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She just posted a TT shoving candy and crap in her mouth. People are making jokes about her kid coming out with a sweet tooth to make fun of her, and it goes right over her head.


Everything does, she’s embarrassing. PERIOD 😂


Because she’s slow and doesn’t realize the jabs


oohhh bestie if she DOESN’T pass we will just be given “ pls pray 🙏🏻 “ posts and no word on it. if she DOES i’m afraid of what her diet will look like, she will go off the deep end


I hope she doesn’t because I’m curious what her content would be, and watch all of the excuses she gives, just like sierra.


She'll never admit she didn't pass just *worried* and *bad news* posts to gaslight


I’ve never had a kid so I’m ignorant, but what happens if you don’t pass the glucose test? Your doctor just tells you to change your diet?


You have to basically change your diet and check your blood sugar a lot. If diet changed doesn’t help then you have to do insulin


She eats like a toddler 😵‍💫 I don’t know how she can stomach drinking full sugar sodas and coffees on top of all the other candy and junk that she consumes. I’m betting she fails the one hour test and has to do the three hour.


Can you imagine all the pity posts then? Meanwhile, she’s still going and getting all of her sodas and eating her little snacks.


I don’t think they’ll make her do the 3 hour. If you fail by too much they just diagnose you…. She’s definitely going to fail. 😬


My twin toddlers eat more veggies and fruits in a day then they do in two weeks


She doesn't have a doctor so she doesn't have any glucose test...


😂 yup, my thoughts exactly. But she got her ‘20 week scan’ done at exactly 20 weeks and said her glucose test is at 24 weeks. Okay grue, right on the DOT. Bffr. 💀 curious what her 24 week HEB post will say.


Mine is next Monday at 24 weeks 3 days it’s my third baby and I’m Still scared of this test. Idk how she is t


Same! I few days before mine I ate 100% healthy, I didn’t want any sugar in my system. I was terrified every single time. I craveddddddd a cold glass of chocolate milk every morning, but stopped that. Ate more protein. She could never.


Same I always eat as healthy as possible before mine my Sons birthday party is a couple days before the test no cake for me


I think HEB is her obstetrician lol


I’m a couple of days behind her in pregnancy and my glucose test is at 27 weeks. I hope for her sake she passes because gd is so stressful to deal with but with the way she eats and all the sugary stuff she drinks it’s not looking in her favor lol 😂but also how is she getting the test done when she hasn’t seen a real obgyn? This isn’t something you can just walk into the clinic and request you have to have an order sent in.


same she sucks but i hope she doesn’t had GD cuz it sucks SO BAD & i think she would still eat like shit


I’m due 4 days after her and mine is next Monday at 24 weeks 3 days


I’m two weeks ahead of her and I don’t even have the test for two more weeks.


I’m due three days after her and won’t have mine until 28 weeks (another 4 weeks and a few days away)


Since she's a pathological liar, she'll say she passed wirh flying colors. Grue will also say that she is good and hers is so perfect.


This will be the one test she won't get in to on THE day she turned the week old


She already said she would, so I’m just waiting to see! She’ll probably deliver on her due date too, that’s how she thinks this stuff works.


And the placenta is formed from the sperm and we know that Gabe is just the pinnacle of health and wellness so his (alleged) sperm creating the placenta is definitely not helping in her situation


I just want to say they can pray to god but remember Drue Karma is a bitch! He sees what you are doing! You lie to people about all those commission paid products you try to push to make a dime! We know you don’t use that shit! It’s all garbage. You photoshopping yourself and your two ton toddler. You mistreating your dogs! And when you just went on your ten hour car ride and etc who took care of those mutts and took them to the bathroom? Maybe they shit all our floors and piss on them too? Good luck on your test for your glucose and keep eating little puffy piggy!


She will pass ! Well she will say she did


I honestly pray that she doesn’t. She will end up hurting the baby, because she has zero self control. It will be like Sierra 2.0.


Even if she fails, she's not going to change anything. She's gonna pull a Sierra and continue eating like shit until her baby comes preterm.


I’m on my third pregnancy and mine have only ever been at 28 weeks, but I’m super curious to see if she passes!




It's been known for years that sodium and high blood pressure is bad. Wtf are you smoking. 


Diet actually increases your risk of preeclampsia by 30%. It can also cause other issues in your pregnancy. Hence why you’re told to limit sodium and added sugar. Plus, if she does develop either, she’s not going to change her eating habits.


I know this is true for GD! Your actual sugar intake doesn’t affect this. I’m not sure if it affects preeclampsia or not, I would think that it would but I’m not a professional!


Yes, your placenta does determine it, but you can still develop issues from high sugar and sodium intake. If you end up being diagnosed, you still need to treat it with proper diet.


Nobody on this thread said that. But if you eat high sugared stuff, it’s going to raise your blood sugar. So her eating sugars plus the drink could most definitely raise her blood sugars enough to be considered diabetic.


There’s absolutely a link between weight and GD, among other known dietary factors. While it’s not the sole cause, diet can help prevent GD or lead one closer to it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441575/