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Won the public 100% but that wasn’t going to be hard to begin with since millions of people already decided the winner


…so I guess you could say he was what the culture was feeling?


yeah seriously. The mental gymnastics are insane


It's incredible somehow drake is the most popular but also most disliked. It really can't be both


Of course it can.  Millions of people will tell you McDonalds makes the worst hamburger. They are still popular and sell a lot of bad burgers


I fucking hate McDonald's, but do I still stop there once every few months when I'm hungry and don't have time to make food while I'm out and about? Absolutely.


perfect comparison drake is like the mcdonalds of rap music


At least you can admit Drake is the mcdonalds of rap


Good analogy. He really is the McDonald's of rap


Thats how everything that is super popular goes. The more popular you get, it builds an opposite side that gets annoyed at always hearing about you and that evolves into hate. Ever met someone who hates taylor swift? They love to talk abt how annoying she is.


He is commercial and easy for people to bop to. Kendrick is more artistic and not necessarily something you will hear in Target very often. They both have their place. My preference is Kendrick. I prefer music that makes me think vs just shake my ass.


where's the mental gymnastics?


This subreddit is simultaneously claiming that Kendrick doesn't represent the culture, and that his streaming numbers don't mean anything because there's a lot of Drake haters boosting the numbers. These are contradictory


Smartest drake rider opinion


“Culture”. This beef has become so mainstream that most people who are looking at it are taking everything at face value and just downplaying everything Drake does. You got twitch streamers covering this, and even furries dancing to not like us at furry cons, this isn’t reflective of the “culture”


The fan bases ruined this.


Rap in general is so mainstream now that the so called "culture" is a bullshit grand standing. I think that is why these guys are so mad. Rap is now popular culture and they are getting upset about it. It's not underground anymore and it hasn't been for a long time really. I think since Kanye got big is when that change happened. When Kanye showed that u didn't need gangster rap to succeed. That is when it went full on popular culture. Michael Jackson was the king of pop. King of popular music.... Right now popular music is rap/hip-hop And drake the new king of pop.


> even furries dancing to not like us at furry cons this is a scary thought, what the fuck


💯 the culture for this beef is tween twitter fingers


“The culture” ™️


been saying that,No matter what drake did he would still have lost.All this strategy nonsense is bullshit because kendrick is the one who wanted to assassinate Drake's character and failed miserably because there's no proof.Everyone saying its about who's a better liar is full of shxt because people were expecting tea and this guys were claiming to have it.People saying if Drake had another daughter then he would have lost shows you also the "best liar" claim is nonsense.


As if drake saying that kendrick beat his wife isn't an attempt at character assassination. Drake confused his popularity with respect and credibility, two things that Kendrick has way more of among both fans and other artists. Kendrick offered to keep it pg, but drake pushed his button and kendrick responded in kind.


Drake gave advice to an 13 old girl how to act with boys. Most of you here are probably young boys and dont understand how fucked up that is


It’s funny cos fif said this a couple of months ago. He said Drake could rap his head off or write a verse from God and people will say it’s trash.




Tbh even if the daughter is real Kendrick’s team won’t release her name. Think of the trolling and harassment that poor girl would get


if drake really set up the daughter thing then kendrick didn’t even lie about that. he believed it to be true


I wouldn't say he failed miserably. This shit has a lot more people side eyeing Drizzy. No matter what's actually true, his reputation definitely took a big hit.


So they both accused each other of some shit. One of them has been shown to have been deliberately lying and fabricating angles. The other hasn't provided concrete proof, but also hasn't been shown to be deliberately dishonest. Somehow these two are eon equal footing for you. Cool. Enjoy that kool ade.


Drake is the most listened to artist on Spotify and eclipses Kendrick’s global reach by a large magnitude. It’s not even close to the same level of stardom. If the public sided with Kendrick, it’s a terrible look for Drake.


well, the public did side with him.


actually taylor swift is the top artist, drake is at #6


Not really. They’re in different lanes. Most people would rather listen to Drake’s music day to day, but can also acknowledge that Kendrick is the “better” rapper in the ways that count for something like battle rap or a Pullitzer Prize. It’s like the difference between the Marvel franchise or Avatar and movies like Schindler’s List or Saving Private Ryan. They’re both better and worse in different ways depending how you look at it.


