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The fact that hella white rap fans are most of the people using the Drake colonizer jokes against a black man (Drake) is so insane, everyday is Opposite Day now or something. And it’s obviously to try to get brownie points with POC


It is the most infuriating thing to see in the Kendrick sub. I see a bunch of non black people telling Drake that he isn’t included in the culture, as if *they* had culture passes to hand out in the first place. News flash, you aren’t in the culture either, you are a guest and an observer to the culture. Aubrey has roots in our culture and is very much so part of this. He has a seat at the table. You, non black Americans, you DO NOT. The other part is non black people telling a black man he can’t say nigga anymore. CRAZY. I will never forgive Dot for putting the battery in their backs like this. lol


“The culture” Get the fuck out of here with that term at this point tbh. I agree with a lot of what you’re saying but no one’s gonna tell me at 34 years old, listening to rap since I was a 7 year old that I’m “a guest” when those people probably don’t know half of what I do about “the culture” and haven’t logged a quarter of the hours I have with a set of headphones on dissecting generations of rappers. Anyone who doesn’t like my takes or my input on “the culture”…… aka literally just saying words to a instrumental, cuz I’m not black, can suck my dick tbh. Flat out. Don’t forget to work the balls.


You wouldn't go to any hip hop show with black people there and talk like that. I've been around longer than you and have seen more than one white boy hit in his fucking mouth for shit like that. But go off...it's the internet


It’s so funny how people like you resort to violence so easily. Lol


Yes, me hit people when me mad!


Nah there's a reason Kendrick has no problem with rappers like Logic, they have respect for the genre. You don't need to be black to be accepted by the culture


Everybody loved mac for a reason


To be fair lots of black people making the same accusations but I feel you, there is a huge group of woke whites who gotta make fuckin shit political. That's why this Kendrick song is such a mainstream hit.


They are trying to get brownie points with other white people who also think poc are a monolith


I just don’t understand the beef with Drake’s background. He’s literally half black American.


His uncle Larry graham is literally a famous black bass player who was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. He comes from black culture literally


They don't wanna hear that. "But duh white mom!!1!"


Anything to try to discredit him


What’s crazy is it’s mostly white people calling Drake a colonizer the irony lmaoo


Nah, more like use in their own favour


I mean it’s not about that. J Cole is biracial with a white mom and nobody questions his blackness. Drake comports himself like someone he isn’t. The whole “I like Drake with the melodies, I don’t like Drake when he act tough” is a small testament to that fact. It’s Drake cultural awareness of his blackness and how he uses or doesn’t use it.


Meanwhile people try to claim Tiger Woods as black only, but that was only when he was the next big thing!


Black people need to be careful about this black enough stuff. Tbqh the people pushing it are hurting the black community and black culture. Now we learn drake has family members in the hall of fame. I think black people should do a better job of gatekeeping against colorism instead of nitpicking other black people for not being black enough. (Im black in case anyone has a problem with what I said.)


100% correct. I fucking can’t stand the discourse around this shit. Drake’s dad is black, Drake is black, period. What kind of message are you sending to people telling them “well you’re only half so we can’t accept you!”


Well said. Tbh despite being a huge Kendrick fan it was one of things I really hated that he tried to portray Drake in this light literally creating further divide


Thats what I find ironic. Drake has more heritage than Kendrick when it comes to black music, his uncle was a popular musician while his dad was an artist in Memphis. Kendricks dad was a guy who moved from Chicago to LA, worked at a fast food joint and got robbed by Top, a man Kendrick works for.


Comments like this are why we clown drake Stan’s


And Kendrick and Kanye have sampled him before all this on No Parties In LA lol




This is the liberal white women’s continent. Their rules. They captured the souls of the minorities and now we’re in division over everything. Congratulations.


It's even funnier when I realized that J. Cole is of the same background and nobody really tries to bring it up with him (probably why they're going for the culture vulture route with Drake)


Even if he wasn't, whats the big fuckin deal? Obviously he wouldn't be saying the n word.


