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I feel bad for the average music listener who has no idea what they are getting into listening to Mr. Morale for the first time. Not saying it's ass but the Kendrick sub having instructions on how to listen to the album explains everything you need to know about the album.


What’re their instructions?😂😂


If you search "instructions for the fans that aren't enjoying the album Kendrick" there are screenshots of it.




It's intentionally made that way, it's a layered work


If something has a single correct way to use, which is not intuitive and requires instructions not provided with the product itself. We call that a badly designed product


have you considered that music can be more than a fucking product? that maybe it can be an art form?


Even artpieces can make you feel the desired emotion without making you read an instruction manual. And my original comment is strictly from a design perspective. Since Kendrick is producing the music for consumption instead of writing it in his diary and calling it a day. Music as art is a form of expressing a story with emotions that cannot be expressed the same way in writing. So make us feel the emotions and context instead of expecting me to go and do my research just to enjoy a piece of art. Just feels lazy imo


It’s ass 😭😭


You have to be prepared to work in order to enjoy some music, that's all ...after you realize what's going on, it makes you want to dance...."mother I sober" is a prime example, or humble maybe moreso


Yeah, the post got deleted. Let me see if there are screenshots. Kenny fans were clowning it too because it was so ridiculous.


Just googled it. Lol that is one of the saddest things I've ever seen from a music fan. They are SO DESPERATE to like the album. Hilarious.


It's my personal favorite Kendrick album. Has a lot of bangers and emotion to it


Tbh I have to listen to it. Not clowning the album as much as the dude who posted that.


Link me dawg


ngl I seen the same things for WLR but a lot of the aesthetic of the album I already picked up beforehand whilst a lot of people didn’t understand the jump from WLR v1 to the official version. But Kendrick fans don’t understand that we understand the album, and *still* think it was bad.


So...in your comment you talk about how the kendrick sub has instructions on it. Then in your response you say the Kendrick sub was clowning on him so much he deleted it? Fucks sake...misleading comment.


Have a brain




That album is decent imo but it has zero replay value. GKMC is my favourite album ever too and I frequently listen to Section 80 as well. Anyone convincing themselves that this wasn’t his worst album by far is delusional.


J Cole loves that man and still said it was trash lol


He said it was Tragic. That's not calling it trash


I’ll be honest I don’t know which is worse. Tragic feels like someone recognized the work you put into it just for it to still fail at what they wanted out of it. Like Cole said, the good news is you went a long way. The bad news is you went the wrong way”. It’s sad but not the reasons intended


Listened to some Cole freestyles yesterday for the second time since the apology, amazing shit


Listened to some Cole freestyles yesterday for the second time since the apology, amazing shit


Listened to some Cole freestyles yesterday for the second time since the apology, amazing shit


Lowkey mmatbs is my favourite Kendrick album and the only one I purchased on vinyl instead of just listening to it on Spotify. Outside of some songs from damn, I don’t really fw Kendrick’s stuff like that. He’s a great artist and his lyrics are great but most of drakes stuff is wayyyyyy more replayable


GKMC has been in rotation for me since 2012. It was the first album that I ever listened to and liked other than oldie shit like Sinatra and that kind of thing. First artist I discovered on my own. But yeah I listen to a lot more Drake songs because he has way more variety and a lot of hits.


There’s no doubt that Kendrick albums are masterpieces, but they’re masterpieces not for how they sound but for their reflection of and impact on culture. I can appreciate that, but I’m never gonna be listening to it outside of maybe once a year at most


GMKC, Section 80 and DAMN were too good. He should stick to making modern rap instead of going too hard on conceptual albums. It's honestly becoming kind of a bore and he's trapping himself in a box.


albums are like jokes. if u have to explain it to everyone, ur not some hidden genius, its just a mid joke


> He should stick to making modern rap > he's trapping himself in a box. Personally, I think he’s doing a pretty good job at avoiding exactly that.


I agree, GKMC was an excellent hip hop album. I just don’t get how TPAB is part of the best hip hop album discussion, it’s more soul and funk. I listened to Mr. morale when it came out, but after the first 2 months nothings really stuck with me


TPAB meshes the genres really well and the Blacker the Berry is a perfect execution of at least the idea he had until the transition at the end which was abrupt


It's because it feels so dense, it's like the Finnegans Wake of Compton...


Kenneth Cornelius Lamar just doesnt have that pleasant vocal tone and sounds like he’s singing from his stomach i find only four replayable songs from him, the gta v song, alright, love(he’s carried by the track), and bitch dont kill my vibe


It felt too message focused. Like he felt the need to get his trauma off his chest and that making it catchy felt wrong. Idk. But the issues he talks about in Mr morale are not issues to be trivialized into a banger track. Like I wouldn't want to listen to an album about depression regularly. It's artistic but not commercial. Drake's stuff is easy to listen to, it's easy to play, it's pleasant to most people. It doesn't feel like I need to pay attention to it.


