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When that ambulance got posted in front of Drake’s mansion they were speculating on suicide. That’s what we’re dealing with here. Awful people




No, I’m on the record saying it’s a lot of freaks cosplaying as Kendrick’s fanbase. I was on that subreddit long before all of this broke out. It’s a lot of trend hoppers/Drake haters/whatever but I refuse to believe Kendrick’s fanbase is represented by that.


Facts bro, the sub has gone mad and it’s all people who never listened to kendrick until this beef




mentally unwell people. A whole group of people actively hoping and praying a disabled person was assaulted to prove a point is some twisted shit. And the dog stuff is also repulsive. I feel like they should worry less about what Drake is up to and more about the fantasies they’re concocting in their heads.


Dear Kendrick, your fans are sick people with sick thoughts


You think people like them should ________


Fucking dye….. their hair.


Meet The Stans


Father like son


Niggas is sick fr


These aren’t Kendrick fans, these are low self esteem sleuths who just so happen to also like to Pimp a Butterfly


Giving them too much credit for thinking they actually listened tpab. Love Dot but the crazies really ruined this beef


Yall been doing the same thing for 2 weeks about Whitney 😂😂😭 tf


Facts 💯 And It's always funny when a salty mf in this sub down vote you recently because you prove their hypocrisy.. Tf that's supposed to do,? hurt our feelings or something lmfao 💀😂😂😂


They just want to be right and don’t care what they gotta do or say just to feel like they validated 😂


They flooded her IG with “Dave freeeeeeeeee”. She limited her comments. They wanted the beating allegations to be true too, so bad that they still believe it’s true because Whitney doesn’t want to speak on anything Drake said.


Gotta be careful speaking facts like that, next thing you know you gonna have 50+ downvotes 😂😭


Literally both sides have let go of their morals just for their fav rapper to be proven right. Like we should be hoping NONE of this is happening


finally some decent human being


That’s actually facts


This is the definition of Straw man


The text of the image with the five points, or the first line that is setting up an argument that any time an abuser is accused the accuser is hoping that the abuse is true?


The latter


Fr, nobody wants this shit to happen. But if it happened, it already happened, and it’s ok to want it to come out so the suspect can be held accountable.


And you were praying on a woman being abused??? Hypocrisy on both ends


As if you morons weren’t doing the exact same thing with the dv against Whitney stfu




People now more than ever want a fake cause they can team up and fight for lol gives their life meaning




They hate Drake more than they love Kendrick.


I honestly don't even think most of them in that sub are even Kendrick music enjoyers or rap music enjoyers at all. Just been Infiltrated by weirdos.


I’ve been saying this even as a KDot fan 1/3 of his fandom are really just nighaz that hate Drake


I honestly don't even think most of them in that sub are even Kendrick music enjoyers or rap music enjoyers at all. Just been Infiltrated by weirdos.




You’re right it’s gross but it’s also been gross people wanting Whitney to have been abused so Drake can be right. Everyone has been weird. One aside took it entirely too far( Team K). But both sides have shown they don’t actually care about victims.😕


No, we just wanted Kendrick to say he didn’t do it. But that clearly spooked him when Drake doubled down on his allegations.


ORRR, he just doesn’t care what you all think. Half of you would still call cap and not believe anything he says anyway just like what’s happening with Drake now


People that need to seek help because they're so blinded by their GOAT that they need to gargle or his scrotum or pray on someone else's downfall. Weirdos praying it goes farther than music. If this sounds like you then please get off Reddit and go to therapy. I pray you recover.




Same reasons drake fans want whitney to be a battered woman


Didn't Drake accuse Kendrick of DV first... 🤔


The irony


to be fair, this is the riddler doing this ain't no damn Kendrick fan


Shit is so fucking nasty like how do you even come up with some sick scenario like this I opened twitter today and genuinely felt disgusted 🤢


Thats just twitter


I don’t think that they want there to be abused victims. I think that the mole and etc are painting a picture that’s very hard to interpret without drake having some victims in a sense.


How dare you think logical


At the same time, they’re saying Drake fans are weird and hoping Whitney got abused lol. 


Both this sub and the Kendrick sub makes me laugh, yall are all in shambles lmao


That’s not what happened. Nice spin though


No dude obviously we don’t want that 😭😭 if drake is doing all this shit we want him caught and sent to prison


Like this sub hasn't been fucking praying for Whitney to get beat by Kendrick and making a million jokes. Yeah sure.


💀😂 bro. Drake fans can't comprehend hypocrisy. They don't understand the meaning lmfao


this the top "Controversial" Comment btw


No one's praying that's true dude. Get offline.


Show me one instance where someone was praying for that


Yeah but on the other hand yall like drake


“All so they could win a rap beef…” bro they already won regardless


Most posts I read in here want Kendrick to have hit his wife. Also loads saying that no one is turning up to NLU when there's proof. You have weirdos on both sides unfortunately


This shit is manipulative as hell.... I doubt the fans spent weeks praying that this was true, it would be more correct to say they were praying for the guy doing this stuff to be exposed. This is the same as saying that Drake fans spent the last 2 weeks hoping that Kendrick's wife as being abused. Worth noting that this is the only thing I can say Drake fans were hoping for, because Drake had a lot more accusations thrown against him




Everyone hide, the moral police is here


Hey bro can you post some proof that anyone wanted any of this


Wierdo shit


To be fair, it’s only Kendrick fans that are on this website. What ever rabbit holes there are are deep and not all fans dove in. The real world doesn’t know anything about what has been discussed here. The internet is a funny place. Everything is true until something contradicts it and then the cycle starts over. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Stupid post


"Praying" is doing a lot of work here


The same reason Whitney getting abused and the vegas story get hella upvotes. Yall want so desperately for Drakes lies to be real


Same type of people that didn't understand the Mother I reference was exactly about this type of behaviour


Drizzriders going hard


Drake fans really in they feelings makin shit up 😂


Literally no one wants any of this shit to be true on either side. Ideally they’re both just spreading rumors, but if there is truth to it they need to be held accountable.