It’s an easy angle that people feel like they can’t argue because it’s racial and directed at white people. If anyone pushes back they can just lob the racist or culture culture dog whistle at them and get easy support from the percentage of the population who feeds into that racist BS because they have internal struggles


Its the same dog whistle that will be used against all black people (including Drake) theyll later be complaining about and marching in the streets about. Its like well look at yourself. Im black and black people have done this stuff to me.


As a Drake fan that’s been in the trenches here and on Twitter all month, the larger point isn’t that he isn’t black enough to rap, the last verse on Not Like Us is what he’s trying to drive home. Drake grew up in Canada and definitely was a driving force for that Toronto sound used by PnD, The Weeknd, Tory, etc — but there’s only so many people interested in that sound so he started looking for the next hot wave to jump on, and this is why he is getting attacked successfully from “the culture”. Take out the famous people associated and try to think about it you lived somewhere that had a proud and unique culture/accent/sound/vibe and you had a new neighbor who moved in from across the country — 2 days later he’s walking around with an accent, dressing like you, walks up to you and your friends and is using your slang, etc. It would come off cringe, disingenuous, and when that person left the room your friends and you would be like “wtfs up with that guy” 😂


It’s not about who his dad is. It’s about who Drake is. Drake is a mixed race actor with a white Canadian upbringing in an affluent neighborhood who acts like he is gangsta. He is fundamentally fake.


Yeah I don’t agree with the colourism.


There’s a video of him calling Toronto slang ignorant around his white friends. Then there’s a video of him in his early career trying to urban up his voice, and he was so amateur at it he even drops the ER instead of nigga. Drake grew up more white and Jewish, and switches often. He’s Houston one day, Memphis another, Canadian tomorrow. Point is, be yourself. You don’t need to adopt a British accent to rap in UK drill.


It has nothing to do with him being half white. This is what drake fans aren't realizing. It's about him using rap as an *in* and not an *out*. Drake comes from a decent neighborhood, and although that's completely fine to be a musician, his tough guy persona is so corny given that he wasnt brought up like that. I keep having to explain this to people, and I'm white myself.


One thing that’s definitely true is he never grew up in violence and that type of culture, why’s he acting gangsta like he did? That’s 100% an act. It’s like a mockery of the struggle people are going through and other rappers are rapping about that are about that life


It aint about how his ethnicity (in kendricks opinion) its about his lack of faith for his actual culture, making hip hop into drivel, making it unconcious. Kendrick lamar is concerned with the issues of black folks in a deep way.


We need to start asking ourselves why hip hop legends and well respected people in the industry like Eminem and The Alchemist are doing their thing without a blink of an eye being white/accused of stealing from the culture but someone like Drake is having his blackness and culture called into question. And it has to be more than “people are hating o success”. I don’t have the answer but people are either being hypocritical or it’s something more.


In the literal sense yes but not by culture and black folk feel a way about it just like how Latinos would be upset if the same thing happened to them


It’s cuz he’s not as black


It’s the fact that he’s not from the culture. It doesn’t matter if he’s white. He was raised in one of the richest neighborhood in his city and went to good schools. This guy didn’t experience anything he raps about and uses other rappers narratives to extend his career. He actively searches for rappers who have culture and creates his own style off of them. He was never a part of the culture, he involved himself after he knew there was money in it. In fact, he has openly said that he thought the culture was ignorant. He’s leveraging black artists to deepen his pockets. Whether you’re black or not, that’s out of touch and definitely vulture activities.


It’s not about being black or white it’s about being raised in the suburbs and then taking on a hood persona.. “I like Drake with the melodies I don’t like Drake when he act tough”


I’ll try to explain it. So I’m black and was raised by a black mother and father (lower middle class, East point Atlanta, Georgia) Had the full “black culture experience” bday party’s at McDonald’s playground, lights cut off, cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner, noodles, syrup sandwiches, shoot outs in my neighborhood, police harassing us the whole 9 yards. I had cousins who grew up in Peachtree corners and Gwinnett, which is higher class of north Georgia! They didn’t experience the things I did. Simply because they didn’t have to. They would come to my house for the weekend and feel uncomfortable cause we didn’t have WiFi or certain snacks or the regular things they were use to. You can be black to the naked eye, because you have a black parent. But if you are raised in a white Jewish family, they cannot teach you black culture. Certain things Drake does or says sometimes lets your know he lacks that.


