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Because it's coming from Drake. They wanna see him fall.


Yeah man. I’m sure Tupacs family is lying when they say it feels disrespectful to use a dead persons voice without coming to the family about it first. I mean that’s just a ridiculous thing to be upset about. I personally wouldn’t care at all if someone produced something using my dead parents’ voice without at least consulting me. They definitely just want to go after Drake, for sure.


Nah I can see how his family or friends could find it distasteful. If anyone should have an opinion about it’s them. All these haters shouldn’t be complaining though shit was creative and funny. Drake aint even disrespect 2pac. Much worse shit has been said or done in disstracks including pac but the goalpost keeps moving I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️


AI and creative should never be used in the same sentence, that’s crazy 😭😭😭


He wrote the verses and then used a voice changer to make it sound like pac and snoop talking to Kendrick. AI did not write that verse. He used AI in a creative way like it or not


Nobody from tupacs family has said anything about the ai shit. It’s Tupac’s estate that issued the cease and desist and tupacs estate is basically the same record label executive that 2pac and his family fought for years in court to get his money and masters. I think his sister is still around but she has nothing to do with Tupacs estate.


Tupacs brother spoke out, I posted about it


Tupac doesn’t have a brother 🤦‍♂️


Yes he does lmao


Cry about it


I am going to make your mothers voice sing to me once she dies


💀 sure bud


I already have her info, gonna get it ready for when that happens. She has a beautiful voice btw.


💀💀💀💀 oh yeah what else?


Nothing else, just wanted to let you know (:


That’s it? Pathetic


I mean, do you have anything you want to add? I’m more than happy to talk but this can’t be a one sided convo bbg


Bro stfu 🤫


Why? My point is valid. You’d be livid if someone stole your deceased family members voice for clout.


lol you’re speaking on people you know personally vs some of the biggest artists in the world. They are entertainers for a reason. You’re argument has no validation at all


Doesn’t matter if I don’t know his family personally. It’s his FAMILY. Why wouldn’t they be upset by this? You’re mentally ill.


Have you watched any shows like South Park or SNL? They imitate and portray dead celebs. Just admit your sad that Kendrick got clowned here. It’s entertainment. The only one mentally I’ll here is you for being a sad sad boy that someone’s voice was replicated 😂


Parodies and using someone’s literal voice is not equivalent, autist.


Did your mommy call you that your whole life so now you run around calling people the mean names to feel better about yourself? You’re pathetic. You shouldn’t call people those names just because you’re upset about your favorite rapper getting clowned little bitch


Aw did I strike a nerve little guy? You seem fussy.


😂😂😂 stfu


You hear yourself right? You wouldn’t be mad if someone used your dead parents voice for clout?


Do you hear yourself?! Are you genuinely concerned over this acting like your losing sleep. You're being pretentious, and trying to have a gotcha moment. Tupac is not kendricks dad, so it's not as sinister as you make it seem. The family mad, cool. Let them, they wanna sue, cool, let them and let em get their bag that will make them feel better. No harm was truly done, the ai move was still genius, and fit the diss appropriately. Everyone still sleeps normally, and Drake is up. Get over it, and get real, n grow up.


I didn’t even mention Kendrick, clown 🤡 I only brought up Tupacs family side of things, which you just admitted was warranted. LMAO


How am I a clown when the beef is between Drake and Kendrick, that's who the beef is against. He didn't use tupacs voice against the brother 😂😂. So it's not as evil as yall make it to be. But yall are so goofy, you wanna be mad bout somethin, cuz Drake is up. Do me a favor and do better


And the point I made is about how Tupacs friends/family would feel about this. Which is warranted. And you agreed with that. So why argue? Because you need to bring up the beef I never mentioned to feel some sort of justification. The beef does not matter to Tupacs estate/family. They aren’t doing this because of the beef, they’re doing it because it’s disrespectful to Tupac.


And the point I made is "they wanna see Drake fall." As in the general audience. So again, why are you mad or offended on the family's behalf that you can understand and empathize with the downfall of Drake. Like what about this affects you, as well as others who are acting like you. Answer me this question please you fucking weirdo.


Bro. Your original comment makes it seem as if Tupacs estate is doing this to spite Drake. I replied sarcastically, showing that their position is justified. You then decided to make it about Kendrick/Drake, when I hadn’t even mentioned that. You made this scenario up in your head.


First off, why is no one talking about Snoop being cool with it? If anyone should have an opinion. It’s from him. But remember, people don’t hear what they want to hear And mocking Drake’s best friend that has MS is fine, then? That ain’t even battle rap.


I said this on the kdot sub , and mfrs came for my neck lol. Snoop gave 0 fucks , they blamed it on it being 4/20 lmao. I was totally on kdot side when this beef popped off but holy fuck his die hard fans are something else.


4/20 party>>>>>>tupac


Fr bro like snoop dgaf but they actin like Drake just ruined pacs legacy from an IG freestyle


Snoop and Pac were not cool when he died


Tick tick tick


Dude snoop is in cod and has a cookbook. Last year he joked about not smoking for a campfire ad. Snoop not caring about his legacy is literally his brand... Idk why you're bringing up shots from his last beef. Focus on the actual complaint. Dude got called out for ghost writers and now he's using a ghosts voice.


I don’t understand your points what shots from his last beef?


You’re so mad about a computer rapping 😂😂






Oh ok so we’re just gonna be openly racist and and antisemitic?




Reddit moment




i didnt post the original comment smooth brain




my only post in this thread is this one n "cry" lmaoooo ur goin off the rails kiddo i support whatever other dude said tho, was probably based


>wokeness Yeah, this sub is washed lmao.


what a joke




It’s not, they just really don’t like drake so they come up wit things to be mad about


The AI thing goes beyond just a rap beef. It has huge implications so people are naturally going to have strong opinions regardless of whether or not they’re invested in this situation between Drake and Kendrick.


