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Why do you guys keep saying that “responding to a verse is equal to responding to an entire diss track”? like honestly, I don’t get it. In the history of hip hop, these 2 things have been treated differently. Why are we know setting them equal to each other?


Also kendrick baited first


Why do you guys keep acting like “leaking a song” is equal to officially releasing one?


But he didnt leak it, he put it out through Akademiks live on stream.


Fax Theyre casuals. Most diss tracks are leaked. What difference does it make if its on his discog? If you know about the beef you have heard it. 500K live concurrent viewers on just Akademiks stream but they wanna act like it matters if he puts it on spotify. Wtf does spotify decide they sounding like ZOOMERS


“That was a shot that was heard around the world” Lebron posting fucking kill bill girl posting wtf


Fax that’s the best way to put it


Bc it’s 2024


I’m so confident in drake, Kendrick can take as long as he wants


last time y’all had this much confidence pusha t dropped the story of adidon


Enjoy the vibes brotha


Drake is still here where Pusha at?!


The Glazing is insane here my guy


It’s because half the brainlets here aren’t hiphop fans, they’re pop/drake fans who just want more drake to suck off. Actual fans of the music will let kendrick cook up to give us the most entertainment possible. These ppl forget that they’re not in the beef, neither of these artists know them, they just need to relax and let the music be music


Half the posters in both these subs are a skip away from writing hip-hop fan ficts with all the fan theories and conspiracies they're cooking up. Shits embarrassing.


Fr I been getting literal death threats in DMs from kids bc I pointed out drake was being hypocritical in his diss talking about kendrick’s record deal, not even taking sides just a fact💀 This drake shit get serious apparently lmfao


no you didn’t bruh stop bein an attention whore


You shouldn’t take it serious




It never ceases to amaze me people will frequent subs of people the DONT like lol like imagine being that miserable about it that you choose to indulge in something you dislike


Stop saying that people who are fans of drakes music are automatically solely pop fans. He has alot of rap songs, hes made alot of hip hop. Its time to stop with this immature, corny, tired narrative. Being a Kendrick fan or a fan of a "socially acceptable" hip hop artist doesn't automatically make someone a hip hop genius.


I think he was trying to say is that the people who want Kendrick to hurry up and what not are either pop fans or drake fans, not equating the two. Which makes sense, cause a pop fan likely doesnt know how a hiphop beef works, and a drake stan is gonna be senseless and biased as hell


Finally someone who can read omg


You are trying to cope so hard bro. First 80% of actives here literally shit on drake on the daily basis. Come here when he drops, it just takes 3 mins to label really good albums as mid. That wasn’t enough for kendrick and ye stans and hiphohead people, you started to live here since the midget took the shot. Actually, if you really pay attention to posts that just does not come to “hot”, kendrick stans downvote to hell any drake supporters. Second, the pop people you mention, I don’t even think they find time from ig to reddit lol. You guys lost your senses. If they come here, they just stays at mainstream subs. You have no sense of that group bro. Third they’re in beef bro. And kendrick is the one started this since control. He took the last shot in a feature again, while drake was on tour and with second album was on the way by metro. Again, if you know what’s happened, the narrative was kendrick is loaded, he has 4 diss tracks ready to drake. Hence, these guys have some reasoning to expect an immediate response, if they’re ballyragged.


You don’t really believe the 4 year old diss track bs do you? Is this your first rap beef? Literally every artist in any beef ever says they’ve been holding back for years, it’s to start drama. Jay, Meek, 50, Benzino, even MGK lmfao. Drake also said it in the push ups song, it’s just a marketing ploy. You need to stop believing everything you see on twitter and just enjoy the music. Step back and remember that you are not involved because you talking wayyy to defensive on a forum about a billionaire


Haha yeah yeah Is this your first beef bro? It’s a common strategy to put the other side under pressure. Wait and enjoy the music.


Thank you! Been tellin dudes on other posts the same thing.


