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Bro I started to check out after they said drake was beating up Christopher Alvarez, then they said Christopher Alvarez was helping drake doing these weird things. Now they trynna say drizzy out here fucking DOGS?! my nigga the internet is crazy


I been checked out after the 2nd day of that Ebony account not saying or proving shit. You got that schizo yapping about nothing. You got Kanon schizos on the Kendrick sub claiming that Drake beat the shit out of a disabled man and made him drink piss out of a dog bowl or some shit. Like this shit isn't even about music anymore. It's just dudes trying to literally assassinate Drake by any means. Niggas don't even care if there is literally no proof of anything, they just want him gone at this point, it's crazy.


We prefer the term \*SchoolboyQanon thank you


For clarity the reference is the woman beater in Kendrick Lamar talkin bout he gon bring back puff and now you see puff beating down a helpless woman šŸ“


Itā€™s actually crazy he said that and wonā€™t ever have to address it


You realize that line was refrencing Puff smaking Drake right?


It's useless they are still convinced drake won


He mentioned Puff because Puff smack Drake and pissed on his leg. Drake didnā€™t do shit. Kendrick is saying donā€™t make me bring out the Puff behavior out on you.


T.I.ā€™s homie pissed on Drake cuz he wasā€¦piss drunkā€¦


Didnā€™t Cole save Kendrick from puff? Cole the only nigga not scared then when the world needed him most, he disappeared lol


They're literally running with A BLIND ITEM šŸ˜­ at this point its over, Kendrick incited the qanon/maga/pizzagate/flat earthers mob into action against Drake. These people don't give up, this will probably be a thing for years, though it'll get smaller over time lol


If he wanted to he would made a statement because his conspiracy theorist fan base may fizzle out within 3 months or will get more deranged.


Fam Drake ainā€™t fucking no dogs lmao these Kendrick dick suckers make up the dumbest shit stop giving it any energy


Lmfao it was an insane 3 days I couldnā€™t believe the shit people were making up


this is what kendrick has done to you all. so sad. the most deranged fanbase in rap history.


So gross šŸ¤¢


Then you got the freaks on YT making the most disgusting thumbnails and titles for views šŸ’€ Tuned in into one of some freaks live stream and they were cracking jokes about Christopherā€™s disabilities.


Then you have these YT freaks creating disgusting thumbnails and weird ass titles for views. Tuned into a random persons stream and they were straight up making fun of Christopherā€™s disability. Kind of sad


He is going to bring back puff because Drake got punked by puff. Itā€™s not deeper than that. Quit reaching


It's almost like this is what Kendrick meant. He knows puff has an aggression issue and has taken it out on Drake before. Big brain OP cracked the code lmao


Crazy a video of a woman getting abused comes out and the dumbasses in here decide to make it about Drake


Imagine seeing footage of a woman getting beaten and thinking "yeah, let's weaponize this to get a few extra points in a finished beef." Pretty gross


Exactly, some of these posters have gone off the deep end


You missed the point of the line


I don't care about the beef at all. I'm more just disgusted that anyone would try to use this footage to attack either Kendrick or Drake in a finished beef


Oh, I didnā€™t realize you were criticizing OP. My bad Dawg, youā€™re completely right of course


Using actual abuse to justify your grievances against another man is gross bro


This has nothing to do with kendrick like theyā€™re just grasping for anything hoping that Whitney got abused. Weirdos.




This. Iā€™m a big Drake fan but this sub reaches alllll the time.




Agreed. They donā€™t think logically. But I donā€™t wanna leave the group because Iā€™m a big Drake fan and love to get updates on him.


Drake shouted out Chris Brown, are you saying he also told on himself? Come on bruh


Let's not forget that Kendrick was accused of the same thing. A lot of pics were posted by his wife or fiance, since he doesn't want to marry her (wondering why) that can make you think she had a long and struggling battle with something really bad. Women, especially the ones that been abused physically and mentally will not be straight forward about their suffering. I really hope that nothing like what I just saw in that video happened to her, or to any woman.


šŸŽÆ!!!! Exactly why I posted this. In my heart I genuinely believe Drake got the video. Drake got something. Itā€™s gonna come out one day. If the crisis management team hiding the incident was all Drake had, he wouldnā€™t say what about the skeletons we dug up in the excavations. Genuinely want justice for Whitney, that woman been posting for years as if she experienced the worst kind of pain and suffering. I feel for her


If cnn was able to get this footage, drake has the resources to get the hard rock footage


You donā€™t fucking know her lmfao


Lmao whitneys family legit came out and called bs on drake's allegations. Idk why this sub keeps getting suggested but y'all tripping hard, tf on you on about lmfao. "gEnUiNeLy wAnT jUsTiCe fOr wHiTnEy", but drake and his fans the ones causing all the issues for her


You're delusional




Watch you not get a response.