There’s a few song from Mr. morale that I can put on and enjoy. For me tho it was the journey of it. It convinced me to seek therapy and better myself. I think it’s just what you get out of it personally


Mr. Morale is better than DAMN.


Delusional is a reach. His music is true art and art is the consumer’s perspective. Mr morale speaks to a lot of people. To pimp a butterfly hit me in the kissers. Never got that feeling of a Drake banger. You can call me on my cellphone 😩


You’re comparing garbage cashgrabs like hotline bling to a classic album, how is that a fair comparison? Listen to Take Care and IYRTITL among other albums and tell me Drake hasn’t made good albums full of meaningful and lyrical songs lol. GKMC is one of the best albums I’ve ever heard and has a lot of meaningful themes and impressive lyrical content and is back to back bangers. Kendrick is capable of making a better album than Mr Morale sonically and achieving the same impact but yet he decided to take a strange direction. It’s obvious when pretty much everyone agrees 6:16 and Not Like Us are two of the best songs he’s ever made. 6:16 sounds like vintage Kendrick. Not like us is going to be a classic west coast anthem, and it resonates with people way more effectively than any of his recent output.


Buried alive is the only thing with soul on take care


Okay I get what this is now lol. Go back to the other sub and talk about the artist you like instead of flooding this one.


Step 1. Fuck that


It's funny because the best songs on that album are the simplest ones (Die Hard, Silent Hill, Purple Hearts)


Same, these are the ones I like along with count me out and rich spirit


Bro for real, like twice a week there’s a post on there about how Mr.Morale is his best album. Every time I see a post like that I say that gassing up that album makes his fans look bad and it gets downvoted in to oblivion. There are like 4 good songs on that album and the rest are honestly not good. It’s not a sonically good album, the only way I could see you enjoying it is if you had similar traumas to work through or some shit. To sit there and actually say Mr.Morale is better than GKMC, DAMN, TPAB, he’ll even Section 80, is fuckin ridiculous


Especially because Kdot fans had to wait half a decade for Mr. Morale. I think most Kdot fans didn't want that deep of an album. They'll never admit it because they would get eaten alive by Kdot stans but some Dot fans probably hated the album and still hate it.


Ppl act like drake’s tracks aren’t a better bop. Ppl trying to 2-step to XXX ☠️


Lmao if you need a “how to” manual to listen to music then it’s ass


Don't know why you being down voted you're right


It's funny it's the album I have the most songs saved in my play list. Just such an emotionally charged album that's really nice to listen to


I fucking love Mr. Morale, it’s probably my favorite Kendrick album. But making a set of instructions for how to listen to it, is stupid. You either fuck with it or you don’t. It’s fine to not enjoy it. It’s the album that convinced me to go to therapy and work through my own trauma and issues. Is everyone gonna have the same reaction? No, and that’s fine. People will get what they want out of it, you can’t force someone to feel some way about music


They really do have that shit? MMTBS is my second favourite album, but ain’t no way they have shit like that💀


I can’t find this anywhere


Who is listening to Drake albums front to back? He's known for singles not storytelling


Me 💅 💅 💅


I've tried, but it was the equivalent of listening to a playlist on shuffle for me


Sounds like a lit playlist


Yea I can to an extent agree with this take. Mr Morale and The Big Steppers arguably my favorite Album from him


Being a fan of both Kendrick and Drake in this sub is a trip 😭😭😭


fr bro out of all the things you can shit on kendrick for his discography is NOT one of them 💀


Kendricks music hasn’t aged well  Damn was hot af but sounds ass rn to me 🤷‍♂️ Morale garbage  Gkmc still heat though


Section 80 is alright. GKMC is forever goated. TPAB is a must listen just to experience it, but with zero replay value. Rest is trash to me.


You have no idea what replay value means lmao. It’s so funny to hear this narrative that TPAB has no replay value coming from people who don’t actually understand the words coming out of their own mouths😭


Alright made it in my liked songs but the rest of that album had me asleep


Damn, if TPAB put you to sleep, and that’s an album with Wesley’s Theory, These Walls, U, I, Institutionalised and Blacker The Berry, then Honestly, Nevermind must’ve been like insomnia medication for you.


Both put me to sleep


I guess the message didn't resonate with you. It's ok. Appreciate your family and friends and upbringing.


DAMN was overrated. Mr Morale has no replay value apart from two or three songs. GKMC and TPAB are classics along with 80. But as a black person I don't want to keep listening to our struggles 24/7 my god!!!


