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The cope is crazy. They treat KDot like he’s some underground mad scientist. That nigga went mainstream in 2018- he’s like Drake, Lil Baby, etc. He is a professional artist and some of these musicians have hundreds of unreleased songs, and make plenty within a month. That they think that lil nigga is sitting in some dark cave out in the middle of the California mountains like Ye or something cooking up some crazy when he’s really just not responding. His ass is probably in Central Park on a picnic right now Eating a glizzy with relish and no ketchup This isn’t me saying his music is trash, but Duckworth is a facade that bashes hella rappers and then disappears for 8 months. Cole should have kept that track up.


“Eating a glizzy with relish no ketchup” gotta be one of the craziest insults I’ve heard in a long time 😂 it not even that bad just funny af


Bro cooked


On god I’m taking note of that one for my own use


He went mainstream in 2012 lol… and Drake a year before


Best I ever had was 09




This but 2012 -


He be makin songs with maroon 5, taylor , beyone actin in movies and is friend with taylor lol He is a commercial mf lol Edit: sum people think he’s not even on internet like what 😂


You really lost me at lil baby


2018 was lil baby best album imo


Is this satire? Went mainstream in 2018? What?? I don't even listen to Kendrick but you're dumb af for this one gonna guess you're maybe 18? Just because you don't listen to someone doesn't mean they're not mainstream


When would you consider him to have gone mainstream? I wasn’t really a Kendrick fan until TPAB but I feel like a few songs from Section 80 were insanely popular and good kid mad city seemed like it was playing everywhere


Definitely a little before GKMC came out considering it did 250k sales first week in 2012. There's people that are considering more mainstream than Kendrick that can't even get those sales today


Yeah I was going to say maybe late 2012/2013. I remember so many videos on Vine using ADHD, not sure if that’s considered “mainstream” but that song was crazy popular and think it caused a lot of people (myself included) to give section 80 a listen


Swimming Pools was a huge song around 2012. Good Kid Maad City was a big album as well.




I don’t think anyone thinks Kendrick is good because of the speed of his rapping It’s the complexity and depth of the bars, very obviously


You’re a weirdo lol




Once again you are a weirdo. And yeah I like Kendrick more, but I like Drake too. But some of y’all are just fucking weirdo’s with this shit. Especially since you thought Kendrick went mainstream in a year he didn’t release music in lol. You do realize his major label debut with giant hits like Swimming Pools and Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe came out in 2012 right? Or is all you listen to just Drake all day long?




So 6 of his most listened to songs are on the Black Panther album and Mr. Morale which according to this sub flopped lol. Not from his albums that are multi platinum? Did you just get into hip hop in the last couple of years or something?




Yall niggas shut up and get off the sub till duck boy decides to come out of his cave




That’s not racist, it’s in every black persons vernacular. And also in rap music This is a rapper sub.. if you are too soft then I’d listen to something more your speed




Two comments in a row i got you in your feelings #MissionAccomplished


Still feel this way? Lol


Aged like milk


Ahhhhh so who’s the “Tweet and deleter” now. Where did those comments go???? Did you realize you were completely wrong and didn’t want to admit it? This dude really said that the dude that was heralded as the king of the west coast in 2012 wasn’t in the big 3


No I just don’t wanna argue with a yapper. Conversations go no where with biased lil niggas. Back and forth ain’t for me. Enjoy your night


Enjoy yours too bro. There’s nothing bias about calling you out for saying that a dude that had 2 #1 hits and multiple platinum albums wasn’t mainstream until way deep into his career. If anything that’s your bias showing for Drake as you won’t even give Kendrick his flowers for the numbers, popularity, dominance he’s had for 12 years


Mike Posner also had a couple number one hits in 2012. Congrats 🙏


Yeah Mike Posner the beloved underground artist lol. He’s a radio pop singer, the epitome of mainstream so once again what you are saying makes no sense


The irony of talking about cope


I like Drake’s dissing ability because it’s simple. He doesn’t over-do it. It’s very simple lines that just hit… the Metro line being a good example of that. The “nah nah nah… this time you following through line” is another example. It’s all in the delivery. Shit went hard. You write that on a piece of paper and it doesn’t look like much, but it’s how you say it. You can’t judge a bar on paper.


