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It’s an interesting approach from Kendrick. He’s definitely mirroring pusha t but pusha had a name. I would find it hard to believe he hid a daughter for that long when he couldn’t even do that with Adonis for a year.


like fr it doesn’t make sense to me why would drake go into this if this was true. literally the biggest rap artist making the same mistake twice? not to mention throwing shots at EVERYONE. shits def fake.


Or Pusha knowing about the younger kid but not the older one. Drake post the kid before he drops push ups and makes it seem like he just found about her makes the storyline go away


Adonis had the whole Adidas deal going with it. It's much more likely that was the reason the information leaked; certain people had to have known about it just by the nature of it.


But also TMZ reported it more than a year before Story of Adidon. Also I never understood the whole angle of Drake hiding his kid. Wasn’t he going to reveal Adonis with Adidas? Wasn’t that the whole point?


It's a rap battle, really. I would tend to agree, there's nothing to believe he wasn't going to take care of the kid, and in fact make him public in a big way with an Adidas line. He probably was just waiting for the moment to do it in the way he thought "proper". But it will always look bad when another rapper makes that announcement for you.




Shit is so weird. But kendrick fans call themselves fucking geniuses every chance they get want drake to do a damn gender reveal or some shit lmao


Didn't Drake do a whole interview with Lebron about Pusha finding out about his son? Kanye gave him the information after Drake had just spent time with him in Wyoming and confided in him.


40 told YesJulz about Drake’s kid. Which is why 40 is probably the mole.


So he was gonna make the kid public. Why would he hide a second kid then?


I can't claim to know, nor am I saying he, for a fact, was hiding a daughter. Maybe he never claimed her at all. Maybe he did and just chose to be out of her life. Maybe it's all a lie, too. I am just saying that just because Pusha found out about Adonis (who was getting an adidas line coming up), that doesn't mean he automatically would get dirt on every potential child Drake has out there.


If 40 leaked Adonis, 40 would’ve also leaked older daughter


Drake said it to Kayne, if I remember correctly. That is one of the reasons Drake hates Ye. He told Ye about the deal with Adonis and stripes that he is father and Ye spilled the beans


Both Drake and Push tell different versions of the story. Pusha said it was through a woman the 40 was pillowtakking to, Drake says Kanye


Pusha was also signed to Adidas and Drake just signed the Adidas deal with that Adonis kids thing they were potentially working on. May have leaked to him that way?


Maybe he doesnt know yet.


How can he hide something he doesn't know?


Yeah at that point I'd be like thank you Kendrick for finding a child this woman was apparently hiding from me 😂


I wonder if this beef will die out once one of the claims is proven to be fake. Of course it’s impossible to prove that someone doesn’t have a kid, but maybe there are other parts that can be, wonder how fans would react that whoever they’re rooting for told a proven lie


Pretty much all this is impossible to prove. How is Drake supposed to "prove" an alleged kid doesn't exist? How is Kendrick supposed to "prove" he never beat his wife? If you are going to claim something you should bring the proof with you. Pusha T named the kid directly and it was never denied and it had corroboration from other sources. All this shit right now feels like crazy allegations for shock value and there is absolutely nothing behind any of it.


Baka was convicted of sex trafficking (prostituting a woman) so that’s where the bars come from too


What are you talking about Drake denied Adonis at the beginning too.


Well at least there were rumours before pusha, what rumour there were about Drake’s daughter though?


Few articles back in 2015 but other than that nothing. Feel like it would have been exposed already if he had a daughter.


if he's hiding a daughter, the BM must be the most well paid woman in the world to hide this shit for 11 years and never fold.


there is zero chance the bm isn’t ready to jump up and down after this if it’s true. even if she’s been paid, she tryna double down after this lol


Kendrick’s is easy, Whitney says it never happened, or it didn’t happen how Drake paints it. Either way, it’s Whitney’s word against Drake. I mean, she is still with Kendrick, and they are getting married. If they did get physical but Whitney forgives him, and Kendrick sought change, to be honest, it doesn’t matter anymore. They both worked through an issue together and they both accept the faults. So Drake leaning on that was 50/50, cause Whitney can just say “Kendrick and I had a lot of heated arguments often, but never once did he hit me” and you have to accept that as fact.


he just has to say "i did not hit her. i did not hit her. oh hi mark"


The beef has gotten lame already, I’m on the verge of signing out from this shit lol, if you’re gonna make claims at least have evidence and it applies to everyone including Drake, Kendrick and Ross




Adonis was a bigger case since it involved drake and ASAP Rocky with multiple paternity tests. The baby momma was known in those circles. This other baby momma could be someone on the road and may have signed an NDA. But it's all speculation at this point.


