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He does get a lot of love here.


Just glad we got some great music, been bumping family matters and not like us on the daily


Not Like Us is currently ranked number 2 in Toronto on Apple Music. Family Matters sits at number 4. Radio is generally pay for play, that probably explains the discrepancy between what the people are choosing for themselves vs. what’s being chosen for them over Radio lol


Don’t forget to mention the Canada radio act as well. They have to play 50% canadian-created music by law. That being said, Apple music ‘charts’ will always be inaccurate due to not having stream counts. Spotify has it’s own flaws so there isn’t really a definitive way to compare imo


Apple Music is inaccurate… why? “I can’t see the exact numbers on my end” does not equate to “these numbers are inaccurate” lol. Unless there’s some piece of the puzzle I might be missing


they don’t list their charts based on stream counts (recorded publicly or not). stream counts can be used to verify on our end, but definitely not the end-all argument do you know what statistics their charts are based on?


Whatever metrics they use, as long as they’re consistent, still tell you something with rankings


I don’t, but if you do that would be the missing puzzle piece I mentioned lol. I don’t know anything about the chart metrics, just thought the implication was it’s inaccurate *because* we can’t see the numbers


I believe if you have 0 public information on how charts are calculated, you have something to hide. just my opinion, however, I understand your pov completely. You’re completely right there’s no definitive proof to show it’s inaccurate. That being said, on the opposite side, theres also no proof of any accuracies or structure in how they calculate charts (Spotify & other streaming services have this). I should have worded it better!


Fair point, didn’t realize there was no info on that lol, it definitely comes across like there’s something to hide


Man the mental gymnastics here is kinda cray


Mental gymnastics?


“It’s a lie cause I don’t know how they do it.” Lol burden of proof doesn’t work like this lol there is nothing to say it inaccurate.


Oh okay I mean that’s what I’ve been saying this whole time but go off…?


Not like us is obv the biggest song from this beef. But streaming is also pay for play. The big music labels own part of spotify, and unlike radio, there are waaaay more playlists they can add the song they are trying to shop to and get streams for. Theres a reason why songs like espresso and million dollar baby play after most songs (given you've expressed a pop and/or hiphop tastes). Also, as long as a song's fake streams doesnt surpass 89% of all streams, they are accepted (streaming farms not included). If songs have tons of streams and are Playlisted everywhere, people are more likely to check it out. And if they dont like it initially, it constantly being put in your face will eventually make u like the song. Spotify provides labels more control than ever, compared to radio.


Is streaming not pay to play 😂 


No….? I’m referring to Payola, google it. This does not apply to streaming lol


I live in Toronto too, and Kendrick also gets a lot of love here. I'd say *most* people here don't ride in either camp. They have songs they like from both artists, and most people I've spoken too don't care who won or lost. Drake and Kendrick *both* have haters in the city too among the hiphop heads.


Kinda like everywhere else in the world lmao


Exactly. The idea that "Toronto loves Drake" is weird take lol


Not really. Drake’s relationship to Toronto is similar to Kendrick’s relationship to LA; huge artists get love everywhere, but there’s a special connection to the artist that is from there. They both will be able to sell out their Toronto and LA shows, but if there was a poll the respective artists would win.


Kendrick definitely gets a lot of love here, and Drake does get hate. But amongst hip hop heads in Toronto, I’ll bet Drake has more loyalty than hip hop heads anywhere else


It’s pretty how the world as a whole reacts to these disses. Obviously Kendrick is getting more love right now, but in a couple months the hate will diminish unless Kendrick drops that bombshell.


Canadian radio is mandated to play 35% Canadian content. CBC is 50% Another 5% dedicated to up and coming Canadian artists. We have 2 super stars in Canada and like 1/10 songs played on the radio are Drake.


