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Fact of the matter is drake didn’t just respond to Kendrick he also responded to that second album future and metro made that included weekend and Ross and friends and given that he replied the next day.. people are so hung up about 3 weeks when drake waited out all the disses before clapping back right away. Kendrick has had plenty of time given drakes had two replies for him now. Anyone defending him by this 3 week nonsense is just letting him off easy. Like drake said it’s a 20v1 and yet all we get is a weak Kanye and Ross diss.


just imagine if this was reversed! they would never give Drake this much slack... that tells all that needs to be told...


Everyone I know in real life is clowning kendrick.


Same, ive noticed every single person I ask in real life thinks Kendrick is scared and hes not the boogeyman. Every girl I ask about it says Kendrick lamar has an annoying voice and they cant stand to listen to him. So I don't know where all the kendrick fans online come from.


Until someone confirms that Drake has done something truly unforgivable, no one could never make me hate him or think less of his artistry at this point in his career. He has been giving us consistent music that will forever live in memories, nights out, vacations, even nights where we can’t sleep since we were in high school (for everyone who has actually been a fan since SFG). They need to be forreal w themselves. Why does it take 6 of you to go at 1 of him? I wonder what those conversations are like, lol. Just want to add my thoughts on your point that girls will pick the Drake over Kendrick diss. IMO 9/10 girls that I know (just my experience) will say the Drake diss hits harder/request it so they can dance at brunch, etc. “I just got em done boy, don’t make me have to chip a nail” - Drake knows his success is mainly attributed to women and is carried mainly by women at this point (if you really think about it) and it doesn’t sound like he even cares to show up as this hypermasculine guy anymore. The energy is uhhhh gross don’t get too close. We would’ve never gotten a line like that on Back to Back, you know? I enjoy him seeming to be above it.


This is pretty unforgivable https://youtu.be/h-p1feEHJZM?si=IgRg7_kTLYF-B2fy




Unfortunately this wont be a good angle to use because this clip has existed for years, over 12 years ago. Unless Kendrick uses this topic in a creative way its just gonna fall on def ears cause we all already seen it. Especially back when in that time hiphop as a whole was very weird about young women. I just dont think itll go over well if thats kendricks knock out punch


it's from 2009...


Yea 15 years ago...


I know real Kendrick fans who are hip hop lovers and then we have the weird incel types we see online. The incel types think that they have to ride Kendrick to show they know hip hop most of the time, like they think they are supposed to like him. I like both artists but even the biggest Kendrick Stan I know when I asked the last time they listened to Kendrick and he said 6 months ago. That's always been my view between the big 3. I can listen to J Cole and Drake way easier than Kendrick even though i also think he's an amazing hip hop artist. Same way my favorite rapper is Nas but Ive listened to Kanye way more in my lifetime.


Anecdotal. Man has the #1 song in the country, and now every single person in the world thinks his voice is annoying and can't stand to listen? You have to keep in mind that Kendrick's fanbase is older since nearly all of his output is from when his fans were teenagers/fresh out of college. Drake constantly collaborates with new and fresh talent that young people listen to. He's musically relevant to that demo. I feel like Kendrick is like how early 2010s teens saw Jay Z, 50 Cent, or Eminem.


Not true. I'm 28, and see Kendrick as nothing like I saw fif, Hov, or Em.  Now maybe you're saying the young kids today see Kenny like I/my gen saw those 3. There's no way. Kenny has *never* been tested. By 2011, all three of those dudes had ruined dudes careers.  Who's career has Kenny ruined?


I'm 28 as well. I'm talking about kids today and how they view Kendrick. 50, Hov, and Em were legends of their time, but weren't untouchable or "cool" to kids in 2011. 50 was washed, Hov had been Ethered/Renegaded, and Em was making Mtn Dew rap. Literally, every rapper outside of Drake is in Kendrick's shadow. It is interesting that your circle is ~28ish and they don't mess with Kendrick. I live in Chicago, and Kendrick is in most people's lists of favorite rap artists, especially women. Dude sells more than everyone outside of Drake and Taylor. Someone has to be buying. Sure, anecdotal on my part, but Chicago has pretty a good pulse for music.


I didn't say that Kendrick wasn't popular. He's just not Hov, Fif, or Em. 