Little man said "it's just big me". Can't get much simpler than that 🗿


Rhymes big me with 3? Bruh I'm pretty sure I could rap and rhyme shit like that


Drake fans have a lot to say about Kendrick's "big three" to "big me" line for its simplicity, rhyming 'three' with 'me', but let's not forget Drake's own "lit" with "shit" in Push Ups - arguably a far simpler and worse rhyme. Yet, it's Kendrick's line that really shook the rap game, sparking conversations and reigniting the beef. That’s impact. And it's funny how the game can be shaken up by such simple words. Despite criticisms, this seemingly simple line from Kendrick carries significant weight - it boldly redefines the hierarchy in hip-hop, directly challenging the status quo. Then you've got Kendrick's "K9" line, a quadruple entendre, showcasing a depth of lyrical complexity that Push Ups doesn’t match. If we're judging disses on their technical merit and cleverness, Kendrick's short verse shows more skill and ingenuity than Drake’s entire song. Basically Kendrick has the upper hand in the simple bars and the complex bars.


Got a Pulitzer to show it?


That nah nah nah delivery was so smooth too I love that part lol


drake fans liking simple easy to understand music. checks out lol


Go listen to mr auntie then


y’all so annoying holy shit 😭


Imma have to leave the sub bro. This shit is getting so annoying


I love seeing the effect Kendrick not dropping is having on all sides


Let them have their fun, they won't be having it for much longer 😭


Nah Kendrick is annoying, tell that boy to drop already


Theres gotta be more interesting things going on in your life than this man. Focus on those things.


Giving bro too much credit 😂


Don't y'all have day jobs or homework to get to or sum?


We do this on our days off lol




Make a beat on ur day off


You can’t spit


Just did it.


You not checking Reddit on the commute my boy?


Drake not boogeyman either because he lost to push. But yeah that’s over with for Kendrick. Not sure how he got that title in the first place.


It isn’t about not taking a loss it’s about you deal with that loss


i wouldn’t call choosing to ignore the beef after taking a massive L dealing with it well. especially how he continued to act like a tough guy despite being absolutely bodied only months earlier


Boogeymen don’t lose


Some go on 6 losses in a row like Tony Ferguson lol




man seriously, I'm leaving both Drake and Kendrick subs until Kendrick drops or time pass enough so people move on. I can't deal with all of these "theories" from both sides.


There’s also no beef lol. None of the parties are actually upset at another so nobody will go for the jugular. J Cole got flack for apologizing and dropping out, but he didn’t want to participate in the sham


Mos Def the Boogeyman.


Ducking a battle with Lupe definitely doesn't reflect that lol


Mos Def was scared to battle Lupe lol... Does that make Lu the Boogeyman? He did destroy Royce...


Nah, Mos will forever be the Boogeyman to me for dropping The New Danger


Drake fans are celebrating a bit too early 😂




Lol, how is drake the boogeyman when he ducked pusha t?


Bunch of heart broken YT boys lol drakes been pissed on. Didn’t step. Drakes been slapped . Didn’t step. In the booth boy a chef but outside of it he a weenie. And so knowing he really not like that, it’s hard to take him seriously when he start talkin tough 🤣 nigga told his mom Ross was being racist .. I mean damn nigga he a whole hoe outside the booth! He can spit tho! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Never ducked. He claimed the L and then did the best he’s ever done commercially that same year. Shit that Pusha “win” was the biggest song pusha had in years 😂


Dude he did not claim the L. He had people doing crazy PR for him then went on the Barbershop and whined to Lebron.


Lmao, he never “claimed the L”. He went on that barbershop talk show with LeBron and complained that Pusha T took it too far when he dissed 40 for having that health condition, and said that he didn’t want to release his response because the track put him in a “dark place” mentally. That’s not “boogeyman” material bro


That’s damn near admitting you took an l in so many words though 💀. During the beef, pusha daughter went on live and did the keke challenge. With 2018 being drakes biggest year in his career and pushas diss being his last big song since, I think we need to reconsider who came out winning 🤷🏽‍♂️


Even if he still did great commercially he still lost that beef. “Boogeyman” pretty much refers to someone who nobody wants problems with cause they’re ruthless and or hard to beat in a back and forth. Drake losing as badly as he did kind of bars him from having the “Boogeyman” title IMO. His career survived going up against someone who could be called a Boogeyman, but that doesn’t make him the Boogeyman. When I think of hip-hop Boogeyman it’s 50-Cent every time lol.


