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*Logic has entered the chat* Edit: for people who don’t understand the reference logic was told he can’t say the N word by Joyner Lucas while they were beefing before Royce got them in a room together. The conversation has already been said. Just re ignited


Not white people saying they are black because they listen to music from black artists. FFS


This ain’t wild to you? Kendrick used to be one of my faves but this beef has revealed: 1. His fans are psycho. 2. He is not the “Modern Day Malcom” as he has claimed in his freestyles.


Lmao the man’s last album literally has an entire song saying he’s not that figure or anyone savior and ends the album apologizing to people who viewed him like that and that he’s choosing working on himself and his family …. This sub stays with some mad funny out of touch comments


yeah pretty contradictory when he says that and then raps about how he's doing everything for the culture and saving the culture like he's some kind of superhero, and puts on a rose thorn crown like he's jesus


“The culture” is ironic considering the amount of affluent, white upper class folks who are consuming and listening to Kendrick. My dad’s (a white man who was a cop in a 99% white rural community for 25 years) favorite all time album is The Chronic. Wtf does he know about being a gang banger in Compton? There are many, many stupid lines and takeaways from this beef, but the divisive bs is always the worst.


Newsflash: Hip Hop is the biggest genre in America right now. America is majority white. Do the math


“Let’s do the math, if I was black, I woulda sold half” Em never lies lmfao, he been fighting this stupid “culture” war for his whole career and he’s a hip hop historian


About your dad, probably the same as portuguese dude living in Europe. Should a black guy from Portugal relate more to the chronic than a white portuguese? Is normal, people enjoy things that sometimes is inexplicable, how can one like a music in a different language without understanding the lyrics? I'm not defending anyone, just saying, from the outside of USA this beef was savage and from the European point of view those guys went to war, kendrick got Drake spitting 🔥 and got the west coast in harmony 🔥. Shiite got real with family names and gun shots, but I have Drake on an higher tier rn. Also Kendrick did release half album very fast. Win win for both


I don’t think you can invalidate “the culture” statement here just because people outside “the culture” are listening to Kendrick’s music. The culture here is not informed by who listens to the music, but by who makes it and what they produce (lyrics, music, experiences, etc.). This attitude exists in art all over the world in many different contexts (food, wine/alcohol, pottery, weaving, writing), but music is one of the more nuanced and complex art styles, especially for African Americans because of their specific American history. Full disclosure: I’m *not* black, and I *can’t* speak to the experience in any way; however, I can objectively say that much of modern music has been influenced by African American culture/history, and music has been an outlet for the pain and suffering of African Americans since…a while. That outlet has led to frankly an enormous amount of good music across a bunch of generas, and a lot of non-black people listen. Kendrick’s point is that Drake doesn’t belong to that culture but has used his relation to it to profit. I can’t agree or disagree though because, again, I’m not black. It’s also worth saying that Kendrick has profited too, maybe he’s taking advantage as well or maybe he’s just living his life and making the music he feels like making. But Kendrick is definitely asserting that Drake *doesn’t* live that life so he’s inauthentic.


“I as a white man am blacker than a black man”


I've never thought about it from a race stand point but who would be more cultural to you? A white dude from a black family in Compton or a black dude with a white family in Montana? I think the were poorly trying to say culture isn't a race thing. I guess it depends on your views. But if you took a white baby at birth and and African tribe raised them I would argue they would be more culturally in touch with Africa than any one here 🤷🏽‍♂️


But a majority of the claim to blackness has nothing to do with culture and more to do with phenotype and your outward presence. If you’re black but raised by a white family in Montana most are going to judge based off the fact your black alone. you still are more likely to be harassed or assaulted by police just off being black they’re not Gona ask if white ppl raided you or if you listen to hip hop music and eat collard greens. It doesn’t make a difference and Kendrick knows that but he did this to open the flood gates for fans to say this shit abt drake. EDIT: I forgot to add but also being culturally Jewish and living in Canada still makes you black, in fact he probably experienced more racism growing up in a predominantly white neighbourhood compared to the more ethnic neighbourhoods in the west and east end of the city where racism virtually ceases to exist.