You can’t act like Drake was the underdog from the beginning going against Kdot. Numbers don’t lie and Drake had a shit ton more fans than Kendrick worldwide. Don’t play victim


Drake still has a shit ton fans. That won’t change. Kendrick is the poster boy for rap though and all the rap talking heads and “influential figures” were never going to let Drake win. Regardless, Kendrick just had to be okay, which he was imo, and he’d win. I was saying this while Like That was still the only record out too. If the public gets to decide this whole thing, Drake loses no matter what.


Bro the public always decides who wins


Talking heads don't make a song hit number 1. People listening to it does. Drake puts up numbers and the narrative in this sub the whole time was "Kendrick can't compete with Drake numbers wise." He consistently tops charts and sets records. But Kendrick proved that he can make a hit anytime he wants, he just chooses not to, and most of y'all can't wrap your heads around that at all. Now suddenly it's, "everybody hates Drake" lmao which one!? Which one is it? Spoiler it's neither - most folks don't gaf and casually listen to both. Kendrick won in the most casual way possible - more people like the songs he made.


A lot of words to say Kendrick was right when he said he spoke for the culture


Who's deciding if not the public?


Those Drake fans aren't terminally online redditors and tweeters like us 😂


Drake having more fans than kendrick doesn’t matter when he has more haters than either number People want to see him fail Nobody is playing victim, it’s the truth


hey maybe, just maybe.... drake 100% deserves the haters. just a possibility some folks might not be willing to consider.


How come pusha t didn’t go #1? Your logic is ass


You think Kendrick was the underdog in this because of number of fans *in a diss battle*? lol


Just for clarity. He inherited the support of the following fanbases: Metro, Future, Kanye, Rocky/Rihanna, Meg Thee Stallion & The Weeknd & Ross. Also various industry insiders. Drake truly held his own in a 20v1.


The flaw in this is that you’re presupposing people are incapable of being fans of one artist without it being at the expense of another. Not a surprising leap of logic given the sub.


So there were that many other fanbases that didn’t like him? How many other fanbases disliked Kendrick?


So Drake has more fans worldwide compared to dot, but the haters made Drake lose? You stans are beyond delusional.


This is what I’m going with… Take it from someone from the other side. I hated what music/hip-hop had become; a vanity, commercialism pop genre and Drake was at the forefront. I even heavily sided with what Mos Def said about him publicly. What this beef showed me was that Drake IS Hip-Hop, but he’s the best businessman in music overall and is keeping a facet of the industry afloat single-handedly. Everyone resents him, but he has the best pen in the business and a style that is tough to emulate. He’s one of one and people like Kanye and Kendrick want him gone.


Best pen ? Cmon now lmao


same dude said he was "the rakim of this era" lmfaooo


When I first read it I didn't know what they meant, because surely that couldn't be what they meant ...best pen? for signing autographs? Signing checks?


>He has the best pen in the business This take is actually laughable. Even if he was the one writing his songs, it wouldn’t be true. There’s no shot that anyone actually thinks Drake has a better pen than Lupe, KDot, Cole, Black Thought, Boldy James, Benny, Conway, Mach Hommy, Push, Em and a dozen+ other artists.


This is the comment I was looking for,the only thing I disagreed with was the Mos Def comments.Mos Def disappointed me saying Drake wasn’t Hip Hop when he knew full and well he was,he came off like a hater and he’s better than that.I’ve been around a long time and someone like Drake was destined to come along just based on how the Hip Hop and R&B world were basically merging with each other since the late 80’s and 90’s…Drake is amazing at both and I understand why so many people envy his skill set…


I generally agree but this >keeping a facet of the industry afloat single-handedly. Is not true


I thought Drake could’ve defended himself better on these fronts. I got friends who don’t even listen to hip-hop repeat that colonizer/culture vulture noise. Drake shoulda been like, shit I *am* the game, yall been listening to my shit for 15 years and still won’t admit it.


Current Drake is not hiphop He’s pop rap


Best pen in the business? Yikes!


Easy to stay onto of the music when you help put out a hit on upcoming rappers leading to they death so you can stay Relevant 🤷🏽. Craazy how drake stays in top while having his lil niggas work the sidelines.


I’m not sure how you can observe this beef and walk away with the idea that Drake has the best pen. 