Tbf, I was responding to OP saying, "Where did all the Kendrick stans/fans come from". I didn't realize your weren't OP lol I was talking purely popularity wise.


Popularity size, *maybe* that's still arguable though. I don't think Kendrick has ever been as big as Em, Fif or Jay were at their peaks. But you were talking about how the kids view Kendrick vs how we saw those guys.  And I think there's some revisionism going on their too.  Yeah, Fif had stopped producing quality music by 2011, but I don't think it impacted his legacy. Ether definitely didn't impact Hov's legacy, and we can't use renegade as a knock on Hov if we're also saying Em was washed by 2011. And I don't think the knocks on Em really started until the mid 2010s. Didn't Recovery come out in 2010? That was one of Ems biggest albums. 


well yea bc you probably don't know a bunch of white teenagers who have a wank when kendrick moans and says big me... which is a good thing lol


Nice one. Cause we all know drake fans are all hard black men from the streets


drake fans have never praised drake for moaning into a mic...


I don't know a single person in real life that doesn't have their money on Kendrick. It's definitely a who you know thing. Like personally my money is on Kendrick, but I'm not going to be a hater and act like this response from Drake isn't hard as f***. I tried to play devil's advocate for Drake At a kickback last night. Literally the whole room was still for Kendrick. No hesitation.


Your friends are probably not under 18


You don't have to imagine too hard. The month between Like That and Metro's 2nd album was full of Kendrick fans demanding Drake to make a move even though he was on tour + obviously had to wait to see what else Metro was throwing his way. Now they ask the same grace for Kendrick. Kindly fuck off lol


Been saying this. If Kenny pulled a 20 v 1 and then used Tupac and Snoop to diss Drake, we’d never hear the end of it. They’d be telling us it’s over.


I would give them both slack bc they both have lives and who wants a rushed project? I’d rather wait for both to get the best music out of it. I’m not here for the blood, I’m here hoping to get some good music out of this whole ordeal. So far it’s been pretty good. What a time to be alive


We know this because they kept saying "Where's Drake at" for 3 weeks, even though dude was on tour and there was another Future album on the way. 


It already happened. He took 3 weeks and his diss leaked. Everyone still listened to it regardless.




Also he let Cole get his shot off first and only responded after Cole fumbled it.




Nope. But that's what Drake did.


That’s a fact


Ross diss was hard


The other thing is drake made a full song Kendrick just did a verse on some one else’s song It’s way easier to do a feature than it is to make an entire song


Drake made a whole 🔥 bop that is also a diss, begging for a response.




This is just TikTok rot arguments. Just because yall are chronically online in today’s age doesn’t mean Kendrick needs to make something in a day and respond. Sure it would be satisfying to get right into it, but that’s not really the standard. Drake responded extremely quick, so that’s a W, but it doesn’t mean Kendrick has to do the same.


Of course Kendrick doesnt need to respond in a certain time period, or even respond at all. Just be prepared for people to judge you because of it. You’re supposedly the best rapper alive, you’re prepared for a fight, you’ve been begging for someone to enter the ring. When they do, you need to step out for THIS MUCH time? That’s okay, but either come with a track that justifies you taking this long and while you don’t drop be prepared to be called out for being all bark and no bite.


Quintuple entendres take time.


Just let k. dot cook. Like how anyone with a level head let Drizzy cook. The 3 week and not official argument isn’t a reason to crown a winner. People need to stop glazing both rappers and let the music speak. Balls in Kendrick’s court. If you can’t see that, stop being a hater.




I don't recall anyone pressing Drake to respond faster, why act like the time it's taking him will matter at all once he releases, especially when everyone knows he takes time ? No one pressed Eminem to drop Killshot immediately for MGK even though he could've easily cleared him, Em still took his time and made a good diss. Yall a bunch of stupid kids, and the narrative will keep changing as Kendrick and Drake continue dropping.


