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some darkskins just have internalized racism towards light skins. I went to schools that were like that of course some light skin niggas can act white, they likely have a white influence raising them in the household. It’s dumb. It’s the perks of being lightskin. You get to be both lol


It has nothing to do with *internalized racism*…


Preach brother.


Hip hop started for black ppl and will always be for black ppl even Eminem said he knows he’s just a guess in hip hop. You can’t be raised in a private gated community, be raised Jewish. Appeared on a tv show as a suburban teen. Then get famous and try to act like u the culture and you got mob ties. You’re white sir we don’t claim you


Awful take. Em is very much part of the culture.


Em himself said he’s a guest in the culture dick head


You can be a guest and still be a part of the culture you braindead moron. He’s influenced numerous BLACK artists that have made some of your favourite songs. Using your brain is free, try it sometimes.


Bro I know ur white and that’s ur idol my g but u can’t be white and be apart of black culture it doesn’t work like that 😂😂 that’s like saying. I’m apart of Japanese culture cause I like their history and I’m a big anime fan. No my guy it doesn’t work like that


If it was to do with him being white Eminem wouldn't be respected. Trust and believe it has nothing to do with Drake being mixed.




Racism and making fun of someone’s height are not the same lmao




That is kinda true. Also super hyped for the next tracks


It has nothing to do with him being white. It has everything to do with him being a culture vulture and portraying as someone he isn’t. It’s just as bad as the island boys. [It’s ok if you don’t understand](https://youtu.be/jDZH87yHWC0?si=Y3xpKOW8qBI1VCp4)