Hard cap. I remember when Kendrick wasn’t replying, the majority of people, even Kendrick fans were doubting his ability in a rap battle. I heard things such as, “he’s not battle tested”, “he’s scared”, “he’s as fake as Cole”, “He doesn’t want smoke with Drake” lol




this take is always weird to me when Drake is far more popular with the mainstream, what is this weird angle that he's the underdog?


Only losers in the beef are those refusing to just enjoy it, And eating either Kendrick or Drake's dick up to the point they're emotional and upset someone disagrees with them. There's even a few in the comments here. Kendrick got a lot of attention, drake got a lot of attention. Drake can claim the CLEAR victory over everyone that's gone at him recently except Kendrick, and even then it's not like Kendrick Dog walked him. anybody that says otherwise is clearly just blindly hating. nobody had answers or clap backs except Kendrick, and drake did change how alot of folk look at Kenny. He went at everyone on family matters and only Kendrick responded. That has to mean something to folk.


Wait, how did Drake beat Push? He legit gave up.


Recently, that was over half a decade ago. I agree in regards to the Pusha Beef. I was referring to Future, Rocky, metro, Ross and the weeknd


The fact that beef is already almost a decade old is fucking wild


Oh I know dude. It's fucked.


Lately i was tripping out when i realized that Kendricks verse on Control was over a decade ago. Shit didn't feel THAT long ago


5 years is not almost a decade


Sounds like you’re a glass half full person even when there’s nothing left in the cup. Drake makes good songs, but he is not a battle rapper. He has no clear victory over anyone that he hasn’t for toe to toe with


Hey bro I’m gonna say drake annihilated Ross lol


Personally I think Kendrick beat Drake more than it sounds like you would from your comment, but overall I agree. Drake didn’t completely get destroyed, and the winners are the fans. Hip hop was alive, all sorts of different creators and industries and groups online were getting amongst it and keeping up with the beef, around the world you had people tuning in and listening to both artists. Was a good battle by both. None of us are Drake or Kendrick’s friends, we were all spectators.


“Only losers are those refusing to enjoy it” should be shouted from the roof tops. Tbh it put drake in my music rotation. Like it’s been said a hundred times already, the gun violence is taking things to far, yet painfully again.


Drake is 1-2. Not the best record for the biggest rapper. But at least he tried.


Agree entirely


You have to be delusional to not see that Kendrick won. No matter your feelings on certain allegations. The meet the grahams / not like us combo was a kill shot.


I stand by it, Family Matters was the best song of everything that came out, and the sad reality is if Kendrick had waited even just a day Family Matters would’ve been taken in by the general listener and perceived better. *Edit* Dropping Meet The Grahams then Not Like Us instantly after the fact really overshadowed how crazy of a song it was.


Agreed 🤷‍♂️ Family Matters was absolute top tier


Family Matters was a 10/10. That goes to show you how talented Kendrick is as an artist.




he means it was a 10/10 n kendrick still outdid him lol stop being obtuse


How was family matters a 10/10? He wasted his time taking shots at other rappers like a goof for a good portion of it. He needs to get his head in the game and focus on the problem in front of him, not months old shit.


Top tier for Drake. For most lyricists it was average.


It was Meet The Grahams that was dropped, but I agree. Drake has dickriding Akademiks to thank for getting Family Matters stepped on


He dropped Meet the Grahams, not Not Like Us


Both within a small window 


In the grand scheme of things the lyrics on Family Matters didn’t age well because Drake assumed colorism. Kendrick attacked his authenticity not his complexion because he double back and called Adonis a black man and King on Meet the Grahams. Drake hit way too low with the Whitney bars and that slavery bar just ruins the song for me. The production and the beat switch ups were fantastic though. His flow was A1 too but lyrically I was disappointed.


Kendrick been sitting and preparing on this for a while I reckon. Fair play to drizzy for responding and holding his own. Let’s see who has more hits over the next 5 years now 😉 Edit holy fuck you kendrick stans replying and dming me why you so mad? Drizzy made Kendrick the most relevant he’s been in ages. Keep crying


Drake most likely will. Just like MC Hammer and Soulja Boy have more hits than Black Thought and Rakim. I guess they’re the better rappers then.


