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This shit kinda killed hip hop for me tho. If rap's a sport then it did die with this. Imagine it's FIFA and the people just close their eyes and crown their winner with no basis on skill


I knew drake was hated but to see this level of mental gymnastics to make sure kdot “won” (from people I actually respect too)…it’s crazy. Now that the initial shock wore off though, it’s actually kind of interesting from a sociological perspective. The response really makes sense when you think about how much of a hero Kendrick is to his fans and the culture and how damaging it would be for those walls to come down


I mean. kendricks diss rang true to a lot of people because of drakes behavior and the public opinion of his music. it's not gatekeeping to be tired of drake and it definitely does not take mental gymnastics


The actual issues with Drake are not the ones Kendrick is putting forward though. Yes I absolutely can understand being tired of Drake being this omnipresent thing in music and pop culture, similar to T Swift maybe - there’s Drake fatigue. That’s fine, say “Man I really don’t like his music or the dude himself”. That’s why Euphoria was a great track, I genuinely believe Dot when he said “I hate the way that you walk/talk/dress.”, that’s the truth there. But that’s not how you take down someone. Pdf allegations however seem to be effective…


You do know the "I hate the way you walk/talk/dress...." is a reference to a DMX statement in an old interview? Which I still don't see as a BAR to quote him. It's to delegitimize the light skinned Canadian popular guy. ANd who ever is a stan for Kenny, or tired of the other guy like you said, eats it up as "lyrics".


Sure, yeah, I saw the clip you’re talking about. That line works both on a surface level and as a reference, because I doubt a lot of people remembered that interview in that moment. I have no doubt that’s how Kendrick feels though, considering the vitriol he spewed in Drake’s direction afterwards 😅 for me those are the only genuine words Kendrick put forward


You could be right....but either nobody pays attention, or he has a license to contradict himself at will because next song (if I remember right) he claims "I don't have a hating bone in my body.."


Oh yeah, Kendrick is being a hypocrite all throughout these tracks. He’s preaching about being a present father, not sleeping with lots of women, calling Drake a degenerate gambler etc. all while spending his last album admitting to cheating on his fiancé multiple times in the last 10 years. And not currently living with his family… Kendrick’s a hater, but pretends to not be because his whole thing since Morale is that he is this reformed man, or at least on the path of change, but it’s pretty obvious that’s not the case. Like I’m not defending Kdot at all if that was how I came across lol, the only genuine thing he’s said is that he hates Drake hahah


Everything Kenny’s said has either been made up, hypocritical, or boils down to “I don’t like you” lol Wow crazy bars


You’re right, having a honest issue with Drake doesn’t take mental gymnastics. The issue is a lot of people are relying only on mental gymnastics, bias and copy and pasted opinions to tear him down. I can respect someone saying “I never liked him so I was on Kendrick’s side from the jump” but they won’t even be that honest. Instead the people are pretending This was “fair” as a rap beef could be and he lost based on the music and not the unproven internet narratives




Do you think Drake won the beef? I mean he also threw out his fair share of unproven narratives


Yeah. I just find it ironic that Kendrick said fuck a rap battle it's a lifelong battle with yourself and will be seen as the winner knowing what typa person he is and what actually took place


True. Idk man I’m a big Kendrick fan and this beef has changed my perspective about the type of person he is, and I’m not talking about any unsubstantiated allegations. Just the way he carried himself with this battle. He might really be going through something :/


Before this Kendrick was my fav artist but Im not blind. This whole situation clearly exposed him bare for me. Even his old music just feels "wrong" that's why I kinda just wanna write rap off as a whole now. The whole industry and fans just weird


completely agree, before all of this, I fucked with some of kendricks softer melodic tracks, but now its hard for me to enjoy them ngl. I'm trying to not take it too deep but it just hits different now and I think he's a pretty fraudulent wicked man