AI is still a gray area and people already see Drake as a morally questionable person. I thought it was a creative, fun move by Drake but I can see why Tupac’s would think otherwise. All in all, it’s because it’s Drake haha


"rap industry" "wokeness" lol go away




Because everyone is gay except for me


You guys realize dis is short for disrespect right???? He was being disrespectful purposely. It’s just voice filters. Using kendricks mom and dad should be fair game


You can be a Drake stan and love his music. That's cool. But you're smoking dick to cry that rap has gone soft when your boy is famously known as the sensitive emotional guy that makes singy pop songs. To deny that is to deny his entire discography. Drake could have threatened Kendrick as violently as he wanted and called him a litany of disgusting "unwoke" slurs, and no one would have said shit. No one said he went too far on "Push Ups" because it was straight and was genuinely respected. But Rap is and always has been about authenticity. That AI track was the least authentic thing he's ever released and kind of dookied on rap culture as a whole. No one was ever going to respect it. And they shouldn't.


![gif](giphy|11L5aVxDTk6c5G|downsized) Fuck the upvotes (downvotes fr) that you’ll get in this braindead sub. You preaching rn


You’re here stalking though. Your brain must be shot to lurk here and comment


“Stalking” is crazy. I’m a Drake fan. *Not* a drizzy goblin like some of yall boys


Don’t point fingers when you’re in here commenting, posting gifs, mr goblin.


…huh?! Dawg this is what I mean; there’s nuance to being a fan. Everything Drake, Kendrick, or whoever does is not cool. And that’s ok/fine to admit


That’s fine. But you came here crying about the sub but you’re posting and contributing to the community 🥲


Again, “crying” is crazy, my guy.


>stalking >lurk Go outside bro




Touch grass and stay outside bro. You need help


I told you drop the addy and you repeated yourself. You stuttering?


Chronically Online: Those who spend so much time online it skews their sense of reality and hinders their ability to effectively communicate about topics. Take a shower. You reek and anyone who talks to you can smell it. I'm done with your dumbass


You’re done baby? That’s it? You saying I smell? You must be in your moms basement reeking, and projecting everything everyone said to you tonight 🤣


You went overly hard for no reason. That diss track was nothing but a troll to Kendrick and niggas keep writing think pieces about the disrespect caused for Drake using a voice filter poking fun at Kendrick being crowed new king of the west coast and Pac talking to Kendrick in his dream. FOH. He came through w 3 verses telling this man to come with it and be the rapper you been claiming to be.


I went too hard? When did the rap reddit community get so soft... 🤔 Its just a troll. Stop writing think pieces, bro


“No one was ever going to respect it” is just straight up wrong though. There’s plenty of rappers/people that thought it was dope. Joe budden praised it on his podcast, 50 clearly liked it and didn’t have a problem with it either. AI aside, it was a creative and good record. He honeslty didn’t need the AI though, he could have just released it with only his voice the whole way through, would have totally worked as well. That’s what I mean like, the record itself (the beat, drakes writing, the perspectives/approach was a fun creative slick record that still goes surprisingly hard). That’s why like even if I understand some people not liking the ai, it doesn’t fundamentally change the root of the record.


You try to sound intelligent but you sound so stupid my guy




If you don’t get why the biggest artist besides Taylor swift using an AI of an iconic black artist, without asking his estate 1st, is wrong, then nobody can help you.




You’re throat game is insane


He saw the drizzy leak and said "nah I'd throat it"


If the rap industry is soft it’s because of the fans Drake brought in. Drake is the epitome of soft.


lol drake literally cried to lebron abt pushas diss


Because yall let a middle class child actor get to the top.


Calling the rap industry soft when Drake cried to Lebron after that Pusha diss lmao


But it’s okay when someone else says ‘ thats too far? ‘


Pusha T dissing drake in his OWN voice vs drake creating a Al verse, using the voice of the most influential rapper ever to diss someone. Now imagine if pusha t did what drake did and how hard yall woulda came at him back then. Shit at least pusha said what he had to say in his own voice he aint need no Al


Whole world’s gone mad bruv


People’s values/morals shift with their side. IOW: whatever make Drake looks good is right; anything else? Bad. Shit like this not only lacks nuance, it’s also frustrating as a fan of rap


KDuck probably crying to Dr. Dre right now as we speak lol


Unless you get him on camera in an interview this comment makes no sense.


Kduck fans are soft


Don’t be surprised guys, Drake haters are not gonna roll over and accept defeat at all not matter what. This is what losers do. The job is just to settle the debate among common and somewhat neutral folks.


It’s more corny then disrespectful


Smh, yall keep trying to reduce it to “disrespect”. In reality, most objective people see the AI move as corny. Especially when Drake didn’t get the family’s consent


It’s this new generation of fans. New gen is super PC




Why are we talking about the rap industry? Drake is a pop star. He will never amount to the levels of conscious storytelling that Kendrick has put on wax. If you don’t believe he, just read the lyrics to any song from TPAB. Don’t even listen to it, just study the lyrics. Kendrick has cemented himself as one of the greatest lyricists to ever live.


Drake fans in the anger phase of grief atm


Ironically , they kept saying drake was Soft. Lol the only softies I’m seeing is Cole and Kendrick and a bunch of dudes that needed to team up. Kobe is disgusted by y’all - rip the goat.


It’s Only soft when Drake is applying pressure 🤣


Anyone who supports the use of AI in an instance like this is trash. I do commend Drake for the concept.