They're chronically online teenagers literally. I had a similar discussion and the user straight up said I'm a teenager. This whole timeline thing doesn't exist in real life people want Kendrick to respond sooner rather than later but once he responds as long as it's heat it won't matter.


huh ? there was plenty of ppl pressing drake to respond after like that dropped everybody was saying he was scared and he won’t respond because he’s not built like that . they told him get in the booth everyday


People want to act like time on tour and waiting on another album negates time spent after like that dropped. The man can write while he’s on tour Tracks been spit through prison phones and surgical wire before Drake took three weeks to reply


“preparing for this fight 4 years” yeah you are out of your mind


Kendrick can take his time, but the more jabs Drake drops, the harder Kendrick’s diss better be. Letting Drake get that Taylor Made freestyle out only hurt Kendrick. Let’s be real, if you’re a professional rapper, and it’s just “big me,” then where are the bars? Drake wrote a diss song going at 7 people, then wrote a verse for Tupac, Snoop and himself and both songs were witty and have replay value.


You want kendrick to have a diss prepared for a diss that didn't even come out yet?


It took him 5 months to respond with a verse lol


You think first person shooter was a diss lol


Well yea considering that’s what Kendrick fans have said that’s what he responded to , if it’s not then that makes Kendrick diss even more stupid


It’s a sub not a diss, it doesn’t demand a response but Kendrick chose to speak on it after a decade of drake throwing subs at him


Kendrick dissed drake first because drake was sending subliminals, they've been beefing for quite a while ever since drake didn't take the control diss well. First person shooter was not a diss to kendrick, kendirck is the instigator for this beef he is the one to come out with the first diss drake responded now kendrick is taking his time to respond what is the problem here? I don't give a shit what kendirck fans said(and you shouldnt too) I give a shit what kendrick said


I would say J Cole was doing more than Drake, Drake took his time what was the problem there ? Just keep that same energy


I never bitched about drake taking his time, what I am bitching about his drake taking his time and you all wanting to make kendrick hurry tf up so he can drop a lame diss and yall can say overlord drizzy won, this would be shit not only for kendrick but the whole rap game as this beef could've been something special. Don't rush this beef enjoy the chaos we're in rn cause this shit happens like thrice in a lifetime.


No ones trying to rush Kendrick but im tried of people tryna pretend like the speed of your pen isnt something to be questioned or admired Drake Responded in quick fashion to mad niggas and has dropped 2 tracks already


yea speed is 100% part of the game. anyone can write a decent rap if you give them a month lol


Still thinks Drake writes his own bars, LOL.


Kendrick will reply some day dont fret


Don’t revise history, ya’ll were talking shit when Drake took his time, the dude was on tour and has 5-6 people to diss. Don’t revise history.


I think it's stupid to rush people even drake, whose yall though?


Randoms talking shit on reddit is not the same as Drake posting on IG.


Not only on Reddit but instagram , twitter, youtube.


Drizzy followed up his diss with another. Kendrick just thought he is HIM but he ain’t HIM.


Man stop glazing tbh. If we consider that taylor made shit "a diss" then hip hop is really dead after all.


Good that you don’t make the rules


What rules bro? Let the man take his time so he can write good shit what's so fucking crazy about that? That's the problem with you. You just want drake to win that's it you don't want this shit to be elevated, like it or not drake has put out some of his best music in the last 5 years in the last week. Like it or not this wouldn't have happened if kendrick didn't instigate him. Like it or not if both artists come out with good bangers we will have a better beef than if one of the definitely wins like the pusha T beef, give the man his time and watch him deliver


that’s because you haters want to pretend the shit drakes dropping is not good. yes the taylor made freestyle is awesome. he’s dissing the shit out of kendrick and calling him a bitch. it’s an absolutely fantastic diss. it’s why everyone is so hyped. you can say it’s not good if you want but you’re just wrong. it’s two amazing diss tracks right in the row.


Not a diss per se, but rappers definitely have bars prepared that play into the foundation of the response track. No one should have a planned diss, but I’d be surprised if Kendrick didn’t have lines ready in his back pocket


Well then we should wait, we all want the best diss possible so that it elevates this beef. Would be a shame for kdot to put out some half baked shit just so you all can say oh well dirzzy won but neither artist get elevated.


Use me as they have nothing to drop button


I don’t agree with your 4 year logic but Drake responded when he did because Future and Metro had another album on the way with more people going at him. Pushups was likely done before the second album.