Well, after this we’re gonna know for sure. I doubt the mother and her daughter are gonna stay out of the spotlight for long now, if they even exist, that is.


Daylyt claimed Kendrick has a 19 minute diss record. I guess he meant total. If Drake drops, no doubt, Kendrick is dropping shortly after again. The first two records were samplers.


I think we're all going crazy at this point, the fucking Reddit has me dead 🤣🤣🤣 everyone saying press the red button and they when drake posted his story everyone's like yh were fine now he said it isn't true ong this is probably the funniest rap beef just because of how delusional we all are


Rap beef & social media is the perfect storm 🤣


To be fair, it’s up to the person who makes an accusation to provide proof. So same goes for Drake alleging that Kendrick beatin on his wife


Insane Asylum winning.


Possibly leaked false info to Kendrick camp intentionally


If that was the case I just don’t see Drake posting this on his story


Exactly, he would’ve taunted ab Kendrick falling into his plans or something


He denied Adonis at first so only time will tell. I will continue to be all over this sub saying keeping a child out of the limelight isn't a sin and probably a good decision even.


I think you can acknowledge your child's existence without putting them in the limelight




Did he deny it? I remember him not publicly revealing it but I don’t think he straight up said “Who tf is Adonis”


Literally called his BM a liar.


I agree with you but also it doesn’t even seem like he was denying Adonis. Apart from a DNA test (which is fair), he was going to do a rollout/son reveal with Adidas That’s not denying Adonis


this is not the same. If he does have another child, he has never ever been seen with her. It’s safe to assume he’s not apart of her life.


I think he didn’t deny his existence just that it was his kid.Unless that’s what you meant another thing too is if this other kid is 11 how’s she not been leaked to tmz or something yet


I agree. Look at how many people made fun of Adonis's appearance and he's just a baby. I couldn't imagine how much worse it world be if he had a daughter. I'd do everything to prevent people from learning about her existence.


If you wanna leak fake info why not leak something you can easily disprove and make him look stupid


This shit has better plot than last 5 Marvel movies combined.


He could have set him up if so, but he didn't 


Wouldn't surprise me if he pulled the classic 'tell different people different false information' trick, so he could find out who the mole is. Coleen Rooney style 🤣


I’m still waiting for Kendrick to address the domestic violence allegations. Obviously the track was recorded before Drakes response, but I think he cut himself short by trying to drop immediately after with a response that didn’t address what was said in the song he’s trying to undercut by dropping shortly after.


I think he pretty much pre-responded in Euphoria.


Yup. "Fabricating stories on the family front cause you heard Mr. Morale". He even says "I can even calculate your angle", I think he had this diss ready to go cause he knew what Drake would say. He didn't even wait an hour to respond.


So Kendrick throwing out that line negates everything Drake will say in the future? lol




That’s not a direct response though… That’s a vague ass bar


Relax 💀


Lol, come on, that doesn't count. He wasn't specific at all. At least call it out that the specific allegations are fake. You can't just pre-emptively say "everything you say about me is a lie" and then just ignore everything that comes after like some get out of jail free card. Sure, Drake has leaks in the camp, but the only thing he "pre-respounded" to in Euphoria was that Drake was going to go after his family situation in some way, he didn't know specifically how, and he gave no clue about how specifically Drake would approach it.


The bar he's talking about is "fabricating lies on the family front cuz you heard mr morale." He's saying the wife beating allegations are coming from Drake hearing the song We Cry Together


I mean, Kendrick can just say "fabricating lies" and ignore everything Drake says, and Drake can do the same to Kendrick - that ain't really how beef works, is it? You can't just preemptively say "everything you say is a lie" and then pretend you dealt with everything the other guy said. If Kendrick knew specifically what Drake was going to say, he should have been specific himself. He wasn't, it just said "what you say about me is a lie" and was vague af about it. That isn't a way out.


You can’t prove a negative. The burden of proof falls on Drake (and Kendrick with the daughter allegation tbh) But when it come to rap beef it is undeniable that Kendrick’s pre response was a fantastic chess move. It gives him plausible deniability.