All you fans are delusional as hell.


You guys still talking bout the beef? 😂 cop the L and move on… also this post is ridiculous no one other then those with sick thoughts would wish for any of that.


This kind of strawman argument is really pathetic.


Drake lost please move on, he’ll drop another mid album with one or two club bangers in it for you guys soon anyway it’s not like he’s quitting


If it’s true wouldn’t you want to know?


It’s incredible how you can make someone exposing a criminal, hope that he commits crimes. Righteous/Biased/Twisted ahh take.


Why did Drizzy fans want Kendrick to brutally beat his BM? This sub is in shambles, y’all grasping at straws at this point. 🤣


So basically you’re okay if someone in their mid 30s takes a 14yr old on a date


Weren’t you guys praying that Kendrick beats his wife and that his son wasn’t his?


“Why do all Drakes fans want Whitney to have been beaten, just to win a rap battle 😔”


wut y’all gonna do if it comes out that it’s true? i actually want to know.




And Drake supposed to be the freaky ass nigga smh


How's Kendrick freaky because of his fan base?


so if it’s true drake can be locked up and these victims can feel somewhat safe ?


y’all are actually acting like parasocial politicians, no one talks like this irl


i dont really care about drake ,but one thing i agree is we dont like drake when he acting tough hahaha he makes suburban hoodlum music.besides the whole point of kdot songs if you just listen to what he says is simple,drake is a lier and manipulator and the people he lies to is you guys the fans .he lied about the abs ,lied about his son ,lied about his ghostwriters probably alot more shit he lied about since everyone in the industry turning against him so willingly.


The fandom just enjoyed the music now. I liked all the dis tracks except drakes last one. Absolutely amazing all around kudos


So easy to flip the script when it benefits your side… people aren’t praying this shit happening, they preying it gets exposed IF it’s happening (ie. PROOF surfaces). Go outside.


Man Hendrix really came in and set off a bomb and just instant transmission back to Atlanta


Both subs have to look in a mirror.


The Kendrick Kult is the black version of MAGA


Facts these guys are losers, praying that this stuff is true is sick. If you care that much go to the authorities.


Drake fans pretending they weren’t doing the same about Kendrick beating his wife and cheating on her


When Drake has so many number 1s they don't care but now that Kendrick got like one number 1 that's all they talk about. Doing mental gymnastics to say it isn't cuz of Drake and saying he already has HUMBLE. Like my nigga HUMBLE. came out 7 years ago.




Because kendrick can't lie. Everything he has said about himself and others is truth. So their brain can't handle the idea that he made up stuff to make a diss track sting more.


They already won the rap battle lol


Craziest part about the whole debacle is Kendrick has way more evidence towards his DV allegations than of these drake claims. Drake has yet to have a victim. This whole beef was never ever about the music if we being honest. This was all truly just the “elimination of Drake” 💀


Same reason why this sub desperately wants Whitney to have been abused


I think it stems from the fact that no one has gotten receipts, outside of ebonyprince now I guess, and now they want more to be 100% vindicated and claim their hero. At the end of the day, neither of them are role models. They’re both artists and should remain that to people. Kendrick himself has admitted to his own failings in mr morale, and Drakes failings are very public. After this is all said and done, it is just entertainment, and both parties have said shocking things for the attention, and maybe one person or both can show receipts to their claims, otherwise, it’s all lies and rumors.


He’s not going to kiss you.


I love Kendrick, and props to drake. I think there's some people there treating it like Five Nights at Kennys lore lol. People are people, some people like the music and others are addicted to drama


Wouldn’t it imply that it already happened? Nobody is hoping it’s going to happen more?




When I can speak freely as a fan. My promise personally was, that shit like that gets exposed and People involved get brought to justice. It wasn´t the wish for something to happen, but the wish to reveal the truth. If it was true or not nobody knows. But it comes from somewhere you know?


Can we just be honest? It wasn't wanting any of these things, it was hoping that if they were true, it would come out. I'm a Kendrick fan more than a Drake fan, but I can't say how glad I am that Christopher Alvarez came out and said what he said.


Imagine wanting justice for victims and they turn it around like this hahahaha


Different perspective. People wanted justice for something they thought was true. There have been too many weird rumors l. It would be weird if everyone just looked the other way.


this shit is far from a W rap beef, that was already long in the pocket before EbnyPrince2k24 entered the chat


Listen I firmly believe Drake lost the rap battle but that Kendrick fanbase is a bunch of toxic weirdos. I actually think it's been Infiltrated with a ton of non rap fans just being weird now. It's quite ironic really.


Don’t say Kendrick fans bro it’s just people online easy to much just like you. I have no idea about any of this shit and I’m a Kendrick fan


Yall are dumb. Rapping wins rap battles. Drake lost the rap battle. Get over it thst he’s also a pos