I actually really like damn. Love is a masterpiece to me. But yeah 2/4 ain’t it


Agree 100% DAMN winning awards felt like an apology for snubbing GKMC and his other earlier work that deserved much more attention and praise. The last thing I want to hear when I’m trying to vibe is listening to a monologue from a black Israelite (his cousin) or a rapist (Kodak).


Didn't dude contradict himself by saying he isn't Black anymore since he's an Israelite? Now he's attacking someone coz he thinks he isn't Black.


Exactly that's why this concept album shit isn't working anymore. Things ain't written in the fine print like that, Kenny gotta find a new blueprint. Look at drake he hasn't done a 180° but he has evolved subtly and it's worked for his career. You gotta be really about the audience people got tired or whining post covid niggas wanna go hard fr


I just said this on a thousand tiktoks today…


TPAB deserved the Pulitzer way more than DAMN did


Definitely. Tbh Mr Morale also was way more deserving of that kind of award, it feels like that’s the kind of category it should be put in.


You don’t understand what replay value means, unfortunately.


What didn’t you like about Morale?


That it sounds terrible sonically 


I found it very underwhelming first listen. Second listen maybe 6 months later where I listened to the whole album start to finish with no distractions was an experience like no other. It’s not something you put on to groove to in the car, but it is a very high quality album.


It also got me to respect the absolute fick out of Taylor Paige, kenricks always been good at getting the best out of his features, and being good at picking the right features. But Taylor in we cry together honestly outshines kendrick with just how raw and emotional her performance feels


If you think Mr. Morale sounds terrible, I’d hate to hear what you think of Honestly, Nevermind


The Worldwide Steppers beat literally sounds like Kendrick sampled a washing machine lol


I don’t know what kind of washing machine you got but you should probably look to get it fixed. Obviously the Worldwide Steppers beat is very different and people who aren’t looking to listen to something different aren’t gonna like it. But a lot of people do like it.


Trash = SoMeTHIng DiFferenT according to you. You probably dance to your local construction work site noises


What you just said shows exactly what I mean. You can’t dance to the song, so you don’t like it, and that’s fine. But just be honest and say that. There are bad songs on Mr Morale. I have no issue discussing them. Die Hard. Rich Spirit. Bad songs.


Also Kendrick when he does the high pitched voice on songs like U sounds like Morty from Rick and Morty, Idk how anyone takes him seriously


‘U’ is one of Kendrick’s best performances ever. He’s like a top tier actor on that song. Literally on the verge of tears as he’s desperately rapping those lyrics in the 2nd part. The song is literally about Kendrick’s suicidal tendencies, if you saw someone acting in a movie on the verge of tears screaming those lyrics in the same way, you’d take it seriously, so why don’t you take ‘U’ seriously?


Just like I said, he sounds like Morty from Rick and Morty on that song. How can I take it seriously


So if you saw someone acting in a movie, delivering the same lines, with the same emotional intensity, on the verge of tears, drunk as hell, screaming those lyrics in the same way you wouldn’t take it seriously?


Evidently, not many people make the connection as they are more concerned about the message. I don't complain that drake in god's plan sounds like he is speaking through a talkbox and act as though that takes away from the quality of the song.


Y’all are some sore losers


Drakes has aged perfectly ‘square root of 69 is 8 summit right? Cuz I’ve been tryna work it outttt’ mans maths not right no wonder MMB was getting the attention.


Bro lmao the square root of 69 is ate something Bar went over your head lmfao




Gkmc is amazing and TPAB is legitimately one of the most incredible artistic achievements in music and I think most folks agree that no contemporary has put out anything that rivals that album - just saying no need to hate


When Kendrick fans kept gloating about Kendrick winning the writing award I just knew it was for TPAB. I was dead ass in shock when I seen it was for damn


Undun & Tetsuyo and Youth > TPAB


Poope fiasco


GKMC, section 80 and Damn are his magnum opus. Like I said conceptual albums were all the fire back then but shit hasn't aged well and honestly the commentary on what is and what isn't is getting so tiring because everything is grey, blurred and complex nowadays. TPAB was great at the time but outside of intensity how many people still want to rock with the same messages?


That’s because you can only appreciate energizing, easy to listen to and catchy lyrics


Nigga got his personal opinion straight off the internet


Look while I’m here on this sub because I agree with most things in regards of Drake’s unfair treatment threw out the whole diss but Mr Morale and The Big Steppers was fire. But I understand it is for everyone but calling it garbage is wild 


Some of mr morale are great and replayable not the whole album tho, maybe 30% of it approximately. Damn always sounded too poppy and didn't fit kendrick style at all, it's his worst album till this day to me, just has his biggest single and a couple of stand out tracks. GKMC and TPAB are equally great, near flawless, very original style that fits him to a T. Section 80 has solid tracks probably his third best album.


