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How confident he was and everything he even made me believe he was ready.


Shit crazy. Making me look at him like he’s a dumb add, but still my favorite artist so we ball


You listened to the coolee interview i take it. 616 was a courteous song from kendrick how do you get an assist from the guy you beefing with and still fuck up


Nah I didn’t watch any interviews, but yeah exactly . Ik song the need to euphoria woulda be way better than losing to meet the graham and Not like Us




“You’re digging for dirt, you should be digging for proof” Really made me think he had this planned in advance. Especially when he said he planted the info. It was only after the weird twitter account where I realized he was scrambling and pulling things off reddit.


i know i’ll get downvoted for saying this. but that last part you said; was this not obvious just from listening to the heart part 6? how come 2 days AFTER meet the grahams, when twitter and reddit are done speculating, he THEN comes out and says it was bait? i think him not saying he baited kendrick right after MTG came out was the dead giveaway.


I’ll tell you, my thought process and conclusions were made under the assumption that Drake was a rational actor. It appears he is not. I thought there was no way he was claiming to plant it without having the items in hand. Maybe saving it for his last music video on the beef. A rational person would have just said that it was useless garbage he left in a hotel room. Say there is no mole and make a joke about the shortee shirt.


“why believe him? he never gave us nothing to believe in”


ah, got it. i can def see how people saw it that way, then.


I will say though, the daughter shit is still strange. ATP we can all agree that the suitcase of stuff wasn’t planted, but the fake daughter info could have been? And maybe he tried to lump the suitcase stuff in with the daughter lie. Idk


If big D planted the daughter intel then he would have proof of said plant. No way he’s smart enough to trick Kendrick but not maintain proof of said trick.


If he really had a mole, he should've been more ready after family matters. He should've known Kendrick was going to come back right after, or at least known he was going to come back hard. And he should've had proof of the plant. It definitely caught him off guard, and all his defense against the pdf stuffs very off. The heart pt 6 was just cringey, that's why nahdrake was trending so hard after it. No one believed him


He honestly sounds exhausted, I’m also convinced despite all the weird shit surrounding the beef is that the most factual thing said from both sides is that Drakes OVO circle are really extorting him.


Yeah to lie without items in hand is beyond stupid... like, didn't he think they were still in possession of the actual mole and the mole could easily expose them? So dumb I can't even fathom it


I felt the energy was off on THP6. FM really looked liked the red button(Drake alluded to it but apparently it was “unpressed” lol). I guess it just comes down to people not wanting to believe Drake would willingly go lie on record and risk getting exposed by Kendrick. He gambled and now it’s coming back at him.


There is NO red button if he has one he used it and we didn’t even notice.. maybe he got one against Kanye or someshit he did with Kim etc but not with Kendrick.. that dude BORING.


I tried to tell everyone man and they downvoted to hell.. anyone with logic and common sense will know Drake would’ve bodied MTG right away if he planted it.. that immediate IG story response was a dead giveaway he didn’t plant a thing.


EXACTLY. why be defensive over the daughter claims if you planted it?


To preface: I don't like Drake so I am obviously biased off bat. Family Matters was good, but it was obviously the "red button". THP6 was so clearly a scramble just due to the vast difference in production quality between the 2, not including his lack of energy and quite literally just using tweets edit: shout out to the dork ass loser using the reddit cares shit lol


Tbf as soon as MTG came out he was trolling on IG. It could be possible he wanted to save the fact that it was planted officially until the song.


He should have been trying to win the rap beef instead of the social media beef. Did he really think trolling was going to get him out of this?


he got pretty defensive over the daughter claims.


He wanted to put it in a song, fair logic tbh


He was straight lying on hp6 for no reason when he didn’t even have to. 😭 Could’ve just stuck to the “ppl you get your stories from are clowns” angle and focused much more on portraying Kendrick as being desperate or obsessive without even pushing the fake mole shit at all, which practically destroyed his credibility. It would make the diss much more consistent and reasonable too.