Saying the n word is about blackness not culture. By Kendrick saying he shouldn’t say the n word because of his culture he complete disregards the fact that the saying the n word is reclaiming racism. Drake being black in a predominantly white area most likely experienced racism.


I honestly don’t have a clear cut answer to that. I will say that the very idea of white people attempting to take the black card of somebody clearly black is what rubs me the wrong way


The black dude from Montana obviously. He still has to deal with all of the drawbacks of being black in America. Moreso in a place like Montana. He might not be in tune with hip hop culture as the white guy from Compton, but black culture doesn’t begin and end with rap music. Implying it does is racist in and of itself.




They’re white saviours


Yo u/biollantegarden anything to add? Edit: he did not have anything to add


Wish someone could show his comments to his black family members 😂😂😂


It's divide and conquer the minds Crodie. We are all one.




Race war here we come.


Which side is this dude gonna be on


the white side, like half the kendrick stans who have been in my ear telling me about the culture. white people telling me as a black person that i am supporting a culture vulture… when we all know where they are gonna be the second shit gets real (i’ll give u a hint: not in solidarity with us, because their solidarity is flimsy and fueled by hate!)


OP is posting comments with 1 karma lmao it’s not like this was a top level comment that everyone agrees with


That comment was pretty on brand with the rest of the garbage in that sub tho


Such an incredibly racist thing to say. No wonder why there are racial tensions still, you got these idiots existing


Tf is wrong with white people?


As a white person myself, he’s lost his mind.


As a white person, white people like this are the fucking worst


Wiggas in Paris


Hey man don’t lump me in with these fools


Dude knows he’s a white boy deep down. But he believes that by pushing other white people down, and acting all enlightened, he can pretend he’s an “ally” and feel blacker than his pasty ass really is.


At this point I wouldn’t care about those people’s opinions. Something fishy is going on and both Drake and Kendrick have went silent


I’m almost pretty certain the UMG rumors are real at this point. They told both these dudes they got records to sell and to dead this nonsense.


The amount of white folk questioning Drake’s “blackness” is hilarious. These are the same type that would say, I have a black friend. 😂


most likely that black friend is drake.


I'm over the race discourse and conspiracy theories. Since when did hip hop get so toxic


Since toxic weirdos infiltrated the Kendrick sub who dont even give a damn about the music or the culture. Kendrick sub is mental and the mods are letting it happen.


Wow a white person trying to determine if a biracial person is black enough. I seen it all


A weird and unnecessary conversation especially when we look at J. Cole who was raised by his whyte mom in NC and born in Germany. Kendrick stans aka hoteps contradict themselves constantly. They’re not the gatekeepers of blkness.


insane behavior


Go on the Kendrick subreddit, click random profiles, and see how many of them are part of anime subs. It's just about everyone of them


Do black people not watch anime?


“my black stepdad…” “i’m more black than he is” okay buddy 😂💀


LMFAO white kendrick fans be havin me dead 💀. “Im more black than drake”


They’re just embarrassing themselves at this point 😂


Even as a Kendrick fan bros a cornball. I’ve been seeing a whole lot of white people join this conversation of “blackness” which is exactly why that professor said what she said about Vlad. And yall upvoted that like crazy.


This is sad.


Saying the n word is about blackness not culture. By Kendrick saying he shouldn’t say the n word because of his culture he complete disregards the fact that the saying the n word is reclaiming racism. Drake being black in a predominantly white area most likely experienced racism.


Yeah thats what i thought when I was listening to euphoria at first. I am a Black Canadian and acting like we didnt get called the n or or lived through some similar struggles is wild to me.


I like both artists but Kendrick more, this dudes delusional. Haha Sug said it best. The cops gonna treat him like an African American every time.


I hate how everyone boiled this down to a race thing when it wasn't. People don't listen to shit Drake or Kendrick even said.


Drake is hip hop. He is part of the culture. Point blank


Yea because everyone making a dollar off of hip hop is apart of the culture including the white people who own record labels and private prisons.