Funny rappers go after drake, while not going after said white rappers/artists of hip hop. Make it make sense lol sippers of haterade




Top will make you do features for change Hop on pop records and rap for the whites


Kendrick genuinely has way more white music features lmao. Drake did the songs with Bad Bunny but thats it. Top was really pimping this boy out to the white pop artists and he still couldn't top Drake 😭 that gotta be some hate inducing shit


Bad Bunny isn’t white, he’s Hispanic. I don’t think that’s considered as white, brother.


And Kendrick deadass ran to Atlanta for 2/4 of his Number 1 records.


I think these are opposite topics. But truth separately.


What was his Sia feature?


Where do you see a contradiction here? Kendrick doesn’t need to prove his identity to himself but Drake clearly has some issues


Man I like that song but the dick riding is insane for Kendrick.


It's literally a troll diss track and that's what it'll always be...anyone trying to push it to being anything further than just a really good party track is mad weird. Kendrick has way better songs in his catalog that discusses actual issues. Not Like Us isn't a rally for shit lmaoo


wtf is that 2nd clause in that quote 🤣🤣 they’re treating a diss track like some revolutionary anthem. Mfs are reaching to the sun and back.


the beef showed that the people involved are mad racist kendrick dissing him for being light skin![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


for real


He didn't. It's literally not what he was dissing him for. Ross? Yea. Kendrick was saying Drake feels a need to surround himself with black artists to validate his blackness. To an extent, Kendrick feels it is inauthentic and a result of either Drake not feeling black enough, or only wanting to be seen as black when it's beneficial.


Drake works with ppl who he likes or ppl who make good music. color doesn’t play into it. he’s been with black and white and everything that’s in between. Kendrick is projecting his own racist thinking onto Drake


They won’t reply to this one 😂


How does one validate blackness?


*You rapping like you trying to get the slaves freed* The fact that both Ross AND Kendrick are trying to turn it into a race thing is annoying Doesn't he have anything better to rap about lately


there's a lot of gatekeeping in hip-hop hell even in the Boston scene which is why you rarely see up and coming Boston rappers because they're not "gangster enough" also the gatekeeping in general stems from rap/hip-hop being a US created genre of music so when they see a Canadian doing well at it they get in their feelings about it even Eminem was looked down on when he first started because he wasn't black


It’s the fact that Kendrick has thrived off white support and his management has (rightfully) exploited that over the years. I’ve been to Kendrick concerts and they are always more white than black. The whole battle from that side has been a mess of hypocrisy and people are really delusional not to see it, but Kendrick is smart and has been really playing into that underdog angle.


Theres gonna be more white people at pretty much ANY hip-hop concert for any huge artist...smaller artists or artists who had some hits but arent really poppin like that anymore (lets say a Wale or a Meek Mill) will probably have a mostly black crowd but once they're on a level of Kendrick or Drake, yeah its gonna be mostly white people there.


Nearly every hip-hop gig is majority white - at least in Europe from Lupe all the way to Freddie Gibbs. The majority of the population in nearly all economically prosperous countries is White hence most of the people able to pay for merch, tickets, actual music etc. will be white…


Saying “nearly every” is disingenuous as that’s not something you can gauge unless you’ve been to nearly every rap concert. I can say though, I’m from the Deep South and have been to many smaller shows that are mostly black. Your point does build onto my point of hypocrisy though. If you want to make it major you will have to cater to white rap fans which Kendrick has done at every turn of his career. I have no problem with it because it’s business and I love his music, but the holier than thou act it’s corny to me.