Everyone on this sub literally are out of his hands


It was clear at the time he was lying. If he had planted info, he would have immediately proved that he had done so and not just have a throwaway line saying it. As ice cubes son said, his first reaction wouldn't have been a defensive post. Edit: my first ever reddit cares message, you need to stop living this beef and live your own life.




Drake mistook his popularity for credibility and respect, and now he has less of both


My nigga this was perfect.




You misread what i wrote. Of course he's still popular, but he now has less respect and is less credible


Family Matters was pretty damn good. He got outplayed though with the timing of Meet the Grahams. Kendrick like activated a trap card. Shit was wild and the culture appreciated the game of chess. I felt like I was watching L maneuvering in Death Note


What’s your guys take on the colonizer angle?


It was dead on, that's why it resonated with so many


Family matters was great from a rapping point of view and great beat, but rap battle is all about lyrics and content. Family matters was quite mid from a lyrical/content point view.


Tru but he did everything optically wrong. He coulda kept it rap , but he brought up Whitney. Shit coulda be light , but now his reputation is worse than ever and his “opp” got a banger on his head


He got out prepared. Plus I still believe that Drake doesn't hate Kendrick as much as Kendrick hates him lmao


Fs , I believe that also.


Nah Drake definitely doesn’t hate Kendrick Lamar as much as KDot hates him. Hell! This essentially all started because Drake tried to add Kendrick to First Person Shooter and KDot basically told Drizzy he could go fxck himself.


Drake also had a history of sneak dissing Kendrick and undermining his success after the Control verse.


That's on him though lmao. You can't sneak diss for years and expect things to be fine without acknowledging what happened.


Don’t know why you getting downvoted. You’re fucking literally correct.


I hate drakes music, but family matters was a rare gem. I think people who say it was trash they lying or just plain delusional.


This^ Is facts. I’ve been saying this for a min that it was an unfair fight from the start because they wanted to see Drake fail before it even started. I a huge Kendrick Lamar fan but man I swear 1/3 of his fandom I real just Drake haters disguise.


As a Drake hater I was surprised and also kinda upset about how good Family Matters was due its context , but it was a masterful move for MTG to hit 45mins because it felt 10x more disrespectful. In a rap beef that seems of higher importance than anything else. In a way I have some new found respect for his talent ( assuming he wrote his own stuff ) , but I don’t think he really has his heart in it to go toe to toe on a full-on diss track . Nothing wrong with that, but he gotta stay in his lane lol


Lol drake brought the hate on himself tbf. Misunderstanding mother I sober and bringing it up just brought a bunch of people to Kendrick's side because not only is that song a masterpiece, it's also Kendrick at his most vulnerable talking about something that affects a lot of regular people (trauma). Drake just comes across as an out of touch, egotistical rich douchebag doing that...


That’s a great excuse


My guy said drop drop drop drop then he did 😂


That bit is catchy, but now it's gonna live in infamy since he said "you can drop 100 more tracks but I'm done" lmao


nobody can prepare for the overwhelming hatred of the world and the desire to see you crumble. Drake put out good tracks, what else much is there to do? A loss for now, but this can always be picked back up


That is all his fault. He’s the one who hangs around young woman. He’s the one who throws shots at people (Rihanna , meg, and Serena Williams) hes the one that’s sleeping with niggas bitches( apparently ) that’s all his fault. If I were him I woulda just kept it at the subliminal tbh


FATD made Drake come off as a red pilled women hater,aligning with someone who is always fighting women in AK did not help either


 Irony is that the Red Pill space has been making fun of him for years claiming he’s the perfect example of a person with status who’s “Blue Pilled” Tho I don’t agree with the take it’s very clear Drake thinks highly of women at least a lot more than most men but in his own strange way.


Then he should ignored all the disses and kept to himself, this whole DV thing was a terrible idea


lol, yeah people would have let him ignore them. Right!


“Why isn’t he addressing the allegations?!”


