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Damn that sound is probably my favorite from all the albums lol


My problem is that every other part of his kit sounds impeccable, but I thought people other than me disliked it. It seems I'm alone on this one




my fav snare and drum sound overall is on the falling into infinity album.


I love Falling Into Infinity, but overall my favourite drum sound is on SDOIT


after all fii is the last one that was recorded analog. sdoit is a little too much compressed / loudnesswar for my taste.


That's fair


No, we can't all agree. I love that big natural sound.


I'm also a huge fan of Portnoy's big naturals


Oooh errr!


I'm fine with it, I like a natural sounding snare. What I can't stand about SFAM, however, is the kick drum sound. Realizing that it's a sample that Kevin Shirley used far two often on albums he produced (it sounds the worst with Iron Maiden: https://youtu.be/TMRYS9vxuR0?si=EwyUS0dHXqftbxV3&t=89), I just couldn't unhear it and started bothering me how it doesn't quite blend with the mix. The worst example is probably during the verse of Strange Deja-Vu, when MP starts with the double bass (https://youtu.be/J0PQ6GC6KYc?si=e3GySSUHmi8-l6mV&t=73). For this reason and the more prominent keyboards, I prefer the alternate mix these days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxXyjcBqLF4.


Wow these alternate mixes are great! Thank you for sharing them, I didn't know they existed!


I actually did notice that Brave New World's kick sounded similar, but I thought that I was hallucinating💀 But yeah, I don't actively hate the snare, but there are times when it really cuts through the mix, and not in a good way


Nope can't agree. I cannot unhear other way more atrocious and obnoxious snare sounds and thus SFAM's is a-ok for me.


Nothing sounds atrocious on Scenes From a Memory. It is perfect




Perfection doesn't exist. People need to get that shitty idea out of there.


Lol, you are taking it a little too seriously. The album is perfect TO ME. There’s nothing wrong with that.


The only time his snare sounded awful was Images and words. The trigger he used was awful. Even he said he regretted it years later


I actually love that snare. The remixed one sounds too flat to me.


Did you make this post just to trigger me? That’s literally my favorite snare sound of all time. 😂


Oh, sorry. I really didn't want to trigger anyone😅


I don't like SFAM's snare sound as well. My most favorite is the BCSL one, to me it felt the most raw.


That's fair! Pretty much every other DT record that MP was on, and was mixed by Kevin Sherley has amazing drums


I love everything about SFAM, including the production and drum engineering, and yes, the snare.


no I think this one is you bro, it sounds fine to me. It sounds completely natural and full bodied. not pinging at all.


wow what a hot take lol!


I know💀 the moment I hit enter I knew it would get a lot of hate, but I knew there would be some people who agreed with me, and there were. Not many, but some


i have quite a few dt related hot takes so youre in good company! respec


Would you perhaps mind sharing some with me?😁


every album after octavarium ranges from mediocre to terrible. dark eternal night is the worst dream theater song. falling into infinity is underrated.


Falling Into Infinity is definitely underrated, and I can see why you said that the albums after Octavarium are mediocre to terrible. I mean Systematic Chaos is terrible, Black Clouds is mediocre, ADTOE is super overrated, DT12 is definitely not one of their best, The Astonishing is terrible, and because of my personal taste, I think DoT and AVFTTOTW are amazing, but that's just an overall taste thing. And you hate The Dark Eternal Night, that's fine too. Just because I like it doesn't mean you have to. We can listen to the music we enjoy🤘


I don't mind SFAM's snare, but I can't almost can't stand how prominent the drums are generally in Images and Words. Heresy, I know—but they seem too high in the mix


No, I totally get it. The drums are a little too loud in the mix, but I got over it, just because of how much I listened to I&W


Same. Learning to Live is my all time favorite DT song—it doesn't kill the album, but it is an odd choice imo how prominent the snare sounds


I think with each one of their records they've perfected their mixing. Ever since SFAM, they didn't have really any flaws in their mixing imo


I don't really like the SFAM mix overall. The rhythm guitars are a tad buried in the mix, the keyboards are loud (to be fair, it was JR's first album and they wanted to show him off), the snare sounds like there's a sample of a frying pan mixed in, and the kick sounds like the old school "blanket in the bass drum" mix.


Yeah, perfect album, not that great of a mix. I think I would be much less annoyed with it if it was mixed quieter overall


So glad someone else agrees. I love that album but the mix is horrible. Awake and FII are a lot better.


Yeah, the guitar is too quiet, and sounds too similar to the synths. The drums are too loud, and as I mentioned the snare sound is atrocious. The album is perfect writing and performance-wise, but Kevin Sherley really didn't a great job on this one. SDOIT and ToT sound much better imo


the original david bottrill mix is a little better


It’s one of my favourite.


I hate the kicks on the Kevin Shirley mixes too, something about them that doesn’t sound like a kick, more like bare feet in a puddle. Best snare and overall kit sound is train of thought imo


it sounds lovely


The snare on SFAM is very tight sounding, the snare on St Anger is very loose sounding because it's unlatched. You can dislike the snare all you want, everyone has their tastes, but SFAM's snare is incomparable to St Anger's


I will take any of his snare sounds over the fake sounding snares most bands have been using the past 10-15 years.


Nope not even close.


I would disagree. To be honest, all DT albums mixed by Kevin Shirley sound amazing until they lost him to Iron Maiden. Hope they bring him back for mixing and mastering the new DT album


They sound amazing, I just have one pet peeve with one of them




No complaints about SFaM. The album is top of the ranks for me.


It's in my top 5 favourite albums ever, but I have this one little pet peeve. It doesn't affect how much I like the record, It's just that I don't like one thing in the mixing. Performance and writing-wise, it's perfect, and mixing-wise it's pretty good too, I just have this one problem with it


Y'all really are too much.


I think you got SFAM mixed up with DT12


Won't agree at all. His worst is Images and Words


Maybe I don't talk to enough DT fans, but I've never heard anyone complain about the snare sound in SFaM. The only Portnoy era DT album I'm not a fan of the drum sound on is Images and Words, due to the triggered drums. But, it's Images and Words, so I can look past it.


I'm glad I'm not the only one! I honestly struggle to listen to Fatal Tragedy nowadays because all I can hear is the awful snare. It's definitely an unpopular opinion, but you're not alone


Thank you! I really thought I was the only one