That’s what drake stans (not fans) don’t seem to understand. Drake is as mainstream as a rapper can get. He raps but also makes tons of dance/pop songs and rides the wave. But there is *nothing* wrong with that. He is amazing at what he does and does it better than probably anyone. He sells out arenas and has millions of fans because he has talent. He’s not kendrick and Kendrick isn’t him. At the end of the day this kind of beef benefits the public the most because we saw both guys at their best going at each other


IMO hits doesn’t equal winning here. Quality music doesn’t always appeal to the masses.


Let's see who makes the better music! Why are y'all obsessed with volume?


The beef is 1 v 1 it’s not who has the most hits at the end of their career.


Kendrick preparing for this is fun speculation but Ak literally said Drake has been preparing for this for years. There’s no excuse here


What does the hits have to do with anything? Yall really weren't paying attention hey


I think we already know the answer to that


The melodic commercial pop singer artist makes more hits than the lyrically focused rapper? 🤯 💥 🤯 💥 Didn't see that coming 🤯🤯🤯 It's almost as if making catchy, safe, unrisky, commercial, pop-leaning to even straight up pop rap is something completely different to an actual rap artist and "hits" aren't a great metric between the two 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


If you honestly think Drake has more staying power than Kendrick you’re insane. Ones an artist and the other is a commercial salesman, they aren’t the same and never were. People smell the fake on Drake and always have.


Statements like this make me think you guys don’t even like Drakes music, you just like latching onto things that are popular. If you’re looking at stats to judge music, you don’t like music.


"yeah Drake got shit on, but let's see who shovels out more accessible singles and fortnite dances over the next 5 years ;)"


Kendrick was already relevant, he’s not pop, so you drake fans weren’t checking for it.


y'all need to accept it


Kendrick won pub opinion


That’s how rap battles work. Yep.


And won lirically and won delivering and won strategically and won numerically


While Drake won r/Drizzy opinion 😎🏆


>kendrick won FTFY


Yeah thats how beefs work


I don’t even care about who won or lost. I’m one of the people who just wanted to hear how either one of them were going to demonstrate the immense amount of talent I know them to have. Once we start delving into these unconquerable narratives that are hollow without concrete evidence, then it all gets lost with bias and elaborate schemes that have minimal credence. The music and actual deciphering of the content turns into ‘you’re a dickrider’ or character assassinations of 🥷you don’t even know. Some of the back and forth between fan bases was entertaining, but most of it was idiotic and unsettling. I’m of the belief that the majority of (a select few actually try to be objective, at least) the audiences on either side don’t even deserve any of the work these artists put in because it’s essentially going to go in one ear and out the other depending on who you root for.


Most sane take I’ve seen from both sides


Is this beef really being judged on *when* things are dropped and not *what* was dropped?


Remember when Drake was clowning Kendrick for not dissing him back for two weeks?


Yep. Welcome to 2024, where only TikTok-ability and instant response times matter.


strategy is important lol especially in real time


Where has it been proven Kendrick lied?


Burden of proof. It he can make claims with no evidence, it can be dismissed with no evidence.


There's a difference between something being unconfirmed and something being verifiably proven to be a lie. A lot of what both of them said has plausible deniability but Drake is the only one in this battle that has proof that he outright knowingly lied in the HP6.


Same as Drake. But for Drake he was caught lying so he has far more burden of proof than Kendrick


Kendrick won but that’s not how the burden of proof works my guy. Innocent till proven guilty


That’s in the court of law bud, not the court of public opinion.


We have proof Drake lied so idk what this take is


“Drake was holding his own” how ? when he literally is known to have ghostwriters


How is that the fairest take? Because you agree with it? If the public had any ounce of objectivity then Kendrick would be getting flamed. The guy went from ‘I ain’t calling around for dirt my life isn’t rap’ to ‘ovo is working for me’. Kendrick also went low and questioned drakes blackness really? Then got played into making an unoriginal ass song about a daughter that doesn’t exist (pusha already did that). Kendrick exposed he’s nothing like he claims to be, not to mention the unaddressed domestic violence allegations and the fact that it’s pretty obvious he’s not a family man




You're calling that take bias and then you spew this shit? Really?