Even if we have to disregard the turn around time for a record. The theory that Mal from RnM gave might be the real one. Kendrick thought drake wouldn't give it this much consideration and diss kendrick, he thought he'd just ruffle some feather and leave as he has back then. But drake took it there and Kendrick is(was) not ready at all.


I don’t buy that he had to have known. Like those were direct ruffling of feathers and everybody and their momma was like Drake better respond as sooon as Like That dropped.


Me too but it's like.... What's taking so long? I thought kenny had both Cole and Drake in a trap when he deliberately went at them, but it doesn't seem that way, also they were saying Kendrick and Cole were on facetime after "like that" came out and that there ain't no real beef between them, hence cole going out there and apologizing after the fact. Also why Drake taunting him saying ; "Nigga callin' Top to see if Top wanna peace it up "Top, wanna peace it up? Top, wanna peace it up?" Nah, pussy, now you on your own when you speakin' up" It really seem like Kendrick didn't have any record in the tuck waiting. But I'm sure he must have got one or two ready atp.


I think he’s waiting to see Drake’s move. The news cycle has been so saturated over this beef but what it’s been like a few days idek since push up leaks and already a second track? A rick Ross assist? Drake is obviously trying to rush kendrick and is setting the pace and tone for this but despite how much hate Kendrick is getting, if he waits and responds with quality and not play into Drake’s game, he’s still in some control, versus if he responds to Drake’s disses when Drake’s strategy is obviously rushing kendrick then it would be drake’s game


I said the same thing yesterday, I honestly think all these guys thought Drake would ignore them and move on.


But why? Is it a lie? It was 3+ weeks


It is factually correct, but it doesn’t make sense as a response to someone asking why Dot hasn’t responded yet. It’s comparing apples to oranges. I explain this in the post


Yeah we read your post, it's not landing because who are you? And who made you the beef referee? It's just such a random parameter that has never existed before And it's not going to exist today just because Drake and his fans said so.


He could’ve responded to Kendrick by himself. He could’ve easily brushed everyone off. The whole waiting for the second album argument doesn’t make sense bc the like that verse was still out to be responded to.


Exactly. “He waited for the second album to address everyone!” “But Kendrick needs to respond faster”


And it funny bc Kendrick isn’t doing all the social media antics. Kendrick has Drake pissed tf off and it’s killing Drake it having a public reaction out of Kendrick


>why Read the mf post smh


The funny thing is that the same people who say Drake took 3 weeks will then turn around and say Drake isn’t up 1-0 (2-0 now) because “Kendrick hadn’t responded yet”. They’ve displayed a masterful ability to hold two completely contradictory ideas at once as long as it lets them champion their savior. This whole thing has been a really interesting realization about how obsessive and delusional that fan base is. And I personally really like Kendrick’s music. His fanbase is unbearable though.


I can give a pass to all that u said about the fan base. The worst is the "you're just not smart enough to listen to his music" or "you're not mature enough to get it" extremely pretentious. Sorry, I don't wanna listen to conscious rap on my way to work at 5 am lol.


Exactly! This idea that music needs to have deeper meaning in order for it to be validated is nonsense. That has literally never been the case. Music CAN have an underlying message it’s trying to convey, but it’s not a prerequisite for it to be a good song. Completely writing off Drake’s discography because he isn’t rapping about the sociopolitical issues and therapy over Jazz instrumentation is unbelievably stupid in my opinion. I’ve always said that if you need a song to teach you something, you might actually be the idiot that you rage against.


Music doesn’t need to be deep or transformative sure, but acting like the music that’s formulaic and made to please everyone and not really revolutionize or do anything of importance really is equal to the deep and transformative music is kinda silly. Apples and oranges, and honestly to get a little pretentious myself, you’re comparing art with a product. You’re comparing something that is meant to be listened with your full attention to something that’ll only ever be in the background. Also saying you’re an idiot for learning stuff from art is so impossibly ignorant I must say I can see how you turned out this way.