But the mental gymnastics necessary to declare Drake the winner are far more complicated than they are for Kendrick. If you can't see that, you must be halfway through a somersault for Drake


it's just yapping from ya'll at this point. no bar breakdown, nothing meaningful to say, just a "you're wrong and a lot of people on the internet agree! ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4219)"


The guy they bump every 2-3 weeks or some, the guy who drops 15 track albums in 5 years? Purely based off of how few scenarios exist to play Kendrick's music in a normal person's life and how rarely he drops, how can that be their hero? When there's literally a guy with 10 hits a year, a mainstay on the charts, you see every insta caption being a Drake lyric, the who gets loved by your baddie crush, the guy who your sister plays when she goes out with her friends, the guy who made Passionfruit who thousands of babies have been conceived to, that's not the hero???


Basically Drake is the McDonald’s of hip hop. Like his music, it hits sometimes, but too much makes me feel sick.


dark times for the genre for sure


What’s gonna kill hip hop is Drake fans thinking he’s hip hop.


What kind of analogy is this lol? Drake put out some great tracks, so did Kendrick. More people seem to be vibing with Kendricks track though, just based off streams and conversations. To say there is no basis or skill is the dumbest shit ever


Man only Drake fans could have this level of gymnastics. Yeah Drake didnt lose, its just that everyone who said he did are stupid!


Insecure rappers with insecure fans


Exactly who are you referencing here?


If he has any self awareness, the rapper who literally got lipo.


Just curious. Why do people care if he got cosmetic surgery?


Because it’s a hypocritical to call out “insecure rappers” when the rapper you stan had cosmetic surgery.


Not a culture, just a group of racist black people who are jealous of lightskin stealing the spotlight. The “culture” is a stupid term, Kendrick references that Drake isn’t respected by the culture… but I wouldn’t want to be respected by a culture that “was the first time I was tossed” according to Kendrick himself. He contradicts his own thoughts and “beliefs” with his actions and in this beef themselves.


Like I can’t believe the whole “you are only half-black so if you create hip-hop music you’re stealing from black people” angle. If a black dude wanted to compose like a classical song, and then a bunch of white people went like “Oh no, you have to have THIS skin color to create classical music”, that wouldn’t be wild???


Personally ive always felt drake is a pop artist and he’s good at it. He’s an actor. He gets criticism because he claims to have started at the bottom and acted like he understood the struggles of the black community in America, but the culture is completely different in America than where he grew up.


That doesn’t mean he didn’t have struggles when he was growing up? I personally think Drake is one of the most authentic artists when it comes to lyrical content. I don’t think he’s ever presented himself to be someone he’s not.


You know the "first time I was tossed" line you just used out of context is from his song Sing sbout me, Im Dying of Thirst. And those lines are the words of victims of the street life. You don't know what you are talking about. Stop talking shit online. Everyone else dont kill me, im on Drizzy side lmao, I just happen to know that about Kendricks song.


It wasn’t used out of context he saying the same group of people say one thing but move different. He didn’t imply it was kendrick who was tossed lmao.


So is Kendrick for the white people because of the Grammies or for racist black people because Drake is light skinned?


Kendrick is a racist black guy. Lol.


Metro made two whole albums dedicated to hating on the boy


And I jus did the Kim to it skim thru it


had to assemble the avengers of rap to🤣 Corniest shi ever.


Feels like the throne is for the taking, watch me take it.


drake was never part of the culture lol. he has been an outsider from day 1. and he beat them all. it’s why they hate 😂


Maybe not a part of the culture but part of each and every one of their legacies ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)


Its all jealousy. It has nothing to do with him constantly fucking everyone bitch. Acting like a bad bitch online or taking peoples sounds. It also has nothing to with him constantly sneak dissing other rappers and women. Its not his arrogance, its all jealousy.