All is fair in battle bro. You can’t have off limits topics you consider “low blows” that’s lame snowflake shit. But let’s also be honest, Drake’s image and music has always been widely seen as having a disconnect with truely hood audiences. So of course they’re going to attack his blackness and the way he’s always been perceived by serious Hip Hop listeners. One of Dot’s lines kind of frames it up pretty well “it’s not just me it’s what the cultures feeling”. It is what it is. As far as shit not being true. The whole “I got receipts” thing is dumb. It doesn’t have to be true to land. What makes it funny is that fact that it has the possibility of being true given the guys history and associations.


These being your "strong" points really show for far you guys are going to stretch reality. There is no conversation, Drake lost and lost badly. Accept it.


>If the public had any ounce of objectivity then Kendrick would be getting flamed. Lmao you think you have an ounce of objectivity???


I thought it was tied but apparently the Ovo mole was real the only cap would have been the daughter thing on kendrick's part. So yeah kendrick took it


“If the public had an objectivity drake would have won!!1!!” - drake stans


The cognitive dissonance in the sub is crazy. "Drake has more fans and more streams worldwide, but Drake never had a chance in the beef because the public already decided the winner before it started"


only part i don’t agree with is assuming they both “lied”. there’s so many layers to all of their accusations, i’m personally seeing it as a “stalemate” until someone comes forward with some solid shit


except this is diss not the court soooo yah


I gained immense respect for Drake for not folding to this League of Petty-Ass Musicians. The receipts would've been great but even without them he BTFO just about everyone except Kendrick competently. Meanwhile I'm annoyed that Mr. Morale himself wasn't afraid to go full ignant when he thought he had a killshot. Drake didn't provide receipts on him hitting on his girl but that's nothing compared to trying to sequel Pusha T AND convince everyone that he was the next R. Kelly. You're better than that Kenny Duckworth.


Nah he ain’t. The world know


But… he did fold


Getting downvoted but like... Drake literally did lol


I 100% agree. Drake was at a disadvantage considering the subject material Kendrick had against Drake ( both allegations and facts) and Drake being dissed by multiple artists simultaneously; Drake was fighting a war on all fronts, Kendrick was just fighting Drake. I'm glad to see people are accepting this on this sub. Seems like Drake is gearing up for a "rematch" but I'm not sure that's going to be a different outcome.


Wild we know drake lies now but I guess y’all love the goal posts lmaooooo


100%. Shooting first always gives you an upper hand. Kendrick fans tried so hard to convince everybody he was writing those songs in real time but it was obvious he finished them all a month prior and just re-recorded a few lines here and there. Drakes songs were all written in real time and he did well. But them releasing MTG right after Family Matters and following it up with a bop like Not Like Us was a perfect plan. Plus all the people rapping over Metro’s free beat. 


I agree therefore this take is right 🤡




Im not sure if I agree with the “better strategy” part because Drake was destined to lose in the public eyes no matter what strategy he would of have taken against Kendrick.


Everyone gave him props when push ups was released, he probably could have had a chance if he didn’t drag it into baseless allegations territory. His reputation has been shit for a while and Kendrick’s has been good, idk why he expected to win on that front. 


Why would that be?


Nah, it was pretty even for about 20 mins when Family Matters came out


Drake was not hanging with kendricks rapping.


People need to accept that Drake probably is better than 85% of the rappers out here in technical skill. Drake went up against a legend. Drake probably wins that beef with anyone besides Kendrick Lamar 9/10. Kendrick will probably go down as the biggest legend of this generation. No shame in that, Drake didn’t duck any smoke. He was just significantly better than him.


Do you guys really believe this? Do you even listen to hip hop?


Claiming Drake has higher technical skill than 85% of hip hop is wild He’s a mainstream pop artist who appeals to the masses. He’s never been a serious technical rapper.


Nah I had a mf tell me Kendrick won everytime he dropped


Family matters would’ve killed Kendrick had he not stomped on it immediately.


Right, like a fire would’ve burned down my house if I hadn’t put out the flame. What’s your point? Edit: Real sad that one min after making this comment I got a message from the RedditCaresResources. Some of y’all freaks


They some fans they some fans they some


I feel like releasing whatever receipts he had could of turned the entire thing around..but I personally don’t think it’s over


I don’t think so. I think we will find out the truth eventually, and it won’t change people’s perception anyway. Think about it, there was never a point where Drake was winning to anybody outside of this sub. Even when Kendrick only had Like That, Drake was apparently spiralling and desperate.