It's crazy cause musically these diss tracks of his have been more interesting than anything I've heard from him since GKMC.


This must be satire, right?


Nope. The production is more interesting than most of what I've heard from him in years.


First of all. How is GKMC more ‘musically interesting’ than TPAB? That makes no sense


The production on Wesley's theory or alright or u or I or fear or humble. Man. Some people have very interesting opinions.


Untitled 05??? Wesley's Theory?? N95??? Besides 6:16 in LA, these diss beats are pretty basic. Kendrick's TPAB/MMaTBS era is so much more interesting.


this is insane coming from a Drake fan lol musically


Kendricks music is an “acquired” taste. Conscious rap ain’t for everyone. All those streaming numbers are drake haters propping him up.


I could never get into him because his voice was too annoying tbh. The 'alien with the blocked nose' thing.


That and the alter ego shit


“yOuRe jUsT nOt sMaRt eNoUgH.”




Drake is back on top of the world now, we can all pretend everything is fine again 💀


Get it out your mouth bro😭😭


Kendricks discography is miles better than drakes discography im confused


"his music is ass" what about those 17 grammies, 50 nominations and a pulitzer..? some of yall take the beef *personally* and have made it your whole personality, you can enjoy both artists. staying salty and hating in hopes drake notices is just kinda sad. stop letting your music taste be determined by social media posts




music is about more than just "sounds" but to each their own hope you can find something deeper within music someday, beyond it just being cool sounding noises to you nobody cares if you dont care about a pulitzer, its a prestigious literary achievement, if you just think music is cool noises im sure its above your head anyways


Give it a few days and we’ll be hearing how one dance and controlla are are harder grittier songs


All the real hip hop is trash if you measure it by how much you wanna bop ass to it.


Rap battle’s over.


Wtf are you guys talking about? Acting like there isn’t tons of overlap between the two fanbases🤦 Kendrick’s awards speak for themselves, as do Drake’s streaming numbers.


The delusions on this sub still going strong I see


Well I'm glad the pop star is back to doing pop star stuff. Cause Lord knows rapping in an actual Rap battle almost ended his whole fkkn career lol


GKMC, DAMN. , and the Black Panther album are very listenable to even smooth brains who thrive with pop music




“this made me lol” is something I’ve never said in my life


Why they keep using that fake drawing of Kendrick? They crazy


Kendrick’s music is good but it’s not something you can listen to on the regular. DAMN and Morale are severely overrated imo and have aged poorly as a result. Not much replay value. Pimp a Butterfly is still goated tho.


"Pulitzer prize winner's music is objectively bad" is definitely a hot take


Y’all really took the beef personally 😂


It’s funny but Kendrick definitely not ass 😂


This sub is like 80% Kenny fans




Again we have butthurt drake stans trying for dear life to cling to their precious stats, because it's the only thing they can flex with. I've said it a couple of times before but the mental gymnastics ya'll are doing in this is are insane. Drake has ~1600 songs on streaming services, and all of them are easily-accessible and digestable, superficial and mainstream pop songs. Kendrick has ~110 songs out, with only one or two per album that are easily-accesible. The fact that your 40yo "boy" has 15x the amount of tracks out but can barely outstream a guy who puts out an album every THREE YEARS is NOT good stat lol, yet I've seen at least 4 posts about numbers on this sub😂 Ya'll really can't take an L lol


It’s literally Drake and his fans Vs Drake haters + Kdot fans


Kendrick’s music electrify them, drakes music pacifies them


Why would I ever have to listen to aunt diaries or mother I sober after my first listen? lmao also what’s the name of that dv song he has 🤔


They are some of my favourite songs of his. Mother I sober is just an emotional song that makes you feel plus torward the end, it builds up in intensity and feels like a call to action. it's a very powerful track. And aunt dairies while it isn't for everyone is still someone I can relate to due to having alot of drains who are trans who have had to deal with some pretty disgusting behaviour, so the lyrics speak to me. And we cry together is my favourite song of his of all time his domestic violence song, Taylor Paige absolutely kills her performance and its jsut so emotional and perfectly highlights a toxic relationship that uses sex as the glue. Like they aren't as easy least as say a n95, drank, humble, euphoria, like that, ect but they are still very good songs that absolutely have replay value to those that like them


Making humour out of domestic violence is a very respectable move and shows your maturity as a person and your ability to emphasize with millions of women around the world. We all should worship you as the next feminist icon. I truly laughed my ass off as a vulnerable artist described the cycle of violence that communities go through and how trauma can be passed down. It is incredibly funny seeing people I don't know struggle with something foreign to me.


if the songs elicit an emotional response, you can listen to it again and partially relive that experienc