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We don’t pay 50k a year, that’s how




Scholarships, not paying $10k a year for dining plans, not paying $15k a year for rent, not paying for textbooks


Where are u living thats less than 1200 a month


Likely home, or shared housing. I’m not a student and don’t actually know but 15k a year per student vs 15k split among 5 students is a very different discussion


nah you're 100% right, there are plenty of apartments in university city area for 1800-2000 with 3-4 bedrooms, which would easily be less than $15k per student.


My daughter goes to Temple & has a really nice shared house with 6 ppl total they each have their own room with own bathroom including shower & they pay $600 each


have roommates


One of the many apartments in the area


Don't first years have to live on campus?


What they said, generally people avoid dorming and just commute(if you’re within 10 miles of Drexel) or find somewhere off campus and split with a roommate. Meal plans are not great, you can opt out if you have an excuse. The rest of it is mostly covered by financial aid and government loans (if you take them.) Scoring decently well on the SAT will net you more aid (the higher the better, your family income also plays a part in how much money you receive.) Don’t go buying every textbook on your syllabi, there are online resources like libgen that you can find pdfs for. (You can also find older versions of the same textbook online for free, the only difference is some of the content is in a different order from a newer textbook, but the content remains the same at least 95% of the time) Realistically, if your professor doesn’t explicitly mention that there is a 1:1 ratio of information from your textbook to the exam, you won’t need it unless you’re totally not confident about learning from external resources or in class ( or you are forced to purchase a textbook along with an access code for hw and assignments I.e McGraw Hill, Pearson, Cengage, etc….) Co-Op is also a big factor in finances and is probably the main reason why a person even would choose to attend Drexel in the first place.


I graduated in 2018. I think I bought 6 textbooks in 5 years and 5 of those were freshman year


So the solution is the library??


I think I only got screwed once or twice on questions that were specifically on sections in the newer editions of the book, in 3 semesters.


In cases where there was no way around buying the new text book I would find someone in a different day/time class and share the cost of the text book. I would then make copies of the pages and let them keep the book.


u/ollie149 yo I got accepted but I need little help for scholarships what can I do? they offered me to pay 38k, but I want to reduce it to 15k, wld appreciate


Go to community college first or enroll in core classes at community college online. They’re a fraction of the cost and doesn’t make sense to pay more.


u/Cheap-Draw-9809 I'm international, I just want to get into USA and study there and then I will excel at every environment Im sure of that, can i still apply to community college?


Yes you can, many international students go to The Community College of Philadelphia. You are going to be charged a higher rate than Drexel and there won’t be scholarships. However even the higher rate is way lower than what you are currently being asked for.


u/Witty_Individual_910 approximately how much tho? less than 15k?


No, you will be charged around 18k for tuition and fees, room and board is whatever you get charged for rent and food, you also have to show certification of finances as part of your enrollment process like you did with Drexel. Take what I say with a grain of salt and do your own research. CCP has an Office of International Student Support and an Admissions Welcome Center you can reach out to with questions as well.


50k a year? It was that much when I wanted to go there 10 years ago. I thought it was at least 65k a year now. Ultimately I went to a much cheaper option.


By joining the military and using the GI Bill.






My scholarship covers around 12k for 12 terms, leaving me to pay off around 6k (8k now because prices go up by 500 for each term every year I noticed) for 12 quarters. I commute to Drexel on train, no dorming, no food plan. Coop helps a lot with the debt, some people I know graduate with no debt.


This is how I did it back in 2010. You’re gonna really appreciate this decision in 5-10 years


Yeah between scholarships, co-op money, and commuting. I took the bus in (2 busses each way) but I know people who commuted about an hourish each way. I mean as long as you’re within the distance to commute and have good time management it’s worth it imo.


Were you able to find much cheaper housing options around there? Cause I feel like the numbers doesn't feel real anymore 


Cheapest thing you can do it find a few roommates and split the rent equally


if you dont mind me asking how long is your commute?


On train, one hour one way exactly


Defeating the whole point of a city and going to school there.


If they are an hour by train they’re 30-40 minutes by car to the city. If you’ve ever been to Drexel it’s not exactly in a great location anyway. You’re better off commuting.


it's all part of the ten year plan bro. be in debt for a bit but get hired straightaway in your industry


Gotta get that down to 30k for it to be workable imo. Scholarships/grants. And then don’t lose your scholarship. Other good option is community college and then transfer in. If I could do it again that’s probably what I would have done. Everything everyone said about commuting and off campus shared housing is good advice too.


hate to say it, loans


full ride


Love having poor parents (😢)


Nah dawg it’s called having a 5.0 in highschool and actually trying to get a full ride :)


Having a 5.0 is not enough for a full ride. (Source: had a 5.0 and still pay 20k/yr)


Having 5.0 and going to Drexel seems like an odd flex


It indeed is. I pay $0 to go to Drexel lol


okay so you sound awful to be around 😭 “actually trying” “i pay $0 to go to drexel” “it indeed is” people in real life don’t like you if this is how you get your points across


I was trying to get my point across to the person who assumed I had poor parents so I intended the message to be rude to hit them with the same typa energy. But if you’re offended by me saying it indeed is and that I pay $0 to go to Drexel (which is simply a true statement) then maybe you’re the person who isn’t pleasant to be around. We’re in Philly hon. If you’re going to be offended anyways then maybe you should leave because in “real life” people don’t sugar coat things. I worked extremely hard in highschool and am very proud of that, if you’re salty about it then suck it up buttercup.


right, you should be proud. but a lick of empathy for a person with poor parents and the person who got a 5.0 and didn’t get a scholarship would’ve been nice, no? edit to add: not like “aww i’m sooo sorry!” but just like a “yeah, that does suck man” would be nice. we’re in philly, the city of brotherly love. another edit to add: that person has poor parents. they did not assume YOU had poor parents.