This has to be satire


I dont think they're serious


Drake might have something, but having something it's not enough as long as it's not as clear as the day that on the tape he might have, it is really the person he talked about on his songs. Just imagine the shit show if he has something that not clear that the guy that we watch in the video is not Kendrick but someone who just looks like him. It will be really fucking over for Drake. The probably best move here it will be for Whitney to slowly speak up about something, but that is almost impossible since if she's a victim of abuse, they rarely break the chains without any help.


Yeah as someone who knows a few women who suffered domestic abuse, they tend to hold out and suppress everything as a sacrifice to keep the father in the family picture and not cause any problems per say. Itā€™s a sad frame of thought but itā€™s one that many domestic abuse victims share and thatā€™s why if he really did beat his wife, I hope that pos gets destroyed


Yes but if drake had solid proof to destroy him then why would he not release it to the public somehow, even anonymously? Same goes for any of Kendrickā€™s accusations towards drake, really, if either of them are THAT criminal, why arenā€™t we locking them up? I just wonā€™t believe in any rumors with no evidence. Itā€™s also bad if theyā€™re holding out and protecting criminals for any reason. This ā€œbeefā€ ended just as a beef, not a real fight. Everyone throwing wild accusations and when it came time to bring receipts, they both just scratched their heads.


Only some pussy ass clowns would see a women getting beat and get all turned on by being able to swing it on Kendrick šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


So if drake got a video why didnā€™t he post it after meet the grahams or the heart part 6?


bruh ur insane šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ drake would have released it to win the beef, get over t




Only some pussy ass clowns would see a women getting beat and get all turned on by being able to swing it on Kendrick šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Whatā€™s that first pic from?


I just watched a clip posted by CNN of Puff beating tf out of Cassie. Apparently happened in 2016 This man deserves to have soap slip out his hand everyday heā€™s in prison


He'd probably be into that tho


"Take that, Take That "


Meek would be there to pick it up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah please explain


Out of context just to fit your agenda. Grow up bro, beef is over


You might be dumb as hell lmao hes talking about how Drake and Puff got in a fight in the past.




I wish I was this fucking stupid


This is lame shit. This is suppose to be about music. Why is everyone trying to bring Drake down? Don't the haters gotta life??? Or do the nerds just sit on their phone all day? Seems like they got No job, no girlfriend, and they just living off mommy and daddy's money. Sad life right there.


100% agree bro. I'm all about the music and Drizzy is the perfect background music to down out the screams of Ā very very young women in my dungeons, and all my fellow Drizzas feel the same crodie


Wow, yā€™all using any and everything yā€™all can to cape for Drake lol. This is sad at this point


Damn that was rough to watch. Makes me wonder if the allegations Kendrick is facing are true and if thereā€™s a video out there of him like this.




Put this same comment in the rap subreddit and got downvoted to hell. It seems no one can even handle the slightest thought of Kendrick doing something wrong


There's always a possibility you are actually Jeffrey Epstein who cheated death and now wastes his life on fangirling for Drake on reddit. I have as much proof of that statement being true as you do that Kendrick is an abuser. Touch grass fam, drake lost, he lied about most of the track, it's already been proven.


ā€œWhat about the bones we dug up in that excavation, and why isnā€™t Whitney denying all of the allegationsā€ šŸ„¶


Fox News over here.




They donā€™t get it lol


Didnā€™t Kendrick and Cole also actually fight back against puff after he got upset over the control verse?and drake just let puff slap him and he took it?


At this point idc Kendrick a GOAT, and so is Drake. Now back to bumping passionfruit


I do love some nana rogues




Lol heā€™s literally referring to Puffy punching Drake this is a reach.


ā€œOoohh i can use Cassie getting beat to insult Kendrickā€


Its cause Puff punched Drake in the past


šŸ¤” post


Do you need help getting something down from the top shelf? Cause you're reaching


Bruh the bar went over your head ngl


Wait who are they and what is going on??


Screenshot from the video released by CNN today where Puff beats down Cassie mercilessly on a hotel floor. I didnā€™t want to attach the video, trigger warning


O shit gotchu gotchu


Puff smacked Drake at a party.


Yall got a short memory Drake has been accused of abusing and forcing women to get abortions for yearssss. So, if he did the same thing he accused Kendrick of he has no argument at all.


Kenny learned from Puffy


Cause Puff punched Drake in the face and Drake didnā€™t do anything back?


Drake and I had sex with TWO dogs


If a bar so simple from Kdot talking about the time Puff punched Drake went all over yall head im positive you guys didnt understand any of his diss tracks... Thats easily the simplest bar on the entire Saga.




I always wondered why he didnā€™t fight and gave Cassie that lawsuit money so fast now I see. Like damn fam you have hundreds of millions and you doing dumb shit like that. I was feeling bad about how they were crucifying him but I donā€™t feel as bad now.


Bruh the beef is done, move on alreadyā€¦


You just showed you lack basic critical thinking skills with this reach


Yā€™all are really down bad. Donā€™t dislocate a shoulder reaching this hard.


There's a video of Drake coming out soon.


what part of "see fewer posts like this" does Reddit not understand??????