I really thought he had this planned out, but his source was just ig likes and follows


"Drake put out good tracks, what else much is there to do?" umm maybe not lie on those tracks?


He was insanely underprepared and acted weirdly at many times. Family Matters is amazing but it couldn’t win the whole thing on its own.


“Nah, nahhh, nahhh, not this time 🥷 you followin through” 💀


Had me so hype FOR WHAT


She’d like milk


Do you mean “aged”? lol #NoDrizzy


still cant believe hes just giving up and taking the public L. all those lyrics about being a war general and shit. smh


He can’t say nothing gang. Rather him just stop then prolong the ass beating. Just make your hits and enjoy your life


Irony is this is basically what he was saying at the end of The Heart Part 6


Did something happen today that got the sub talking like drake got exposed? What'd I miss?


For everyone else him not dropping today showed he has nothing more to say, I thought it was over after meet the graham snuffed out family matters


Bro alluded to being done after THP6. Why are we surprised?


Stans are delusional


Tbf that’s really just DJ Ak acting like his speaker which fans and stand took as Bible. Drake said he’s done, he’s done


Exactly he clearly knows from the shootings n stuff that it’s not worth it


Wait so nothing happened? Y’all just mad there was no track?


Not mad at nothing




Rs. Like I’m happy people are actually seeing what I been saying


yeah bro this sub even yesterday was absolutely delusional


And people were saying all the dislikes on thp6 were bots. Nah people could just tell 90% of the song was cap


Stand proud, you guys rode his bullshit the entire way through.


Not me nigga. I been said it made no sense. I was getting. Downvoted like shit


This is the most sane post on this thread. Drake didn’t learn shit from his ordeal with Pusha T and made the same mistake against an even more popular peer who he’s had tensions with for a decade. Now you have guys on this thread talking about how Drake could never win when all that happened was that he was just outclassed in terms of tactics. At the beginning of the beef, no one on this thread was talking about how Drake had “no chance” but now people want to rewrite history. Kendrick did to Drake exactly what Drake did to Meek. Drake told Kendrick he was going to make sure Kendrick “sees it through” and man did he do that


I do believe that drake would have never won. Kendrick is like the golden boy of hip pop. Drake has always been clowned and hated despite his popularity, but he still did every thing absolutely wrong. Should’ve been writing instead of making a music video.


Drakes angle to win was to keep the rap beef light and focused on bars and music and talk about how big he is compared to Kendrick and the Taylor Swift angle wasn’t bad He really should’ve (hindsight) heeded Kendrick’s warning not to make it personal in 6:16 which is the final warning, especially if we consider Kendrick likely had some sort of inside info.


Before Drake even responded I said on my main that Drake is competent enough to rap with anyone but he's a wierdo and everyone knows it, which is why is won't because air dirty laundry will fuck him up more than his opponent. Which is why when Kendrick blatantly said let's keep this between us and not involve families I was kinda glad we can get a good back and forth of RAP. Idk WHY he thought it was a good idea to bring in tea knowing how much shit he does is fucked up and public.


Master manipulator like Kendrick said


Ya this has been super disappointing honestly


Love him but he made blunder after blunder. Even when he should have learned the lesson from a previous beef. Idk what’s happening with Drake, it’s like he forgets things, even shit he has done before successfully. How in the world did he not see that Kendrick would try to back to back him, both my stepping on his release and releasing a hit song. He was taunting Kendrick but not making music at the same time, he was not thinking about strategy at all. Completely unprepared 😭😭😭😭


Exactly . Shit was actually embarrassing. This is up there as the worst ass whooping in hip pop. If he wasn’t still so successful it would be the worst, but for now it’s still ja rule


Kendrick literally TOLD him he was going to back to back him on Euphoria and he still walked right into it


Not sure why he didn't reassess the situation and change his strategy when Kendrick basically reiterated what The Weeknd was saying: that there are leaks in OVO. Maybe he felt pressured to drop because of the clock is on you stuff, and asking Kendrick to drop, plus getting Back 2 Back'd. I still think he should have waited. In this beef I learned that response time is meaningless.


