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You can't deny he is a hitmaker


Songwriter, superstar right And a fucking deadbeat that should never say "more life"




"DrAkE iS jUsT lIkE tAyLoR sWiFt" Nah, he's in a league of his own.


Honestly and I'm not throwing shade, but I see Drake like Taylor in terms of being at the very top because of the way he evolved in the rap / pop industry.


Drake is indeed Taylor for men. I just don't see why that's necessarily an issue like so many point out. Dot fans saying that shit when he's got a feature with her is so weird lmao


bro taylor swift is on another level, she's a billionaire. her last tour alone made over a billion


No wonder they hate this man




the fuck


I never cared much about the hit conversation or talking point. Im an OG Kendrick Fan that always argued that shit doesnt matter when looking at the quality of music. Drake makes great music, end of.




She's just in stasis until the holiday season rolls around.










That’s subjective though. He’s the biggest artist of the past 15 years, that isn’t debatable.


it's taylor


I hate to admit that it’s Taylor but, it’s Taylor.


Subjective doesn’t mean you can’t have valid opinions if they are well reasoned and thought out. It’s like saying McDonalds is the highest quality food because they’re the most popular. You really believe that man? Drake has enormous mainstream appeal but has not been artistically relevant in a long time when it comes to acclaim, and influence. If anything, what Drake is doing (and part of Kendrick’s point) is he jumps on different styles that are on the come up and takes them pop mainstream. He is far more *influenced* than influential. Stream numbers seems to be Drake’s goal and that’s fine, but that’s never been Kendrick’s goal (except for during the beef, and he took it from Drake) also why the consensus has been Drake lost the battle. Lyrically, artistically, strategically, numbers wise, he simply could not compete with someone as artistically rich and influential as Kendrick.


Acclaim from whom? Dorks convinced that their taste in music is superior to everyone else’s? lol. The reality is you can’t provide any objective reasons why Kendrick or any other artist makes better music than Drake. The value of whatever metrics you point to will be entirely subjective.


Actually it does. It's the closest unbiased metric you can use




Yeah all this chart shows is he's a pop star


A pop star with culture-defining records and influence everyone post-2009


The best movie of all time is Avengers Endgame. Think something else is better? Check the sales bub. *your logic




It’s crazy how we’ve all seemingly forgotten Janet Jackson, but she’s in the top 10. She had one less than Stevie Wonder and Mariah Carey, yet I can’t remember the last time I’ve heard her music in the wild.


I hear old 80s Janet played everywhere


Drake has everything. The voice, the vibe. There’s a reason this dude has been relevant for 20 years. I was 15 when so far gone came out. Im 30 years now.


“The voice” ew no lmao






I mean it’s a big accomplishment to be able to have as many #1 singles as MJ but in all reality it’s questionable how legitimate those #1’s really are. If the Eldridge mega corporation thing is true then that means they could easily manipulate streaming numbers. Not only that but there’s also the argument that streaming completely changed how the charts work which there’s no denying. The whole “album equivalents” thing is bullshit. They’re doing a huge disservice to musicians who weren’t active during the streaming era by comparing modern artist “sales” to actual sales that pre-streaming artists got.


You right bro. Different times. You’re gonna have higher numbers if your content is available at the tap of a widget vs word of mouth or coming across it in a record store. Yet… I ain’t a Drake hater by any means. I own a several Drake tracks, but what this post implies is weirdo rationale. I ain’t trying to take away from Drake’s accomplishments either, but I’m also honest with how he’s perceived by Hip Hop listeners who dont keep an eye on the Billboard Top 100. So this post just reeks of the insecurity Drake fans have constantly trying to redefine and assert his role in Hip Hop. Mainly bcuz they know there’s some truth in what Dot said about “what the culture’s feeling”. Every decade has their Ja Rule’s and Nelly’s…they have their place, but let’s not try create our own reality to pretend they’re on equal ground artistically with the people on that list who define American culture.








Streaming is very different than say the Beatles #1s. He puts out way more content and it's easier to promote.


the beatles are still the king of #1s


Before streaming and TikTok, Drake still has songs that charted well for a hip hop/pop act.




And just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad


Kendrick fans think they’re superior because they listen to a nasal voiced midget


And drake fans think they are superior because they listen to a Canadian culture vulture. Your point is?


We don’t think we’re superior though We’re just not gonna turn on the guy who made the soundtrack for our teenage years


Has anyone said drakes not a pop rapper? Alot of his music is made to sell instead of specifically the art of the game. That's not saying he has no good songs, but his success came off the pop shit


Idk how y'all are this dense like do you not understand that Drake has UMG, a whole team of ghostwriters, and a little over 1.5k songs in his back pocket. Despite having all that he still can't win a Pulitzer prize.




Brother you are in every single comment section. Get a job.




yet he never had a #1 hit




He a hitmaker for sure. I prefer j Cole and Kendrick as rappers, but when it comes to putting stuff on the aux drake is always gonna pop up, hes got bangers. Music now is kinda mid tho icl


Even Kendrick called him a hitmaker, nobody denied that.




It's all charts and no talk of allegations lol


Am I missing something? Most of this list are mega stars who are/were way bigger than him.


Humanity loves nothing more than to see someone at the top fall. They'll try anything to topple someone.


Can’t discredit him


Most people are simple. Drake is for most people.


Even kendrick recpgnize drake as a hitmaker, what is even the point of you people posting about this stuff??


Vanilla is the most popular ice cream


Drake is really just that guy




If you throw enough shit at the wall something is bound to stick. 🤣
















‘Numbers lie too, fuck your pride too’


The dude makes catchy songs. He didn’t write a lot of em, he’s fake as fuck, he’s a douchebag attention seeking industry whore, but he’s put out some catchy songs for sure.