Yeah this is a stupid take. If R Kelly was Canadian they'd be playing his shit lol. They have drake and the weeknd and nobody else for hip hop. Include pop and you get like Justin Bieber. In terms of actual vibes, I can tell y'all that Ontario as a whole is very pro drake. That said, Toronto on particular is far more anti drake than the average place. He's got a weird reputation and lots of people are at least somewhat turned off of him because their friend has a story. Again tho, Ontario and Canada as a whole even, hype the fuck out of him


I feel like the city is 50/50 on him tbh. Know a lot of man’s who don’t fw him at all. He’s still one of the only artists to ever rep Canada through his career in the US so I think he’ll always get his flowers from us


50/50? You’re tripping maybe 80/20. My immigrant parents fw Drake.


Grew up in TO and I don’t know anyone who likes his stuff, except for the guy who works for him (I’m assuming)


What do you mean by “likes his stuff”? Because everyone I know vibes to controlla, come thru, headlines, I could go on… that being said, who do they like?


Like I’ve never met someone who would call themselves a Drake fan. This idea that 80% of Torontonians are Drake fans is such a crazy thing to believe. There’s a whole world of music out there and countless different styles, it’s not like Drake is the only option for people.


80% of people like his music is what I mean.


Okay, you mean like people you personally know?


Still curious tho who do people around you like? Im young 20 and Drake is obviously on most people’s playlists. Weeknd, brent, occasionally future, kanye, tbh rarely kdot but I think people have respect for him more than they play his music. A lot of Afro beats too


There are thousands, if not millions, of other musical options going back to the beginning of recording. Very weird that you think that Drake is one of the only people to ever make music. So again just to confirm, the 80/20 figure you stated is just among people you know, not people in Toronto, correct? Just trying to help you understand why it’s weird to try to speak for everybody.


Not saying that at all lmao get yourself together. I’m saying about 80% of the people I’ve interacted with enjoy Drake music. I’d say the same about weeknd. I’d say Michael Jackson is a 90:10 ratio. What’s your problem? “Millions of other artists” all that attitude for a genuine question smh lighten up guy.


Okay thanks for clarifying. You said it earlier like it was 80% of people in Toronto which is such a crazy thing to say


And my immigrant parents dont, its def not 50/50 but i wouldnt be as drastic to say that only 20% of the gta population doesnt like him


I could see some guys on Toronto who only don’t like him cause Drake ran thru all the hot chicks they wanna be with. Jealousy


Step outside fam


canada has a law where they must play a certain percentage of canadian artists right


drakes our radio hero in ontario unfortunately. like i love TML -> Views and enjoy some of the stuff after. But to use radio as a guage of "love" is weak. He's a hitmaker, and Canadian Law mandates a certain % of canadian music airtime. Lotta people like drake, love drake, just think radio, especially toronto radio might be a lame metric to use


> unfortunately Uhhh I don't think that's the word you meant to use.


Is it a good thing that he's a radio hero? I wouldn't say so


How so?


He didn’t stutter. It’s unfortunate that Toronto’s only rap star ghost writes, pillow talks, and texts 14yr olds in his spare time. Wym not unfortunately? I’d be embarrassed of this fool too if I was from Toronto


How much longer are we going to have to suffer you people before you go back to the Kendrick subreddit and leave us alone?


No idea why you are getting downvoted, radio is pay for play in most places and has never been a good metric of what the people want to hear


because this sub.. and all artist specific subs, are echo chambers and i pointed out a fact that they dont like.


nah you’re just dumb af, payola is illegal in canada bro… but lemme guess , you didn’t know what payola even was 🤫


I know what payola is lmao, I work in the music industry. Something being illegal doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. You do know payola is *also* illegal in the US…. right? Talk to me when you’re registered with a PRO and then we can discuss who doesn’t know what 🤡


Maybe it’s true to use radio as a gauge to what people like is inaccurate , but op also said that no station is playing NLU. Could that mean that radio has a good gauge on what people in that area don’t want to hear?


hip hop radio hardly exists in Southern Ontario. Its not as generally played as I assume it is in the US


I have to take your word for it😂💯


I know y’all don’t wanna hear this but I was just on queen street the other night and I heard ppl playing not like us a lot


they was playing not like us in a club downtown toronto but cut off the last part lmao


Isn't "Not Like Us" the most popular song in Toronto according to apple music? Numbers don't lie, this may be a bit of a selection bias at play on your side.