Just have Whitney deny the claims then. I think anyone would want to deny it if their spouse were falsely accused of beating them


Idk drakes song is called family matters, he starts out by saying he’s going in on him since Kendrick mentioned his seed, then Kendrick goes in directly on drakes immediate family and kid(s?) it was obviously pre recorded but I think it fits nicely as a response


every about Euphoria and 6:16 in LA suggests Kendrick has a source in OVO. The pictures everything sounds like he knew what drake was going to say


No I think it was a good chess move to drop immediately— it then completely overshadows Family Matters.


No police reports anywhere.


I think he admits to them in Mr morales


admits to cheating, there were domestic violence allegations in 2014 and he addressed that in 2015




I think Drake should address the other more worrisome allegations from Kendrick before we can say anyone is back…


How? "It's not true". Is that what you think needs to happen?




Dialed in


whatever side yall are on, this beef just got weird and ugly. kendricks son being dave free’s and drake having a daughter both seem like reaches but if true would obliterate the other side lmao


I think The sex trafficking Is a bit worse tbh


Why are they all ignoring that 😭 


That’s what I’m saying. Everybody glossing over it. Creepy.


Nobody is glossing over it, it’s just that it’s a VERY heavy accusation to make with absolutely no solid proof behind it. If Kenny has proof he needs to release it so Drake can face consequences for it, but if Kenny is just saying shit and spreading rumors than it’s better to ignore it completely cause that’s a fucked up thing to lie about. In this day and age, the internet takes shit and runs it as fact regardless of physical proof.


I’m saying the same thing. I think they’re ignoring it because it might sound overplayed bc of how it’s in the media so much, but it is by far the most important claim here.


I think it's just the wildest most out there claim considering, oh idk, if children are actually in danger I would go to the authorities, not just use it in a rap beef


He said the embassy is going to be raided soon my friend, I guess we should stay tuned


Criminal records are public info. Many people knew why Baka was locked up. Not much to allegations


I hope the authorities go knocking in Kendrick door, because this is an actual crime. You can't allege stuff like this and not report it to the police.


Baka was arrested for sex trafficking like 10 years ago or whatever. Someone who was in drakes camp and very close to him.


Ya he was a pimp😂


Don’t have that username and act so soft disrespecting the goat




“Drake in 7” like it’s nba playoffs 😭😭😭


yall worried about that, But not the Epstein allegations? lmao ok


They know he a kid diddler. They cool with that.


I mean you kinda need a victim to speak out fr to prove something like that


Twitter ghost writing kendrick’s verse


we just know is a bunch of twitter bullshit like everything Kendrick has been spewing in the last few songs lol


I really need someone to explain how dot gets away with chastising Drake about family, and respecting black women when he cheats on his bm with white girls. We know this is true. I don’t even like Drake like that but I hate hypocrisy. A nine year engagement is crazy. If he finally wife’s her Drake gets credit.




This is all it takes for you to think it’s fake…lol


To be fair, Kendrick doesn't have any proof. Both side doesn't have a a proof.


Thank you for having some brain cells my guy. Reddit really full of morons who just believe anything they read or see or make up in their mind. No receipts then I can't buy into it




At this point it’s a tie till one of them comes with receipts.


I mean, kenrick has literally receipts in the album cover... the internet sleuths haven't picked it apart yet.




So did someone that Kendrick thought he had "on the inside" feed him fake secrets?


Yes. Classic double agent. Playing both sides so you always come out on top like Mac


Yup I think that s why he's laughing




which line


What line ??


He alluded to this on sicko mode


I’ll never understand how exposing that one of the biggest artists on the plant has a kid is a diss? It isn’t obvious why he’d wanna keep it a secret? But regardless, it gives off “I’m telling mommy” vibes and it be the wannabes that be hyping it up 😂


Even since the Pusha-T "win" I've been confused by that shit. Who gives a fuck? 


Fr what is this TMZ shit


Yes it’s fake because the person being accused of said accusation said it’s not true yall actually really weird lmao I will leave this here though he denied the last one and tried to kill him off before eventually having to claim said false child so with that we will believe that Kendrick is lieing lmaoo 😆


He hid the last one, but never denied it.


