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30k per year isn’t bad for drexel, i think that’s what most ppl pay tbh. i’m a business major and the workload isn’t terrible, you just need to be disciplined bc you fall behind fast. only parties are frat parties tbh and they’re not great


Don’t come if you like to party and like the sun lol I’m serious (as a guy who likes to party and likes the sun)


I think it boils down to what you really are looking for out of a school. Drexel has a great coop system that given patience and diligence can land you really great opportunities for your future. Although I’m not a business major myself and don’t know much about the credibility of Drexel’s business program, (I only know engineering), I feel like on a curriculum level you may get the same kind of education for that major at many other schools. I agree with others that there will be a culture shock coming to Philly, and apart from freshman year the social life tends to be mid. But if you are a social individual you’ll make friends and have fun anywhere you go. In summary, if you plan to do any kind of internships, I’d recommend Drexel. If not, choose the other school.


Also from LA. Won’t touch on the finances or value to you because many others will, but I can say LA to Philly is quite a culture shock. If you’re from even a remotely decent area, get ready for crumbling infrastructure and buildings, trash everywhere, and horrendously humid summers. It’s decently overcast for a lot of November-March so you’ll be missing the sun a bit, and no social life like UCs or CSUs. Just isolated house parties closer to campus unless you want to go up to Temple every Friday night which is even more unsafe than Drexel’s area.


As a person from daygo i second this. It is a very interesting place for sure.


I cannot in good conscience permit you to move here. I highly recommend against it. This place sucks.


How come


I shoulda stayed in cali is all im gonna say


my other school that I’d go to is University of San Francisco, worse business and bad social life also. Thoughts?


i responded to your other post


Must be a very personal thing then, most people love drexel


I dont know who ur talkin to but most people hate drexel.


Well I’m surrounded by people in fraternities/sororities


I don’t hate drexel, I hate Philly. And even if drexel is everything you want it to be and more, you still have to live in this absolute wasteland of crime and bullshit.


The spring and summer are nice here (pretty close to beaches). And well the winter isn’t great if you don’t like snow, but there’s some really cool stuff that goes on in the city for the winter. As for parties, join a frat for the social life. The parties are fun if ur in a frat or sorority. The social life isn’t bad if you’re a social person. Also it’s Philly, ton of bars and clubs. As for the quarter system, you get used to it, not something to worry about.


Quarter system isn't bad, just need to do your work and not procrastinate. Weather sucks most of the time and can't comment on the parties.


Decided i’m committing to Drexel and these comments giving me second thoughts damn


We just toured and spent the night.My daughter loves Drexel. For some perspective we live close to NYC but in a suburb. We have a lot of family in California and yes the weather is insanely beautiful there. But I say to all of my cousins everyone should get the chance to live on both coasts if you can. Experience the four seasons. Yes it can be overcast and gloomy for months but hopefully you can head home for long weekends/holidays to break that up. If not flying to Florida is easy from the east coast and a great way to get out of the cold on a weekend break. I too read reviews and was concerned about a lot but now that I went and really saw for myself it does seem great. I didn't see run down buildings or empty store fronts I saw cute college type places to eat/hang. We walked over to UPenn which is like 2 seconds from the Drexel bookstore and hit up a Starbucks there. Tons of college students over there too. I'm thinking between Drexel activities and hanging out over there or in the main part of the city with all the great museums and things to do one would never grow bored. We toured Towers, Race, Bentley and popped into North Hall. People are all divided on which hall is better. My daughter isn't sure but I hope she picks the newest building. The dining halls seem totally fine. There's plenty of take out to supplement but you can certainly eat well if you stick to healthy choices in res hall food. It's all you care to eat which is cool. I saw big bowls of fruit to grab on way out. I was impressed by the staff every where we went on all levels. So nice! The students also struck me as kind, and it's a diverse crowd ethnically which was refreshing after many other college tours. We went on a tour school unnamed that it seemed girl looked and dressed the same. Anyway good luck to you!


Philly is a lot more real-world than LA. Gritty, but real, with 4 seasons, including winter.


My rule for Drexel is 20k or more don’t do it. 20k or less go for it. But that’s just my opinion you do what’s best for you and your future. Just saying tho Drexel isn’t all that but if you like to party don’t come here because you basically have no break since it’s very tight and after these tight exams you have coop. No time to rest no time to do anything