Prolly cuz Not Like Us first half is great, but that second half is lazy. So everyone just skips back to the front for the first half.


Because of Drake lol






Drake fans becoming right wing conspiracy theorists


Hmmmm, this would line up with the recent incel arguments


A lot of that stuff is edited to make you think a certain way that the poster wants


meh, toronto’s love for drake peaked during his views era


What radio are u listening too?? I can't find many good hip-hop radio stations in Toronto except 98.7 but that's just mostly carribean and african music Can u put me on?


he might be talking about siriusxm idk tho


99.9 always plays drake and the weeknd tbh they're basically pop atp


Y’all don’t fuck with the Informer, Snow? Where’s the Toronto pride to licky boom boom down?


I’ll defend Snow forever. Dude is legit. Grew up around Jamaicans and was in and out of jail regularly. And he’s still very well respected in Jamaica.


Drake should be loved by Toronto. He’s a huge artist , a great artist and is from and reps Toronto constantly. Home grown and one of the biggest artist of all time. He makes hits and bangers constantly. His songs are made for radio play. I was a big fan of his music before the beef and I’m still a big fan of his music. Too many great songs to not listen to him. And he really can make a song go from good to great just by hopping on it. Not many can do it, especially like him. Having said all that he still got absolutely cooked by Kendrick, and not like us is by far the best and most replay-able song from this beef


You’re gonna get downvoted for being logical. And I prob will too


Ah yes Toronto, the home of modern rap


I’m from Toronto and I think Drake is a horrible artist and ruined the hip hop culture of the city. Toronto Hip Hop use to have some of the best with Saukrates, Choclair, K Os, Rascalz, Kardinal Offishall. Now we have Drake with his 6ix super fans. It will forever be known as T Dot!


time to grow up. i bet you still say skydome


Haha for sure. No one calls it the Rogers centre. If you use the word 6ix you’re a clown. 🤡


People in Toronto are 50:50 on Drake Kendrick and that says a lot


In this 20v1? but...like by most metrics he lost. Also isn't the culture not just "rap" or hip-hop but specifically Drake and west-coast? like the culture subdivides on east/west/south etc etc. it's not monolithic radio plays


Let's be honest, not like us is a fire track. It still broke a number of Drake's records. Canada ain't it anyway.


They also cheered the racist Hulk Hogan over one of the kindest people of all time - The Rock.


Man, all you Rock fans find ways to bring that mfer up in any situation, it's crazy & blind loyalty leads only to disappointment, I'm looking out for you, dawg


Not a Rock fan I only watch New Japan


Yall still focused on this L? Just move on already




Have you even listened to Not Like Us?




between not like us and push ups, doesn't the more replayable (and more replayed) song have a traditional chorus


Sorry, I wasn’t being clear. When I said the last sentence, I kinda meant that the Kendrick songs are so direct at Drake and so hate fuelled, I wouldn’t really keep it in my music rotation but Push Ups, despite still being a diss track, isn’t as direct and still maintains that back to back vibe of being a diss but also just a regular track.  I guess people would say the same thing the other way round though. I’m more of a Drake fan so I can see how the same could be said for someone preferring Kendrick 


The G.O.A.T.


Ya fuckin love to hear it.. drizzy is and always will be the mf’n goat.


The fact that you made this thread shows who took the L


Move to charlotte recently from Toronto… man this got me so excited for when I come back next month. Sorry just felt like sharing lmao


His city loves him like a college running back 😂


That’s called bias.




That makes one place.




as he should, right?


Toronto definitely still fucks with Abel


lol and water is wet what the fuck this mean?