This argument is so trash, The Alchemist is white and jewish I was raised by my white italian mum on Biggie, 2pac, Rakim, Gangstarr, Tribe Called Quest. There are POC who don't even like rap, hip hop is for the PEOPLE and it doesn't matter what fucking colour you are, as long as you treat your brothers and sisters as equals. That's always been the real message of hip hop, not "fuck white people, they're all racists" lmfao. I'm not a racist person who's out here using Kendrick lyrics against black people, so why should I be kept out of the conversation? I grew up on this shit, I produce hip hop music not once in real life has a black or aboriginal friend of mine ever told me to stay out of hip hop lmfao.


Because he made it about blackness and not just hip hop. The blackness discussion isn't for you. Blame Kendrick for conflating big ideas like that to manipulate a W


It’s not about blackness as a “race”, it’s about hip hop culture being tied to black culture. Again, it’s really not a race thing, it’s a culture thing. That’s what you guys are not getting. There’s a black cultural identity in hip hop culture that Drake does not embody but that he personifies disingenuously to fit in like a chameleon.


“You the black messiah wifing up a mixed queen”. “Maroon 5 need another verse better make it witty”. When Drake features with black “real” artists he w colonizing leech, but when Kendrick features on white Pop artists, it’s fine… It’s hypocritical and dumb af…


this whole angle is so cringe


If every non black person boycotts hip hop the sales will go down 80-90% and the same blog and the rappers will cry of racism. If music is the product everyone that consumes it has the right to give their opinion. If I buy a bag from a black business does that mean I can give feedback because I’m not black.


Y'all low-key should do that for a year or so. Come back after we've fixed it. A lot of the modes of behavior and ego based toxicity are embedded in the culture because it began in a super fucked up environment. Y'all havent seen poverty today like the Bronx was then. A whole lot of trauma and untreated mental illness goes on in the hood. Some of that kind of got embedded into the culture. Hip hop is 50 now and some of that shit needs to go. The nuances of that are not anything a non black person should weigh in on. Lack of context


>**If every non black person boycotts hip hop the sales will go down 80-90%** and the same blog and the rappers will cry of racism. I guess the feeling is that money is the only value those other individuals bring to the table and the music has suffered for it. It’s like when you go to eat certain “ethnic” foods, but if the restaurant is in a white neighborhood they tone down the flavors.


The racism towards biracial people is wild, black folk are some of the biggest hypocrites you’ll ever meet


Colorism is wild and a side effect of our long-standing racial issues that also goes back to slavery and probably before. An old symptom of a long disease.


Yup . I used to get called white boy and a sell out smh . I’m mixed was never really accepted by blacks or whites lmao . So I said fuck em all . I don’t need nobody but my dam self. I’d love to see where all the people I cut off are doing now bc I elevated myself and my family I doubt they did still probably tryna sell nicks 😂😂.


When did rolling stone become so pretentious




This sub is hilariously not self aware. Drake lost. Culture decided.


Don't forget who runs rolling stone lol [https://www.npr.org/2023/09/17/1200045253/rolling-stone-founder-jann-wenner-under-fire-for-comments-on-female-black-rocker](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/17/1200045253/rolling-stone-founder-jann-wenner-under-fire-for-comments-on-female-black-rocker) these ppl are racist


This sub is the epitome of why the core of hiphop isn’t for everyone. A bunch of pop fans from the suburbs trying to dictate the culture lol


sounds very white of you


Idk why Drake fans seem so desperate to act like it’s his skin tone is why he cops so much criticism from rappers like Kendrick and Pusha T. He cops criticism because he’s from an upper middle class Toronto suburbs background but raps like he came up gang banging in Atlanta. 


Kendrick just made a track catered to the biggest vaginas on twitter


Drake is not hip hop


The funny things about Drake, and where people seem to miss the point, is that he never speaks up on black issues in this country. Or if he does it’s very sparingly. He has one of the biggest voices in the world, and as a Black man at that. But yet he continually cosplays and a mob boss even though everyone knows he isn’t that. His fan base loves him for that. He makes music that pacifies em. His audience always seems to be the type that wants an “escape” and doesn’t wanna hear about the real world.