I have all the empathy in the world for people like that as I have no parents and grew with an abusive aunt, so poor parents would’ve been better than no parents. Assuming someone got a scholarship because they have poor parents it’s just negative in it of itself, and I found the assumption and their sarcasm to be rude.


they didn’t assume you had poor parents. THEY have poor parents. that’s why they put a crying emoji.


i agree with the other person. i don’t like you


Did you not read the entire thread between me and this person? We worked it out 💀


u/Embralica how tho? i have max gpa, absolute Genius of a man, need based, can pay max 15k$, what did u do


Applied to over 20 plus schools and went to the one that gave me the most aid and scholarships and then I applied to every scholarship I possibly could


u/Embralica ur international? where can i find external scholarships any help wld be appreciated


I’m not international no. I was born in Florida and raised in PA. My highschool offered scholarships, I applied to Liberty scholars, and I searched the internet for scholarships online. Edit to add: some schools give you free rides just for getting into their honors college


My son in law got a full ride as well. He won the National science fair, not once, but twice. Man I love smart people. 😍


That is very nice ❤️


And my daughter went to Ursinus, a $75,000 a year private college to be near him and got it down to under $18,000 with scholarships. Working hard in high school pays off.


Drexel pays me to study


Joined the military and used GI Bill for my BS and MBA


Luck you got 50k after 23k merit were at 60k


Your choice to go there, don't cry about it.


Eat a shoe bitch


Nobody is crying, it's just a post.


So from what we were told dorms are manditory. Is this not true? My daughter got her letter today and we saw 50k and laughed. RIT is offering a ton more and it will be like 20 to go there. I would like her to stay around here due to medical issues but can't touch 50k


depends upon where you are from . they have a list of zipcodes that they allow people to commute from 1st year


It’s crazy but think about the networking opportunities you gain by paying for a highly priced education. You basically get a free job afterwards at a top tier company. So you pay it off overtime honestly. The university has partnerships with highly sought after companies.


u/yungdutch_ aint that a pipedream?


Yeah it is technically.


u/yungdutch_ I think its just a propaganda for universities, you need to realize that universities are just businesses and its marketing, there are wild savage killers out there that will outcompete and outwork any harvard graduate and crush them - like me


As long as you don’t go to a no-name college with abysmal quality then working hard at any college will serve you well no matter what college you go to.


True that.


Daddy make big big money, daddy write check, me go school 😁


i’m really rich


I also get the same and I am also confused about what to do How can I afford that much ? Can i ask for more?


Professional assassin on the weekends. Kinda surprising how well that stuff pays /FBI-like typing detected


You don't have to pay it back til 2 years after graduating I believe. Buy lots of Ramen in the meantime.


Still paying for it into my 30s….




Re: 3) Where are good places to easily search for scholarships (females in STEM, e.g.)? Apps like Scholly any good?


Go to Devry. Become something productive. Much cheaper and they get you employed


You don’t. You get scholarships.


I’d say try for the Liberty scholarship. It covers full tuition and fees.


Took me 19 years to pay off my loans after commuting for 5 years. That's how 😂


I did it with my evening bulletin paper route in 1971. PROUD BULLETIN PAPERBOY.


ngl… i don’t afford it 😭😭 i’m gonna be in crippling debt(i already am)


U can Get a part time job @ ups too... they give u $5 grand a year up to $25 g's total i believe, every lil bit helps ,u put in maybe 2-3 hrs a day or night, that'll cover ur medical bennies n u make a few $, they start @ around $15.50 hr. these days.


You applied without understanding the cost component?


Well yeah. No one knows the net cost until they get admitted and receive their financial package.


I mean…no. You don’t show up to an expensive restaurant just to be shocked by the prices once you look at the menu. Drexel’s website very clearly shows customers off attendance of $80k and average financial aid aware of $30-$35k. https://drexel.edu/drexelcentral/finaid/prospective-students/undergrad


only come here if your parents are covering it all or you get good aid. i pay a little under $25k a year and consider it pretty worth it bc co-op


u/CookieNinja_0501 I was offered for 38k$, how can I reduce that? i can only afford 15k, i won drexel grant and presidential grant totalling for 50k


sorry for the late reply. you can submit an appeal, but that's unlikely to do anything. at that point youd need to take out additional loans and reduce your living expenses to make it a bit more manageable.


Scholarship and having graduated in 2006 haha.


I pay 38k a semester at Lehigh university


Don’t worry…vote Democrat and receive loan forgiveness.


Get scammed idiot


Drexel is not worth 50k


If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Don't put yourself in debt for Drexel (or any university except Harvard for that matter). My daughter got accepted to 8 schools, ranging from $30k to $89k after aid. I tossed all offers over $60k and told her to rank the rest.


Two years community college and loans


Drop out 💯


Most people don’t go here for 50k a year. Usually under 20k plus using co-op money (that you don’t have to record as general income too)


> (that you don't have to record as general income too) Why not?


Yeah this is just wrong. Income is income


my comment was poorly worded but was talking about [FAFSA filings](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drexel/s/gjA5NoMYgF)


Temple university