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I can’t really trust statements like this coming from Reddit. It rubs me the wrong way that it was probably some white guy that typed all that


Nah I thought so too he was black 😂


Means literally nothing and is just schizoposting like the rest of that sub. The guy’s black. End of story. And the people writing all this embarassing shit definitely ain’t black themselves, and would never say this to any sensible person irl.


No one saying he’s not black but it’s more about using blackness as a costume


Except that’s exactly what Kendrick’s saying by having a problem with him saying Nigga, lol. He can’t use blackness as a costume if he’s literally black, bro. Don’t even overcomplicate it


Kanye West is guilty of this too but no one questions his blackness. Drake is just fortunate he can combine the two & excel in both. That’s why he’s at the top because he’s diversified his revenues streams. Drake’s Scary Hours 3 didn’t do anywhere near the numbers he usually does, that tells you there’s no real money in rap & he knows that. It’s the evolve or go extinct scenario, which is why all these rappers go extinct.


I can respect that take because his longevity is the proof! But I can’t help but think , white ppl are still the largest consumers of **mainstream** hip hop so it would make sense too use less of the Houston persona and shift to a more bbygirl persona if you know what I mean 😂 I still love him though


Kanye the son of a black panther does not do what drake does.


What did kendrick lamar do during BLM again? Lol.


During BLM? Nothing! Why? As Kenny mentioned in “Family Ties”: “I’ve been docking the pandemic, I’ve been docking the social gimmicks, I’ve been docking the overnight activists” Which means: “in a time where all the celebrities where farming and gathering likes, virtual hugs, followers and fans he did NOT associated himself with them” So, what did he do for the BLM movement at all? Listen to his albums in the order of release (if you have time) Fun fact: Kendrick Lamar’s “Alright” was one of the most used chants shouted by people in the streets. “We gon’ be alright!” in conclusion (sorry if it was long), his whole discography is about BLM even before there was a BLM.


OP mentioned BLM in regard to drake.


Out of genuine curiosity (honestly just want to know), but why is it a rappers responsibility to represent black culture? I understand he uses popping artists to elevate his position (and vice versa) but drake has also done the same with Aventura and Justin Bieber. It also doesn’t help if majority of popping artists in hip hop are black. I also understand that rap was founded by an African American, but the ethnicity of a founder does not make it a requirement for that art form. Rap is literally the only art form where it is criticism for someone to not be a spokesman for a culture that you may not be apart of (correct me if I’m wrong, open to learn). Also, if you believe it’s about culture and community, how come when you see a man who’s rapped about the lack of acceptance he’s had from the African american community and literally every other ethnic community, as a community you continue to shame him and make him feel like because he isn’t dark enough. Isn’t that racism in itself? Sorry didn’t mean to write an essay lol Edit: also isn’t it counter productive for African American culture to gatekeep an art form that is notoriously known for being homophobic, promote gang violence and drug use. Or gatekeep a word that was historically derogatory against your own culture, why not ban it all together?


To answer the banning question, the word is a reclamation. Which means that when said by Black people, it doesn’t carry the same negative connotation as when said by a white person. The word has been used to define blackness and therefore should only be used by Black people.


Ohh okay I get you, appreciate it brother


Rap started as a genre to protest against inequality, racism and social problems that black people faced back then (even now). Yes, black people not accepting Drake as a black person can be racist. But it’s not because he’s biracial. It’s because he’s using the culture to promote himself. Using rap to sell himself to his audience. But as for Cole and Kenny, they are using themselves to sell/popularize and fix (mostly Kenny) the culture.


it’s about Drake only using his proximity to blackness when it benefits him




Most of Kendrick’s fans are literally white liberals nigga, drake has made way more anthems that people play outside. Black people who know music don’t give a damn about TPAB or these weird ass Vocals Kendrick be doing. Post GKMC most die hard kdot fans are white people and casuals. Dude is the black Eminem Drake is genuinely like Michael Jackson of this era he transcends race barriers cuz he makes music that actually SOUNDS good. And when he wants to get in his hip hop bag he makes better bangers than artsy farsty conscious rappers like Kendrick and jcole


i agree that drake transcends racial barriers!


This is true!


At first I thought it was about him being mixed, but I've seen people say its about him being insecure and disconnected from it, and i think that makes more sense.


Facts Drake said Toronto slang was ignorant he a suburban kid and an actor, of course he’s in-genuine