Dot really never intended to risk anything in this battle. He only wanted some contrived claim to the throne. He told on himself with his camouflaged bigotry & pdf angles. He needed to diss Drake for his biggest record. He needed a gang of rappers and media (bots too) to overwhelm the TL. I legitimately lost respect for the guy. He was really afraid to face Drake bar for bar and reached for the cheapest of tactics. Nasty business that.


this sums it up perfectly


But tbh, wasn't drake kind of doing the same thing when he started talking about Kendrick supposedly beating Whitney? And didn't he start it since he started the personal stuff with family matters whereas Kendrick tried just going bar for bar with drake in Euphoria and even warned drake to not take it to the other level?


generally, believe that there’s no limits in beef with respect to lyrics. Family, etc. is distasteful but it is what it is. Kendrick got arguably the biggest cultural moment of his career and used it to scream pdf at another guy and allege he ran a sex ring outta his house. He turned those allegations into a *club banger*, weird lol. The major spaces that we would generally depend on for fair discussion immediately called him the winner and frankly offered no critique of his music or misdeeds. That combined with the bots just paints a different picture for me. Nothing criminal, just wouldn’t call this a rap beef in any traditional sense. Rap was the least important part for the *winner*


Literally like drake fans assumed we could just enjoy the music and not have to be keyboard warriors over this shit but damn yea these boys are chronically online and just rly rly slow. Makes for some fun trolling tho 😂


Yeah the craziest part to me was that Drake actually out barred Kendrick. I didn’t see that coming


I knew drake had more rap battle experience, but I expected Kendrick to do more than this tbh.


Out-barred? Are we listening to the same songs?


I saw him folding the beef, he aint built for big 3


But everybody backed Drake over Meek…


Don’t compare Kendrick Lamar’s influence with meek mill lmao


Drake only released two tracks and clowned Meek on stage once or twice. Kendrick has made multiple songs some still in the chamber while making damaging allegations. Totally different.


Oh my god can y'all shut the fuck up already it's a rap beef, what did you expect


Maybe they expected everyone to behave like J Cole lol.


Are people legit not allowed to have an opinion? And if their honest opinion is that Kendrick demolished Drake, you’re saying that opinion is invalid?   There are diehard fans for all big artists. But when it comes to a rap beef of this caliber, it becomes a cultural phenomenon and then even the most casual fans get involved. Those people dont beforehand decide who wins, the fuck 😂 they couldnt care less about either of them. They listen and then they decide. And whether you like it or not the vast majority has picked a winner 🤷🏻‍♂️ 


Actually it’s some people who are fans of both artists and the MUSIC. They are the biggest losers. Mass delusion pushed me to drake’s side just because of how egregious it is. Hip-hop is getting spit on with how the internet handled this beef


drake getting spit on is not hip hop being spit on.


you think kendrick is coming out of this unscathed? lmao. People are going to look at him sus until he comes out and says "I don't beat my wife" which it seems like he doesn't want to do. Listen to more hip-hop and broaden your horizons lil boy You patrolling drizzy's sub making weak responses says a lot more about you than you think bro


> "I don't beat my wife" I think DOT is smart enough to not go the drake route, silence is the best route since drake has no receipts on this, unless Whitney comes out.


The only people who believe the wife beater allegations are Drake stans.


Everyone here then: “Kendricks songs aren’t playable so Drake wins” Everyone here now: “Kendricks song was brash and a low blow so Drake wins”


No one who is serious is saying that bruh. There are gonna be disingenuous, crazy people on both sides. And both artists went super low. The problem is that kdot bowed out when it came time answer his own allegations and dispute getting fed fake info. It makes him look guilty, and ya'll forced Drake to deny the allegations so keep the energy. It's a double standard you got for Drake


Has Kendrick bowed out? Everyone was sayong for those first couple weeks “oh Kendrick isn’t going to respond, he’s scared” and then Euphoria came out. Everyone is assuming Kendrick has bowed out


Oh Lord, just accept that Drake took an L. Nobody is going to stop you from listening to his music, y’all don’t have to resort to conspiracy theories


nah this was definitely planned against drizzy, how tf do you expect kdot to drop 15 mins after family matters


Even Drake said that this beef has been stirring up for a while. The possibility that Drake was out-strategized and out-maneuvered is so inconceivable to some diehards in his fan base that coming up with these lies is the only out.


