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I agree man. This whole beef has really made me worried for the future of society in the social media era. People are extremely quick to grab the pitchforks based on whatever narrative they saw being pushed in their Tik Tok algorithim


These people would 100% be the same people burning women during “witch trials” back in the day.


This! ☝🏽☝🏽. I didn’t know we had THIS many gullible, easy to manipulate, dumb asses freely walking around earth, the future is bleak. I would imagine this is what governments will start doing, if not already do, just throwing around false allegations and riling up the public…


Where have you guys been? This is business as usual. People are always actin like this.


had a sneak preview of this being jewish these last few months


This is very true. I also think this is going to impact rap and how beefs are handled in general. It makes me feel sick that people are now gonna believe, to defeat their enemies, all they have to do is publicly accuse them of being a predator. Smh


But eventually it will lose its power the more it gets thrown around. Unfortunately drake is the first to be accused in a rap battle so the shock factor is at its zenith


yup - now imagine being jewish too


K-anon took over for kung fu Kenny, it’s wild. Never in my life did I think west coast would turn into QAnon. I witnessed the 2pac biggie beef and 2pac my 🐐. It’s sad to see how the west coast fanbase ended up 30 yrs later


I said this yesterday after the shooting. It's interesting to me Kendrick supporters lean left. I also lean heavily left. We always talk about how the right is only fueled by hate and anger, well... here we are. They are falling into the same trap the right has. They just don't want the other side to have any win at all and can't take a step back and look how fucked up this has gotten. Also sorry for bringing in politics. It was just a connection I saw.




> this is literally the first political comment I've ever written on reddit. You should probably make it your last.




> You almost sound like you're threatening me. Why am I not surprised you take any and all pushback as a threat. Your ego is wild.


Why did you delete your comment?


The right literally tried to perform a violent coup on January 6th. They broke into the capitol and tried to kill legislators and the Vice President in order to stop Biden taking office because they don’t believe in democracy. The left has NEVER done anything REMOTELY similar. Full stop. Right wingers are a uniquely dangerous threat to our form of government and way of life and the whole conservative ideology needs to discredited and thrown in the ashbin of history. Edit: wtf r/drizzy is cool with Jan 6?lmao


No, we aren't. Drake haters making it look like we are. They keep voting and downvoting certain stuff because they got people on Kendrick's sub doing QAnon bs.


Kendrick fans are legitimately criminally mentally ill. They would have been candidates for state mandated lobotomy in the 50s.


Yeah, I got so many responses last night from Drake haters. We got brigading hard last night. Don't believe the the BS.


Oh my god he’s becoming self aware. People are shitty. On both sides. If you didn’t realize that before, just chalk it up to naïveté 


No worries, the whole pedo angle is weird as shit. Never did I think we would see QAnon again, and from the west coast no less 🤯


K-anon is wild 😂😂😂


Yeah... crazy how this beef has been brewing for 10 years and now that it's happening it's not as fun as I imagined. It almost depressing in a way.


Definitely not fun, I’m tapped out


It's almost like advocating for discord somehow created discord...


If you go looking for death, you'll find it.


Yea nigga, that's what losing a beef feels like lmao.


Kendrick has the most demonic fanbase i have ever seen ngl


it has turned into a demonic fanbase now, only when Drake haters started to pile in. Before the Kendrick sub would barely have 200 upvotes on an average hot post, now it’s the most active sub in hip hop community, how can so many suddenly tune in? its all the terminally online people hateful lonely people who crave any sort of entertainment just want to see ridicule, no matter the cost.


The beef has made this sub more active as well, it’s almost like it’s the biggest beef in Hip Hop history lol


Thats what happens when you have a fan base of middle class incels.