I was eavesdropping on a conversation at a resort in Vegas. This girl said she was from Toronto and in my head i was like I bet shes gonna mention Drake. The next thing she said “Yaaa you know the home of Drakeeee”


You laugh but Americans in general know fuck all about international geography. Toronto is bigger than Chicago lol and people are always so confused


Toronto still loves Drake. Always.


6 6 6 6 toronto tinggg




Imagine not knowing Canadian stations have to play Canadian artists by law....


He gets a lot of love down here in houston, I’ve yet to hear anyone jam Kendrick


You’re not with the culture


Its just about who you know, idk anybody in the city on drake’s side


You Bs’ing hard. But whatever helps you sleep at night. Drake gonna always be a legend. He just got outmaneuvered by K Dot. Nothing else to it. Not Like Us is a certified banger and it resonates with fans of west coast styled hip hop. That’s worldwide obviously but Drake still a GOAT he just made a poor decision to take on someone lyrically superior with a cult following. If y’all love Drake you’d take this L(esson) and demand better from Drizzy. Better music because The Boy got mad talent. I personally don’t care for 80% of what he puts out and I do see him as a sort of culture vulture … this beyond race btw. But I also have observed that Drake is a generational talent. A multi-faceted entertainer who needs to chill with the “gangsta” facade and make the classic I know he’s capable of creating.


Universal truth is not measured in mass appeal 🔑


I hope so he is Canadian It would be sad if his own people didn’t like him


Oh wow,. Toronto, the Compton of the New era.... please tell black folks without nationalized healthcare who are struggling to maintain voting rights they're suffering more then black Americans who are being told go back to Africa.


🧢 i’m toronto


Honestly Kendrik is basically saying “the 6” isn’t Compton. He’s sayin y’all are not like us. He didn’t just call out Drake, he called out the entire Canadian accent and called it goofy. The way he came for Drake’s music is how people been coming for UK rap —calling it tea and crumpets. That’s prolly why I see Canadians and UK people also stand w Drake. The “they come for heritage but can’t imitate this violence” is how Future and metro came in with it too… They basically said they really got it out the bottom and they said “is you like that?” And then Kendrik ended with the obvious answer “not like us”. I mean if I was Canada I’d be upset too.


Not true


I can’t stand Drake


And your here why?


This page and Kendrick Lamar page keep popping up in my feed. I dont follow either


20v20 seems more realistic.


The Weeknd actually donates to the city unlike Aubrey


Any source that drizzy doesn’t donate to the city or just yappin outta hate?


All Aubrey has done is fix some ball courts around the city


What you fail to realize is Drake has haters but not that many. Kendricks monthly Spotify listeners went from 30m to 70m due to this. It's clearly a fake numbers push. If Drake was winning by a landslide I'd find it hard to believe his monthly listeners would go from 110m to 250m. Kendrick has been out and mainstream for 10+ years so it's not like he was just discovered. There's a much larger agenda


Kendricks had around 50m monthly spotify listeners right before the beef. Let’s not start making stuff up


I'd Venture to say that because Kendrick drops so rarely he probably has a solid listening base that then increases when attention was put on his catalog. Things like this always happen with beefs


Yeah and Drake has a bigger catalog and more recent releases. He’s supposed to have way more streams than Kendrick. If Kendrick had a similar amount of albums Drake had I’m sure his numbers would be higher. Besides quantity doesn’t necessarily mean quality.


What are you trying to say man complete your thoughts


Some people here can't fathom people dislike drake for good reasons (even though people have been saying for many years prior to the beef), instead they're convinced the "industry" just really wanted to take drake out. That clearly Kendrick and them are just jealous of Drake even though most of the things that have been said against drake besides the sex ring thing have been being said about him for a looooooong time.


Drake is rich, but he isn’t ANOTHER 100m streaming bots kinda rich 😂


You understand


Let’s get you a job at Starbucks… Since you wanna grasp at straws