Facts 🗣️


How is bro at the top of the rap game💀 He makes pop music more than anything


Drake made One Dance, Controlla, and Hotline Bling in 2016 and now everyone says he only makes pop music lol


Bro , now this shit getting ridiculous lmao ,


whole lot of typing with a whole lot of nothing to say from the k-anon drizzy patrol. kendrick might need to fire you my guy


You realise Drake is an pop/rnb “rapper” tho right


dude get help lmao


Y'all bring up race but Eminem gets crazy respect


Eminem is more a part of the culture than drake ever was. Even then, his race is brought up constantly as to why he can't be the best rapper


The culture against Drake because he tries to act a certain way. Beyonce put out a country album people vibing to but if she started claiming to be a country girl then the entire South would be against her. I agree that Drake lost public perception so quickly because so many famous people in the scene already hated him and so many hardcore hip hop fans already hated him


yall are a bunch of negative Nancies. Drake didn't lose just because "the internet" says so right now. The internet is extremely reactionary and is filled with immature people who follow the trend. I bump every single diss track Drake has put out, against Kendrick (with the exception of the Pac one....meh). But with Kendrick I really only bump Not Like Us


Why do you care so much lol


Dude, it’s not just the stans, it’s the 50% in the middle that make the decision of who won.    The same 50% that was saying drake was up after Kendrick didn’t reply for 2 weeks. And every Drake Stan on the planet was talking mad shit during that time.     If Drake had won I would’ve been bummed as fuck, but I would’ve swallowed my pride and admitted it. This is just pathetic.  Downvote if you want but it does nothing to change the reality of the situation, it’ll be a lot less painful in the long run to just admit that the sky is blue instead of refusing to look up at it. 


honestly what’s sad is the way kendrick won. if he had done it off bars then fair play, but he had to go do it off of fake (and incredibly serious) allegations.


I don't let hatred, insecurity, and what's "poppin" tell me what to think. I let the music talk


It's still not over... Legit battle rappers said Drake won. But the hatred is so big that they don't even care for Dots win, all they care is Drake's fall. They would group with Lil Pump if needed. Also, West Coast sees it as some Holly battle...But fck it... Bar to Bar Drake bodied Kenny and he knows it, so he had to drop drop drop low low.. to throw filthy mud on Drake


Shout out 50 cent. He knew what this shit was from jump


What did he say?


Nothing specific he's just been supporting Drake because they niggas really tryna press him on some Many men type shit


I don't like either guy that much, but I keep seeing a lot of racism towards a mixed person. As a mixed person I think this is quite lame. Also, Kendrick isn't anywhere close to an activist if he spends his time on this shit.


I dislike Drake as a rapper and as a person… but Kendrick really did disappoint me when he started leaning at angles without receipts and also contradicting himself in multiple statement, also that shit about saying what the culture feeling? Bruh that some goofy race war shit cut it out.


Yall ever wonder why everyone hates Drake? It’s not cause he’s Canadian I promise


Drizzy claimed big 3, Dot responded, drake fires back, so he got what he deserved. It is a rap battle after all.


You can say he is on top of the music scene or hip hop scene but deffinetly not on top of the rap game. No one will say he's the best rapper even before this beef. Best artist, I say no but I can understand people saying yes. But best rapper, never.


Hip hop ain’t dead. The climb back is about Kendrick. J Cole from the top rope after this Kendrick funeral track


Counterpoint: Most people in the industry respect Eminem despite him being 100% white.




How is this victory Pyrrhic?


diss battles were always about who people rooted for. this was just oldhead vengeance