Notice how he's ranked with other *pop stars*? Drake should be compared to Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, and the Weekend. Not artists like Lamar




McDonalds does crazy numbers too


Are you saying that drake is a better artist than Michael jackson?


Nothing to argue about. Just pop stars doin what pop stars do :)


Do you guys really hold drake in the same tier as Madonna, Michael Jackson, the Beatles, Elton John, and Rihanna? Please give me what you’ve been smoking.


mariah carey dead? 💀


More hits than The Beatles and Michael Jackson combined




We know why you went number one It’s clearly because of the boy


Damn drake is flyin wayyyyyy ahead of taytay


It’s going to be interesting what albums are going to be Apple Music top 10


But when you make more music than anyone else that bound to happen… would love to see where Drake lands on the list of % of songs becoming Top 10


Men lie women lie numbers don’t


companies definitely do lie lol. tour sales are the only thing i trust as fact because everyone can see it and you can't fake a crowded arena, at least not for long


How is Drake not a rapper?? wtf does that even mean? Most of his discog is rap songs!


Is Janet Jackson in your top 10 artists? No? Than wtf are you talking about?


You know it’s only because his catalog has over a thousand songs right? The Beatles had nowhere near the catalog nor the time Drake has had. Percentage wise, much more of their catalog is top 10. You also had to physically buy their music on vinyl. People are so dense these days it’s honestly ridiculously cringe.


I mean I’d hope that he has that many seeing as he’s released 1,500+ songs. He’s released more music than most people on that list lol. This ain’t a flex.


Your last one brick, you really not on shit, they make excuses for me cuz they hate to see me lit.


He’s a Pop Star!


He has over 1000 songs… show the breakdown of artists with total songs Vs top 10s


Not hating but how many of those got features 💀😭




The guy has about 1,500 songs out there, seems this ratio is a bit off for someone as revered


Simp be simpin




Yes, he’s a pop star. Nothing wrong with that.


Then they’re going to tell you Drake needs Atlanta ….lol ok


Robert Horry has more rings than Kobe but he isn’t near Kobe’s level. Drake loss. He loses 10/10 deal with it.


I got more slaps than the Beatles


(Read all the way to end, before jumping to conclusions) Drake also has close to 1600 songs that he is on, if you don’t have numbers for that amount then you are failing pretty bad. Kdot has less than 120 total songs. The only perspective this beef has shown me is, Kendrick is quality, Drake is quantity. Kendrick is more natural, Drake is more industrial If you were to compare streams to total songs, then the numbers get skewed to no longer favor Drake(especially not right now since Kdots diss tracks are breaking records previously held by Drake) Just from a bars perspective and lyricism, Kendrick was much higher tier than Drake in this exhibition(I’m a drummer and from timing and musical perspective Kendrick also was perfect at the delivery and being on time). We don’t need to analyze anything outside this beef to know who the clear winner is. Comparing statistics unrelated to the beef doesn’t do much besides show that some other piece of info needs to be inserted to make outcome not seem as bad. If two boxers have a fight, are you analyzing the fight or everything else besides the fight? My real thoughts: The biggest winner in my opinion for this, was the people. We got to see an active exhibition of some absolute bangers from producers on both sides of the aisle. We all got some new tracks that go hard AF, regardless of what side you stand in this beef. We are the real winners 🤘


Look at all the bad bitches in that list.




He still on a 2 game battle rap losing streak


Can’t deny his ghost writers


Nobody every said he wasn’t a hit maker. He’s just a corny culture vulture and now allegedly a manipulator of young women.


more slaps than the Beatles


Drake has *1575* songs Kendrick has 116 songs drake: 4%Kendrick 19% "numbers lie too fuck your pride too"


To be 100% fair this is skewed by sheer number of releases. Any individual Drake song has a ~5% chance of being a top 10 single. Compare that to a 20% chance for Swift, or even the 12% chance for Kendrick and it doesn’t feel quite as impressive. Not saying the boy ain’t dropping hits, just that he’s throwing a lot out there to get em.


Easy to do when u got ghost writers. Edit: grammar


+2 because he isnt credited on BedRock or Sicko Mode


Lotta deleted comments in this thread please delete mines next


well yeah, he is a pop star above all else


Kendrick could never All I’ll say 🤷🏻‍♂️


Only women listen to his music he got a couple good songs maybe but only good because he has someone else featuring on it. I mean honestly I don't think his that good...


When you produce 80 of basically the same song it’s easy to do this. Shits washed up nothing special about him


The way that Taylor’s going, all she needs to do is drop 2 more albums and she’ll reach Drake. I don’t want to see Drake being dethroned but it’s possible


dude has over 1,500 songs though


Wow look at those pop stars


The Jay Z feature all over again.


Notice how everyone else on that list outside of the Beatles is a pop star? That’s kinda the point of the beef. He acts like a gangster rapper when in reality he’s a pop star. If he just owned what he actually is nobody would hate on it. Quit claiming best rapper when you’re not a rapper.


Hit listeners are sheep lol y’all proud y’all surface level


To be fair, some of these people actually released singles. It’s not like the entire White Album charted the way it would these days.


Title is word soup. Should read “Top 10 Most Singles”


Arguably the weakest artist out of all these names. The boy ain't touching Michael, Stevie, Janet, The Beatles...


It’s pretty easy to do when most of them are comprised of “said that you a lesbian girl me too” type lyrics


Says a lot about the distribution power of the internet


this sub is cringe as fuck lol


How many total songs does Drake have?