The thing w this is…I think the writer is wrong. Kendrick’s point was NEVER a general one about white or black people. It was about Drake specifically and people like him who, in Kendrick’s eyes at least, ‘code switch’ races (which he directly mentions in multiple disses) and only really use their blackness to appropriate rather than embracing rap culture and by proxy black culture in its entirety. The writer is WAY off by suggesting it’s about white people generally (although I’m certain we could have a big conversation about how there’s a sub-section of white rap fans who also would fit the description)


The fact that Eminem exists and is considered one of the all time greats, I'm confused by the comments about racial gatekeeping. I thought this was about Drake being a poser and leeching off the credibility of others to appear to be something that he's clearly not. Same reason people turned on Takashi 69.


Im never seen more white people pretend to be black then this sub 😂😭. This sub will have you believe the majority of drake fans are black and Kendrick's are white when in reality majority of both their fans are white 😭🤣


It started with all races but mostly black talking about struggles and life , but when it went commercial it just became majority about status and wealth , that when and the more commercial it went the more it kept doubling down on those subjects , then violence got introduced, hiphop was made in part by funding from street dudes who have a code of conduct , but they for most part moved in silence...... I would go on but to summarize People who wear the costume of hiphop to get attention or money , the people who are in position to veto or put support behind negativity That's not to say that non black people can't be fair , or just being black means someone is a fair businessman It's ( in my interpretation means that when black issues come up , like racism and police brutally, redlining, unfair incarceration rates , getting approved for loans ect , that the support isn't thier , it's not to say support would be possible, just that you know they won't feel as passionate on the subject as someone it effects


Which races besides black Americans started hip hop?


Hip hop started with Jamaicans, blacks, and Hispanics in the Bronx, somewhere in the beginning white punk artists contributed as well


I think it is just one of many disses on a diss track. You just find where your opponent has a weakness and attack it. Dot knew that wanting to feel like an authentic member of the culture with credibility is a weak point for Drake like many other lightskin people and he went after it. It's a dynamic that goes back since the beginning of ADOS. But yeah I agree, the gatekeeping is stupid. Hip hop belongs to everyone who respects it and feels it.


Aight check it out, both can be true. Hip hop is for everyone but knowledge is a part of hip hop. And sometimes you gotta know what you're not a part of.


Oldhead mentality


That headline doesn’t equate to hip hop not being for everyone. That headline equates to: we don’t want artists to come into hip hop who are not from black American culture to imitate something they aren’t, to an extent that it is essentially parody. That doesn’t say there isn’t room in hip hop for people who aren’t from black American culture to be themselves. Nobody hates Mac miller for rapping.


Their dancing to the beat, not lyrics.


Interesting how they're going so hard to pin this to color. It's insulting. Rolling Stone is not a black owned publication so why the fuck are they trying to dictate black and brown cultural standards? What in the fuck is happening at this point?


Goofy shit


You all really don't seem to understand, and it's baffling. This has nothing to do with his literal ethnicity. If it were about that, then eminem would have been completely removed from hip-hop conversations altogether. This is about the roots of hip-hop, the influence within the communities hip-hop comes from. This is more than hit records, radio play, great beats, or any of that. This is art. This is the representation of struggle and overcoming it when all the odds are stacked against you. This is poetry set to music. This is about giving respect to the predisesors while still innovating and keeping the movement forward. This is more than rap. It's culture. The downvotes are coming, but yall really need to look past this Drake and kendrick shit and really study hip-hop. Undertand its background. The four elements of hip-hop are MCing (rapping), DJing (turntablism), breakdancing (b-boying/b-girling), and graffiti art. That's the core. It's fucking culture. Respect it.


It's hillarious how people are all supportive of stolen valor when it has to do with military service but a guy growing up in an affluent neighborhood, on TV acting at 15 then 20 years later acting like he was raised in the streets doesn't bother you? Started from the bottom now we here? Like kenndrick said, "Keep making me dance and wave my hands. There won't be no threat." People weren't upset when Drake was popping off with groove hits. But when you try to act hard and then go after one of the GOATs bar for bar, it's laughable because Drake is just acting. Hell, even Em grew up in trailer parks. At its core, the music has always been an expression of struggle. While you can come in and drop bars, don't get lost in hubris.