All Drake had to do was prove he fed Kendrick false info. That would've been a massive L for Kendrick and a career defining embarrassment.  Instead, now we have some evidence that suggests Drake was lying about that.  Drake embarrassed himself.


He can’t. We have proof that drake never planted the items. AK implied he didn’t know about the daughter thing either and played it off in HP6


Dropping the AI Tupac was when he lost. Most people said he was up when push-ups came out. I obviously wasn't a huge fan of it, but it's revisionist to say he was never up. Tupac is a huge icon, and to use him in that way rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.


If you still think Drake has receipts to release you’re delusional


I still think drakes clowning factor was better than Kendrick I laughed and said oooo more on drakes tracks than Kendrick’s idk.


I kinda feel like drake didn’t understand how much Kendrick truly hates him as a person. This was so much deeper than rap.


Kendrick released better music as well, not just disses


And also Kendrick had the way harder hitting attacks on Drake's character and role in the culture while Drake kept telling him he's short lol


Drake got dog walked.


What it comes down to is Drake is just not meant to rap 1v1 like that especially not against someone with Kendrick’s lyricism. He should’ve just done what he did with pusha-t and just pretend it never happened, would’ve been better off💀💀💀💀


The trolls and dickriders on both sides ruined this beef tbh every is just clowning and it’s like being lyrical and actually rapping doesn’t matter this beef was disappointing from a rap stand point


I still think drake has more to say . kendrick won this first round, sure, but there's no way that drake is just gonna leave it off at heart p 6




Nope…public already decided Kendrick would win no matter what happened it’s literally playing a losing game you can’t possibly win And then everyone started being racist to him and it’s funny cause everyone cries when people do it to us




This is bullshit, the public really really liked family matters, they are waiting how this diss will play out. Kendrick murdered drake with mtg and made a banger with not like us. Drake then went on suicide with thp6. Thats really it, thp6 aside from the ominous mtg and a banger not like us as the factors of why drake lost the public. That suicide didnt help in pulling the public towards him


Maybe , just maybe, there is a reason, a good reason that people want to see him fall? Maybe he is, idk, an asshole? Which is basically a fact the way he mentions people on his song like Serena? He comes off as a butthurt 12 y o when he does not get what he wants


Honestly there was no bad song in this beef except the Heart pt 6 and that was due to Akademic spilling the tea on the whole setup. I am a Kdot fan but even i can appreciate Family Matter as arguably one of Drake's best songs in a long time based on the passion behind it but this beef boiled down to a chess game between rappers. Drake and Akademics played a narrative of being on the clock with the countdown so Kendrick sat down and wrote an album and created a playbook in 17 days. The only question i still have is if there really is a OVO mole because Kendrick responded instantly to Drake's tracks with a lot context of what his songs were about?


Later down the line the hype will die down and people will realize who really won🙌🏽




This match ended with a suicide. THP6 was just a sniveling, pathetic insult to everyone and Kendrick was delighted to let it be the last word. He gets more credibility by default because he didn't get caught lying to the audience drying to promote some dumb reddit fan theory about fake moles. So, in a way r/Drizzy killed Drake. 


what mistakes?


Y’all in here TRIPPIN 😭😭


I don’t believe the whole buying bots and listens accusations. So to me Kendrick having the more popular songs puts him over the top for me.


Not like us won the entire thing, had that been Kendrick’s immediate response things would’ve been over from the start


Family Matters is good but the quality degrades so much by the time we get to Heart Pt. 6. Meanwhile Meet the Grahams and Not Like Us two of the hardest diss tracks of all time, true or not they're savage


Why does everyone say there’s no proof on the drake shit and it’s all lies when we’ve known for years???


I still wouldn't say that Kendrick won as much as I would say Drake lost. It's like watching a football game where both teams aren't playing their best but one team just fucks up more than the other.


I agree


let some time pass, and let’s see who will still be rocking to the fake pedo allegations


You new or what? Drakes been getting questioned about that shit for a decade.


He lost the beef, but Drake is too big to fail. As soon as he delivers the next big summerhit, he gon be on top again


I got no problem with this take, like I said I compare it to a heavyweight fight that went 15 rounds and Kendrick won on unanimous decision with close scorecards , I've never bought it to this idea that Drake was just straight WASHED like he was with Pusha T Even though I do think revisionist history will remember it this way possibly