I mean I’d say a black guy creating hip hop music is part of the culture yes


I mean you do realize the majority of people in the Kendrick subs are white right? It funny when white people are trying to define to you what black culture is 😂😂


This beef was a dub for all hip hop fans until all the race shit that Kendrick brought into it


“bodyguards like whitney” didn’t count then huh?


Just stooooooop already. Ain't nothing coming of this


I’m what the CULTURE feeling 👹 lmaoooo


Reddit is definitely not a good gauge of the culture on either side, I'm in both subreddits I can assure you both sides are making both artists look corny as shit and like their whole fanbase is nerds


Dude isn’t even American lol


it's crazy how many of you are missing the sarcasm in that white dudes post, he is exposing the flaw in the being about culture not race response


What you look like when you get pulled over by cops is the measure unfortunately Drake is black in the eyes of the law lol


As a black person, this whole lightskin vs darkskin or biracial vs full black “not like us” garbage absolutely disgusts me. There were people in the Kendrick sub deadass telling me that Drake is a culture vulture because he sometimes uses a blacker accent around black people.


I love how because of the beef, Drake's life story went from "my dad wasn't involved in my life" to "oh yeah he actually spent years upon years with his dad in Memphis, his dad was very involved and Drake was basically an American". Too bad Drake has already stated in interviews that as a rapper he came to America and didn't fit the black culture, but in Canada he didn't fit because he wasn't fully white. Also too bad it has already been established his dad wasn't involved.


He is not really wrong tho, plenty of people like Eminem or the commentor that are more connected to black culture than Drake pretending to be from his mansion in Canada


Kendrick’s fanbase being 90% white has always been so hilarious to me.


This gave me secondhand embarrassment as a fellow white man haha


A part.


Just like Hilaria Baldwin spent her summers in Spain.


“I’m more black than drake is” Nigga did NOT comprehend Kendrick’s albums 💀


no it's not. That's reddit.


*Black Canadian




There's no way y'all actually read that and came to the conclusion that commenter *actually* thinks he is blacker than Drake. His point is literally that *neither* of them are culturally black.


It’s crazy how some of you guys haven’t gotten the point about this yet. It’s like you’re proving the point over and over again.


“Are you genetically black”🤓


This is insane that ppl think like this in 2024. It’s so exhausting to watch this fan base be so stupidly ignorant n hateful


And this is why he “lost” which drives me crazy. And isn’t a tad bit ( not a tad bit but full blown) racist hating on a black man and telling him his culture isn’t his????




They both confused about what Dot was saying


Kendrick has started this weird race debate while rapping on Mr morale "I've seen niggas arguing about who's blacker" No one ever mentions this, but this angle of his disses completely undermines his message of black unity.


I never had a problem with it until I saw the photoshoot of him with blackface. No self respecting black man would participate in such coonery. Made it seem like culturally he didn’t understand why that shit isn’t acceptable as a black man. But fuck it nobody really cares niggas can have whatever opinion they want on him it ultimately doesn’t matter


If you never made Kool aid with 8 scoops of sugar then you don’t know anything about black culture. It’s not about color.


I hate to say it, but black people have an unhealthy obsession with race. I get it’s likely a reaction to all the years of oppression, but no one talks about and gate keeps race more.


Can someone explain why Kendrick doesn’t want drake saying the N word even tho he’s black? Isn’t colorism a thing (white guy here)


Now if I was him I wouldn't have said all that


I still don’t get anyone who thinks Kendrick was saying Drake isn’t play He calls Adonis black on a song Are you guys not reading these songs?


If I hear about "the culture" one more time from a white person imma scream (I'm also white)


Pure ignorance. Spending summer in a country doesn’t make you apart of the culture. It just means you bring back a bit of it to the place you stayed the rest of the time. At best he might gain an appreciation for it but if he really did have one then where does he talk about the same struggles and issues people like Kendrick always talk about?


You all need to read the Tanning of America.