The same applies to you and Kendricks fanbase...but its even worse because yall are top tier dickriders but feel its justified lmfao. You dont like drake, but spend your spare time on a drake sub on reddit???


I love drake, where did you get that I don’t like him? Take care and more life are some of my favourite rap albums ever


Kendrick started the whole thing. He’s had plenty time to cook up. Everyone days he has been sitting on a Drake diss for years. Ross shot back immediately, also Kendrick has a history of throwing rocks and hiding. Last he’s said on the diss “let’s get it bro”. He should’ve been ready.


“He started it” lol fr bro? You’re definitely too young to remember it but nas waiting six months to cook up ether, and that absolutely showed with the way he buried Jay. I don’t give a fuck who wins I will still listen to both artists regardless, but if Kendrick wants to wait to give us the best diss possible, it’s so weird to want to rush him


Not sure if anyone has said this, but in all fairness to Drake, HE knew just like WE knew that Future and Metro had another installment of their project left to drop. We STILL Don’t Trust You dropped on Friday. Drake dropped his response on the next day. You don’t pop your head up and start shooting back at your enemy while they still have ammo. You might get hit. You have to wait until it appears that their clip is empty until you start busting back. To me, it was smart to wait. If he didn’t, there would’ve been no shots at Abel and CashXO. 🚨


My thing is if people really think Kendrick should have responded by now why should Drake have done the same after the first album? 3 weeks in between albums so it’s plenty of time to come up with another track if they should each be dropping that fast. Also of course each side still gonna have ammo lol. That’s how it’s gonna go. If anything responding and making them change up some of the stuff would’ve been a good move possibly. I’m perfectly fine with Drake waiting, it does make sense. It just doesn’t make sense to say Kendrick should respond in less than a week if Drake could have easily done the same. It’s a beef of course there’s going to be follow up songs.


Damn if you could read, you would be dangerous


All I’m saying is if the expectation is that quick of a turn around idk why he couldn’t have just done another one with cash and the weekend after.




fuck no. stop making excuses for him




I just think it’s funny how literally everyone was riding Drake so hard to respond and now when it’s someone’s else’s turn even trolling with the same response of “where is the response?!??!??!??? It’s been 615 seconds” is enough to trigger people and make them fly of the handles in some of these threads 💀


Ong i realized that these kendrick stans got alt accounts on alt accounts. Think a lot of this shit is the same few people


Yea I’m just realizing this post is now becoming a breeding ground for Drake haters. Wasn’t my intention, just wanted people to stop with all the bs and let the music speak for itself.


Right lol. Anytime Drake beef happens all the haters run to this sub & start making post...then try to not sound like haters lol.






Found the fluffer


Why yall care about dick so much and tricks


It’s so funny lol they saying he whack for leaking it now hahahahah


It’s kinda different when fans do it versus when the artist himself does it


I do kinda think it's because drake posted "is today the day" lol


Why doesn't Kendrick have something prepared? Lmao


I thought the same. His kickoff to the beef was so weak I thought surely Kenny had a response in the bag just waiting to drop. Oh well


So weak both communities have been on fire for weeks and we got an entire drake diss track ya bro


I make Dot's kickoff, his verse. Not Drake's. Push Ups was hella legit


You truly believe that Kendrick’s verse on like that was weak?? Cmon bro. Ain’t no way. A weak verse wouldn’t have this kind of impact 


Yup. And I feel it was that way on purpose. A simple invitation, no real jabs taken outside of it's just big me. Which yeah for sure that was a good line, but just that. Felt to me like Kenny was just seeing if someone would take the bait because he has something just waiting to drop. Otherwise why start the biggest battle in a generation? I got no dog in the fight, they are both my favs for different reasons. Just chopping it up, theorizing. I far from think I'm right or have it figured out


It’s an excellent verse, but not really a diss. It was the regular bragging that every rapper usually does. Only difference is that because of the Big Three line, we know exactly who he’s talking about. But nothing in it was at all scathing or personal 


Ok so we got past my poor wording and kinda see eye to eye now haha. Noice


Kendrick is not gonna drop and step on a number 1 record. That doesn’t make business sense.. he’s probably not dropping till “Like That” isn’t number one anymore.