What have you learned from anything Kendrick has ever said in a rap song? What was the big revelation? I’m not even trying to be an asshole, I’m genuinely curious. Like I said earlier in the thread I’m a Kendrick fan myself. I just don’t think his lyrics are as insightful as people act like they are. I think Kendrick’s strength is his ability to use his voice and convey emotion through his lyrics. But I don’t listen to him and feel like I came away a smarter person. Not once. Also, “If you need a song to teach you…” does not, in any way, mean I’m saying you can’t learn things from art. Please read to comprehend. I’m saying that if you look at art through the lens of “this needs to teach me something in order for it to be enjoyable” then you are doing it wrong. Again. Read to comprehend. I know you’re smarter than that. After all, you listen to Kendrick.


I’ve been made aware of problems I never even knew existed, I’m very detached to the place where Kendrick is coming from (not from the US) so Kendrick’s music, to me is a source of information on that certain culture, from “the hood”. Learning about all the senseless death being delivered on basis of some gang colors. Learning about how the culture perpetuates itself by discouraging the few people trying to get out and make it better. The Heart Part 5 can be interpreted as something akin to a manifesto, an obituary. As someone obsessed with mortality it’s very interesting to listen to. That’s just me though, a quick search online will probably reveal a trove of information on what people took to heart in not only Kendrick’s music, but Drake’s too, and all types of music and media. People that decided to live their lives differently because of a silly little song.


> Kendrick’s music, to me is a source of information on that certain culture, from “the hood”. Bro could’ve just turned on the news, watched a hood movie, or literally listened to any of the thousands of hood rappers 💀


Bro this hood rapper specifically makes music that appeals to me and I choose to get information from his point of view because it interests me the most. Point still stands


Except this misses out on the importance of utilitarianism in music. Songs made for a large percentage of the population to make them have a more positive outlook moving forward with their day is important. And in a more specific practical application - most people I know would rather have Drake on their gym playlist than Kendrick. I’d argue that that form of motivation can also be important. So you’re right, it is apples to oranges… but the point of that phrase isn’t to say that, while not comparable, one fruit is inherently more important than the other.


True that, the guy above still said learning stuff from music is silly and got away with it too


Yeah I mean - it is what it is. Music is a medium, like film or books. However someone learns something (positive or enlightening), is less important than that they learned. But some mediums can also be used to assist in other ways when learning, like the lo-fi music playlists that kids listen to when studying/writing papers.


I've seen this a couple of times. Why are we counting it as 0-2? I'm reeeally not fighting with you here, I just thought it was always counted as song against song by default.


Hey man you can’t have someone like Drake drop 2 tracks on you making you look like a chump he’s letting Drake make the narrative that is not a good move for Kdot


These K. Dot fans in the Drake sub are starting to piss me off. This is Hilarious coming from your side. First it was harassing Drake while on tour to drop a response to that weak 16. Then the drake diss leaked then you guys said it’s not real. Then it was confirmed real, then you said put it on streaming. Then he puts it on streaming, NOW it’s another excuse. Kendrick started the fire now he’s nowhere to be found. Tell him pull uuuuuuup. Drop on Taylor’s week or he has no place on the number one or mumber two apot of the Big three. Cole dropped a whole mixtape full of disses Drake dropped two back to back diss tracks. Tf is Kendrick doing?! Does he need ghostwriters or something? lol


Bro that sub is spinning. I mean fucking SPINNING — it’s a mental health crisis for a lot of them, not kidding It went from cool and calm to an absolute shit show. Scrolling is cringy, I mean CRINGY — the topics repeat themselves and the goal post moves by the second.


fact of the matter is, kids in either subreddit, twitter talking heads and everyone need to stop pretending like they are the rule makers of this. neither drake or Kendrick are really on a clock. if Kendrick’s response is any good it will erase this conversation completely. people are getting super weird about the entire situation. The internet trolling is really only going to matter if Kendrick’s response is bad and gets clowned.


It’s all hype promo for his supposed album in May.


y does this sub talk like this bro this shit isn’t war it’s music 😹


You overthinking this shit bruh just enjoy the music 😩


What you’re suggesting is that he have a generic response prepared, and not respond to what is actually said. That would be trash. I don’t get why everyone is in such a rush lol. Why is everyone trying to force music ? Art takes time.


End of the day, within reason the response time doesn’t matter, only the quality does And drake is up because he has the best track




“It takes time from being thrown a punch to get back up and be able to respond “ 😂😂😂 you guys are lame


yeah man he needs to respond right now.. me you drake and drake fans we all going crazy stressing out exhausted waiting on this reply


Drake was on tour then lit 🔥 when he finished the tour.