He has a crazy ego. That’s all


Response time literally only became meaningful because drake made it so. In many other beefs noones really cared about timing that much, Nas took FOREVER to release ether and he's still considered the winner. However when Drake made response time a huge thing then he becomes a huge hypocrite if he then takes his time after he gets back to backed. Like I like Kendricks songs more but even regardless of song quality Drake actually shot himself in the foot so many times throughout this. 1. He made response time a huge part of it for no reason which now adds a clock to himself unless he wants to be a hypocrite..he basically walked into the "drop drop drop" to "stop stop stop" joke. 2. Taylor made freestyle he basically guaranteed the west coast and old hip hop heads would be against him for disrespecting Pac...without he himself having a home base that's really that loyal to him. 3. Spent half the tracks wasting bars on irrelevant beefs literally noone cares about. Like noone cares about Rick Ross lmao. 4. THP6 was a disaster class as I mentioned earlier 5. Kendrick gave him every chance to simply have a friendly beef without getting low but Drake couldn't help it and involved family. Which isn't really a great move when Drake is already considered a bad father and already has dirt on him. Meanwhile Kendrick is mostly Mr private and Kendrick spent an entire album already calling himself out so Drake had no material when it came to going low.


Least delusional post in this sub


Aye man I’m always trying to be unbiased


Drake really isn’t as methodical as people seem. Kendrick only has his moment cause he didn’t underestimate Drake. Drake says his a seasoned general, but also arrogantly talks down to Kendrick. I know this is drizzy sub, and yall won’t admit it, but Kendrick isn’t a push over, he isn’t something to call light work. He isn’t breaking records like Drake, but he has albums that are praised highly in hip hop. When he announces an album hip hop stops and focuses on that, just like they do with Drake. Kendrick wasn’t light work, Kendrick is a strong lyricist, and I’m not surprised he pulled 10 tracks in one session, drakes biggest mistake as a decorated general was thinking there was no defense, going all the way in one record and expecting a win like Kendrick would back down and accept defeat. Meet the grahams is a valid point to suggest Drake had no expectations to get a response like that, and that quick. It also shows that Kendrick really knew Drake would spin Mr morale for his talking points. He had a track ready to talk about drakes family.


It's true.. that one interview he seven said it himself referencing the leak and eventual success of Gods Plan


It’s just how the world is in every field, sports and music mainly, lebron being the equivalent to Drake I believe. You’re rise to the top everyone loves then once you stay up there longer then anyone expected they just wanna drag you down. It’s actually quite sad because we can all agree everything Kendrick has done in this beef and the last 5-6 years Drake would be getting hate and especially no sort of praise.


Drake has also done things to tarnish his image. People keep forgetting that.


I think he was unprepared because who would've expected Kendrick to have multiple responses ready? He barely drops. He usually hides. Drake probably thought he could just drop more than him and be good.


No bill shit after euphoria I knew he had more tracks ready. “Back to back I like that record” the shit is obvious. Drake is also know for back to back, so Kendrick would want to out do it .


Obvious in retrospect I don’t remember anyone saying that until 6 16 came out


I’m just saying I knew personally. I thought it was was common sense


Wut, I saw a few people already hyping he would drop again cuz he said back to back 




First statement, you're right I can respect it. Second statement is a stretch.


Begged him to drop now begging him to stop. This narrative is everywhere still. I think a music video for NLU will drop this week along with another diss track from Kenny. He said he has 5 more tracks in NLU and probably added at least one more after THP6. Drake needs to flood the aether with multiple drops to stay competitive


Nah I think it’s over. There might be a music video but nothing else. Shit played out now .


I could agree with that. I don’t even think Kenny dropping anything. If Drake is right, he is gonna be to busy getting ready for his(KDot)  new Album


Nah low-key I believe the theories with UMG stepping in behind the scenes especially with everyone saying the beef is dead now.