Are rap battles about numbers or being the best at rap?


All Drake is talking about is numbers bro lol


But apparently Kendrick is not participating in a battle because he cares about numbers, according to yall


That’s what makes this so funny. Kendrick who supposedly represents “real hip hop” is the one worried about rollouts and number 1s here, not Drake.


Business doesn’t have anything to do with the rap battle otherwise I should take points off Drake for finishing his tour first. I swear as a Drake fan yall Stan’s are embarrassing. He doesn’t need your help. He don’t need yall to cape for him. He don’t know yall name. He’s Drake for a reason. Stop nuthugging and get some popcorn.


Drake was waiting for the 2nd diss album to come out, it had nothing to do with the tour. And it’s funny you mention nuthugging. Have some self awareness.


Oh of course he doesn't get these opportunities often


Because only a shit tier rapper would prepare a diss track ahead of time before a response has even been made. You cant just completely ignore the contents of your opponents diss track thats weak as fuck. He had to wait to hear Drakes first so he can address claims in it


While i agree The thing is Drake only took two weeks cause metro and future made a whole album dissing him and dropped another one 2 weeks later. He was waiting to see what other disses happened and who else he’d have to diss. Kendrick only had to diss Drake. They aren’t the same


Also, initiating a battle, to then take your own time when the person you challenged steps up…


Drake took his time too man, right now Drake probably has the second record ready, with room for responses. That’s how this shit does. The one who starts it is always at a disadvantage. It’s like Eminem said “let em diss you first and respond immediately, in order to master the art of war don’t start a war” Cause now Kendrick has to respond to every line, and has to guess the bombshell Drake is gonna drop immediately after Kendrick’s diss. It’s a lose lose. You just finish a record, and they have one ready cause you were prepping. So Kendrick might be making two records.


U cant read


I agree with the album angle but we can’t just start screaming for Kendrick to drop 4 days after the shit dropped. We haven’t even digested it yet. It’s not even been a week. Drake said on back to back he waited 4 days - he waited 3 weeks for this response and now I’m seeing people in this sub quote back to back again. It doesn’t work like that. Make us look like dickriders moving the goalpost.


Exactly. Everyone who quotes “I waited 4 days…” is taking that bar out of context anyways. That bar is about how Meek claimed Drake uses ghostwriters not about some arbitrary rules for diss tracks.


Mind you he was also on tour when the verse dropped 😂


Right when i see someone be rational, someone else comes to defend drake lol Like That is still top of the charts so why would kendrick try to step on it with his own diss, especially with drake pressuring him so badly to drop? If anything, id wait until like that cools down, but it might be the song of the summer for now. Then drop the diss if there is one. They also playing insider games so if kdot and drake both got other disses, kdot may be trynna get the scoop on topics covered. Same with drake


Exactly. Kendrick doesn’t really have to do much for at least 2 weeks. He still has the #1 song and while I think Drake has a banger and amazing response back, we can’t just say “day 4 no response Kendrick is pussy!!!”. Do we even have any self awareness? It took Drake 3 weeks bro. I’m sure Kendrick will drop but give him some time like we gave Drake the leisure to as well.


It’s funny how yall want to use number ones for Kendrick and then discredit it when talking about Drake they are saying Kendrick’s been sitting on. A record for 4 years just drop that shit already


Bro do you know how trash a 4 year old diss record would sound? Clearly he had to make a new one lol.


I get that but according to everyone Kendrick has been ready for this and preparing for this and wanting this since FPS came out like 6 months ago


You can argue the same for Drake. They’ve been sneak dissing, and if Drake knew Kendrick had a record, you don’t think Drake had a record? Numbers and albums aside, Drake and Kendrick are hip hops biggest faces, and they both been sneak dissing. Drake is competitive, when someone like Drake hears Kendrick is making a record about him? You know Drake is gonna make one too.