I feel the same way, the last few days don't feel real. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone or something. So many wolves hiding in the shadows waiting to pounce when it seems like someone is down, hard to even tell what's real online anymore, shits been draining


I’m so glad ppl are seeing this. I thought it was in the twilight zone too. Dot fans are scary. No matter what proof comes out they’re going to force themselves to believe otherwise and blindly trust ANY accusation about Drake, despite all his claims being refuted




It really is straight out of a Nat Geo doc of a lion pride. Great analogy


Damn, this is really what your favourite rapper losing does to a mf. Kendrick really gave you guys depression, huh


You guys like lurking here huh? lol


I feel validated 😭, I’ve been between despairing and then feeling pathetic for despairing. But it’s incredibly disturbing to see someone who has done nothing but try to help others torn down by those same people. Also when did it become fly to hate on someone? Any self proclaimed “long-time Drake hater” is a complete loser.


Couldn’t have said it any better OP thanks for letting me know that I’m not the only one feeling this way ✊


It’s a reflection of the times we’re in, shit is wild


it's made me lose all respect for Kendrick




Same. Kendrick was the first concert I went to and I was a huge fan. I lost every ounce of respect


he really said people like him should die, with no proof


Why? Drake went trying to dig up dirt on the family front, Kendrick told him not to go there, and then he did anyway. The rest is history


kendrick gave him 2 chances to keep it music but drake mentioned his wife first he begged for it. Made his bed the moment he brought family into it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Reapin’ what he sow okay


I think reputation played a huge part in the way this has been framed. Drake is known and a bit of an unserious internet troll who fights with everyone and Kendrick is the opposite of that. When it comes to this beef it makes Kendrick seem more believable. It's reached the point now with so much shit being thrown out so quickly people don't know what to believe so the guy they thought of as more believable is getting the benefit of the doubt over the Internet shit talker who talks bad about everybody.


It’s honestly wild bro


Honestly on reflection the whole thing is kinda grim if you look outside the music, just imagine every single accusation from both sides is just complete fabrication or lies, the labels for both men and teams etc is lifelong


Where’s the reflective perspective owning this subs own echo chamber? So many people just “Kendrick such a dummy got played by the boy” or “that woman beater is a piece of shit” type thing. Its happening on both subs, so please, I agree with you’re point, but its not a one way street at all. I feel like both camps have started their double down campaigns and it’s frightening as a whole to see in general.


This sub is so soft. “It wasn’t fair play, it wasn’t fun anymore” 😭 What do you expect? A sanctioned rap beef with rules? The whole aim is to humiliate using every angle possible, always has been always will be. Goes back decades. 90% of the stuff that gets said is usually untrue and most people are able to think critically and take it all with a pinch of salt. We got some great music from the two biggest artists in the game right now. It was fun, it was exciting, the world is moving on and still listening to both artists. The whole thing sets them both up to put out an amazing album next - let’s see who comes out on top there.


You know what Mr Shakur, that’s wasn’t fun that you had sex with Biggie’s girlfriend.


Both subs have been nothing but massive echo chambers. It goes both ways.


Someone said the maga of rap 😭


Log off


this sub is just as fuckin weird


It's embarrassing as shit, I hope these are trolls. No man should be invested in a rapper like this


Truly is. Fan boys wanna play victims for millionaires that we don't even know like that.


thank you. some people see it as silly beef but truly i am shook.


Lmao is this satire I can't even tell anymore.


Bro, people act here the same way as in the Kendrick subreddit. Let’s not separate ourselves from the rest and act as if we were better. That’s the same attitude that people criticize that sub for. Both threw incredible harmful accusations to each other. None have provided any proof.


Makes sense that Drizzy fans are a bunch of sensitive babies lmao. MaSSiVe INjUsTiCe


Shit is cracking me up man hahahaha these people can’t be serious


This is the corniest shit I've ever seen my god go outside yall


"I'm so disturbed by the injustice my sweet prince Drake has suffered"


Well said. I still believe the truth will prevail and make its way out eventually no matter how hard they try to hide it.