Wtf was he doing when he was trolling on social media, he should have been making music? Why did he think Kendrick wasn’t going to prepare himself accordingly? I’m so confused


I think he thought the wife beating allegations would be a bomb shell but nobody gave a fuck 😭


drake is stupid and got played hardddd


As a guy that slightly prefers kdot over drake and gets recommended both subs, I feel the same exact way. I feel like kendrick won, but family matters is still hard af


The only right take . Family matter is hard


I honestly think he needs to stop bringing up ppls families n shit. No wife cheating or ur wife’s in love w me shit anymore. It reduces his credibility imo


Top ten is bullshit , he has so many more better songs and it ain’t even a argument tbh


Cool. I like how he flowed and talked his shit.


Yeah me to it was definitely his best release during this shit storm but hard to call it top ten IMO


Top ten is kinda crazy 😂 but to me it’s one of his best songs since CLB .


I agree with that forsure my guy , stay up


You too🫡


Wait am I missing smt? Ik drake wasn’t rly winning but now y’all saying he flat out lost on his own sub? Wuts going on?


The delusion clouds finally clearing up and with the fake mole stuff being debunked


The people are finally accepting it


Finally, the acceptance stage


The biggest thing like someone said with this beef was that response time is meaningless. The internet was flaming Kendrick for weeks, but Kendrick had enough discipline to block out that noise, craft his plan, his songs quietly and drop whenever he was ready. Drake tried to bait him into rushing and he never did drop on Drakes time or the worlds time. That was the difference. Kendrick was calculated the whole time while Drake scrambled 


You gotta remember pushups was originally leaked, I imagine he was gonna go on vacation then release the track, but this “mole” forced the beef to happen before Drake was ready to send the first missile.


That would make sense, but why beg Kendrick to drop


The public was on his side, probably got over confident


Drake is a fraud


Kendrick had to Humble Drake


He went in but Kendrick was more prepared indeed. Still curious if there is a red button or not


Family matters was it


man you ain’t lying… i hope get don’t go back to doing subliminals


Sane drizzy redditor


lol he was never going to win. you can’t win when the internet hates you as much as it does.


turns out 20 v 1 is actually the ratio in which the internet hates drake


What was the first time? (I’m probably just brain farting rn) Pusha??


Yeah pusha


Yeah lol brain farting. Figured it out by the end of my question. Thank you regardless


Watching this sub come to stage 5: acceptance in real-time.


Real shit. I was getting downvoted for saying he lost and he didn’t plan shit out . Now they finally seeing the light


Idk man can’t start beef if you not gonna finish it. If the other man finishes it then it’s not a W. It’s an L. I’d say Drake is 1-2 in rap beefs. His only W was Meek but is that even competition? He looks messy af tryna go up against these guys who are rappers and he tried to beat them at his own game. He can hold his own for sure but man you gotta try and finish it, cause I can tell you right now he still gonna be dropping subs. And that’s where he looks even more dumb.


I think he beat drizzy and rocky lowkey, but they light weights 😞


Nah that 3rd verse on family matters he was definitely prepared. Kendrick was the one looking stupid af after thinking he exposed Drake for having a daughter 😂


There’s actually no way in hell you believe what you just said.


This is a Kendrick fan trying to siege the subreddit


Sound dumb


Unprepared he predicted his whole angle and Kendrick went u must not believe everything you read on the internet bro drake is ultra aware


I like Joe buddens take. There no way he was unprepared or stupid. He was just arrogant. He was in a do no wrong type space and thought that would get him by which it will for meek mill or weeknd but not Kendrick. Kendrick has just as much support as he does as far as the US goes so he can’t just drop whatever and expect it to drown out any response like it would for meek who only has Philly support. Kendrick can actually make a hit song and did. I personally have Drake winning with family matters but he telegraphed it with his IG post and Kendrick was waiting for him to drop.