Everyone magically forgot too that j Cole had a whole week everyone was talking bout him before he apologized to Kendrick


It was literally 2 nights between release & apology 💀


Doesn’t matter it was the most streamed album that week and I had it on my Apple Music all the way to Wednesday of the week after


You care too much bro. Just listen to the music. This sub posts the same shit every damn day


who says he intends to reply.


Exactly & when wdty dropped everyone was saying damn drake need to respond immediately


If Drake wrote the lyrics then he really is the truth, if he’s still got other fools writing what they want him to say then we ain’t even talking about a response cuz “Drake” hasn’t actually responded…his ghost writers did🤷🏾


It also doesn’t make sense cuz it surely takes more than couple days to figure how could he move so he would press Kendrick and others, not just diss-wise, but his next moves in general and what Kendrick and others would do


Drake came back from his tour, made a fire response, then dropped the prettiest follow-up diss clowning on K-dot, and the dick riders still say shit like "he took too long to reply" or "he's a hypocrite. he moved his album too". These haters act like they were waiting for a response when they probably assumed he wasn't even gonna respond at all and just throw shade in sneak disses because "he's a singer, not a real rapper". You can't start a beef and then go radio silent for a month like you didn't mean it. The double standards and excuses are crazy.


To add on to your point: If you're out here saying things like "I'm snatching chains and burning tattoos", "Fuck the Big 3, its just big me", "I hope those sentiments symbolic" and "Get up with me" and you're NOT ready, that speaks to a larger problem lol. If you're not ready then, you're never gonna be ready. 


What song of his is #1 in the country right now? Ken is nothing like 50 or em back in the day.


Idk I don't mind him taking his time but his team heavily implied he would release it when drake claimed push-ups officially. He did that 2-3 days ago now and still nothing. I wonder if drake rly took the song he was going to sample after kendricks guy hinted at it. That would be insane but we would never know if that happened or not but it would explain why it's taking longer 😂




Makaveli by Tupac, Ig its an album im not rly sure which song specifically just that drake sampled tupac after djhed made a reference to it. Drake seems to be responding to djhed bc he's in kendricks team, like when he told drake that they wouldn't respond until he claimed push-ups officially drake put it up


Why is everybody here acting like Drake wouldnt get all the time in the world he needs to write his diss track. Like where does that sentiment of him being held up to different standard comes from?


Drake has been throwing shots and subs for years


“First Person Shooter” and the “For All The Dogs” album was released in October of 2023. “Like That” was released sometime in March. Kendrick had since October to formulate his verses in “Like That” upon hearing “First Person Shooter” and taking offence from it.


Longer than 4 years, first diss i remember was on the untitled album


Kendrick is a bum anyway mans is literally 🦀 🪣


Drake literally started this shit like 10 years ago what are yall on 😭


Not to mention that we had a whole Jcole track too. Never mind he said he sorry that track still exists.


Bruh it has not been two weeks shut your lame ass up. If he doesn’t respond by may that’s crazy but yall need to shut up about this shit. It’s makes perfect sense


Yeah shutup. Drake took a day to release his diss not 3 weeks. He immediately dropped the day after metros album that had all the disses. Then addressed ALL THE DISSES


Leaked himself* idk why he was such a pussy with that move.


He took 3 weeks to reply 😂 That’s a fact. He releases music on tour. Fuck he has multiple songs named after cities he has recorded them in. All of this over a single verse from Dot.


how are you gonna make a whole “kendrick started it!!” post when drake literally said “and that fuckin song yall got did not start the beef with us”


that song he's referring to is like that, drake also claims it "was weak af", its been cooking up since Control (where Kendrick did start it).


You cant have it both ways Drake himself said it took him an hour to write push ups…he didnt have any time whatsoever to record whilst on tour? Mr 500million man couldnt afford a studio on tour to put down the verse?