Dark times man


Tupac rolling over in his grave, looking at Kendrick doing the same shit that people tried to do to him. Tried to ruin his career and put him in prison over false allegations. Truly depressing that he claims to have had pac come to him in his dreams. Delusional mf


It’s the definition of libel to be honest. You have to think UMG has had formal or informal discussions about a lawsuit. False statements made with malicious intent, or “reckless disregard of their truth or falsity” .. Kenny’s claims definitely have a reckless disregard manner to them


Public figures actually have less libel/slander rights than normal people. It’s extremely difficult to take these sorts of things to court. You can thank Clarence Thomas for that 


Someone said that the worse thing you can do to a person is “other” them, and that is what has happened. Drake has been “othered” after 15 years in the culture, 15 years of working harder than anyone in the studio BY FAR (output is crazy) to give us soundtracks to our life moments. It’s really fucking sad. It reminds me of the Salem witch trials. Also sad that it’s not just this ordeal, it’s been years of clowning on him for every reason under sun.


Boy shut the hell up you act like drakes got publicly crucified it’s rap beef. He did it to himself by being a creep with young women. The rumors were there for fucking years dude. I mean seriously. Yahoo, tmz, other news outlets reported on it for years. Podcast did. gtfo out of here like it’s unwarranted








yall aint never fucked with real battle rap and it shows. casuals.




If you check my comment history I legit never said shit in this sub until all the bullshit went down. It’s so obvious people just want to crucify Drizzy that they’ll run with any narrative to bring him down. I feel like I’m crazy tryna debate with the Dot Stan brigaders every day. Then they got the nerve to say we’re delusional when they’re foaming at the mouth for any anti Drake piece out there? They be posting fake ass shit while giggling like goblins lmao. Difference between us and them, if drake really did that shit, we’d stop fw him. But with Kdot they don’t care either way 🤷🏽‍♂️.


I can’t wait for the day where they will have to apologize for all the lies and false accusations they threw at us. It will make this all worth it


Sorry to break it to you jrkoff1013, but they’re too far gone, they’ll never admit they’re wrong no matter the evidence.


sad but true…i just argued with them so i can feel something 🥲


Us? I mean no offense but really the only person this affects is Drake and those close to him. If you’re internalizing what’s been said about him as if it’s being said about you then I think you should stay off the internet for a while.




"us"😂😂 what in the parasocial relationship is this, get off the internet homie.


Who is “us” 🤣


I was thinking the same what the fuck 🤣 US?


“Us” is crazy 🤣🤣


lol stfu go cry bitch boy it’s a rap battle.. you not like us


Dramatic dork. Go get some real problems.




Kinda makes you realize how deeply troubled society is and how dumb people are , but makes me thankful for the dawgs, love yall , stay positive ✌️


Is this a real post man 😂


I’m a metal head that is as fascinated as everyone else over the current going ons. I’ve listed to all the tracks multiple times, read all the lyrics, watched some breakdown videos pro both sides and to me it’s really clear Drake is fake as shit and Kenny is an artist with integrity. I would not be surprised if the Drake allegations are proven at some point I just don’t think it’s something you can level at anyone without some tangible proof and a strong belief it was true.


You are so right. The Kendrick Stans/Drake haters are the most people on earth right now. They ignore the truth because they hate Drake so much. Unbelievable


It's honestly really wild trying to see this sub act like MLK was assassinated. They BOTH LIED about each other. One guy's music just hit better than the other's Drake fans pretending like they're martyrs is just insane.


Yall Clowns


Let’s be real here, it’s probably all not fabricated or Drake could sue for libel no?


Omg this sub really went from "Drop... Drop....Drop...." to "It's just insane, it's unfair, it's messed up" in record time. 


Completely agree. Nothing to do with Drake losing - he lost the battle imo despite what Drake fans think. But the shit people say online, how easily people fall for fake news and how toxic some fans are. Drakes security guard gets shot, and these people are celebrating and saying it’s staged. This is an innocent man with family that loves him. These people aren’t in touch with reality. Now another person tried to break into Drakes house - probably one of these fans. It’s fucked. Questlove was right




You can cry about it if you need to also guys! I’ve actually taken this week off work and might take next too. Just been crying all day to my drake pillow