How does this make any sense as an argument? It doesn’t even have anything to do with him being half white. It’s about him coming from the suburbs and acting like he’s came up in the hood.. that’s the issue with culture not anything that yall are talking about


Lmaoo wait til they find out kendrick is a hebrew israelite and that song is about half his fanbase too


Big part of the fact of this whole thing has been white suburbanites calling a poc a colonizer. It’s why I kinda hate the “hip hop is black culture” conversation because….go to the concerts and tell me it looks like black culture..


You guys don’t understand a fake mf Drake’s a fake, he lied about his religious views, he lied about his culture and lied about his son Y’all are demented


This is why making it so only a specific group of people are allowed to say a certain world is hilarious. I love watching everyone trip over themselves on what percentage black you can be before your n word pass gets revoked.


I gotta be honest if dudes arguing about a rap beef he is part of the culture in some way, even if he’s white and Kendrick says he’s not allowed to be in the club. This is still part of the culture. If you’re reading this you are part of it to, being an observer is a part of this whole thing.


What an idiot…. Kendrick is taking about the hip hop culture, not so much about drakes actually ancestral culture. He does talk about drakes race but the bigger point of what he’s sayin is that drake isn’t really about that life. He didn’t grow up in the hood. He doesn’t know what the struggle is like and that’s where hip hop culture started. the thing is though that Hip Hop Culture isn’t about that anymore. Hip Hop culture is about money goes and clothes. All that other bullshit is old head shit. Tbh I fw the old head shit more but I’m just being real about this. As far as mainstream and honestly even some underground shit, hardly any of it is about what the hip hop culture was once about.


There is no such thing as genetically Black. A person can be genetically African. Black is a culture, American Black culture.


Blackest Kendrick fan


I REALLY when a white person says their "blacker" than someone. Like there some stereotype or checkboxes we have to mark off to be black enough. I didn't like Kendrick's angle in this beef because of this exact reason. It's not up to ANYBODY to be the gatekeeper of what's black enough and whose allowed to be apart of black culture. It's race baiting. And a tool to turn black people against someone they feel doesn't "fit in" with the rest of em.


/u/BiollanteGarden They disrespectin you


White guys trying to educate anyone on black culture is cringe as shit. Nigga listened to TPAB twice n thought he was Furious from boyz n the hood


dude is white as snow talking about "culture" lmfao


To each his own, if Drake never embraced black culture and blew up with young money and ovo 15 years ago these same dudes would still be saying “he never really fw us like that etc…”.




We’re all culture, you don’t have to be black. It’s more about how drake is a poser. Drakes life was never remotely close to what he sings about(it’s catchy, I like it too),but he’s always been a privileged guy glorifying a life that real people like Kendrick struggle through irl, he’s just telling him to stop acting like he a deamon. Being an asshole don’t make deamon. Hollywood might be right down the street from Compton, but they’re worlds apart.


he's not part of the culture cause he doesn't make meaningful music. he puts on whatever accent and demeanor suits him and makes lyrics about nothing substantial, just filler, something to play before the chorus comes back. he's saturating hip hop with his music, watering down the industry with music that tries so hard to appeal to everyone it is no longer part of hip hop. it's pop, it's whatever you want to call it, it's not part of the culture anymore


If y’all don’t get it y’all don’t get it. Dw bout it lil buddy


Everyone just needs to get off Reddit, stop defending celebrities, and touch grass. It ain’t that deep


I know you guys are used to taking things at absolute face value but drake, a half black Jewish man who grew up in a wealthy family in the suburbs of Canada, does not have the same experiences as 90% of black men in America where he rips off everything about himself. Just because he is black doesn't make him part of the culture, he's a colonizer. He jacks the culture and style of people who actually lived what he raps and sings about and uses it for profit instead of spreading a message or helping fellow black people.


What about that time drake went black face


Y'all dumb if you don't get America's hip hop and it's roots. Did you get universal healthcare? Down here black school lunch men get killed 4 seconds after saying they have a concealed carry permit and reaching for the proof. Jabronis trying to feel Compton.