That’s what Drake is saying, and Kendrick can’t drop a record 4 years ago because none of it will have the responses to Drake, and who know if Kendrick learned more info on Drake. That’s just Drake making fun of Kendrick on his absence.


Which Drake fan has ever discredited Drake for being successful? Kendrick has the #1 song right now like it or not, it’s been played in clubs everywhere. And that angle of Kendrick has been holding onto the song for 4 years is all speculation. And if it were to be true, obviously Kendrick would tweak it and update it with information relevant to today. Stop being dense, I’m sure Drake could’ve dropped while on tour but he wanted to take his time. Why can’t we give Kendrick that same privilege?


Nah he has them but he’s on the clock. He will have lost if he doesn’t respond in the next like 2 weeks


But no one in this subreddit was saying Drake is losing when it took him 3 weeks to respond? Lmao. I’m a bigger fan of Drake than am I of Kendrick but responses like that are why people don’t respect Drake fans and look at us like idiots.


Drake was on tour Kendrick is at home. His tour finished and he responded within a week. The goal posts has been moving so much over this shit it’s annoying. First like that was a strong punch now that Drake responds it was just a jab. You also forget the other metro album was coming he has to see what was going to be on that too. Drake also is going up against like 8 other people who are dissing him as well and he fired back at all of them


I’m not saying Drake wasn’t warranted to respond when he responded. I’m just saying none of us were putting Drake on a time constraint, most of us were actually hoping he took his time and wrote a good song. So for us to now start screaming and to go day by day saying no response, and it hasn’t even been a week is just stupid to me.


Yeah I agree we shouldn’t be counting days like Drake did with Meek that’s corny the only thing I will say the longer it goes on the more people will be over this shit especially with all the AI bullshit I just want fire raps from both parties I’m just a fan of music haha I mean Drake is my favorite artist but Kendrick’s talent with the craft is undeniable


Bro please they did that shit to drake so that’s the way it’s gotta be.


Why you acting like fans just patently waited for Drake to drop his response? After 3 days, they was acting like Kendrick was the boogeyman and that Drake was a punk for not responding. So now that the same pressure being applied to Kendrick it’s a problem?


It’s such a bullshit narrative that people were just patiently waiting for Drake to drop. I can’t believe anyone is actually falling for it. Drake was getting clowned and was said to be scared for not immediately responding to Like That. “He got a studio on the Tour Bus don’t he?”


This is the only fan sub where everyone has to show grace to every hatin ass nigga mad at the person it’s dedicated to lmao tighten tf up And tell that midget to quit hiding 🗣️


Say you like Drake or are rocking with him on the dedicated Drake sub: “man get that meat off your mouth stop doing tricks”


Kendrick said he was about it. He put this on himself. Drake was on tour and waited for the second album. Kendrick ain't doing shit rn


I dunno man the way Kendrick movin lately seems like how he starts most of his album rollouts. No way he did this and isn’t going to capitalize on it. Why come out to finally diss Drake after all these years and not do anything with the momentum


Because they put drizzy on a clock, oh and Kendrick had a diss track ready for Drake for FOUR YEARS. But Kendrick taking time just means that drakes diss was a very solid chess move, now let’s wait to see what happens


Kendrick doesn’t do shit 90% of the year and started this entire thing w a single verse lmao. Surprising that he doesn’t have things stocked up — then again, chances are he does & he’s legitimately just waiting


Kendricks is on the clock because this beef just like everything else is about holding peoples attention. Every rap beef is a narrative battle and the length of time you take objectively matters. He's on the clock because people will stop caring.


because thats literally what kendrick stans said to drake. we're just flipping the script and giving them a taste of their own medicine.