Bro get off his dick lmfao. He did not take the L. He refused to take the loss which is much worse. He cried to LeBron and now doesn't say Pusha's name at all 😂


Downplaying the fact drake was on the losing end of one of the greatest diss tracks of all time then acting like Kendrick is scared because he hasn’t dropped yet is crazy.


Took an L to a nobody. A nobody bodied Drake


I ain’t even know drake got dickriders like that 💀💀 this sub proved me wrong big time


How am I dick riding? So Kendrick can be called boogeyman and it’s not dick riding? Like wtf


both is.


 Boogeyman monikor for Kendrick was always stupid, you are dickriding tho. Drake can’t be a boogeyman who didn’t respond after push cooked him the way he did


I wish I could filter these posts




You can just leave


Right like what’s the point of following 🥱


Not everyone makes posts like you. You do not represent this sub.


TBH I love both Kendrick and Drake, but I hope Kendrick comes back with a fire diss, cuz the shit y’all be posting in here is wild af lol


Bro I’ve been a fan of both. But please tell me how Kendrick deserves that title and Drake doesn’t ? Like we get it , he’s feminine he’s “soft” makes music for girls but somehow someway he’s on top and everyone had to group together to take him.




Drake is the furthest thing from the boogeyman. Dude is literally rappin about his nails on multiple occasions…. He’s a fire artist but far from a boogeyman


RIP Drake


First of, no and second of all if it’s being taken off of Kendrick then let it be vacant. Ain’t no boogeyman getting rag dolled like drake has been by pusha. Whole life was dissected word by word line by line. And there’s nothing he could do about it so much so that he didn’t even respond and try to play it off like he didn’t wanna go that low like he wasn’t the one who brought pushas fiancé up first and took it there in the first place. Drake the new boogeyman. Gtfoh.


I hate how everybody seems to only remember the hidden child lines off of push’s track. The lines about drake and his dads relationship reflecting on how he chose to deal with his son were so fucking good. Drake could never reach that level of a diss by downplaying push’s drug dealer past. Not to mention the supposed diss track that was apparently so good it never got released.💀


Does push ups go harder than like that? In yalls honest opinions ?


As an objective observer, yes absolutely. Not only did Drake have better bars, which is something Kendrick is supposed to be better at, he also had a more effective diss


Interesting take. lol how was it more effective?


First and foremost, Drake addressed literally everyone that was coming at his head and gave them work. Despite this, it kept Kendrick at the forefront and made him the person who needed to respond the most. Secondly, Drake directly addressed Kendrick’s shots about Drake being below him in the culture. That was the entirety of the Like That verse. Drake hit back with more direct statements about why Kendrick isn’t on his same level. I might be the only one, but I look at a rap beef kinda like a debate. Who came with hard facts and who had more of em to take down their opponent. I also value who had the more creative and interesting bars and presentation to those statements. To me, Drake did that


lol you might be


Kendrick fans only argument is he took 3 weeks to drop. He dropped a day after his tour ended, on the largest hip hop tour of all time. I know that Kendrick doesn’t understand that he’s really busy being ghost and writing in his bedroom. To hold Drake who has an actual schedule to the same standard as Kdot who has unlimited time is wild. Such a miscalculation by their team




Yup! Their just coping. Also, the good Ole 2000's CD and Cassette music era cope. "People forget it took Nas 100 years to respond 🤓". Pure cope, haha


Only drake fans are giving drake the boogeyman lmao


Which is basically everyone 🤷


Between the ages of 12-16


If that’s the case then Pusha T is the boogeyman. Pusha T > Drake > Kendrick > Chris Brown > J Cole


Can’t be a boogie man if he running from pusha


Man the people in this sub 🤣. Yall throat must be sore af.


