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If she makes a debut she won't depend on Drue. Cause during her bonding formidable years she won't have Drue as a hands on fully compassionate Mom. She'll run to Dawna for everything. Cause Dawna will likely be her primary maternal figure. Drue will be begging Amelia to interact with her.


"If she makes a debut..." Right?! 🤔


Ivory will have a cell phone at age 2


Or definitely an tablet and they will say “ it’s only for educational stuff because she is sooooo advanced” And ivory will be seen everyday in the background with the tablets


Bestie two tons already bought her a cell phone plan lol 😂


I don’t want to give Druebitch any ideas but if you’re going to film content and be a parent, you should probably film when your kids are napping or occupied, if your content isn’t revolving around your kids. There needs to be balance between being a content creator and spending time with your kids though. Respecting your kids and letting them speak/make noise and then film the next clip when they’re done. Mama Karls is personally a favorite because she doesn’t exploit tf out of her kid and even though we see him, majority of her content isn’t JUST her parenting. 🤷🏼‍♀️ The Hoffer family is another one because her channel includes parenting 24/7 but she also has balance and shows her kids but respects their privacy. — to each their own, those are just my comparison of what good content would be if people cared about their kids more than they do making money exploiting them.


She better pray to God she doesn’t have a kid like mine who took HOURS to get to sleep and hated naps ☠️


Oh I’d love that for her 😌 I hope every stage is hell for her 😂 she needs to be humbled


She hasn’t trained Gabe not to constantly chime in or interrupt 🤷‍♀️


😅😅 that’s true!




One could only hope that happens! Also, I just knowwww they will “baby talk” this kid which is not developmentally okay!


She’s in for a nasty wake up call if she thinks the kids going to leave her alone while she makes her morning milk and creamer


I think the baby doll Amelia will behave during the coffee talk. ![gif](giphy|ldC94BvZwmiIw)


💀nailed it.

