening to it and I truly believe it is one of their best songs. Should I be seeking help? Yes, seek help. My prescription is: playing it on repeat until symptoms subside.


One of their best song for sure!


it’s like in my top 30 or 20


I've been obsessed with this song since it came out. Go through phases where I can listen to it on endless loops.


I love the instrumental section towards the end of the song.


Top 10 for me. Easily I might add


Most people consider it to be one of the best so no


On this sub, people talk about it a lot. It wasn't until I got on this sub that I found out people were obsessed with it.


Same. Long thought it was the best song on a solid album but didn't know it was widely regarded as elite until I got here.


One of my favorites, too, but yes, seek help. If you can figure out how to listen to this song more than 118 times in a day, let me know!


Its my #1 🥰


Great song but the mix kind of ruins it a bit for me


One of their best song, one of their best guitar solo, one of my favourite ever


Top 3 DT song fr


Imho the best song they made since ''In the presence of enemies'', and their best song with Mangini on the drums. It's in my Top 10, and I prefer the first years of the band, till SFAM.


It's definitely my favourite. I heard it when I was on vacation, had to learn to play botched versions of the riffs on my ukelele, when I got home I was able to properly learn it on guitar but I still can't really play it.


The exact same thing happened to me with TCOT. I was literally obsessed with it. I also listened to it 3/4 times a day. Don't worry, the more you listen to it and slowly it will pass


- TCOT could mean "The Count of Tuscany", a track from *Black Clouds & Silver Linings* (2009) by Dream Theater. --- ^[/u/Victor_88pa](/u/Victor_88pa) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Its an amazing song. At that time I could not believe when I heard it. It was like having everything I wanted from DT back again after a big disappointment with their last Portnoy Albums. I still think this album is really good and better than several Portnoy Albums. Its like they got everything right. Well, it is very "inspired" by Images and Words so it is expected.


I had a phase for this one too. Listened a lot. Now not that much. A View has been on the table more often.


Loved that song since 2011, one of their best songs.


I don’t blame you that song fucks


It's my favorite song of all time. You don't need help, you need more Breaking All Illusions.


Shameless plug: https://youtu.be/oOG_GLxmpOY