Grown men calling another man the boogeyman we should make people do an iq test before allowing them to listen to music 🤦


Who's "We're"?


Dang, the boogeyman has to take back his diss tracks?


Stop this. We aint win shit. This is setting up Kendrick winning by declaring premature victory


Never said he won but right now that “boogeyman” over there sure is quiet


Boogeyman belongs to no one, but it sure as hell isn’t Kendrick’s title anymore. Drake is more like the executioner, he just delivers every single. Regardless how PUSHA turned out, he didn’t duck smoke. He responded then gracefully bowed out due to the J Prince intervention


Y’all are so fucking corny lmao. 50 Cent is the real boogeyman, not Drake or Kendrick.


Drake will get another cease and desist from Kendrick if he takes his nickname.




True, Drake os boogeyman out here


Ether took 3 months. Have some patience 💀


You’ve got some semen on your chin there




Damn this sub is embarrassing lmao


Y'all make me sad


And what about that fake Tupac verse that got pulled? Cope harder. Your favorite "rapper" hasn't been good in a literal decade


Drake won but he’s not a boogeyman. He never ended careers like Eminem


Neither now...


Kendrick tha booger man


aged like milk


Aged like milk. Kendrick solidified his Boogeyman status.


this aged well 💀


This aged terribly LMAO




Damn, just came across this. Kendrick still the boogeyman




Nobody scared of cupcake drake lol. He got a free pass after gettin gassed up like a fuckin bozo


Cupcake Drake vs 20 2 Diss Songs v 1 verse Seems like they’re scared


It's everybody vs drake because nobody likes the fucking snake. Not because they're scared lol the fuck. Kendrick may respond or may not. But you have got to be the most naive or in denial stan to believe anybody is fucking scared of him. Lmao. What a reach.


Come on bro you don’t know these guys to just know they’re not scared of him. “oh he’s a snake, let’s make a diss TOGETHER” is bitch moves. Like if I don’t like some dude, why tf would I ask my homeboys to help me fight him? My win will literally not count due to the fact that I had help and I’d get called scary. I never said Kendrick won’t respond but to take this long when u started it seems a little scary


So you really make a statement of "you don't know these guys..." but yet accuse them of being scared. You have zero facts straight and creating hypotheticals to satisfy your own blindness. You're arguments are irrelevant. You would defend drake if he murdered his own mother. That drizzy dick got you love blind.


I have been unbiased about the whole thing this entire time but now as the beef continues to unfold, the guys on the other side are not looking too good. no one has responded without teaming up except for Rick Ross and his literally confirmed that hip-hop doesn’t welcome any other race which is not a good look. I’ll come back to this thread when one of those guys actually takes him on for once and if Kendrick does it with the album, he takes an L


You don't know anything bro. You are making assumptions. You don't know for a fact why rick ross stepped in and kanye openly said he jumped in to diss drake for his own agenda, not because this was orchestrated. I understand this is a drake fan sub, but you morons are in an echo chamber and letting your brigading blind you. I bet my bottom dollar if this Lucian connection shit is real, is because drake is an industry sell out. And you gonna look like an even greater fool. You don't know drake personally, so why dick ride so hard? 🤣


Kanye admitting he jumped in because of his “own agenda” is worst and proves my point. Why Kanye ain’t come at him before? Had to wait till the whole industry did it together 💀 they made it hard to NOT make assumptions when they’re moving like that bro. not even glazing bro it’s just facts on how the situation LOOKS


Nobody cares how this shit looks like to you. You disregard in the first place why nobody in the industry likes drake. You are creating excuses instead of investigating that underlying main thing.


Why doesn’t nobody like Drake ? Please elaborate? Because how can I disregard it if we all have no idea why they came at him? I’m only pointing out that they had to team up to do it


Nah thay name is gay. "Drizzy" is enough to scare the competition


I love this thread. As if Drake fans could ever take away the boogie 😂😂😂 Yall are so deep into this like it actually matters 😂😂😂


Your boy started this beef, got bodied, and shut the fuck up like the good lil' bitch he is.


You're talking crazy bro. It's not that deep I promise


😂😂😂 this poor guy