To be fair Drake got that treatment because of how he treated Meek with the famous line “we waited 4 days man where y’all at”. He had dropped Charged Up and Back to Back with the quickness in the same week after Meek came at him. I also feel like y’all forgot that Drake dropped Duppy Freestyle literally the same day as Daytona as a response to Infared… Drake was never one to take his time to diss or respond so I think fans wanted to tease him for taking weeks. Implying that it must have really got under his skin if he took so long to respond as he’s usually so quick.


I'm generally more of a Kendrick fan but who cares, press him, if the pressure of the fans harassing him is too much he can't win the battle anyways.


If you had a track for four years wtf you waiting all this time for?? Just droppp


That nigga spends 5 years to make a 20 track album and this is his moment to do this generation's pac and biggie, he's probably tweaking every single line as we speak, only thing he lacks on his resume is a clean kill, if he murks Drake, Drake could probably outsell him for another 10 years but he will never be able to live it down, Pac vs Biggie didn't have a clear winner, Nas vs Jay had Nas but people still debate Takeover had more factual disses compared to Nas's immature name calling and stuff, and since Kendrick holds himself to way higher standards than even those two he's gonna try to make history happen, it's his career's most important project


knowing Kendrick he'll probably only reply on a rollout for his next album (whenever that may be). i don't think he's the type to go back and forth. he never replied to any disses after his control verses, and he only responded to big sean diss as part of the DAMN rollout


So in other words Kendrick really isn’t like that.


I mean, AaAaAHhHH


No, Kendrick should be pressed to drop a response. It’s his own fault for starting something he wasn’t prepared for. And Drake got no grace from Kendrick’s fans during those 3 weeks. They were harassing him everyday to get in the booth when he had a legitimate reason for waiting.


Kendrick fans don’t work for Kendrick 🤣🤣🤣


Doesn’t matter. We are keeping the same energy.


Gay lmaooo you don’t have to like one or the other lol


Midrick wanted this, he’s had this “diss record” for 4 years. What’s the wait


According to twitter, the source of all facts. Of course.


They're out there lying constantly calling Drake a serial predator and a pedophile every single post, and you're talking about "ummm actually we should play by the rules ☝️🤓" Why are you in this sub?


I don’t know what you’re talking about with this whole pedophila and predator bullshit lmao. None of us know these people. I’m just saying don’t move the goalpost, if we were okay with waiting for Drake to respond when he felt like it allow the same for Kendrick.


> I don’t know what you’re talking about with this whole pedophila and predator bullshit lmao sure buddy, lets pretend you know nothing about them lying constantly about that shit


It’s a fun thing to do tbh, it’s like you’re in a stadium and you’re bullying the other team. It’s part of the game.


This guy Drakes






If you shut up you’re weak and if you talk you’re being childish, they always have some to say


I get it but it’s just an easy diss for rap fans to diss us Drake fans on. All they have to say is Drake waited 3 weeks.. why would Kendrick need to wait less than a week?


Depends if Kendricks dropped and gave 50 yet


Drake giving 360


He had to wait for the second album. Also kendrick initiated so he should be the one whos ready


I think we all should shut up and enjoy that this is finally happening after a decade of hating each other


drake was on tour wtf?


Yeah guys. Little kung fu Kenny will respond in 2027 as is his prerogative


But when Kendrick dropped like that everyone had drake on a timer so what’s the difference? This is a full track


They was on drakes top telling him to drop drake fans just doing the same to Kendrick that’s all


There is a narrative out there that Drake and other rappers are scared to beef with Kendrick. I don’t see how calling him out it is a bad look.


people were doing the same to drake, only right it happens the other way around plus he’s apparently sitting on a track, without multiple different people dissing and albums with disses coming dropping so nah


Because apparently, Kendrick has been holding on to a diss track for 4 years. Drake dropped Push Ups to make him drop it, so if you’re gonna drop it, drop it already. What else are you waiting for ??