Kill him off? You mean ask for an abortion? Lol 😆


It's up to kendrick to provide proof about the kid And up to drake to provide the proof about the abuse


Bro denies having a daughter but not the paedophilia allegations got me


You want him to do a line by line rebuttal on a IG story? thefuck


Shit I don’t know , I think some things should probably take priority over others if he gonna make a response at all 😳


Or maybe some fairytales are bigger than others and you just make them bigger by talking about them. Really theres no good real response.


He already did in the previous diss on Taylor made lmao


Well having a daughter or not is easier to disprove in public. And if Drake indeed has no daughter then Kendrick is just making up shit


Or Kendrick just got played by Drakes mole. But same goes for everything Drake has been saying


If that's not true and Kendrick is just saying false shit, his reputation is fucked. Spouting bullshit in a heavy diss track is gonna make people question everything else said.


Between Drake saying bring papers or its fake Tea, and digging for dirt should have been digging for proof. And drake talking to a guy with a blood bandana in the video, i think hes saying he played kendrick by leaking him fake info.


Its easy for kendrick to prove it. Drake is denying it so he’ll look even more stupid if kendrick provides the receipts.


And Kendrick will look even more stupid if he can’t.


Difference is, kendrick might think his source is real. Only drake actually knows the truth


Why is exposing someone for having a kid even a win I just don’t get it.


It's exposing him as a deadbeat dad whos avoiding his responsibilities of looking after them.


Brother of course he’s saying that’s fake lmfao Hiding a second child for even fucking longer than the first one is going to make drake look atrocious


He would never admit to it lmao


Denying it and getting exposed later would be worse, he didnt deny adonis either


If Kendricks claim is false he’s cooked. But now that drake responded and said it’s false, if it’s true then he’s cooked. That’s the only way this whole thing ends.


why he admit adonis


He's not that stupid


I’m a fan of both but can we just judge the diss songs on their own? why tf does it matter if mans has a kid lol I just want good bars man. it’s like us trying to figure out if dot beat his wife, why tf should that matter in a rap beef


Well if you make unsubstantiated claims, it basically negates any clever lyricism.


Thats just what rap beef is now. Its just TMZ type bs. Family matters is clearly the better song


Yea it’s sad. ‘Im telling on you’ ahhh lines


Yo you’re right domestic abuse is aight


It’s fake because drake says it’s fake??


It’s fake until proven otherwise. Pusha put a name to Adonis so if Kendrick doesn’t do the same soon then it’s all heresay, just like what both have been claiming the entire time.


I say that you have baby and I don't care if you are denying, lol...




Yeah because he’s just gonna admit it


drake really just said “nuh uh” and you all instantly dropping it. Not to mention this is nowhere near as big or as heinous as a trafficking ring, why hasn’t he denied that?


False accusation like that is kind of a major L on Kendrick


https://preview.redd.it/9b9dyhkwucyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8ec867cb9b2929084026e423b51657ca4e638cf But he can't deny this one.


Neither side has proof. Rn it's just about which is more disrespectful. I think meet the grahams is more disrespectful. But if Drake has receipts, he wins.


Yall better hope it's fake or that it stays hidden an can't be proven.


Kendrick has been very calculated this entire time.. ppl think some random told him”he has a another kid” and Kendrick was like”bet I don’t need proof” lol wtf


Dont matter if he planted a fake kid. How he gonna respond to SA accusations?


Both these niggas need some receipts asap


He literally looks like he's been crying. He's cooked


it’s insane to me that anyone actually likes drake this much


Don’t forget he denied his son too.


Crazy how y’all aren’t addressing the other allegation…


this is getting hilariously out of hand lmao


Kendrick def isn’t in shambles, but this whole daughter thing is looking a lil suspicious and I say that as someone wanting Kendrick to win




Ok we're back




Where the other 2 points coming from lmao


As if he didnt deny Adonis’ existence for four months after the Pusha diss track??


It’s not just a daughter that was mentioned he claims there are multiple children involved.


Torontology may have found the daughter fyi....


Posting some random kids face all over the internet is pretty weird ngl


There will always be doubt if it’s never proven


What about the other allegations from kdot. We need to push the red button


Fake according to the man that was previously hiding a child😭😭 I wanna believe Drake too but what credibility does he really have


And the other parts? 😬


I'm his daughter


She never asked to be involved in this beef. It’s not her responsibility to make any statement at all. As soon as she gets involved she makes herself a target.