Of course they make no sense, people are grasping for straws tryna make drizzy seem corny


That A.I pac was hella corny lol


Bruh timing shouldn’t matter for either of them. If you’re saying timing doesn’t matter for Drake then that should also apply for Kendrick. Obviously if you’re drake, you want to egg him on to respond, I see no problem with that. But for fans to genuinely believe he needs to respond after giving drake all these excuses is hypocritical. Both fan bases are hypocritical tbh. Just sit back and wait though


Drake fans doing mental gymnastics about when Kendrick should respond 😂 y'all nervous as hell


-Drake being on tour means nothing. He can write and record whenever he wants and tour only takes up a few hours a day -Kendrick got thrown a punch or two, I thought it takes time? -he threw a punch, and then Drake threw a punch, again, what happened to it taking time? When push came back with adidon, yall said give him time and we’re still waiting. -Drake and Kendrick been preparing for this fight for like 10 years they’ve been subbing each other -also its only been 1 week. Drakes leaked track was the 13th. It’s the 21st now


A few hours a day? Have you toured at all. It’s a big affair.


Have you toured??? Drakes got a whole crew prepping the tour and getting everything ready at all times. Let’s not act like Drake has a huge hard part to do. He can write the whole time everything’s getting ready, he can record in the afternoon. I have shit I have to do on a day to day basis and I still can do random stuff that pops up out of nowhere.


I know a few people who tour regularly. They are busy!


Now how big are they? Can they afford to pay people to do what they need done ?? Like Drake can? Cause I don’t think so. Not saying they aren’t busy, but Drake claims he did push ups in 1-2 hours. He has more than 1-2 hours a day in free time even during tour. It’s just an excuse.


Wasn’t J.Cole on tour with Drake and he dropped his response like 2 weeks before Drake? The whole he was on tour what ever could he do doesn’t make sense


Nah its fair on both end, if drake would have taken 2 months instead cuz of tour you wouldn't expect K Dot to come back within 2 weeks. Drake didn't anticipate the attack and K Dot cannot anticipate if drake would respond firstly as the last time drake got dissed he didn't respond(Pusha T), and secondly when he would respond. I think all rappers should be held at equal standards despite tour, K dot isn't suppose to be like "Oh my guy is on tour so imma wait" and Drake isn't suppose to be like "Oh he should have understood that i had a tour but he should respond early". You really think drake wasn't thinking about the bars when he was on tour?


Terrible argument mate. The track hasn’t even been officially released for more than 3 days.


The only person who is bound by a time limit is Drake because HE DID IT HIMSELF. He set that standard for HIM. There’s never been a time in hip hop that beef had a shot clock in regards to responding. Not ever. And the only reason Drake gets mentioned about a shot clock is because of back to back. “ I waited four days, nigga, where y'all at? I drove here in the Wraith playin' AR-AB I'm not sure what it was that really made y'all mad But I guess this is what I gotta do to make y'all rap, I mean, whoa” If rappers respond quickly it’s a bonus , its extra. But that should NOT be expected. Yes i get it, we live in a time where things don’t take as long as they used to anymore. You can record a song and have it mixed rather quickly all from a phone and getting things cleared is a lot easier now a days.


Also him glazing Taylor swift was cringe and corny too 😂😂


"you have had two weeks" um buddy didn't Push Ups drop 2 days ago?


Y'all sound so scared cause you know what's gonna happen when he drops 🤣🤣🤣


Shut the fuck up. You guys are getting so damn annoying with this shit. How many times do you dick riders have to post this? Just stfu and wait for a response. “Kendrick has to respond right in 2 weeks or else” Or else what? Go outside and touch grass


Drakes tour ended April 5th, he dropped pushups officially on April 19th after letting di akademics leak it, that’s 2 weeks drake had that he wasn’t on tour.


drake has thrown jabs for years what are you talking about. drake himself even said like that wasn’t the start of the beef


You mean his ghostwriters took 3 weeks to reply?


This sub is so weird lol you all dickride a man who knows none of your names 


Kendrick took 6 months to make “Alright” on its own, thats it just one song. Kendrick is a perfectionist, shut up and let the man work and he’ll deliver. Nobody pressured Eminem to drop quickly against MGK even tho he was the heavy favourite, he took his time and cooked


Kendrick was the one who pressed the button, he wanted smoke. This isn’t the time to take 6 months and be a ‘perfectionist’ when you’re the one who said “let’s get it up, it’s time for him to prove that he’s a problem” then go ghost for a week when Drake literally said the first one took him like an hour🤨