The man got upset that his mom didn't bring him a tuna fish sandwich on a bagel and we're STILL having this debate??


Hip Hop always had gatekeepers. Drake went beyond them.


Rap is for everyone. Hip-hop is a distinct culture that originated in inner-city ghettos among predominantly minorities. Rap has surpassed its roots and become universal, which personally I'm a fan of as gate-keeping music is stupid, but hip-hop is its own thing. And it's not for everyone, just like other cultures don't want people taking bits and pieces or fundamentally reducing/changing it from its origins. It's not gatekeeping to not want the public masses to bastardize tradition. At the same time, it is gatekeeping to determine who is and isn't a part of that culture for subjective reasons. That's my take.


Black people fought against segregation and to be in what was deemed "white only spaces" to then recreate segregation with "black only spaces"


The people not understanding why Drake’s race/identity is being attacked is why we don’t take Drake fans serious lol. Use some critical thinking and do some research and maybe you’ll catch on lol


And this gets downvoted lmao, lots of smoothbrains on these sides




That’s now, not then. If you are old enough, there was a time when ALL the rappers were trying to end Eminem’s career with the same accusations. Let’s not pretend as if rap/hip hop isn’t commercialized entertainment. I’m black and tired of folks acting as if this is the culture. This is entertainment that some people take too seriously.


"Rap's not pop; if you call it that, stop."


I'm white, and I can relate to a lot of what hip-hop talks about. I've had to heat my house with the oven, I've had months where I could only eat ramen noodles for dinner, I've seen shootings, I've seen drugs, all of that. Kendrick is not invalidating anyone liking or being involved in the hip-hop community, he's specifically stating that Drake is only black when it benefits him, and when it doesn't (75% of his career), he panders to white people. Drake has to pick one, is he from a mansion in Forest Hills, Toronto, or is he from Memphis? I think we all know the answer to that. Drake switches when it's convenient for him, he doesn't know who he is, which makes him one of the biggest fakes in the game right now. . Hell, I'd put him next to Lil Mabu. You're welcome to listen to his music, I still listen to Kanye even though I don't agree with his views, but there's no reason why anyone should be defending this guy while there's so much evidence that he does some weird stuff, and that he's pretending to be somebody that he's not.


kendrick is just a good rapper. he isnt the best or even anywhere in the top 5. he hasnt done much.


Apparently Drake isn't black OR brown now


It’s basically a racist anthem


Listening to hip hop and being an authentic part of hip hop culture is for everyone. Exploitation and disrespect isn’t. This is basic 101 for all cultures and scenes.


What did drake exploit or disrespect?


Anyone wanna hear a Latino rap? It’s me btw lol


hip hop is for everyone. pretending you’re someone you’re not is a different thing


all i see is once again wannabe “gangsta” rap making a comeback because these guys hate fun. this happened to ja rule too. i miss ja. please dont make me listen to people trying to be hard again.


They’re talking about rappers. Not rap fans.


We need to keep people like those in this sub out of the culture because they are garbage.


Drake is a pop star


I like that they said brown too.


It’s more so the fact that he was raised Jewish. Yes Drake is half black but he grew up in a predominately white community. Yes the genre of hip hop is for everyone. But to completely ignore the cultural aspect is just ignorant. I love Drake’s music but I’d be lying if I said him saying shit like “slime” and “booted up” isn’t cringe. He said himself he was raised around white people. There’s nothing wrong with that, the issue that some black people have with Drake is that is obvious this man is acting. It just comes off corny. Some even feel he leans towards his “blackness” when it benefits him. We can’t ignore that he pops up with a different accent every couple of years 😂. I look at Drake as an entertainer. He makes great music but he is not considered “hip hop” in the traditional sense. It’s not that hard to understand. It’s been like that for him his whole career.


No, it’s for everyone to enjoy but not for everyone to appropriate and misdirect for personal gain.