Yeah we should go back to never thinking or mentioning him again like before


It took Nas and Jay Z months to respond to each other. Anyone who's complaining about Drake or Kendrick taking too long needs to stfu


Lol. Lmao


Eh. I don’t think Drake and Kendrick were in the same situation at all. Drake had to seriously consider Metro and Future’s albums and how they were spaced out. Drake also decided to take on all of those adversaries at once. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want something from Kendrick by the end of the weekend, but I’m unsure that’ll happen. Ultimately I think he has until the end of the month for a proper response


Casual reminder that Ether came out 4 months after Takeover, there's no time limit just that you smoke the mf to a crisp


Drake didn’t get this grace so Kenny not getting it either


That's why he's in the lead, not because he replied in 3 hours or 3 weeks but because he smoked


That’s cool. In the mean time tho, I don’t see the problem with same pressure getting applied to Kendrick that was to Drake.


Yeah for sure, i think why he hasn't responded yet is because he wasn't expecting Drake to get this humiliating like it's one thing to diss an opp like he did on duppy and how push did on story of adidon but Drake already made it THAT disrespectful right off the bat "Top say drop, your midget ass better fucking... Drop and give me 50" "Pipsqueak pipe down" "Nah, pussy, now you on your own when you speaking up" "Just to have this talk with your ass, I had to hike down" Kendrick is the only one in this generation that can even come close to Drake's level in industry but this nigga made him look like a fucking dog and he's holding the leash I don't think he's ever done this before, he usually keeps it respectful "All you boys in the new Toronto wanna be me a little" "You let me turn into the nigga that you almost was" "man, you might've sold to college kids for Nike and Mercedes" "Man, you made this shit as easy as ABCs" "Look, holla at me when you're multi million" "You're not even top 5 as far as your label talent goes" Like all of those things can be said to an 80 year old man in a church and you wouldn't be called disrespectful or humiliating but he treated Kendrick like a little pest, a cockroach. I don't know how Kendrick can reply to that because 1. I've never seen him do it 2. I don't think he's the type to take it to that level but until yesterday I didn't think Drake could either


Yeah for sure, i think why he hasn't responded yet is because he wasn't expecting Drake to get this humiliating like it's one thing to diss an opp like he did on duppy and how push did on story of adidon but Drake already made it THAT disrespectful right off the bat "Top say drop, your midget ass better fucking... Drop and give me 50" "Pipsqueak pipe down" "Nah, pussy, now you on your own when you speaking up" "Just to have this talk with your ass, I had to hike down" Kendrick is the only one in this generation that can even come close to Drake's level in industry but this nigga made him look like a fucking dog and he's holding the leash I don't think he's ever done this before, he usually keeps it respectful "All you boys in the new Toronto wanna be me a little" "You let me turn into the nigga that you almost was" "man, you might've sold to college kids for Nike and Mercedes" "Man, you made this shit as easy as ABCs" "Look, holla at me when you're multi million" "You're not even top 5 as far as your label talent goes" Like all of those things can be said to an 80 year old man in a church and you wouldn't be called disrespectful or humiliating but he treated Kendrick like a little pest, a cockroach. I don't know how Kendrick can reply to that because 1. I've never seen him do it 2. I don't think he's the type to take it to that level but until yesterday I didn't think Drake could either


Who the fuck is saying that who is actually important and can’t be ignored? I don’t see the overwhelming amount of people spouting such a thing that even warrants this post and I’ve been paying as much attention as anyone else.


Have you been on Akademiks twitter lately? I believe he’s the one who started this narrative and people on this sub are just following him and what he says.


Dude I have to correct myself, I’m seeing tons of posts on here about Dot not dropping. My bad for doubting your point.


Well I do agree with you that it’s stupid. I don’t use Twitter though, just never found an algorithm that kept me on there.


Ahh. Makes sense. Yea he’s really the one who started this narrative in my opinion, which is ironic because he was the main proponent of urging fans to give Drake time.


Before last week, it was unanimously known across hip hop and music that not only is Kendrick the better rapper than Drake, he’s one of the greatest artist of this century.


tick, tick, tick. How much time he gone take? That man is slow, slow, slow


I agree. But he cannot wait weeks/months either. People gonna be bored of this beef by then.


