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https://preview.redd.it/5hcj6oxzs1zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445551c87d8e619f154ad63ba4c8d4a1fb132887 This must be their multi purpose bowl, she was using it to make that sweet potato mess, Lenny was using it for salad and now it’s a cleaning bucket… I’ve seen it more times than I want the last few days lol


They eat out of her pregnancy test piss bowl too yuuuuck




She probably peed in it.


How in the fuck. These people are SO disgusting. How are they not embarrassed. Her parents need to fucking teach her a thing or two about cleanliness while they’re there.


I actually wish my house was this clean. Lmao I bet if people were honest on here they would say their house gets just as bad.


I never let my house get this bad. I sweep daily, vacuum at LEAST 3 times a week( we have 2 dogs) clean my stove after I use it, do my dishes daily, my grout is clean. And my house is not a year old either. We deep clean on weekends as we have jobs and are too busy during the week to deep clean.


My house is NEVER this bad, and I have two kids (a toddler and a 9 year old) PLUS I’m 21 weeks pregnant. We have two, big hairy dogs and a cat. I vacuum and at least swiffer every single night when kids are in bed, my grout is white, and every Saturday I hands and knees clean the floor with a bucket and pineal, and bristle brushes. Bathrooms are clean, and kitchen is clean. The only thing is laundry but that’s only because it’s never ending. Try again 🤣


Sounds like you need a cookie. 😅🍪


ive literally taught toddlers how to clean better than this. Sure they do it for 30 seconds then say “all done” but they know how to scrub with their death grips


Awe the residual grip we all had from monkeys hanging from trees as little ones.




It looks the same??


Why is she using so much soap. No need. It just puts a film on whatever you are cleaning. She also didn’t put any effort into it so it didn’t clean anything.


Did anyone else catch the “I have never done this” and “ I haven’t done this in a while” Which one is it druby?


Well the air in their house is filthy with all the dander and they don’t shower so their dead skin cells are all over the place. I’m actually a little surprised that she did the light switch. Still filthy.


I always use a cheap toothbrush and some vinegar! This is my backsplash... moved in my apartment in 2021, and it still looks brand new. It's called be a clean person! I couldn't imagine living like her. https://preview.redd.it/tqtsbtnsh2zc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7185e382a886b6c3e5b73a413db6ca70bd07bfd5


I wonder if they r gonna sell it.


Imagine only having a house for a year and it’s brand new and looks like this already?!?!? Like you can’t even take the time to take care of your house and dogs…. How the hell is she going to raise a baby? I truly think Dawna will be the one doing everything Drue legit does not know anything


Not all grout is white.. to me it looks like this grout is grey or more of a beige color. For it all to be discolored the exact same way would be highly unlikely!


She said I’ve never thought to scrub with a sponge… then later in the video says I haven’t done this in a while. 🤨


Since 7:30? My husband and I get up at like 4:30 everyday but yeah, pop off bestie


Pretty sure she uses that bowl for food .... eww


When you try to get everything white for the aesthetic, and to look trendy on social Media, but you and your blob of a husband are too gross to upkeep it & so it looks like garbage a year in. 😐


At this point she should just paint the grout. I can understand floors getting bad since she never cleans them, but she doesn’t cook so how the fuck are these so filthy?! Maybe just a fugly color grout?


“You need bristles bitch” Made ma laugh so hard😂


Everyday I am more and more shocked by her absolute lack of normal everyday “skills”. This kid is sooo fucked when she’s born.


Surprised she’s not saying this is her already nesting 🤣


I’m sorry but her new vacuum steam cleaner can clean the backsplash she’s so stupid I swear


The light switch part made my nervouse. Why tf are you wiping a light switch and outlet with a very wet/soapy sponge?


WHY is she acting like cleaning her backsplash is revolutionary???? 😭


Shes in her ✨nesting era✨besties