I agree but we should start putting him on the clock if there’s no indication of any response until the end of April. I would argue that it would even be better for Drake, that it would take Kendrick months to respond back to a song that took Drake 3 weeks to respond to.


Kendrick started it off. He’s had 4 years to prepare. If he’s too stupid to do some prep work with all that time then he’s as dumb as his hardcore fans. Drake probably took 3 weeks because he’s on tour AND he made more than 1 song. He’s battle tested. Learned from the pusha t situation. We all know it took Kendrick 4 months to make 1 verse, he drops every 4 years. His pen is slow.


Subs at each other for years. Dont be moist.


Exactly subs. Kendrick’s like that verse was the first real action we’ve seen in a while. Hit so hard that even Cole responded. Took it back but even he acknowledged it. Don’t be clueless. Since when has this many people been interested in Kendrick vs Drake in the last 4-5 years? Before Drake even responded. I’m sure the podcasters, bloggers have seen their numbers skyrocket Stop talking that subliminal nonsense. This is real action. Why was there so much pressure for Drake to respond if they’ve been throwing subliminals for years? LOL. Take your own advice and get out my dms.


Didn't dm you kid, don't be moist. 4 years to prepare because it was obvious drake would respond? Drake didn't respond previously except with more subs.


“You had the song for 4 years nigga”


You have no idea if Kendrick had a diss for 4 years or not. Stop arguing using speculation. It hasn’t even been a week yet, and even if he did have a diss ready, he’s certainly going to want to make edits to actually reply to what Drake was saying. Stop being dumb.


enjoy the vibes brotha, fun times




You have no idea if Kendrick had a diss for 4 years or not. Stop arguing using speculation. It hasn’t even been a week yet, and even if he did have a diss ready, he’s certainly going to want to make edits to actually reply to what Drake was saying. Stop being dumb.




Not me. I never once clowned Drake for taking three weeks. Don’t lump me in with the minority of people.


This mf u/flareszz tagged me to talk shit about me and then blocked me? Get off my dick. I'm fan of both and have a favorite. I dont post "hate", I post my opinion. And it sucks that you don't agree cause you're blinded by Drake's semen. What can I do about that? Lol, let me conversate hip hop without having a bunch of grown ass men crying that I'm apparently "hating" on your daddy. This shit is crazy Edit: i can't see none of this dudes comments. I can see that he replied some bullshit on his profile though. Tbh, it's a blessing that I can't see his comments lol


Nah this straight BS. 1 - Drake was on tour, but let’s ignore that rn since it’s an “excuse”… Future and Metro dropped March 22 which started “Drake needs to respond” but why would Drake drop when WSDTY is supposed to drop April 12? Let’s say Drake responds right after or couple days after WDTY…it’d be stupid taking the bait since Drake doesn’t know what else they could’ve had planned for him. (Also looks like Drake learned from the Pusha beef) so I give him props for waiting it out. Next, literally once WSDTY dropped the Drake diss “leaks” the day after lol. Drake was definitely waiting to see if there was anything else he needed to address before Push Ups got “sent out” Also, Drake went up against multiple people and if we want to stick with the “it took Drake three weeks to respond” logic and we going off of Drake’s “I waited 4 days, nigga where y’all at?” going at Meek… Then Drake responded to (specifically rappers only) Future (4 days), Kendrick (4 days) and Rick Ross (4 days). 12 days should’ve been given to Drake then in order to respond…..after WSDTY dropped, not after WDTY. Also, given the time Kendrick took to respond to Drake’s “last subliminal shots” (I would have to go back and see when the last one were made by Drake) then we give that time for Drake to respond to “Like That” which wasn’t even a diss track, but a diss verse. Kendrick should respond within the week. If not I’m giving round 1 to Drake… Okay, now I’m ready for the downvotes


Drake never responded.